mnh l^^to VOL. XLI-NO. 30 MASON, MICI-L, THURBDAY, JULY 27, 1899. WHOLE NO. 3014. Tlioaeiiil and $1.2.5 O.xfords lu-e only Work on the third degree at Masonic / Opening IJall Game. ,^ Farmers' riciiic. Cliureli anil Society, 77.]u at Jirowii Bros. Speciiil siilo SaL- hall next Wednesday evening, August '' The Mason J^aae Jiall Association iimiii (!i rsCv^J tm / A farmers' harvest picnic under the Presbyterian church-Andrew S. I iiuday. 2, Jlefreshiuents, has just completed a base liall park •'auspices of tlin Ingham county farm­ Zimmerman, pastor, EntorocI iil tlio roalolllco, WuKon, Gerald T. Sitiitli of Lndinctoii liaa and 'have tlie beat ball ground in the ers'club will be held at tlie Agricul- Thursday—4 p. m., Y. P. S, C. E. Raymond reiialrs bicycles. * us Hucoiul-cliia8 inalliir been engaged as principal of the Lan­ county. 'I'he lirat game under the lutal College on Friday August 11. 7;30 p. m., Prayermeellng. 8:30-Teach- present management will ba played f ubllaliod Every Tliiirwliiy by sing schools for the comingyeai'. ~ There ia no place lu Alicliigau where ers meeting. People buying goods genorall .y K" hy the Mason i\nd Jackson teams at there are more pleaaurable attractions .Sunday, lO;."!), preacliiiig service. 12 CAMPBELL & ROSE. Mrs. L. C. Wehh eniertalnud a coni- where they can find llie best and lar­ llie Fair groiiiula, Mason, Friday after­ lo bo seen tliaii at our own Agricultu­ m., Sunday school. (>;,S0 p. m.. En­ paiiy of lady friends lasL.iSaUirduy iil'lor- gest selection. That is why Brown noon, July 2Sth at threes o'olnclc. ral college—the beat, the most com­ deavor Society, 7:30 preaching, iioon in honor of her sister, Mrs, VV, M. Bros, sell the most shoes. \Oomu and see the best game you prehensive of its kind in the world. 9no y«r, (1.00; >ix monllii, SO conli; lhr«t C«in|)hell. M, E. ohiircli—W. J. Wilson, paator. montha, 35 conti—in idvanct. Brown Bros, would like that acci;, have witnessed this year. Every farmer has a right to be proud Music liy tlio Mason City Band. of this grand institution. Sunday morning aerviees ut 10;30, Ji'nll particulars concerning tlie ex- you owe them. Sabbath school at 11:45, D, E.. ADVERTISING RATES. Admission locenta. Grandstand free. Parlies going hy rail can take the cnr.sion to Detroit to he given hy the Watta, Supl. OuradvorllslUKraloa made IcnownaloUloo The city liaa purclmaed the lots just street cars near the Lanaing depot and B;iBliiosHoivrdH81 a Hue per yoar. M. K. cliiircli society will appear in Ejiwortli league at 0:30 p. in. west of the depot and between Ash a few minutes ride will land them on BunlnoHHlooalsdvo 00111« per Una each and next week's issue. Aljout Grand Leilgo Kxcur.sioii. Evening services at 7:30. ovory Irisortlon. and Maple streets, and the citi/.eiia In the college grounds, M:arrla!,'o,l)lrlli,ai]d doatli notloOR free, Ill our report of the death of ,TaineH that vicinity have contributed ISIOO to­ An improniplu iirograni of sports It is expected that the Lansing con­ liaptlat—Arthur F. White, paator. Obituary iiolloon, roHoliillons of roepool Wasper last week his age was stated wards beautifying the grounds for a oarUfl ofUianks olo., (Wo oonlB a lino. last year was so thoroughly enjoyed tingent to the club will enliven the Tluiraday-Midweek prayerservice as 2ti. 'J'liis was an error, his age be­ public park. that a committee conaiating of F. E. occasion with short flights of oil-hand at 7:30, ing 21 last January. Miss Lottie Butler, of NcM'aygo, Mills,li;, A, Tyler and W, B. Kelclium oratory. Pros. Snyder will make an Sunday—Morning service at 10:30. IJusiiioss Cards. Who i.s your druggist'? May we not MIoh., ami Frank L. Wright, travel­ has been appointed thia year who have address of welcome. It is t;x|iected Sunday school at]2ni. B. Y, P. U. lirepared the program given below, at 0:30, Evening service at 7:30, serve you? We strive to please. ing representative of the Ulucago lie- that the farmers generally will avail AT'I'OKNKYS. cord, were united in marriiige In this It ia hoped that the different Sunday themselves of this oppiirtunlty for a / H. H, J3RAJJLEY&C'O, scliools will get plenty of contestants day's outing and pleasure. Further There will be a thimble party at UAWTON T. HEMANS, city yesterday. 'JMie bride is a daugh­ M rs. A. A. Howard's on Friday after­ A rate of one fair for the round trip ter of ,Tos, Butler of the Hotel Butler, ready to enter and win either the blue, notice later. TTORNEY ANU COUNSISLOE AT red or white ribbons which will be noon from two o'clock until five. law. Ollico over Plr«l Slate auU Sav- has been granted on tlie railroads for Newaygo, IngRbanlcA , VlaHoii, Ml oh. distances within 50 miles of Mason given to the wiuiitrat tlie close of eacii The L. A, S. of Eden will give an during the street fair. • E. B. Ourry, while at work on L. contest. Buying in the best market and sell­ Ice cream aocial in the Park Saturday K. iSaiulorH, Altoniuy-at Law, jMason, ,r. Acker's house in the second ward, ing at lowest prices is wiiy Brown evening, July 29. Everybody cordially Mluli, Tlie NIp-and-Tucks played a jilcked- Standing broad Jump, nion, G, yesterday, fell LS feet from a scadold. •Slandlng broad Jiiinp, boys of HI or under. Broa, aell the most shoes. * invited. 3^E0. 11. UUjIjEHl'ilS, alLornoy at law, at iip nine of large hoys a game of ball He was lirouglitto Dr. Freeland's of­ Uunnlug broad Jiiiiii), men. RIa.soii, Mlcli, yesterday. Score hS and ]i) in favor fice wliere it was found tliat lioth an­ Running broad Jump, boys of HI or iiildor. Tlie ladles'aid of Eden will meet at G .Standing liop..step.aiid-Jump, men. Mn.S(in Kiiiglils Victorldus. of former—eleven innings at thai! kles were badly bruised, the right an­ the home of Mra. G. M. Smith Wed- T EW18 n. MOARTHUR, AUonioy at Running hoii-ste|)-iuul'juinp, nion. Fully 125 Mason jieople went to neaday afternoon, August 2, The Jj Law, Mason, Mich. Dr. Tliomaa Is making inaiiy kle sullering most, The injury is Running race, boys of 12 or uiulor. gentlemen are invited. changes and improvements about liie such that recovery will be slow'. Running raco, boys of 13 to HI, Lansing last Tliursday afternoon to UGH IS, ROOT, Atloniuy and ComiHolor Running high jump. witness tlie third game of base liall be­ grounds at the residence properly Reports of the Christian Endeavor at law. OlUooovor li'lrstSlalo audSiiv- lloat race, boys of I'i or under. tween liieK. of P. iiall teams of the H which he recenlly purchased at corner Hoal race, boys of HI to IC, convention at Detroit will bo giyeu 1!.(,'« hank. Mason, Mi oh ^ lilyl two cities, and they were well paid for of Main and Oak streets. Itcal l!;slntc Traiisfftrs. Boat race, ladles, next Sunday evening at the Presby­ S. A VERY, allornny at law. Olllcuop- Tlie following transfers hayo lieen lloat race, men. tiielr visit, poHllo Hudson lloiiBC, LaiisInK, Mich. At the inceling of the supreme tent, Tub I'lico, boys. terian church by Miss Nina Bristol, E recorded In tlie olllce of the register of Tub race, men. Shaw and l!]dgar formed the battery JCiiights of the Maeabees, at Port Hur­ L, VV. Mills Jr. audTed Walter. Q. A. SMITH. O. .7. 11001). deeds for Ingham county, for the week Swimming race, free-for-all. lor Mason and Spoor and Frlbley for on lasj week, a new odice, tliat of su­ Quoit pllcbuig. Lanaing. Rev. Wilson gave an interesting MITH & MOOD, Attorno.VH and CouiiBOlors. ending July 22, ]8I)(), where consider­ lilsoull eating contest, boys. Kooins 17, ISand 10, old P, 0. lilds, Lanslnt,'. preme advisor, was created and Maj. ation is tM) or over: All the players did well. Dr. Hen­ account of a visit lo tlio Apostlb S N. y. Boyntcni elected to the position. Watch out for Capt. Snook who won WasliliiKlon L. Aiidrow.s and wf lo derson dlatlngulslied hiinaelf with a Islands, in Lake Superior, which he •JTIUED A, ALMON, attorney at law, atcouii- the boat race last year. three base hit and a reniarkaliiy bril­ saw during Ids recent trip, to liia peo­ ty clurk's odlco. Mason, Mlcli. Miss Je.ssie Merrylees entertained (Jluuies I,. Aiidruw.s, wMlotS, blkl3. Wllllamsloii 8 ,300 liant run and catch of an apparently ple at the M. E. church Sunday even­ her ftlasoii friends with a lawn party, Cyreneus 1'. Bliuikand wfto l,oslor S. PlIYNliilANM. at her. home last Thursday evening,^ Hud.son and wf, o 22 ftof w CO It of lol We buy goods from.the largest and safe hit to center. Humphrey also ing. found the ball at a time when there .Light refreshments were served by' 12. hlk »•!. I.,aiisliif,' 2500 best niaiiufactiirors and for cash. A very interesting W. C. T. U. • CHAS. G. JENKINS. M D. Chrlslliin Uutoluinsl to Olinvles G. line. That's why we underaell amall dealers* were two men on bases and "and lined Miss Merryleoa' small cousins, the (,'or, lot II) and si^ of l.l, lot 1, BallartrB meeting was held July 14 at tho home HOMEOPATH PI1Y,STC1AN ANh .SUHGKON.
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