Hughs Powelis

Hughs Powelis

i P m t .m:-N mm ^-, , ' I • -J ! ¦ A.W - -: : ¦ *"¦ ¦ , --• • -* •• THE Trrrzr? . .., !¦ ¦* •«-.- — ..•... 1- - .. ,.. |\7ATBaPOn» XJST70/' ! I !;_ ; f/^! r!' ¦ ESTABLTBHBD—1847. !.! ¦ ; '• ; . \ 1 to :^ Purveyors BalljHifi the Prinoe i-tf¦ JlMe^ 1 ¦' ¦ '¦ V; ¦ ' "i : : ¦' ! '¦<¦ "• [' ' "' ' ' ! • -'•\ i<s Sisjcsi CircnJoaoi'ia^oath oVfcolrinrl i'f? ~ ' ' "iiiil: - i i' ! ' - i- - "f'i To be luAmry ran- JXr, ond S»«i»3 i:<Jit«m »ft S4rTOb4r Uern»iis#, at Ko». *9 ond M. IO-OMiwn^iTM*, '. ¦ -¦ ¦ ; ¦ (OMoarni TH» raovraolAL niwjj : i- .T • - Awblv . - -^ ' " ^ ^: ¦ :; ¦ • -¦ !¦ :¦ ' '¦ :¦ ¦ - • . :>¦ 1. < FEICB^OM; PENNY; . • .! i Tesriy (in A4v6rioo)lti. 4& ! ¦ . ,jBy Port (Yearly), 6,^; : iv-; " < „ : ^j} ^i . K r' ij| :j. i ' if I ¦•; ^ ! . CaT AH Chomjsa and P. 0. Orders; mads payablo lo COBHEWUB P. BBDijqtri>A_a$ this OSqq. ¦ ! • ¦ •;¦ • 1 ¦!!¦¦.¦ : '! ' 'i . " , ' ; " ' " ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦' .(¦ ¦:• I-- pfe' Titn Nnws i ¦:!, . circulates ; ' :J !¦ . I extensively araoiirat tho i' ¦ I^ l , ftt@dM vaati}Priz4 Ue^ls i^ardled* merchants, traders and 1 1 | 1 1 ' ¦ nobility, gentry, Tinning r -r. - .V-iT ii. >i i , ; ¦: — .":\ / cloensa, An., in Waterford, Kilkenny,' ¦Xlpnoniy, ' and tho nouthiof Ireland (pmerallT. The ^Tawa hcj attaineda biionlotJos nsrer (jqaalfsd by any paper pablishod In 'Wnterford, aid ia admittedly the lead* InsT JoarrHllnthbi mportant cltyj-nitX which there la t - I ) : ! . ¦ HOBSSS -MMS. : . ..* . dkwt daily eomrannleation from London, j ' .:. .. v VB WS&M Particular attention ' paid to¦ oommercial and Afjrieul« ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - : toral mattcra. : •.• ; ] : . DAY'S BLACK : DBINK ¦!, i ' ' ¦ ' ¦: " ' .r~ :- v. .\- >r ..; . > ;/;;¦;.SJ :-C :}l f ' (^ • %&E ORIGINAti jBRAN p-.;:; ;; " ;^' in and nivh T>il«. ' ¦ IM^^i'Sj ^j^litemMc^ i ./. ;^- ^ r^CurciCoHo Horses Cattle. > Curi, , RED BI!fK ' DAY'S ; PUEIFHSD- DEIFIEI-D OILS ¦¦ Advertissmonta received t or ths ¦ n-JVPI<a^- s r8T^<;Ii UUk TCr : ¦" THE DRINk; FOB THE GOUTY & NaWa by all restrict, !. Corei Shivering Fits in Hones. i cSS-p^ ?i??1if . F« - | Uetls KJcVs, Goto and WeimdnJ - ,' . , S^ABKLtWCP'-, EldH^BRKAT,. i iHEETMATIO able Newspaper Agonta in tho United Kingdom. Pro. .CoF» Hoven ' ! 4 me 'fa^ : ¦ ¦¦ '¦ ¦ . : , Car^ orJBlown. • a J fPW « Cattle. •: . : Hpals Broken Knees and Stake Wounds, ¦ " ' ' payment rcq.niin'ta Iron caitfej not kzurcrrjat ths 0Q03. ; 1 -Cira - (is( »iid' ' ' ¦ *£' ~?^ 'S001 Blood end fetca. ' ' . ' . Royal seltzer, Potass, iithia Wateirs, IraUabi^dft , .- - .;. ; ;i > ; , . ¦ ¦ 8oonr'.ln.Cal» Lambi j Foror K^^Sr -y 1 ! j.HcaliSoro Teitiand-8obllBn'Adders. ' f H ^§0^ ^/ : '" Only U. &k-ser ¦ . ¦!¦ • * ' ^ T'«M.'liiJ%<atloD^ ,>K Hidebound. , ; Heati all Wo ' ' Calt!o: .' Affoato for Colo BctUe. i \ the ¦ ,ttnd. ^ florC8s ar4 of THE BST7O cad for ; ' : ¦ ' ! " : f ' ' ^ ifltttrt '"' ' ' ' " "~ : "" , ond , : ; ' ¦ ¦ < ^""' . .. i! . , • 1»* 2^. .^I e* . <* ' ¦ " ¦' " ¦¦ ¦ - . 1 AdvostiaiSiioafcr '¦ -; " ! ' Prenfttiirt hv 'TkA-O il «iCi- " ^i ^f •* ' I » ^ ' , : !l ,- X. ; _* ^ - 1 ^^¦T V i- TEE?o !^S^ Mo Agedti :<:»0. .. , T . , . j ; ri WATEBFOBD-f-Miss Kmi/t.T; enaartfcuEi^st^ t ^T^SSSi&5? ^ ^ ¦- : ¦ ¦ ¦ - UiZ3 Povraa, Barroartrand Btrcafc. i ; ; : ¦ : • JlDtel3t ,; .^ -'¦: III. HnOBiB, Mayor1 Walk. ¦ , :c^k s^i BowLS - : '-^- ¦ MICffi¦ ,E LL ..Q!.BRIEN, .i : ¦ * tY^£2^^ -^- - ' • ¦ .;¦ - ¦ ' • Mr. P. H.'EaAW, <Jcay. | - ; : . I BAOB 1 i . : : DTTRUSOSOIT ;, ,. ' - . ' - ^ Mra. QuxirtT, John Stroat. ! ¦ GI100ER Um BPIR1T ' IlIEEOBANT, . AVANAOH ; MOTEL AND REBTA UBANV," \., ; Uisa K , O'ConnoIlS treat. ¦ :v ' . J . Ur. HAT, UO, Qoay. i : v.< - - i- ; 0 a.10. Patrick Eltreet, ; :¦ ' ST.; ANDBEW STBEET, ' :' ebwAfebi^Ite^ J ! ¦¦ 1 , j.??. ^-- Ur. DOBBTH , Barraoi Street. i : WATEBFOED, ' ¦ L ' ' '-' "' . ; TIHE- tnotV Central,: Modorafcy tid .'HpaVsro. Ur. WiBbiLL, Quay. ; ¦ ¦ B^sslo lnJfna his friends anS tho 'public that ha !_ll hti in Viedrootas, abio WlSpbooa llrB.'EpBiTT, BcJlybricken. ; 1 ' "' ¦ ' ' Glydg i Snipp-irig;^ cpijapany, ¦* • --Electrii Li ¦ : ; • Ltd I - a oarofnjly and TroU<oleot«a Stock of . ' : ' accommodation.' ^Hot end cold bafts.' ' a tlr. AHEAKN , iTobn-Strost. I ! I . ; : ' . : _ . DECEZWEBj.1804 . • • ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ; Coclln^ OWSB - ¦ : , ' . • :(¦ • ': WhltMca and Craadlca, ,' la Batlioaton. ' T :.:- Mica P , Broad Streofc ' B«BuIaV' ¦ 7 " ^^ ' Seas, \7inc3, : ' ' : SUaci OpmstiMtieaKon Irtceea ' . ^PE ¦ ^¦ iite-ST¦ ^Ei ' ; >w ¦ ¦ T. COBLESS, Proprietor, DT IB :; ' «¦ ¦ '•. bC, CO (jyI6.1ly) , 1 lira. B L , Stcphnn Stroet. .:!. ; ,* j 1 ,.. < < ;! ; BtocJ:, at tho LOWESJ * DUNQABVAN—Mr. E. Exon, X.C¦ , Uria-etrccV VATBEi'OED oad i LOITSOH Of tho Bea6 Dri7,da tlways In ESaia^ .!* '?^*^* ilr. tlathenWALiin. ' ' : " ' " :¦¦ : PLTliOtJTH ATO COOTHAMPTON, Quarrkt-KILKEimr and 2TPPBHAB2 . < . ' - HET7HAYEU. • iPociiBLB Paifeci. - i jaxn2l^I03r-Bt3 Qloat^orth. TBAHOBE—Miss CLANCT, RefreshmentEoorn , and ':DOVEK . A»» 80TTTB O»! ENGLAND, ; , SpecUUticJla BUek, Bed, tal Gnan Irfah ¦ CORKJ DUBLIN AID ¦ ¦ ¦ •- :¦' - Mr. WABDXLL. | I , BEL7AST QLASOOwi . UJtfBIe*. I .;>. li,: .K-.j ^.. ! U O'B. also I' vrkbco to intimato that having A Fint-olMt family and Comaarelal Hotel. : CAPPOQUIN—Mr. Jonco Tnor, 31, Alloa-Stroct. fTTIHE Neir addition to above, U now Celtic! Crosj cd. Moral Tablets, Altus, Vo&U, ate. *vU_Tk JL i and powerful opined o BAKERY in '¦¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ Borew FinHB-" Gleatwortli" io tho nearest Hotel in: ID varltfy. • • • > •;. ¦ • A . I . CARBICK-ON-8UIB—Mr.1 JA-UBS ZIOGEATH , Ilftin- £?r*5ns\ Stoamsa AEiHIIOBB, suirolylns. n- SiJPBBIOB QUAUTY BREAD, frtoat ; . Streot Mi«a HATJI, and JOHANNA ^-^ypg ^ BAXJiTCOTTOH. COPELABD, CD1I- JL lS« CHyl«i tio Eaflway 8tatiw,r;nk>, 8tcaa- ; Ui*. ' '" MWS^ none bui tho-EvSt QuaUty.Honi ;bcuisuj:jdia lU Poor Gold and Prtea HwUI»—DubWCork, HIAKN, AVillUm St; Mies BACBT, Brids^ ^^- . I .JT^-*""^. ' DUKOENES8, EDDT8T0NE, Registered Plumlet : ' boSt Oa«a, Te)cjt8pjt ana Post OOai, tod p oall peb- 1 ' HnBHTBAHUIi , ILADDA, lOBTliAHDriEATHlIH, j Sr Sanitary Engineer, Mannfaoture, and Vvas IBIBH BAEM only. llo plaoes ofiitratisement. P. KiiniA, Proprietor. 14, Boston, end LondOD Eibibllloro,^ '- - etreeU ' < 9AH DAl BKESBTTOBE, T O \V A B D , TU8KAB, ' ¦ EBtlcaatesand De«l)rn»onAoeUek pM.' W8U0BE—Mrs} MBADB. i I . : . PROP IETO 15 and 10, Glentworth-atrect,Iisuinc<J jol8 . -^ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ VALENTU, tra intended to! nil u under, : II ' OF R R Quarantes our Bread to fco froo from Yeact THE TBAD^ ' 8UPPLIHD^ (j}4 N P1XTOV7N—lli£3E OCHE. ' 1 Dcnihcr janaltttn? (onless prcTtatod J or nnforeseca MR. CSF •'/« ¦ ¦ KXLh—lZn.EonATND and P. Cpianns. dxctrmiUuifca),I with liberty to tow Vessels/ &od to call «t ; (LATE^ WILLIAM BAIRD'S, DUBLIN), ' orothor Chemloals. : „ . 2ho Eotaada Sotol end Bistrmrtat EDWARD tny Port oi Ports ia' mjr ordor. In 0* out ot tia outomarj Delivery aally to all pait3 of tbo City. : ¦ O'SHEA, 6oidpl»t| TALLOW—T. Clancy. ¦ i ' I Von ¦ KIL1CBH5Y. 1JS!V7 BOSS—tlhr rXiHEEir; i - : •¦ ¦ ¦ EGS to iaform the Kobility, Gentry, Mauogors of Institutions, and -tho PubUo Gonorallj A Trial Bcapcotfully Solicited. j . ' . O'Coaaoll-Stect, (le,ta ' ptuipqa whatawror. 1 . .:,.. .. ; ,p<O8TIOAN'8, 83, Upper to KILKENNY—Mr. WOODLOOK . Proprjatbr BiilTrea I I WATXBTOSS TO OUWOW. ; B i tnnt ho haa , Opened BUSIOOES at the abovo oddresa, and ia now prepared to —; : ( ) Vi»itor» Dublin " ¦ ¦ : . H^ SaokvilloStreet piU BAT3, . GBEEDILY EAT , HABRI8SON'S Book 8toIL "Every MOHDAT (Direct). 1 p.m. 1 OTSIT X7EDHESDAT ! oxobuto all Ordera .in . : iNoTB ADDBE33; . ! find tblo Hot»l comfortable and ruDdetate ; good UELIABLB BA1LWAY (TII Plynonth)[excect VfcdncsdaT' 2Slh December], Cth ¦ BAT - PO180N.L: Dof* ^7ATEE1?OED STAtaON-IIecirc bedrooma { ladles' coSeorooins. flO Iy • • ! _ . u4Oat» villK>t to«aait.jiVnmla EABOH & SOHS, Book Stssd. - : tiee,»s.m; lTJi. 4 pjn Kth 11 a,m. 9 & 10. PATRICK STREET. drf | ' j " 1 OLASOOn TO nAtBttWBD. i T\/TJCE. sp, leaving NO 8melL * : Poti Ft*, Erery HpnBAZ.(Direot) i. ... 1 J~ ^. 3 pja "THE CEOV7 I7 nO5BL." iSci: a 24 2s. w., 3*. sa. 'G."flr:ttAB! LONDON— CLAME, SOW, 6 PLATT, 8S, Ortoa" : : E&apt llondaj, 2 lib Doccabcr. ' M6EIM1IG ^ Cheml«t, ¦ BISON^ ¦ ¦ Aahw^tt, fi «rt¦ »r^ . church JStrooc. I . ; : I Cu. Ball, to aroeaocl ..( FEE DOUBIAi 'STAB PURE UONCIC - 8TBEET, WEXFOBD. ¦: - • ' -• • ¦;¦ ¦ ; — AND :— M0EE3. 1 , : C. UITCBCU. & Co., Eed Lton Court, riccVoU Eicrj THTJUSDAT (Direct) 1.. ! - "« : "' .. 'i^a . , : \ B. P, Wmm & SON, 83, Fleet'Strcot. - '. [I ' Csl. Call, to Orcoaoci _SJ1p ja. mH18 Old Hotel U famous for good, pnro Wbistey ¦ box ; ' \7ea, wrlt«« i-^ TB« flra? ol Snnurr & Co., 5, Leadeniall6bcct , CO. WATEtfOllC TO »SLJAST. ¦ f 1L and all ctbor Drinks. , ; ETOJ SATURDAY (dinxst) - . ( EETLES.¦ *on» poison cleared . tiM~ wfcal* ot OTTS GimERJAIi' J • • Temple N Boom, 172, Floet Street. WJ UMM¦ • '¦ ¦ MG ' ' ¦ ¥OlI! UJIST* TO - UBS. KELLY, pEorBiETBrotj. tht raU B WATtuoas. ! i ¦ '" ¦ ¦¦ ¦ E on: ray LytM Wood Farm." ¦ i i ¦ ¦¦ ¦-•A IJecara. STUSET & CO., Corn HflL ! TUESDAYS (vin Dnblin), -(th llta cmd IBti Docsaber, ''¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' .( - ! , . , ¦ ¦ ' : - '¦ • / • Cloio Io tLo Kiilray Gtatid. 8OLI AOlKTfl FOB WATtBfOBO l - I I IKQ ON : j/ • ,- , tlessrt. E & S , 10, Bolt Conn, Fi£>t-8t. VTcOacEli/.'Kith Sceoiaber. < : > Ur. J. YOCNO , Fleet-Strebt do. | .do. .. I WATZBTOSS TO DD1OJM. < ' j Advertisor ho3. had long and wide experience, having carried out some of tho: largest; V. \ \ T A ; / IIccarB. George White & SOUB, DUBLIN—MMSIE. CBAS. EABOII & 8OK, Abbsy-ct Every SA fUEDAT ( I Boltuit) banitory Engineering and General

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