E24 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 10, 2020 PAYING TRIBUTE TO NICHOLAS servant. It is my hope that Patricia and his two ed a pet leopard named Spot who he kept in FISH children, Maria and Chapin, may draw his room to stop family members from entering strength and comfort from his many contribu- his personal space. At the age of ten, Morris HON. NYDIA M. VELA´ ZQUEZ tions. I ask all my colleagues to join me in displayed a natural drive to succeed and start- OF NEW YORK paying homage to a lifetime of service and re- ed his first job as Office Boy at the family IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES membering Nick Fish. business, Stewart Title. He quickly worked his way up from running errands to making busi- Friday, January 10, 2020 f ness transactions. ´ HONORING CHARLES HOWARD Ms. VELAZQUEZ. Madam Speaker, I rise to In 1943, Morris experienced many major BRADSHAW pay tribute to a lifetime of public service. This milestones. He graduated from The University week, Nicholas Fish, or Nick as his friends of Texas with a BA, Southern Methodist Uni- called him, passed away. He will be fondly re- HON. H. MORGAN GRIFFITH versity with a JD, and Columbia University membered for his commitment to advancing OF VIRGINIA with a Midshipman’s degree all in the same the quality of urban life for all. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES year. Following his many academic accom- Nick was born in New York City in 1958. Friday, January 10, 2020 plishments, Morris joined the Navy and mar- After attending the Dutchess Day School as a ried his wife Joella Mitchell. Together they child in Millbrook, NY, and later St. Alban’s Mr. GRIFFITH. Madam Speaker, I rise to were blessed with three children. School in Washington, DC, he earned his honor Charles Howard Bradshaw, a Fire De- As an officer in the Navy, Morris was sent bachelor’s degree in 1981 from Harvard and in partment Chief and business owner in Henry to the South Pacific. A young and frightened 1986 he completed a J.D. at Northeastern County, and his wife Sherri, who died on De- sailor, Morris distinguished himself by working University. cember 13, 2019. Mr. Bradshaw was a tre- Politics and public service were a family mendous contributor to Henry County and his to establish discipline and order aboard his business for Nick. His father and grandfather presence will be missed. ship. Hamilton Fish IV and III—both served in the Mr. Bradshaw was president of Triangle Following the close of World War II in 1945, U.S. House of Representatives. His great- Electric Corporation, a privately-owned and Morris returned home to Texas, where he re- great-grandfather, Hamilton Fish, served as a operated business since 1965, but had also sumed work at Stewart Title. Determined to congressman, senator, governor of New York long served as a first responder. In the 1980s, expand the business, Morris began traveling and secretary of state to President Ulysses S. Mr. Bradshaw was employed with the Fieldale all over Texas, picking up a pilot’s license and Grant. Police Department. Since 2007, he had been became proficient in Spanish along the way. Nick continued this illustrious family tradi- Chief of the Horsepasture Volunteer Fire De- Under Morris’ diligent leadership, Stewart Title tion, cutting his teeth as a Legislative Assist- partment. In 2010, he was honored as Out- grew rapidly from a local Houston business to ant for Congressman Barney Frank of Massa- standing Firefighter for the month of May and an international powerhouse with offices in all chusetts, an experience that he would often Fire Officer of the year. 50 states, 13 foreign countries, and over 9,000 say fueled his passion for serving others. In addition to his business and first re- locations. After earning his Juris Doctor, he practiced sponder activities, Mr. Bradshaw served on His hunger for excellence, forward thinking- law in New York City, representing healthcare the Henry County Building Board of Appeal. ethos, and deep faith in God inspired those workers and labor unions. He was appointed In 2010, he was recognized for his many around him. It was often said by his peers that to Manhattan’s Community Board Five, where years volunteering with Henry County by re- ‘‘when Morris was at the helm of a project, it he served as Chair for two years. In that ca- ceiving the Jack Dalton Community Service seemed like nothing was impossible.’’ It was pacity, Nick championed the upgrade of the Award. this same sense of passion and joy for life that Times Square Hotel. In collaboration with local Charles and Sherri Bradshaw are survived made Morris the perfect leader to pioneer the nonprofits, the hotel was transformed into af- by their daughter, Ashlee Bradshaw (James establishment of a new Christian college in fordable housing and a thriving community for Hill); son, Michael Bradshaw (Crystal Beckett); Houston, Texas. residents with HIV, previously homeless indi- sister-in-law, Barbara Bradshaw; grand- In 1952, Morris joined the Union Baptist As- viduals and employees of New York City’s the- children, Hunter, Logan, Lauren, Rylee, Nikole sociation in raising funds and assessing land ater district. and Jordan; nephew, Jonathan Bradshaw (Eli- for the new Houston Baptist University. For In the mid-1990s, Nick’s wife, Patricia, was sha); and several other nieces and nephews. the past 67 years, Morris dedicated countless offered a job at Portland State University and Henry County and the Commonwealth of hours of his time and generous financial con- the couple moved west, settling in the Goose Virginia were fortunate to have a great volun- tributions to this community. A peer once said Hollow neighborhood of Portland. Although teer, leader, and businessman in their commu- about Morris that ‘‘there is no single person new to the West Coast, Nick and Patricia nity. I offer my condolences to the Bradshaw more influential in the founding and earliest quickly made fast friends in the community family, the volunteers of the Horsepasture Fire history of HBU.’’ and he continued his pursuit of public service Department, and the people of Henry County On his 100th birthday, the Houston Baptist in their new community. He joined the board on their loss. University community joined together in cele- of the Housing Authority of Portland and f brating the life and accomplishments of Dr. worked to raise money for local nonprofits that Stewart Morris with the ceremonial assisted victims of domestic abuse and vulner- RECOGNIZING STEWART MORRIS’ 100TH BIRTHDAY AND THE MOR- groundbreaking of the Morris Family Center able children. for Law and Liberty. This new center will work In 2008, Nick was elected to the Portland RIS FAMILY CENTER FOR LAW to promote a greater understanding and ap- City Council. There he was a steadfast voice AND LIBERTY AT HOUSTON BAP- preciation for our nations history and founding for affordable housing. He was instrumental in TIST UNIVERSITY principles amongst students. the creation of a separate city agency dedi- cated to addressing housing issues and ex- Madam Speaker, Dr. Stewart Morris has HON. BILL FLORES lived a long life filled with love, joy, and dedi- panding and renovating Portland parks. For 11 OF TEXAS cated to his belief that ‘‘its more blessed to years on the Portland City Council, he earned IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a reputation as a steady hand, helping im- give than to receive.’’ I am proud to recognize prove the Council and make local government Friday, January 10, 2020 him on this joyous occasion and know that his work for everyone. Known for a steady tem- Mr. FLORES. Madam Speaker, I rise today family and friends love him and are proud of perament and sharp policy mind, he often took to recognize Dr. Stewart Morris, who turned him. I wish Morris many more years of health on the toughest assignments of local govern- 100 years old on October 28, 2019. and happiness. ment, such as overseeing the city water and To commemorate this occurrence, Houston I have requested that a United States flag sewers bureaus, simultaneously. Even after Baptist University hosted a ceremonial be flown over our Nation’s Capitol to recog- confronting health challenges, Nick continued groundbreaking of the new Morris Family Cen- nize Dr. Stewart Morris’ 100th Birthday. his tireless work, serving on the City Council ter for Law and Liberty in honor of its name- As I close today, I urge all Americans to until just a few days ago. sake and founding father of the University, Dr. continue to pray for our country, for our vet- Today, our nation, the Capitol Hill Commu- Stewart Morris. erans, for our military men and women who nity and the City of Portland have lost a dedi- Growing up in Houston, Morris was known protect us, and for our first responders who cated statesman and a consummate public as a cantankerous boy. He notoriously adopt- keep us safe at home. VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:20 Jan 11, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA8.003 E10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS.
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