Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences ANNUAL REPORT 2018 SRI VENKATESWARA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (A University established by an Act of Andhra Pradesh State Legislature) Website: http://svimstpt.ap.nic.in TIRUMALA TIRUPATI DEVASTHANAMS, TIRUPATI i Annual Report 2018 =∞OQÆàÏK«~°}=Ú lr{Zdmgmo {dO`Vo Nx"å™È q[Ü«∞`Õ g_ñVOZZt dÝXo M¡VÝ`ñVÝ`Xm{`Zr_²Ÿ& lo`gt lr{Zdmgñ` H$éUm{_d ê${nUr_²Ÿ&& (X`meVH$_²-6) ã¨=∞ã¨Î[#hO =<Õ¤ K≥·`«#ºã¨Î#º^•~Úh"£∞ I „âıÜ«∞ã‘O Nx"åã¨ã¨º Hõ~°∞}Ïq∞= ~°∂Ñ≤}©"£∞ II (^ŒÜ«∂â◊`«Hõ"£∞–6) ã¨áê΄nâ◊√_≥·# Nx"åã¨∞x Ü≥ÚHõ¯ Hõ~°∞}ÜÕ∞ =¸iÎÉèíqOz#@∞¡ LO_Õ@\˜ì, ã¨HõÅ „âıÜ«∞ã¨∞û#∞ HõeyOK«∞#\˜ì, ã¨~°fi„áê}∞ʼnõΩ *Ï˝#=∞<Õ ã¨Î#º=Ú#∞ WK«∞Û#\˜ì D [QÆ`«∞ΈH `«e¡Ü≥ÿ∞#\˜ì NÅH©∆ ‡^Õqx #=∞㨯iOK«∞K«∞<åfl#∞. 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Om Namo Venkatesaya! I have great pleasure in presenting this Annual Report for the year 2018. We thank the Editorial Board and staff of Academic Section for the compilation of year long activities of SVIMS. SVIMS is continuing to make greater strides in all dimensions: patient care, education, research & commu- nity outreach. We are striving for excellence and are developing an University without borders. The year 2018 was remarkable for us completing NABH entry level certification, bringing fruition to final MCI inspection of our MBBS program, populating Centre for Advanced Research (CfAR) with several research programmes getting top 100 NIRF ranking, standing tall as the Best Hospital in public sector in NTRVSS, to name a few. All the above are possible due to the commitment of every member of SVIMS family & the blessings of Lord Balaji. We thank TTDs and Govt. of A.P. for their unswerving support. With the magnanimity of donors, SVIMS raised highest ever amount of research funds. In the service of Lord Venkateswara Dr T.S. Ravikumar Director-cum-Vice Chancellor iii Annual Report 2018 VISION To be among the global best and one of the premier health systems in India MISSION ★ To become the health system of choice and be in top 10 with regards to overall national rankings. ★ To fulfil the objectives of SVIMS Act in terms of clinical, edu- cational & research activities. ★ To drive the key performance indicators and achieve top perfor- mance threshold against the bench mark organizations. VALUES ★ “SVIMS family” ★ First in Service…..Best in Practice ★ Punctuality ★ Ownership & Loop closure ★ Stakeholder experience to guide progress ★ Quality, Accountability & Transparency iv Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Objectives of the Institute The objectives of Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati are: ◆ To create a centre of excellence for providing medical care, education and research facilities of a high order in the field of medical sciences in the existing super-specialities and such other super-specialities as may develop in future, including continuing medical education and hospital administration. ◆ To provide the state of the art medical training in Undergraduate, Post Graduate and in Super spcialities so as to set a high standard of medical education. ◆ To provide for training in paramedical and allied sciences, including inter-disciplinary fields of physical and biological sciences. ◆ To render service for community health care education needs and to function as a referral hospital. v Annual Report 2018 ORGANIZATIONAL SETUP ORGANIZATIONAL SRI VENAKATESWARA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES::TIRUPATI MEDICAL INSTITUTE OF VENAKATESWARA SRI vi Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences (A University Established by Andhra Pradesh State Legislature) Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams, Tirupati. Published by Editor-in-Chief Dr TS Ravikumar Director-cum-Vice Chancellor Editorial Board Dr PVLN Srinivasa Rao Dean Dr Alladi Mohan Professor & Head of Medicine Member-Secretary Dr V. Suresh Dr KV. Sridhar Babu Dr Abhijit Chowday Prof. of Endocrinology Prof. & Head of Prof. of Microbiology Transfusion Medicine Dr Nagaraj K Dr M. Ranadheer Gupta Dr R. Arun Prof. & Head of Assoc. Prof. of Assoc. Prof. of Community Medicine Nuclear Medicine Transfusion Medicine Dr Madhu Babu D S Dr M.Yerrama Reddy Assoc. Prof. of Dental Surgery Deputy Registrar Press Information Dr. Y. Venkatarama Reddy Dy. Director (PR) Mr. V. Rajasekar Designing & Photography Sri V. Sudarsan, MCPO Mr Venkatesh, Photo Asst. Sri C.R. Nagaraja, Sr. Artist Mr D. Hari, Photo Asst. Secretarial Assistance Smt S. Santhanalakshmi, Superintendent Smt M. Indrani, Office Assistant Sri V. Guna Sekhar, Office Assistant Smt S. Devikamma, Office Assistant Sri A. Balarama Reddy, Office Assistant Smt. M. Sravani, Office Assistant Ms P. Bharathi, Office Assistant vii Annual Report 2018 CONTENTS Page No. I Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 1 II SVIMS in News ............................................................................................................................................ 12 III Academic activities 1.0 Introduction……………………………………………………….................................................... 26 1.1 Courses offered ……………………………………………………… ............................................. 26 1.2 SVIMS, Sri Padmavathi Medical College for Women……………… .............................................. 28 1.3 College of Nursing …………………………………………………… ........................................... 31 1.4 College of Physiotherapy……………………………………………… .......................................... 31 1.5 Basic Life Sciences……….……………………………………………… ...................................... 32 1.6 Permission and recognition for the courses by MCI .......................................................................... 32 1.7 Students enrollment for the academic year 2018-19……………………. ........................................ 32 1.8 Scholarships ………………………………….……………………… ............................................. 35 1.9 Hostels ……………………………………………………………… .............................................. 36 1.10 Quarters…………………………………………………………………… ..................................... 36 2.0 Examination activities………………………………………………. .............................................. 36 2.1 Examination results final year (Regular and Supplementary) ........................................................... 37 2.2 Best outgoing students (2017-18) ....................................................................................................... 37 2.3 Medals/Merit certificates awarded ..................................................................................................... 38 2.4 Entrance Examinations ....................................................................................................................... 38 3.0 Enhanced services at SVIMS……………………………………..................................................... 38 3.1 CPR Programme.................................................................................................................................. 38 3.2 Aadithya Hridayam ............................................................................................................................. 39 3.3 Pink Bus .............................................................................................................................................. 40 3.4 AHA’s international Training Cente ................................................................................................... 41 3.5 Advanced Lung Clinic ....................................................................................................................... 41 4.0 Recognitions for SVIMS contributions ............................................................................................. 42 4.1 Awards ……………………………………………………………… .............................................. 42 5.0 Visitors to SVIMS …………………………………………………… ............................................ 45 6.0 Activities at SVIMS …………………………………………………............................................. 46 6.1 7th Convocation ………………………………………………………...........................................
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