DOCUNEIT RHUMB ED 154 76Q HE 010 113, TITLE' Postsecondary.,Education in California InfOlmatioff Digest 1978. ' INSTITUTION California State Postsecondary Education Commission, V de Sacramento. PUB DATE. 78 NOTE 393p. AVAILABLE PECK California Postsecondary,Education Commission/1020 Twelfth Street,. Sacramento, California 95814 EARS PRICE MF-$0.83 HC-$20.75 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Academic Achievement; Academic Bane (Professional; Age; CyllAge Entrance Examinations; *Ccllege Facultt; Co4ege Majors; ?1,-Degrees (Titles) ; *Educational . Finance; *Enrollment; Enrollment Trends; Ethnic Groups;-Extension Eduqation; *External Degree Programs; Females; Finaktal Support; Higher E4Ocation; Intellectual.Disciplinei; Hales; Norat; Part ?ire Students; PrivateColleges; StateitCollegeS'; State Universities; Student Characteristics; *Student Financial Aid; Teacher Salarie Tenure TUNS/PIERS * California ABSTRACT C Thd digest provides extensive data on postsecondary education in the state in the' form of charts, graphs, and tables, with only occasional narration; it.is designed for the layman, and only summary information is displayed. The information includes private as well as public institutions, significant trends, opening enrollments and their distribution, extension and ungraded classeS, part-tine enrollments, student characteristics (sex, ethnicity, enrollment level, age, status), ,.overage enrollment, disciplines, degrees conferred, faculty characteristics (including mean siXaries, tenure, sex,'and degrees held), finance, student aid, off-campus programs, and student college-entrance test scores. (OR SE) ***************4***************************************4*************** * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the be that cap be made * from the driginal document. * .#************************************************************************ * . , . '4 AD Postsecondary Education) inCalifania t I. IN6ORMATION gi 0 -: b; Ai fp__t 0.2 0-: DIGEST No. 1 .1k tr er "I__111)Wal :',EPADeofs,.t.,c AEr+-,!A ONOrEellIf elraer:e=. C , 4". _.71. ea 4 Postsecondary Education in California _a 4. INFORMATION DIG1ST 1978 I . ......., i---7 Published by the U I( )California Postsecondary Education Commission; 1020 Twelfth Street Sactamehto, CA 95814 3 A ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Marry persons throughout the State have played a supportive role in helping us prepare and pfiblish the 1978 Information DigeSt. The CoNnrruis4 on is indebted to the staff othe systemwide offices of the University of California, _ the California State University and Colleges, and the California Community Colleges for their aid in preparing and auditing the data that appears In the Digest We have also recervei;1valuabl Contributions from our colleagues in the independent colleges and universities:and the of the State Department of Education, Office of Private P_ostsecondary,Edetation We the 'aid of the State Level Information Base Task forCe (a projedt funded !'if the Kellogg Foundation) of the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems fof the ideas it has contributed during the course of our work The Commission received substantial aid from the staff of the Office of the State Printer throughout the development and publication of the Digest The work performed by the graphic artists and particularly Ms Connie Clark was exceptional and worthy of notice c. It is generally not Commission policy to cite the names of staff members .gllarticipating in the development of its reports and studies, however, the development* nature of the document required an extraordinary degree of effort on the part of some members of theCtimrhission staff and their contribution's should not go unnoticed .Dr Horace Crandell and Mr Murray Haberman provided primary direction, organization, and general admmistralion in bringing this complicated project to fruition Dr Norman Charles and Dr William Pickens contribujeglqie excellent commentary appearing in the sections on off-campus centers atfinance, respectively_ Mr Donald Ridenour provided invaluable editorial assistance in reviewing the written portion of the Digest '1, Many members of our secretarial staff prep.ared and proofed the written material The contribution of the Commission s Secretarial Services Unit was particularly noteworthy Patrick M Callan Director in FOREWORD 4 '1 Theconstructiveuseof informationinthe expand and improve the written commentary that formulation arid review of postsecondary educational precedes, and describes, each.section of the Digest policy is one of the Commission's most important Data appearing in the Digest have been drawn from a responsibilities The call for the development of -variety of sources In generalIclata for the sections on timeti,accurate, tendcomparableinformation student enrollment, degrees conferred, off campus describing' California's postsecondary educational centers, and faculty were obtained directly from the community appearsrepeatedly throughoutthe segments system-wide -offices or, in the case of Commission's chartering legislation and has been independent institutions,fromtheindividual reaffirmed on-many occasions by the Legislature The campusesStudent aid and\ finance data were 1978 information Digest represents one response to excerpted ,from selected issues of the GoverMbr's the need for such information Budget National and selected state data appearing in The Digest has been designed for the layperson In the sections on student enrollment and degrees general,only summary-level \informationis csorrferred were provided by the National Center for displayedWe have attemptedtopresent this Education Statistics- Scholastic Aptitude Test score information in a form that most readily facilitates dataend introductory comments were obtained from reader understariding and comprehension To this tyre College Entrance Examination Board end, you will find toe charts, graphs and diagrams 4 Inpreparingthe the are used to pictortly displar information where the! Digestforpublication subject matter permits, andlong coluns of numbers Commission worked closelywith the colleges universities uswith have beenavoidedwhereverpOSsible.The andagencies,supplying information appearing in theDige t recresents9nly a information to ensure its accuracy The segments small portion of the data th-nave been used to nave been provided opportunities to review the construct its graphs and charts Additional and more material and to check their data for accuracy prior to detailed, information on student enrollment degrees publication We have also expended large quantities of both numan and computer time auditing and cross conferred,facultyetc isavailablefromthe Commission upon written request checking data prior to publication Even though we have employed exhaustive -audit procedures some White much effort has been expended to ensure the errorsmayhaveeluded detection Aspost- Digest sreadabilitythe most significant test of Our publication errors are brought to our attention as success in achieving this goal is its usefu,ness to-you they undoubteicity wall, we will note them and eff We welcome your comments regarding format and the necessary 'changes to next year s edition, you content Your constructive suggestions mil form the intend to excerpt significant portions. of theDigest for basis for changes in future editions and lead to subsequent publications pr utilize its datp in major improved ways in which we can describe the policy development o' analysis we recornrend you complexities of California s postsecondary education contact our staff to ensure that you receive any post- system A prepaid mailer is enclosed for your use publication changes that may have been made .. After you have had a chance to familiarize yourself with the Digest, please take a moment to jot down Where possible, data have beep crsplayed ina your thought's about its usefulness and .send them method facilitating comparison among segments along to us and, In &orr)B instances among states Unfortunately someinfor-rationcannot be usedtomake the 1978 Informatiora Digest has been expanded in comparisonsdueeithertoinconsistentdata two dimensions to provide more information about definitions or insufficient institutional responses A topics covered in previous editions, and to 'addrest portion of the text preceding each section of the new areas of interest not treated previously More Digest, entitled /CaveatsPlease Note, documents information has been provided in the secs on these inconsistencies The reader. is urged to give1 student enrollment and degrees conferred We hieve particular attention to these caveats, and to cite them made a concerted effort to provide not only more, but when excerpting information from the Digest One more accurate,data describing California s area which should receive particular attention is independent degree-granting institutions National ethnicityInformation describing the ethnic and selected state comparison data have been composition of California s faculty was intentionally included for the first time in the student enrollment omittedbecause we were unabletoobtairk and degrees conferred sections for both public and comparable data from the segments We hope to be independent institutions, These data permit able to.provide this information in the 1979 edition compare sog of common topics among California the Student ethnicity information tra-S- been included, but next five Igest states, and the nation as a whole use of these data should be considered carefully prior New topical areas dealing with off-campus centers to employingthem
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