Supplementary Tables and Figures Primer Primer Primer sequence (5’-3’) Tm Annealing Reference or source name direction (oC) site (5’- 3’) NSF83 F GAAACTGCGAATGGCTCATT 49.7 84-103 (Hendriks et al., 1989) 528F F CGGTAATTCCAGCTC 41.9 595-609 (Edgcomb et al., 2002) 18s-EUK- F CGCAAGGCTGAAACTTAAA 46.8 1324- Adapted from (Bower et al., 1134-F 1342 2004) NSF1624 F TTTGYACACACCGCCCGTCG 55.9 1973- (Van der Auwera et al., 1992 1994) Euk_B_F F AGGTGAACCTGCAGAAGGATCA 54.8 2129- Adapted from (Medlin et 2150 al., 1988) SR1 R CGGTACTTGTTCGCTATC 48 3565- Ema Chao pers. comm 3583 28S_m_F F TGGGACCCGAAAGACAGTGA 53.8 4084- Modified from Ando et al 4103 (2009) TW14R R GCTATCCTGAGGGAAACTTC 51.8 4237- (Cullings, 1994) 4256 28S_4803F F CAAGTGAGATCCTTGAAGACTG 53.0 4803- This study 4824 28S_5761F F ACGGCGGGAGTAACTATGAC 53.8 5761- This study 5781 28S_5781R R GTCATAGTTACTCCCGCCGT 53.8 5761- This study 5781 LR11 R GCCAGTTATCCCTGTGGTAA 51.8 6414- (Schmitt et al., 2009) 6433 Supplementary Table 1. Sanger sequencing primers: Primer annealing site is based on Collodictyon KIVT02 sequence, start is 83bp prior to account for NSF83s annealing site. Tm is calculated using oligocalc. Amplification primers are listed in Table 2. Barcode Sample Total reads Filtered Unique Chimeras OTUs OTUs number of insert reads filtered >1 reads 7 BOR41 (Diphy257F-1881R), 2908 747 706 99 158 14 NB038 (Diphy453F-1528R) 10 BOR42 (Diphy257F-1881R), 1277 319 315 66 58 9 RA119 (Diphy453F-1528R) 17 + control (Diphy453F-1528R) 76 20 20 1 4 3 19 BOR43 (Diphy257F-1881R), 1719 596 526 16 32 8 20F268 (Diphy453F-1528R) 32 SA78, 81 (Diphy453F-1528R) 56 9 9 0 7 1 39 Årungen (Diphy257F-1881R) 202 34 34 4 14 4 LD_BASS2, 20 (Diphy453F-1528R) 45 LD_ESTH20 (Diphy453F-1528R) 72 16 16 0 8 2 TOTAL 11 6310 1741 1626 186 281 41 Supplementary Table 2. Sequencing results for environmental amplicons per barcode: Filtered reads are those with a CCS quality of 1. Chimeras are calculated from the unique filtered reads. The PacBio barcodes used in this study are listed here: https://github.com/PacificBiosciences/Bioinformatics- Training/blob/master/barcoding/pacbio_barcodes_paired.fasta. A total of seven barcodes were used in this study, thus multiple amplicons were sequenced with the same barcode. To allow for sample separation, identical barcodes were only used for amplicons from different primer-pairs. Supplementary Fig. 1. PacBio sequencing results. The sequencing results for the single sequenced SMRTcell (PacBio RS II P4-C2 chemistry) showing from left to right; Read Length of Insert, Read Quality of Insert, and Number of Passes. *Diphylleia rotans BOR42 MY N=17 Diphylleia *Diphylleia rotans Å85 NO N=5 *Diphylleia rotans BOR43 MY N=12 §Diphylleia rotans JP NIES3764 Diphy I Diphylleia rotans FR AF420478 (2 flagella) Uncultured Collodictyonidae lake Fuxian SW CN N=18 KC575460-76,KC575502 88/1.00 Uncultured Collodictyonidae oligosaline pond water Tibet CN AM709512 Uncultured eukaryote Rhine NL N=2 JF774996,JF775022 Uncultured eukaryote sewage NL N=10 GU970557-59,61,62,64,66,69,72,73 Diphyllatea *Diphylleia rotans BOR41 MY N=32 Varisulca §Collodictyon KIVT04 Hồ Dầu Tiếng VN §Collodictyon KIVTT02 Ha Tinh VN Collodictyon §Collodictyon KIKNR03 Kaen TH Diphy III §Collodictyon KIVTT01 Ha Tinh VN Sulcozoa §Collodictyon KIINB Thiba JP §Collodictyon KIVT01 Hồ Dầu Tiếng VN (4 flagella) §Collodictyon KIKNR02 Kaen TH §Collodictyon KIVT02 Hồ Dầu Tiếng VN §Collodictyon KIKNR01 Kaen TH *Collodictyon BOR41 MY N=8 §Collodictyon KIVT03 Hồ Dầu Tiếng VN 82/0.98 Diphy II 57/0.76 §*Collodictyon Å85/Årungen NO N=9 Rigifila ramosa AB686266 Rigifilda Micronuclearia podoventralis AY268038 Breviata anathema AF153206 Breviatea Ancyromonas sp.3b GU001166 Ancyromonas sigmoides AF174363 Ancyromonas micra GU001169 Apusozoa Mantamonas plastica GU001154 Amastigomonas bermudensis GU001167 Apusomonas proboscidea L37037 77/1.00 Opisthokonta 88/1.00 Amoebozoa 0.1 Supplementary Fig. 2. The 18S rRNA phylogeny of Diphyllatea. The topology was reconstructed with the GAMMA-GTR model in RAxML v8.0.26. and inferred with 64 taxa and 1575 characters. The inference has been collapsed at varying taxonomic levels for easier visualisation, with blue representing the in- group. The numbers on the internal nodes are ML bootstrap values (BP, inferred by RAxML v8.0.26. under then GAMMA-GTR model) and posterior probabilities (PP, inferred by MrBayes v3.2.2 under the GTR+GAMMA+Covarion model), ordered; RAxML/MrBayes. Black circles indicate BP > 90% and PP 1.00, values with BP < 50% are not shown. Asterisk (*) denotes environmental OTUs sequenced in this study, with “N” representing the number of reads included in each OTU. § depicts rRNA from cultured DLOs amplified in this study. Abbreviations for countries: CN = China, FR = France, JP = Japan, MY = Malaysia, NL = Netherlands, NO = Norway, TH = Thailand, and VN = Vietnam. See Fig. 3 for rRNA inference of Diphyllatea. Uncultured eukaryote Rhine NL N=2 JF774996,JF775022 Diphylleia Uncultured eukaryote sewage NL N=10 GU970557-59,61,62,64,66,69,72,73 Uncultured CollodictyonidAe oligosaline pond water Tibet CN AM709512 Uncultured CollodictyonidAe lake Fuxian SW CN N=18 KC575460-76,KC575502 Diphy I 66 Diphylleia rotans FR AF420478 (2 flagella) 88 75 §Diphylleia rotans JP NIES3764 68 *Diphylleia rotans Å85 NO N=5 95 *Diphylleia rotans BOR42 MY N=17 100 *Diphylleia rotans BOR43 MY N=12 Diphyllatea *Diphylleia rotans BOR41 MY N=32 §Collodictyon KIINB Thiba JP 85 §Collodictyon KIVT01 Hồ Dầu Tiếng VN 100 §Collodictyon KIKNR02 Kaen TH Collodictyon 75 61 §Collodictyon KIKNR03 Kaen TH Diphy III 88 §Collodictyon KIKNR01 Kaen TH 94 §Collodictyon KIVT02 Hồ Dầu Tiếng VN 100 §Collodictyon KIVT04 Hồ Dầu Tiếng VN (4 flagella) §Collodictyon KIVTT01 Ha Tinh VN 100 §Collodictyon KIVTT02 Ha Tinh VN 100 *Collodictyon BOR41 MY N=8 §Collodictyon KIVT03 Hồ Dầu Tiếng VN Diphy II 100 §*Collodictyon Å85/Årungen NO N=9 0.1 Supplementary Fig. 3. The rRNA phylogeny of Diphyllatea excluding outgroup taxa. The topology was reconstructed with the GAMMA-GTR model in RAxML v8.0.26. and inferred with 22 ingroup taxa and 6795 characters. The inference has been collapsed at varying taxonomic levels for easier visualisation. The numbers on the internal nodes are ML bootstrap values (BP, inferred by RAxML v8.0.26. under then GAMMA-GTR model). Asterisk (*) denotes environmental OTUs sequenced in this study, with “N” representing the number of reads included in each OTU. § depicts rRNA from cultured DLOs amplified in this study. Abbreviations for countries: CN = China, FR = France, JP = Japan, MY = Malaysia, NL = Netherlands, NO = Norway, TH = Thailand, and VN = Vietnam. See Supplementary Fig. 2 for 18S rRNA inference of Diphyllatea. Supplementary Video 1. Motile Collodictyon cell. With relaxed movement and rotation driven by flagella. Collodictyon Å85 strain is shown. Video is filmed using a Nikon D300S on a Nikon Diaphot inverted microscope. Supplementary Video 2. Cytoplasmic veil and pseudopodia. A Collodictyon cell clinging to the surface of the culture dish by a cytoplasmic veil and pseudopodia (i.e. the amoeboid property). Collodictyon Å85 strain is shown. Video is filmed using a Nikon D300S on a Nikon Diaphot inverted microscope. REFERENCES: Bower, S.M., Carnegie, R.B., Goh, B., Jones, S.R.M., Lowe, G.J., and Mak, M.W.S. (2004) Preferential PCR Amplification of Parasitic Protistan Small Subunit rDNA from Metazoan Tissues. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 51: 325-332. Cullings, K. (1994) Molecular phylogeny of the Monotropoideae (Ericaceae) with a note on the placement of the Pyroloideae. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 7: 501-516. Edgcomb, V.P., Kysela, D.T., Teske, A., de Vera Gomez, A., and Sogin, M.L. (2002) Benthic eukaryotic diversity in the Guaymas Basin hydrothermal vent environment. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 99: 7658-7662. 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