A history of music and politics in Mozambique from the 1890s to the present A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA BY DENISE MARIA MALAUENE IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUEREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY ALLEN F. ISAACMAN JANUARY 2021 Ó DENISE MARIA MALAUENE, 2021 Acknowledgements Nhi bongide ku womi ni vikelo Thank you for life and protection Nhi bongide gurula ni guhodza Thank you for peace and provision Nhi bongide gu nengela omo gu Thank you for happiness in times of tsanisegani suffering Nhi bongide Pfumu Thank you, God! Denise Malauene song titled “Nhi bongide Pfumu”1 Pfumu Nungungulu, nhi bongide ngudzu! (Thank you, God!) My children Eric Silvino Tale and Malik TSakane Malauene Waete: I thank you for your unconditional love, Support, and understanding aS many timeS I could not be with you nor could meet your needs because I waS studying or writing. Mom and dad Helena ZacariaS Pedro Garrine and João Malauene, nhi bongide ku SatSavbo. My Siblings Eduardo Malauene, GiSela Malauene, Guidjima Donaldo, CriStina AgneSS Raúl, DioníSio, Edson Malauene, ChelSea Malauene, Kevin Malauene, obrigada por tudo. I am grateful to my adviSor Allen IsSacman for the advice, guidance, and encouragement, particularly during the difficult timeS in my Ph.D. trajectory Somewhat affected by Several challengeS including CycloneS Idai, the armed instability in central and northern Mozambique, and Covid 19. Barbara’s and hiS support are greatly appreciated. I am grateful to ProfeSSor Helena Pohlandt-McCormick for her encouragement, guidance, and Support. Her contribution to the completion of my degree in claSSeS, reading groups, paper preSentations, grant applications, the completion of my prelimS, and Michael’s and her support are greatly appreciated. I thank the University of MinneSota faculty and Staff, particularly John Coleman, Ana Paula Ferreira, Ann Waltner, Kirsten FiScher, Ajay Skaria, Austin MaSon, Karen Brown, William JoneS, FranceS Vavrus, Tracey DeutSch, Saje Mathieu, Sarah Chambers, Mary Jo MayneS, Barbara Welke, Michael Gallope, Njeri Githire, Patrick McNamara, Ronald Aminzade, David Chang, Malinda LindquiSt, Patricia Lorcin, Amanda NelSon, Caitlin Knight, Isoke Zenzele, Rachmi Diyah LaraSati, Richa Nagar, August Nimtz, Abdi Samatar, ChriS Macosko. BeSideS contributing to my education, you ensured that my family and I had a pleaSant and fruitful experience in the United StateS of America, in MinneSota, and at the University of MinneSota. I am grateful for the Support I received while conducting fieldwork in Inhambane, particularly from António Nhacuongue, Benedito Eduardo Guimino, Fredson Bacar, BiSpo Diamantino Guapo AntuneS, Frei Orlando António, NarciSo Pedro, Fernando Manuel 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igKvqMI9RPQ Malauene, Susária do Amaral, Cláudia CéSar Muzazaila, Alex, GenéSio Menete, Heike Meuser, Amaral Fortunato, Avelina João Lina, “Ngoga” Oliveira Garrine, Hélder Cumbana, Armando Garrine, Marcelina Garrine, Amélia Sumbane, Justério MaSSave, Togarmo, Isabel, Minerva, and TereSa. I am grateful to all who Shared their knowledge and hiStorieS namely, Magide MusSá Maulide, Vicente DiaS PireS aka Feola, Alípio Cruz aka OtiS, Helena ZacariaS Pedro Garrine, Garrido Garrine, Pedro ZacariaS Garrine, Aníbal Diamantino aka Anibalzinho, Augusta Joaquim Filipe, Batinho, Camal Sultuane Givá Cane, Jaime Germano Deve, Djalma Lourenço, Domingos João Manuel, Fernando Manuel Malauene, FranciSco ZacariaS Mataruca, GeStácio FernandeS, Helena Maria da Cruz, Hortêncio Langa, Jacinto Abrão ZacariaS Júnior aka DjaSS Pro, João RosSe, Joaquim Fortunato do Amaral, Jomalu, Jorge Mamade, LuíS Loforte, Manuel Zimba, Maria Ângela Penicela Kane, Mateus HenriqueS Mateus, Renato Cruz, Susária do Amaral, MiSS Pinda, Azagaia, José Manuel Pita, Felizarda Munguno, Vitoria Mavila, Guilhermina Joaquim Filipe, Suzana Bambo Nhamona, SamusSodine Mutuque thanks for your help. While I waS writing my diSSertation, I recorded two Songs in Mozambique titled “Nhi bongide Pfumu” and “Clamor Ambiental”. Therefore, I would like to thank Fidélio Mauele, VaSco Cuinica, Gideon Bahule, Aurélio Furdela, Chambal dos Santos Zeferino, NelSon Pereira, Rev. Bacar, SamSon MaSSinga, Aloid Gujamo, Paulo Miambo, Rita Ngale, Paula Ngale, Mafu Selebete, and Denzel dos Santos. I often mentioned in conversations that it took a village for an African young black woman and Single mother of two boys to achieve a Ph.D. degree in the United StateS of America. And when I Said village, I waS not referring only to Chicuque, the little village in Inhambane province (Mozambique) where I Spent part of my childhood with my grandparentS Albertina Cuamba and ZacariaS Pedro Garrine. My village waS wider, global, and embraced relativeS, friends, claSSmateS, and coworkers from Several partS of the world who crosSed paths with my children and me, and planted Seeds of wiSdom, love, hope, and ubuntu in our liveS. I will not be able to acknowledge all who have contributed to the attainment of thiS degree, aS it iS not only the people who walked and lived with me in the paSt Six years but all who have been there aS thiS academic degree iS the culmination of a lifelong academic and cultural learning proceSS. Therefore, I would like to acknowledge the following people, Abraham Seda, Adérito Machava, AgneS Oredola, Aksana Varela, Alberto Joaquim Chipande, Alberto Machangane, Alberto Simão, Alda Saute, Alicia Lazzarini, Amélia Magaia, Amélia Sidumo, Ana Cláudia dos Santos São Bernardo, Ana Maria Dimba Tale, Ana Nhampulo, André Bahule, Ângela Mondlane, Ângela Mucavel, Ângela Penicela Nhambiu, Angélica, Angelina Nhaningue, AníSio Matangala, Anita Guambe, António Alafo, António Batel Anjo, António Hama Thai, António Manso, António Nhacuongue, Arlete Matola, Arlindo Chilundo, Armando Garrine, Armando Munhequete, Arnaldo Caliche, Audácio Victor VaSco, Augusto Jone, Aurélio MaúsSe, Barbara Fadirepo, Benedita Penicela, Benedito Machava, Benigna Zimba, Bettencourt Capece, Boaventura Mahave, Bob OSborne, BobaS, ii Bonnie Herr, Brezneve Matevo, Bruno Barreto, Bruno Laranjeira, Cacauchy, Camilla NaScimento Nganga, Cândida Lundo, Cândida Mata, Carlos FernandeS, Carlos Quembo, Carlos Shenga, Carlos TSevete, Carlos Zimila (in memory), Carmen Mucauque, CelSo, Cherif Keita, ChriS Millingan, Cláudio Mungói, Clotilde Paulo, Cuamba Chapo Machundra (MaSSunda), Danilo Parbato, Dean Pittman, Délio MarqueS da Cruz Ofinar, Donna Swanson, Dua Maciel, DumSane Macamo, Éden Dava, Edmundo JosSefa, Eduardo Almeida, Eduardo Guimino, Eduardo Lichucha, Elenia Macamo Amado, Eléusio Filipe, Eleutério Guevane, Eleutério Nhantumbo, EliSabeth Abelarte, Eliza Talma and Family, Elizabeth Silbernagel, Elizabeth WilliamS, Elliot JameS, Emília Machaieie, Eva Trindade, Ferdinand Chipindi, Fernando Cruz, Fernando Cumbana (in memory), Fernando Manuel Malauene, Ferosa Qumice, Fidélio Mauele, Filimone Meigos, Filipe Sitoe, Filomena Malalane, FranciSco Pateguana, Fred Atoh, Fredson Bacar, FreitaS Garrine, Gabriale Payne, Edmundo Galiza Matos, Garrido Garrine, Gary Minkley, Geraldine FrieSlaar, Gerbano Garrine, GertrudeS, Gil Filipe, Gina Sitoe, Graça Machel, Gregório Dava, Gregório Firmino, Gueme, Habil Otanga, Hakim Abderrezak, Harriet, Heather WareS, Heider Tun, Heidi Gegenbach, Heike Meuser, Hélder Cumbana, Hélder MendeS, Hélder Samo, Helena SebaStião, Henrique Samuel Ngovene, Henry Middleton, Herminia Sueia, Ida Alvarinho, Ilídio Tale, IneS Sachetti, Irene JamiSSe (in memory), Iryna Hryvenko, Isabel CaSimiro, Isaú MeneSeS, Ismael Mamudo, Jacob Dickson, Jaime Germano Deve, Jaime Rui Banze, Janani ESwar, Janeke thumbran, Jeanne Marie Penvenne, JeSS Farrell, João de Deus Malauene (in memory), João Fenhane, João Jacinto, João Paulo BorgeS Coelho, João RosSe, Joaquim Marcos Manjate, Joe Oredola, Joel Tembe, Johane Zonjo, Jorge Ferrão, Jorge Júnior, Jorge Mamade, Jorge Ribeiro, José Augusto Siaca, José Chilaule, José Cláudio Mandlate, José Manuel Pita, Júlia Zimila, Julieta MusSanhane, Júlio Machele, Justério Manuel MaSSave, Kathleen Macosko, Kemal Vaz, Kent Weber, Kevin HusSelid, Kirsten FiScher, Laura Noppe, Leonor Dina, Leopoldina Nhantumbo, Leopoldo NhamposSa, Leopoldo Santos, LeSlie Witz, Liam and Sophia’s parentS, Lídia Brito, Lilita Moiane, LiSa Santosa, Loren Landau, LucaS Tivane, Lucinda Bambo (in memory), LuíS Loforte, LuíSa ChicamiSSe MutiSSe, LuíSa Malva Juvane, LuíSa Pondze, LurdeS Munguambe, Luzio Nhavene, Manuel Garrine, Manuel Zimba, Marcelina Garrine, Márcia Chichava, Margarida Garrine, Maria Companhia (in memory), Helena Maria da Cruz, Maria Paulina Mahave, Marílio Wane, Mário Chitaúte, Marlino Mubai, Martins Garrine, Mary and Maurice Sikenyi, MatiaS Chapungo, MeStre de Banda Domingos, Mhoze Chikowero, Mimita Garrine, MiSter Afonso Benfica, MiSter Gito, MiSter MindaS, MiSter Vitinho (in memory), Molly Leonard, Mumy Tongo Tongo, Naftal Donaldo (in memory), Napoleão GaSpar, NarciSo Pedro, NelSon Pereira, NicholaS Nyachega, Ntombi Mpofu, , Olga Madalena Mate, Oliveira Garrine (in memory), Otília JeremiaS Tamele, Ouripota, Paul Musherure, Paul Vig, Paula Cuellar, Paulino, Paulo LopeS José, Paulo Miambo, Pedro ZacariaS Garrine, Pedro Garrine (in memory), Porcina Mucambe, PremeSh Lalu, Raimundo Mauele, Ramos Ngomane, Ranito Waete, Raquel Miambo, Rev. Penicela, Rev. Aida Bartolomeu Tamele Inguane, Rev. Bacar, Rev. BiShop Joaquina Filipe Nhanala, Rev. Cornelius Oladipo Ajayi, Rev. EliaS MaSSicame (in memory), Rev. Eusébio Manhiça (in memory), Rev. Fatai Jubril, Rev. Fernando Bata,
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