1998 CENSUS ·BASIC HOUSING STA TIS TICS ~· BY ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS SINDH Census Publicatio n No. 165 "· ' POPULATION CENSUS ORGANIZATION . STATISTICS DIVISION GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN IS LAMA BAD APRIL, 2002 iii PREFACE Hous ing is o ne of th t! bas ic necess ities of Ii fe . which prO\ ides sht!lter and ame nities for ma intenance of pri vacy. family health and des ira ble living conditio ns. Therefore. data on ho usin g structures and their facilities is indispensable fo r the plannt:d deve lopm ent o f a progressive nati on. Moreove r. sustained migration from rural to urban areas in search of better jobs and li vin g conditions requi res huge efforts for prov iding better housing a nd related fa cilities. Sc ientific planning for thi s effort requires up-to-datt! data on hous in g at micro leve l. Housing census prov'ide the hous in g stock and the li ving conditions therein at a particul ar po int of time. Th e data on h o u ~ i ng in deta il has been published at d istril.:t and pro vincia l leve l in the Di strict I Pro vincial Cen sus Reports. Howe ver. \\ith the inception of new local government system in th e country under th e devolution or pO\H.: r plan or the gove rnme nt, the demand of hous in g data at sub- di strict lc•el is envisaged from th t! planners in order to prepare deve lopm ent pl an in the housing sector e1t 111icro level. In order to fa cilitate the pla nn ers for construction of hnus in g. in a scientific 111 an11er. ba -; ic housing statisti cs compikd at tchs il leHI is being published in thi s rcpor.l. ·1111;: pn.: µaration o f this report \\as an arduous job and I \\ Oulu like tn place \HI record my apprecia tion fo r the officers and staff of Data Process ing. Branch for their cri'urts in makin g. this puhlication possibl e. I ho pe this re port will serve as a useful and handy reference to housin g data in conci se fo rm. down to th e teh sil level fo r all tht! data users. KAMRAN ZAFAR Islamabad, the 13th April. ~ 002 Chief Census Commissioner \I CONTENTS Page No. Table- I Housing units by number of rooms and type - Sind. I - I 0 Table-2 Hous ing units by tenure and period of construction - Sind. I I - 20 Table-3 Hous ing units by construction material used in outer walls and roofs - Sind. 2 1 - 30 Table-4 Housing units by source of drinking water. lighting and l:Ooking fuel used - Sin<l . 3 1 - 40 Table-5 Hous ing units by kitchen. bathroom and latrine facilitie~ - Sind. Ann ex urt= Map of Sindh province showing di strict boundaries. •. 1 TABLE 1 - HOUSING UNITS BY NUMBER OF ROOMS AND TYPE - SINDH Administrative Total Housing Units by Number of Rooms Housing Units by Type Units Housing One Two 3 - 4 5 and Pacca Semi Kach a Units room rooms rooms more Pacca 2 ~~~3=----~---,4~~~--:-5~~~-6=--~~---:7=-~~--:8,...--~~-:-9~- SINDH PROVINCE 5022392 2859587 1199273 7847.20 178812 2345322 951561 1725509 Rural 2850989 2072509 536172 209273 33035 511326 816564 1523099 Urban 2171403 787078 663101 575447 145777 1833996 134997 202410 JACOBABAD DISTRICT 252713 177599 50169 21409 3536 50836 65851 136026 Rural 198383 146900 35652 13864 1967 24383 59285 114715 Urban 54330 30699 14517 7545 1569 26453 6566 21311 Jacobabad Taluka 37411 22163 8944 4999 1305 12740 6141 18530 Rural 19734 14275 3449 1687 323 2523 476 3 12448 Urban 17677 7888 5495 3312 982 10217 1378 6082 Garhi Khairo Taluka 20290 17017 2422 716 135 1551 5137 13602 Rural 18413 15588 2098 612 115 1152 5016 12245 Urban 1877 1429 324 104 20 399 121 Thul Taluka . 63723 45324 11880 5518 1001 14595 15028 34100 Rural 58335 42043 10508 4928 856 10851 14454 .... JO"O Urban 5388 3281 1372 590 ·145 3744 574 10:0 Kandhkot Taluka 75741 49359 18494 7143 745 11619 22199 41 923 Rural 56801 37401 13804 5137 459 5203 18888 3271 0 Urban 18940 11958 4690 2006 286 6416 3311 92 1.J Kashmore Taluka 55548 43736 8429 3033 350 10331 17346 27871 ·. Rural 45100 37593 5793 1500 214 4654 16164 24282 Urban 10448 6143 2636 1533 136 5677 1182 3509 SHIKARPUR DISTRICT 149758 96810 36601 14107 2240 20849 33894 95015 Rural 120403 82688 26851 9506 1358 10438 30162 79803 Urban 29355 14122 9750 4601 882 10411 3732 1521 2 Shikarpur Taluka 40165 22247 11582 5328 1008 9319 761!:! 23227 Rural 22705 14874 5524 2041 266 1796 5268 15641 Urban 17460 7373 6058 3287 742 7523 2351 7586 Khanpur Taluka 36696 241 16 8587 3596 397 2729 12494 21473 Rural 33676 22543 7592 3203 338 2113 12043 19520 Urban 3020 1573 995 393 59 616 451 1953 2 1l"ASLE 1 (Continued) Administrative Total Housing Units by Number of Rooms Housing Units by Type Units Housing One Two 3 - 4 5 and Pacca Semi Kach a Units room rooms rooms more Pace a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 G::irhi Yasin Taluka 40520 25739 8678 2733 370 4426 7644 28450 Rural 36678 26576 7463 2305 334 3422 7373 25883 Urban 3842 2163 1215 428 36 1004 27 1 2567 Lakhi Taluka 32377 21708 7754 2450 465 4375 6137 21865 Rural 27344 18695 6272 1957 420 3107 5478 18759 Urban 5033 3013 1482 493 45 1268 659 3106 lARKANA DISTRICT 328063 224601 72695 26003 4764 74169 42994 210900 Rural 247078 184773 4"1391 13062 1852 36096 35615 175367 Urban 80985 39828 25304 12941 2912 38073 7379 35533 Shahdadkot Taluka 30271 21983 5816 2080 392 8072 4910 17289 Rural 22131 17858 3329 838 106 3593 3917 14621 Urban 8140 41 25 2487 1242 286 4479 993 2668 Miro Khan taluka 32232 25233 5221 1492 286 6091 5635 20506 Rural 30997 24493 4867 1371 266 5394 5574 20029 Urban 1235 740 354 121 20 697 61 477 Rnto Dero Taluka 38276 25264 9549 3041 422 8106 5066 25104 Rural 27696 19677 6109 1719 191 4154 4228 19314 Urban 10580 5587 3440 1322 231 3952 838 5790 •--:irkana Taluka 69533 38282 19599 9424 2228 231 81 6531 39821 Rural 32840 23648 7106 1826 260 4014 3572 25254 Urban 36693 14634 12493 7598 1968 19167 2959 14567 Ookri Taluka 58518 38756 14943 4307 512 6545 7716 44257 Rural 49550 33137 12590 3435 388 4313 6516 38721 Urban 8968 5619 2353 872 124 2232 1200 5536 Kambar Ali Khan Taluka 46010 34714 8179 2663 454 11331 5904 28775 Rural 37659 29836 5873 1669 281 7138 5348 25173 Urban 8351 4878 2306 994 173 4193 556 3602 Warah Taluka 53223 40369 9388 2996 470 10843 7232 35148 Rural 46205 36124 7517 2204 360 7490 6460 32255 Urban 7018 4245 1871 792 110 3353 772 2893 SUKKUR DISTRICT 138553 82595 36247 16394 3317 53926 28617 56010' Rural 79008 58005 16204 4256 543 16838 21878 40292 Urban 59545 24590 20043 12138 2774 37088 6739 15718 3 TABLE 1 (Continued) Administraiive Total Housing Units by Number of Rooms Housing Units by Type Units Housing One Two 3 - 4 5 and Pacca Semi Kach a Units room rooms rooms more Pacca 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sukkur Taluka 49893 22960 1-5687 9032 2214 28737 6962 14194 Rural 5204 3899 1049 241 15 773 1402 3029 Urban 44689 19061 14638 8791 2199 27964 5560 11165 Rohri Taluka 36297 24619 82.28 2955 495 10143 5962 20192 Rural 28582 21398 5468 1528 188 5630 5304 17648 Urban 7715 3221 2760 1427 307 4513 658 2544 Pano Aqil Taluka 39245 24673 10473 3618 481 1401 2 9226 16007 Rural 32104 22365- 7828 1698 213 9401 8705 13998 Urban 7141 2308 2645 1920 268 4611 521 2009 Salehpat Taluka 13118 10343 1859 789 127 1034 6467 5617 Rural 13118 10343 1859 789 127 1034 6467 5617 Urban GHOTKI DISTRICT 177432 137918 27704 10197 1613 53072 41999 82361 Rural 152971 124884 20733 6390 964 38963 38178 75830 Urban 24461 13034 6971 3807 649 14109 3821 6531 Ghotki Taluka 54037 40931 9371 3255 480 156~0 13349 25048 Rural 44810 36042 6721 1826 221 10858 11410 22542 Urban 9227 4889 2650 1429 259 4782 1939 2506 Khangarh Taluka 20643 17086 2737 680 140 4709 6238 9696 Rural 20643 17086 2737 680 140 4709 6238 9696 Urban Mirpur Mathelo Taluka 32194 25506 4516 1877 295 11 676 5738 14780 Rural 25183 21038 3006 992 147 7329 4929 12925 Urban 7011 4468 1510 885 148 4347 809 1855 Ubauro Taluka 33674 26955 4751 1708 260 9330 6856 17488 Rural 30842 25591 3835 1237 179 8044 6356 16442 Urban 2832 1364 916 471 81 1286 500 1046 Daharki Taluka 36884 27440 6329 2677 438 11 717 9818 15349 Rural 31493 25127 4434 1655 277 8023 9245 14225 Urban 5391 2313 1895 1022 161 3694 573 1124 KHAIRPUR DISTRICT 255261 170666 59670 21195 3730 53751 48828 152682 Rural 201576 141531 43957 13886 2202 32727 42659 126190 Urban 53685 29135 15713 7309 1528 21024 6169 26492· 4 TABLE 1 (Continued) Administrative Total Housing Units by Number of Rooms Housing Units by Type Units Housing One Two 3 - 4 5 and Pacca Semi Kach a Units room rooms rooms more Pacca 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . Khairpur Taluka 45287 26212 12504 5547 1024 14630 6193 24464 Rural 28589 19438 6663 2245 243 5795 4614 18180 Urban 16698 6774 5841 3302 781 8835 1579 6284 Kingri Taluka 36715 24898 8712 2608 497 5691 5543 25481 Rural 29906 20754 6834 1931 387 3445 5040 21 421 Urban 6809 4144 1878 677 110 2246 503 4060 Sobho Dero Taluka 25954 16458 6485 2586 425 4940 5333 15681 Rural 19036 12766 4441 1590 239 2809 3952 12275 Urban 6918 3692 2044 996 186 2131 1381 3406 Gambol Taluka 27279 16589 7229 2850 611 4506 491 2 17861 Rural 21735 14217 5270 1853 395 2244 4299 15192 Urban 5544 2372 1959 997 216 2262 613 2669 Kot Diji Taluka 40169 28203 8790 2829 347 9158 6029 24982 Rural 32300 23073 6799 2169 259 6957 5058 20285 Urban 7869 5130 1991 660 88 2201 971 4697 Mirwah Taluka 37969 27272 7848 2375 474 9027 5947 22995 Rural 30741 22122 6449 1828 342 6461 5129 19151 Urban 7228 5150 1399 547 132 2566 818 3844 Fmz Ganj Taluka 24738 18628 4636 1312 162 4374 4434 15930 Rural 22119 16755 4035 1182 147 3591 4130 14398 Urban 2619 1873 601 130 15 783 304 1532 Nara Taluka 17150 12406 3466 1088 190 1425 10437 5288 Rural 17150 12406 3466 1088 190 1425 10437 5288 Urban NAUSHAHRO FEROZE DISTT.
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