Your community... your newspaper! Call 1-844-GNG-NEWS to renew subscribePSBEWFSUJTF today. $150 PER COPY (GST included) www.heraldsun.ca Publications Mail Agreement No. 40006725 -YPKH`1HU\HY` Serving Whitewood, Grenfell, Broadview and surrounding areas • Publishing since 1893 =VS0ZZ\L Fire strikes family four times in just six weeks Two other area families also lose homes in separate fires in mid-January. By Alan Hustak currency, family heirlooms, things that Grasslands News can never be replaced, all gone.” After the hotel fire, the family moved 200 km from Ituna to another town. Bad luck seems to have come in “Serendipity in Yorkton was a big help, threes for an Ituna family who have a huge support in getting us through been burned out of a place to live three Christmas,” said Sparvier. The family times since December. A mysterious fire had planned to move back to the house on Dec. 1 gutted the house on 4th Avenue in Ituna in early January after the four N.E. where Garry Williams lived with split level had been renovated. his partner Joan Sparvier and their five Then the building was gutted for a children between the ages of two and 22. second time. This time the fire started After that fire the family moved into the in the basement. “We had all the dam- Ituna hotel while the damage to their age repaired, all the drywall was up, we house was being repaired. had the paint, the electrical wiring was They were burned out of the hotel all good. No one can explain it.” when it was destroyed by fire on Dec. 10. Even more distressing, last week They were about to move back into the a small fire began in a defective light house in early January when it again socket in the trailer home the couple caught fire. now reside at in a nearby community “We’re really scared, afraid. We’re all (their location has been withheld). ALAN HUSTAK | GRASSLANDS NEWS jumpy. None of this makes any sense,” )RXUWLPHVÀUHYLFWLPV Williams and Sparvier say they have *DUU\:LOOLDPVDQGKLVSDUWQHU-RDQ6SDUYLHUVXUYLYHGIRXUÀUHVVLQFH'HFHP- Sparvier told Grasslands News last a theory of why their house burned week as she fought back tears. “I’m get- twice. But without any evidence to sup- EHU7KHFRXSOHORVWWKHLUKRPHLQ,WXQDRQ'HFZHUHEXUQHGRXWRIWKHLU ting paranoid.” port it they will wait until the investi- KRWHORQ'HFVDZWKHLUKRXVHLQ,WXQDJXWWHGDJDLQE\ÀUHLQ-DQXDU\DQG The family lost everything in the gation into the two blazes is complete. KDGDVPDOOÀUHLQDKRPHWKH\DUHQRZOLYLQJLQDQHDUE\FRPPXQLW\ first fire which started in an upstairs “Whatever hope we might have had bedroom. “The whole upstairs floor about going back to Ituna has been value of the house and contents is esti- destroyed their house on Well Road on dropped, everything just dropped right ripped out from under us,” said Spar- mated to be $350,000. Jan. 12. Fire department investigators down. We saved the Christmas tree vier. “The house was so big and we’ve A GoFundMe page has been set up say the blaze which began at 5 a.m. and a television.” said Williams, a re- lost everything.” for the family. started accidentally. “You hear about tired tradesman who is clinically blind The family wasn’t insured. “I’m going fire, but you never think it’s going and lives on a disability pension. “Our to hold on to the property, but I can’t Two other families lose homes in fires to happen to you,” said Belinda-Lee eight year old daughter lost a pet rabbit. rebuild,” said Williams who bought the In Fort Qu’Appelle, the Krienke fam- Krienke. “The exploding of the house Thousands of hockey cards, coins and house 11 years ago. The replacement ily was also left homeless after a fire - SEE HOUSE FIRE, 12 SECON Group donates $50,000 to daycare By Chris Ashfield business in our community that begin planning to start into the express how thankful we are bringing a licensed daycare to Grasslands News has stepped up in a big way.” construction phase earlier than to South East Construction for Whitewood, we were faced with Leepart stated that the originally anticipated. Con- this gift, and everything they the loss of our main fundraiser, large donation from SECON struction is now expected to do to support their surrounding Oktoberfest. Additionally, we The Wiggles and Giggles has moved the process along begin in 2021. community.” lost the opportunity to consider Childcare Centre has received greatly and will allow them to “Words are not enough to “As a committee dedicated to many other alternative fund- a huge financial boost towards raisers due to pandemic related the construction of a daycare constraints. Even so, our com- in Whitewood with the SECON group of companies donating munity’s need for a licensed $50,000 to the project. daycare has not decreased.” “South East Construction, a The construction of the day- multi-trade industrial construc- care is expected to cost around tion company that operates $500,000 with the group requir- based out of the surrounding ing 25 per cent before construc- area, has supported our endeav- tion can begin. ours from the start, as well as In the July of 2020, the Prairie consistently since then. We are Valley School Division donated extremely thankful for every- land at the southeast corner of thing, and so pleased to share the Whitewood School property that they have partnered with (corner of Southesk Street and the Whitewood Wiggles and South Ave.) for construction of Giggles Childcare Center with the daycare. a generous donation of $50,000,” The Wiggles and Giggles said Kate Leepart of the Wig- Childcare Centre board consists gles and Giggles fundraising of Patsy Thompson (chairper- committee. “In the midst of ev- son), Aaron Aldous (vice-chair), erything, we have been so fortu- $50,000 donation SUBMITTED | GRASSLANDS NEWS Ardean Maki (treasurer), Tia Thompson (secretary), Kate nate for the support that we’ve Mike Silvernage (left), President of SECON Group of Companies, and Cole Raiwet, Vice-Pres- received from the surrounding Leepart, Jenn Himmelspach, area. As a committee, we wish ent, recently presented a $50,000 donation to the Wiggles and Giggles Childcare Centre that Megan Nimegeers, Jessica Ro- to extend a big thank you to a is being planned in Whitewood. goschewsky and Kelly Shire. 2 January 29, 2021 0HOYLOOH$GYDQFH:KLWHZRRG*UHQIHOO+HUDOG6XQ)RUW4X·$SSHOOH7LPHV Grasslands News Scheer adjusts to role as MP By Alan Hustak astating for energy sector the U.S. Democratic party election were held today Grasslands News workers and proof that are extremely left wing. O’Toole would do much Trudeau’s energy policies We need a government worse than Scheer who are a failure. that is pro growth, pro came close to winning Now that Andrew “We’re not off to a great jobs, pro prosperity.” the last election. “It’s Scheer no longer needs start, are we? Killing Key- Scheer expects a fed- been tough for our leader to hunt for votes across stone was the first thing eral election this year. to make a breakthrough the country, the former Biden did. He leaned into Prime Minister Trudeau in a COVID environ- leader of the Conserva- it. He had an edge to it. Of is riding high in the pub- ment. I know how hard tive Party has taken up all of the range of options lic opinion polls, has no it is especially when the deer hunting. Prime Minister Trudeau internal division in his mainstream media holds “I’m an animal lover, (including sanctions) he party, and is expected Justin Trudeau in a pos- I’m a softie. The first has had to react, he put to call a snap election itive light,” said Scheer. time I went hunting this out a press release saying before the opposition “You can lose a lot of winter I didn’t think I he was “disappointed” as brings down his minority money betting on the could pull the trigger,” $/$1+867$._*5$66/$1'61(:6 if the cancellation means government. So far, Erin outcome of elections. But Scheer adjusting the Member for Regi- nothing to him. Keystone O’Toole, Scheer’s succes- I’m optimistic. I’m ready. In an interview with Grasslands News Member of na-Qu’Appelle said as he is a sparkplug for thou- sor as party leader hasn’t I pride myself on being a sat down for breakfast Parliament Andrew Scheer talks about life after sands and thousands of made much of an impact visible member of Parlia- in Fort Qu’Appelle with being leader of the Conservative Party. jobs. Some elements in on the electorate. If an ment.” Grasslands News last week. “But then, one of the guys who took me out and put a rifle in my hand told me, no deer ever dies in palliative care, sur- rounded by his family.” It didn’t take much Yes Sir, That’s more than that to per- of Babies suade Scheer to shed whatever reservations born in 2020 he may have had. On his first outing near Stras- bourg, he bagged 100 pounds of deer meat with a .308 Winchester. The former Speaker of the House and Conserva- tive party leader is adjust- Our Baby ing to his new lifestyle as an MP and member of the shadow cabinet as infrastructure critic. He’s moved the family back to Regina and last week he dropped into Fort Qu’Appelle to meet with constituents and to give a COVID relief cheque to the Legion branch be- fore heading back to Ot- tawa to put in his “duty GRASSLANDS NEWS would like to Salute all Babies Born in 2020.
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