crhe Quarterly Formerly Loca/ History & Genealogica/ Society Volume XXIII Number 1 March 1977 In Cooperation With The Dallas Public Library Dallas Genealogical Society A TEXAS NON·PR OFIT CORPORATION P.O. Bo,.;12648 Dallas, Tuas75225 ln cooperation withthe DALLAS PUBLIC LIBRARY Mrs. Lucile Boy kin, Geneology Librorian Mrs. Margaret L. Pralt, Founding Librarian, Retired 19 76·1 9 77 OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mr. Hugh David(Dave)Arant 7048Arborea!Drive President Dallas,TX75231 Mr.RobertL.(Bob)Johnston 12636Croydon Executive Vice President Dallas.TX75230 Mrs. Richard G. (Minnie) Champ 9411 HuntersCreek V.P.·Publications Dallas,TX75243 Mrs.OpalK. Hollis 9318ChimneySweepLane V.P.·Programs Dallas,TX75231 Mrs.J.L.(Helen)Lu 4559Hockaday0rive V.P.·Membership Dallas,TX75229 Mrs. Conway (Margaret Ann) Thetford 3725MockingbirdLane V.P.·Communications Oallas.TX75205 Mrs. William G. (Nancy! Smith 827TeakwoodPlace 235--4013 CorrespondingSecretary Richardson,TX75080 Trend -745-8415 Mrs.Lorraine HuffHull 4208Normandy RecordingSecretary Dallas,TX75205 Mrs.EdB.(Anne)Trickett Box 58152 W.T.C. 744-1347 Treasurer Dallas,TX75258 661-3690 Mrs.LucileBoykin 5717 McCommas, Apt. C Dallas,TX75206 Mr.Ralph Harvey 2426TolosaDrive Dallas,TX75228 9583SpringBranchDrive Dallas, TX75238 Mrs. Grace McKnight 303SouthMabelSt. Ferris,TX75125 Mr. Robert Bruce (Bob) Swann 4056DruidLane Dallas,TX75205 6458Lavendale Dallas,TX75230 •. " " ••• " •• ""• •• ""."""""."."" •• " """" ." " •.•.... """ .""""" ".""" " ..•". """ .""".".""""1"""" " """•. " ..... " .. " " ""."""..... " ...... " ""."." .. ""."". ... """."."" "".""""."""""".". EDITORIA L STAFF I PAST PRESIDENTS' COUNC IL Mrs. M~:~~rChamp ~!i~a~~~~~ 5~:~k 341·6507 I :~~tl960 ~~ : ~~1::i :.1~~111?;~eJ~·.,F~~~i~~~~rcsident Mrs.HelenLu 4559 Hockaday Dr. 350-6586 1 1962 Mr . Thomas S. \Valker , President Editor·Elect Dall as, T X 75229 i 1963 & 1964 J udge Dee Brown Walker, President Mr. & Mrs. Joh n Jamieson Oistribution ~:ti~~;~ ~1e:::w 348-3414 i :~~~ f :~~~ ~~ : ~~:vsh ~~~~~~~:.r Pr=~~J~~~nt Mrs. Margaret Smith 8446 Santa Clara 327-5096 ~ 1969 & 1970 Mr. Hershei W. Anderson, President QuarterlySales 7 1 Mrs. Helen Widener ~~~a~!XM e~! :ws 253-7482 I : ~i~~~J/3 ~~-- ~~ /t~~~~~i.t ~;;;id:~~s i den t MailingLists 5 Mrs. Loyce Coolidge :;;~gc!:t~ ~::en 3-119 750-9239 I :~~t : ~~~ ~~/~~~~ycj:~;~'~~;;i~i.d~~~- Life Pres ./Ed. Newsletter Dallas, TX 75206 ! 1975-1976 Mrs. Stephen J. Smith, President CJ'he Quarterly Helen Lu. Editor-Elect Minnie Champ, Editor VOLUME XXIII S.~!!!~!!!~ SOCIETY SECTION Officers ti Oirectors, Past Presidents ' Council & Editorial Staff . I nside Fr ont Cove r Edi t o r' s Page • , •. , . Or der Blank fo r T/J e Q11arterly l nventory of TheQ11 arterly Annu a l Book Award Contest , .... .... , , . , , . , , PurchasesbyDPLWithFunds Donatedby Dal l asGenealogical Society . Monthly Meeting Programs Dallas Genealogical Society WORKSHOP . Book Reviews Sparkman -Hillcrest Funeral Home, Series VII, Mrs . Mi n ierDeSpa in .. 1-8 Proj ects onDallasCountyResearch . ,. ,.,. .... 9 The Wo r thing t ons o f Dal l as - Part I, Edward Wort h ington Samuel I, Jr . 10-20 RecentAcquisitions in the Dallas Public Library, Lloyd D. Bockstruck . • , 2 1 -33 Articles on Dallas County Research Published by the Garland Loca l Histor y & Ge n eal og i ca l Society (1972 - 1973), Mrs . Margaret Smith . TheAtascosita Censusof 1826, Mrs . Opal K. Hollis .• .• . , .... Book Review: PHOTOS AND TALES OF DELTA CO UNTY (TEXAS), Mrs . Wilma Mil l e r Ross a nd Mrs . Bi llie Miller Ph illip s .......... ... .. , . 4 1 Ci vil War So l diers from Brunswick Coun t y , Virgi n ia , Wil 1 iam McCaddin Pritchett . 42- 45 Book Review: THE HARBENS OF OALTON, GEORGIA , C . M. Carth ew-Yorstoun , 46 - 47 Boo k Review: A HI STORY OF VAN BUREN CO . , ARKANSAS . 47 Federal Archives & Record Center , Kent Carter 47 National Twe l fth An nual Meeting & Reunion of the Confederate Veterans ( 1 902) , Series IV . 48 - 59 Ad Page • . • . • . • . • . 60 Wi ll of William Godbey - 1829, Mrs . Alice Pitts .. , . • . 6 1 Sea rching fo r Your I nd ian An cestors, Mrs. Rose Marie Snel l 62-68 Be no n i Bart l ett Tay l orFami l y Bi bie, Hers h e i W. Anderso n 69 Que r y Page , • • • . , , 70 l nd ex , Mrs. Grace McKnight . 71 - 72 Advertisements Bits and Pieces, Booksand Stones Vol . 1 • 33 James A. Clement , Jr. OSB . , . 35 Cha r les E. Tutt l eCo., Inc. 45 Col linCounty (Texas) Cemetery I n sc r iptions • . , . • Inside Back Cover Da llas Coun t y, Memorial & Biograph ica l ... 60 Texas L. D. S , Book Center . • •• 8 The Editors Desk Mrs. Minnie Champ NOTICE All back issues of The Q11arterly have been trans­ ferred from The Editor's possess ion to the home of Mrs . Stephen J. Smith (Margaret), 8446 Santa Clara, Dallas, TX 7521 8. (214-327- 5096) A complete inventory is carried in this issue a 1eng >li th the order b 1ank be 1ow. Please check availability on the inventory prior to ordering copies. The December 1975 and the March 1976 issues of The Quarterly car ri ed a comp 1ete 1 is ting of all research articles EVER published - "Geneal ogical Research Material Previously Published by the Local History & Genealogical Society (no11 Dallas ' Genealog i cal Society) - 1955-1976." DALLAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY (formerly Local History and Genealogical Society) . ORDER BLANK for Tite Quarter/y 1955 Vol. I D Set of6 issues 1956 Vol. li D Spring osummer D Fall O Winter 1957 Vol.Ill D Spring OSummer D Fall OWinter 1958 Vol. IV D Spring D Summer D Fall Dwinter 1959 Vol. V D Spring D Summer D Fall OWinter 1960 Vol. VI D Spring D Summer D Fall DWinter 1961 Vol. VII 0 Spring OSummer D Fall OWinter 1962 Vol. VIII D Spring 0 Summer D Fall OWinter 1963 Vol. IX D Spring D Summer D Fall DWinter 1964 Vol.X 0 Spring oSummer D Fall OWinter 1965 Vol.XI D Spring Dsummer D Fall Dwinter 1966 Vol.XII D Spring oSummer D Fall OWinter 1967 Vol.Xlll D Spring DSummer D Fall DWinter 1968 Vol.XIV D Spring oSummer OFall OWinter 1969 Vol.XV 0 Spring OSummer D Fall OWinter 1970 Vol.XVI 0 Spring oSummer oFaU QWinter 1971 Vol.XVII 0 Spring DSummer 0 Fall DWinter 1972 Vol.XVIII D Spring osummer oFall OWinter 1973 Vol.XIX D Spring Dsummer D Fall DWintcr 1974 Vol.XX D Spring osummer D Fall OWinter 1975 Vol.XXI D Spring DSummer D Fall DWinter 1976 Vol.XXII D Spring OSummer D Fall OWinter Name ---------- -------------------- ----- ---------------------­ Address--------------------------- -------------------- ------ --------------------------- Order from : DALLAS GENEALOGICAL SOC IETY I am enclosing --------- for the issues 77re (b.arterly checked above . THE QUARTERL y P. 0 . Box 12648 Dallas,TX75225 Mrs. Smith Inventory of The Quarterly Year Vol urne No. No. No . No. Price One Two Three Four (Note) 1955 4 7 Stapl ed Set of issues #2-#7 3. 00 1956 Il 53 (None published)$ 2. 50 195 7 Ill 36 o• 43 2 . 50 1958 IV 91 38 2. 50 (Combined) 1959 62 63 40 35 2. 50 1960 VI No copi.es at all 23 45 2. 50 1961 VII 65 54 26 2. 50 1962 VI Il 2. 50 1963 IX 2. 50 1964 2. 50 1965 XI 2 . 50 1966 XII 15 18 2. 00 1967 XIII 2. 00 1968 XIV 20 2. 00 1969 XV 2 . 00 1970 XVI 21 11 2. 00 1971 XVII 27 27 2 . 00 1972 XVI Il 2. 00 197 3 XIX 15 40 38 59 2. 00 1974 XX 21 2 . 00 197 5 XXI 18 128 119 2. 50 1976 XXII 75 100 131 73 $2. 50 $3. 50 $2. 50 $3. 75 NOTE: Prices include State Sales Tax, handling & postage. *"0" is used if inventory is 3 or 1 ess. ANNUAL BOOK AWARD CONTEST The Dallas Genealogical Society announces the following rules for the Annua! Book Award Contest: 1. Qualifications for entry shall be membership in the Dallas Genealogical Society in good standing. 2. The book contest shall be an annua! affair with entries submitted by the first of April, and winners announced at the Dallas Genealogical Society Annua! Norkshop which is held in May. 3. Recognition of winners or prizes shall be in the form of an Award, to be approved by the Executive Board, and presented at the Annua! Workshop Banquet or Luncheon. 4 . There shall be the following categories: Books with a minimum of 50 pages on the subject of a family history or genealogy, b. Books wi th a minimum of 50 pages on some subject of local historical or genealogi cal interest. This would include such subjects as: How to go about genealogical research; a hi story of a city, county, or conununity; or a group genealogical study. Manuscripts, containing a minimum of five pages, single spaced, on the subject of a family history or genealogy. d. Manuscripts, containing a minimum of five pages, single spaced, on some subject of local historical or genealogical interest (see "b" above). 5. There shall be one winner in each category. If in the opinion of the judges, no entries are deserving of a prize in a particular category, then no prize shall be given that year. lf in the opinion of the judges, entries other than the winner deserve special praise, then the judges shall gi ve the se entries "Honorable Hent ion. 11 6 . Each book submitted shall become the property of the Dallas Public Library with the author retaining all publication rights. All JT1.anuscripts submitted shall be available for publication in Dallas Genealogical Society's publication, The Quarterly , with the author retaining publica- tion rights in the same or revised forJ!'I. 7. Judges shal 1 be three in nurnber, annually appointed by the President, and ratified by the Executive Board; the chairrnan being the head of Genea­ logy Uepartment of the Dal las Public Library, and the other two j udges being selected from outside the Society's rneMbership, but being persons qualified to judge books and manuscripts.
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