, - All The News ' i .•. Of All The Poir.tes Every Thursday Morning rosse 010 e, ews Complete News .Coverage of All the Pointes Hom~ of tb. News VOLUME 17-NO.'7 Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post OUke at Detroit. Mich. GROSSE p,OINTE,' ~ICHIGAN, FEBRUARY' 5c Per coP~ rb,. J9S6 . $3.00 Per Year TWO SECTIONS Fully Paid .Circulation -' HEADLINES Gets Second of the Shores Outstrips .WEEK Place Prize As Compiled by the ThreePointes in In Contest' Grosse Pointe News To Receive Trophy as Result Thursday. February 9 BuildingP ermits of Successful Clean-Up A TOP OFFICIAL of the De- Campaign of Last Year' partment of Justice hinted that the Government may start ~nti- Only Woods Issues More During /955, as Smallest of A telegram from General trust action against the coun- Muni,cipalities Approves ./ / New Joseph F. Battley, president, try':; major automobile manu- Residences in Year N~tional Clean-up, Paint-up, facturers. Stanley N. Barnes, Fix-up Bureau, advises that assistant attorney general in The' Shores, smallest Pointe community, far out- Grosse Pointe has been charge of the department's anti-. stripped three of its bigger Pointe neighbors in the issu- awarded second place, in its trust division, said undue con- ance of home building permits during 1955, ranking second population category, in the rentration of economic power was developed by tbe automo- to the '\Voods. I National Cleanest City Con- tive industries, and indicated The .1955 summary of build- N b Y th test. that the Federal Government ing permits by dwelling units, a 0U S This is good news for the will not permit this to continue. \ presented by the Detroit Metro- many people who gave of their I polita~ ~rea Regional Planning Wanted for time and effort in the contest, He said that in 1949, the three CommISSIon, showed thE: Shores ' and especially to the Grosse major producers manufactured hthaedygeraarn.tedli1 permits during Pointe Garden Club Council more than 85 percent of the new Bur larl.eS which has sponsored the Clean- cars and five years later the fig- The Woods, which is contin- g up Campaigns since 1950. ure jumped to almost 95.5 per- cent. In 1954, the smaller con- uing its showing of being "s~c- --- Organized in 1948 on.d to none," 'topped the list of Three Detroiters and One cerns were operating at a loss The Garden Club Council was Pointe cities by issuing 144 per- From Harper "Woods and the lcu'ger producers were, organized in 1948 for the pur- surging rapidly ahead. mit:;. Admit Stealing Cars pose of civic improvement and .1 The Farms' is credited with beautification. The first clean- I • • • ,] CONNIE MACK, grand old giving out .59; the.City, 5H; and and Cash up ideas were suggested to the ":,1 man of baseball, died on the Park, 52. --- Council by Vincent R. DePetris ~I Wednesday, 3t the age of 93. It In the Detroit Region during Three Detroit youths an~ on February, 20, 1950, and that was he who helped pioneer 1955, the report said, residential one from Harper W oads are spring, with Mrs. Frederick baseball from the sandlots to building permits were issued for being held by Woods police Schumann, as' oouncil president~ the nation's top sport. He was 39,953 homes,' &s against 40,956 for investigation of car steal- and Mrs. Matthew Houghton, as one of the .most beloved men in in 1954. This slight slackening ing and burglary. Clean":,up Committee chairman. of new home building may in- the first Clean-up Campaign, I the game. He died quietly with his wife, four daughters and one dicate- a more stable housing de- Two of the youths, Rich- April 23 to 30, got under way. mand or may reflect a small de- ard E. Norton, 19, of 19105 Then the late ~!I'-. Thoma. of three sons at his bee1side.. '- -Picture by Fred Runnells K' h H W d d .ly.u.-,::, ~ Five ~oy Scouts from two troops received their cov- REV. JOHNSON, JIM TAUGNER BILL RAMSAY .. cline in new family formation enos a, arper 00 5, an Mann, as president, again with The baseball czar had been (703), religIOUS Gog and Country awards from ¥ar-. (70:3), GRANT KURTZ, (86), BEN McCLURE (703), and .. during the year. The low birth Rdbert Kolbaclti, 19, of 19461 Mrs. Houghton as Clean-up failing steadily since he fell out 1 eted Rev. of bed and broke hiS hip on Oc- cus.W . Johnson, 1a.st Sun day,'' F eb'ru.ary 12', In a.,sp.ecIa,- 1 KEN., ' STANLEY , (703) . Th_ e SCOli tS f,_rom..T roop; 703 were. f'rates 1oft' the1 mid.-1930'sf'-" account1 Rosconimon, Detroit,. were chairman, conducted an even tober 1. Mack was .in baseball ceremo.ny h eld at th e Grd~s~ P om t e Congrega tl<;>na1.:' th:fie. ,rst to at1am the award while- KurtzJ':9.age, it~n even. i, or re't a lYe y .'ewer. peop e com- a-r'rested by Park Patrolmen more suc"essful... camp";gn- m' for 62 years; was manager of Church~::",Show~ left,,' to ,ffght.",Scoutmasters,. J~QJI~: -~.:dozen..,i.()rTrbop''S6'c .:._:::_.:" . ~::-.:f,;;.J-\\.'~~:"".~'.;~;~'.::~',~.::-:)"i-',:-:'_~7;';';mg m 0 IP;ar~~~~~.age. '. George/Blair and Robert Ed- 1951. the Philadelphia Athletics for SIMPSON.-",-:.':'ir6op 86 •."'MELVIN~BER'''-G'-INTrodp''::';:~.03'-' ,.' ..~",..:.'" ". " .." .1,. -:2 .' - On thf,f' basiS of residential munds, who were cruising In 1952, Mrs. Donald C. Stev~ , " buiidingpermits issued, ~ total 50 years, during which he led . '. - .... ' .. '.' . - " -. - . ;. of 215,'960:'new homes.have been" .on Ma~k; when they spotted enson, council president, asked the team to nine American . - th b' d" g t I ar Mrs. Bert L. Lindzay. to act as League titles and five world ,."T' W d-'S hIS' L "d" erected. in the.Detroit Region e oys nvm as 0 en c mp ony , ':ew':orrey 00. '8 C' 00 ':. .tate....-.a.u-' ',;: .;8 . ,since 1950. 'This.area, covering on Sunday,' February.12, at Clean-ap chairman, and with championships. He retired' in SY h N all. of Wayne, Oakland: and Ma- about 11 p.m. Mrs. H. Ray Will as publicity 1950. .. director, two more years of • .comb_ Counties and the four The patrolmen recognized the clean-up activity and education • • Con.c'ert Set .To'Be'Name.d Aiter' Former Wo'o''ds'Dut'ch' eastern townships of Washtenaw car as one described in a broad- were sponsored by the Garden PRESIDENT EISENHOWER :CcHmty; ha$ ._beenone JOf. the ca'st as stolen from the Woods Club group. will let the nation know wheth- . S .', ." ~ .., ,,' .".- .' " er he will or will not run for For Sunday .uperinte~dent'J. R~-BaJ;~esE lirli'ProiJra~ i:I~:tio~e~~op~~~anhO::a~O~~ ;~~::.r~arf1~\~~~o~l~~yh~~ Plan Year-Round Drive re-election by March 1. If his ------'- --- struction. "with the two older youths. In November, 1954, with Mrs. decision is not to run. there is strong indication that he favors Name Hostesses for E.Yent Recommendation of Special' Committee Confirmed by Woo'ds Commended, F,or its ; F'igurmg an, average of 3.5 Locked in Woods Jail Lindzay as president; the coun~ Vice-President Richard M. Nix- Board of Education; Made Many Contributions p . Co' b t. persons for 'each new home, liv- The three we.re'turned over to cil decided to conduct a year- Scheduled for 3:30 p.m. rogram '" m a ing quarters were provided for • round Clean-up Campaign, and on to succeed him. 109 In Parcells Junior High . In 20 Years Dutch Elm Disetse about 756,000 people. Woods Sgt. Walter O'~ll, who Mrs. Lindzay asked Paul R. O. Although' the Vice-President ------ flPproximately 45.5 per cent questi?ned t~em. _and locked, Marden, executive secretary of was not mentioned at the Presi- Hostesses for the reception The name of John R. Barnes, former Superin.tendtmt The Mich-ig-a-n-Depar.tment of the total number of residen- them In the CIty JaIl. the Grosse Pointe Property dent's news conference on of the Grosse Pointe Public Schools, has been selected by . Woods D"t Everett Plumb 0 ' IJ. __ A_' t- t ct iollowing the concert of the of A.griculture,' in a". letter tlal building permits issued in" . .... , wners .n=v<.:lalOn, 0 a as Wednesday, he remained the the Board of Educatif>n for the new elemeIftary school now the Detroit Metropolitan Area, who q.uestloned. the y~>uths the Clean-up Chairman. only presidential "possibility" Grosse '..,Pointe Symphony under construction on the Torrey Wbops site at Morning- dated February ,2~commend~ during 1955' were in Wayne followmg m~rmng,. saId Nor~on Dr. Frank Monaghan, Direc- saluted without qualifications Orchestra en Sunday, Febru- side. ---- '. ed the Woods for its effort County. ' . and Kolbackl' admitted stealmg tor of the National Bureau, by the President. ary 19, at 3:30 p.m. in the .. I f th 20 'in controlling Dutch Elni By county, the ne'w home t.he car, and also conf~ssed stea;!- made a second VIS'''I-tto Grosse The. selection confirms the 0fl'ICla or more an years. - f th D t t ~ Parcells School auditorium ' . hI' t -k Disease. in the city. building perml'ts I's'sued durm' 'g mg our.o er cars .1I~ e ro~, POl'nte and outlined the' re- • • • recommendation of a special HISprior sc 00' experience 00 d th t th t t d Friday, February 10 are: Mrs.
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