THENE KPOST v Number 11 The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, April 20, 1944 fRICE FIVE CENTS CLUB WOMEN Acting President L. P. THOMAS NEWARK I .University Hour Speaker TOWN HOLDS WILL HEAR IS NAMED GUARD UNIT SPECIAL BAILY NEW DRAMA INSPECTION ORGANIZAT'N MONDAY GROUP HEAD IS HELD MEETING Antique Exhibit Gay 90's Play . COInpany Is COlnnlittees Will Be Held Will Take Place Praised And Are Named; AtCcntnry Of Annual Promotions Appointments Club Honse Beaux Art Ball Are Announced Are Made Miss Harriett Ba iley, who heads the The meeting of the University Drama Company " G" of the Delawa re State The Newllrk Town Council held thei r of fine arts a t the Women's Group on April 12 in the Commuters' Guard underwent their annual Federal allnual re-organization meeling 1<1 t University of Deluware, will Room at Robinson Hall was called to Inspection at the Newark Armory on Dr. L. M. Birkhead Friday evening in the council oITices guest speaker at the regular Robert L. Spencer, dean of engineer­ order by the president, George T. Boli. Monday night and Colonel ' George \ ______________ and the new members of council were meeting of the Newark New ing at the University of Delaware and The minutes of the previous meeting Ruhlen was high in his praise of the welcomed into the group. Club in the ir club house on acting d ean of Delaware College, is were read by the secretary, Mrs. Don- way the local Company was conducted. Mayor Charles C. Hubert announccd afternoon. April 24. Her sub- now acting president of the University aId Dutton. The treasurer. Dr. Charles The inspection party was headed by the new committee appointments as will be "How to Select Pictures BIRKHEAD of Delaware it was announced yester­ N. Laniel', read his report including Col. Rhulen, commandant of Fort du­ foUows: Light a nd Wa ter committee: Hom ". day. letters of appreciation from the Visit- Pont, and included Major John Rach­ George E. Ramsey, chairman, John F. David R. Eastburn, chairman According to the constitution and by­ ing Nurses' Association and the Boy ek, Brig. Gen. Paul R. Rinard, adiut­ Richards and John Hopkins. art commi ttee of the club has SPEAKER ON laws of the univerSity, in the absence Scouts for the checks they received ant general of Delaware; Col. Paul Strect committee: Herman Wollas­ planned ~n antique exhibit in of illness of the president of the Uni­ as their share of the proceeds of the Heine!. commander of the State Guard; ton, chairman, Norris N. Wright and with this program. She versity of Delaware, his duties are play "You Can't Take It With You." Lieut. Col. Victor Clark, Major R. A. John F. Richards; Town and Sewer members wishi ng to exhibit, to . Lynch, Captain John Cole, Captain L. UNIVERSITY taken over by the Dean of Delaware committee: Norman Battersby, chnir­ .the committee in charge of each Mrs. P. K. Musselman, chaIrman of IW L L' t Alb t B'U ' 1St man, Herman Wollaston a nd John Hop­ College. the nom~nating committ~e, presented S. · P . o~~iO~~~ ~nd ~~eUl.I ~~'g . YSuIL articles so t hat the proper At the death of President Waller kins; Police Commissioners: Norris N. may be all otted, and if possible the. nom illatIOns for offIcers :for the van of Company "F" of Wilmington. HOUR EVENT Wright, chairman. George E. Ramsey Hullihen, Dean Spencer took over the coml~g year. The slate, wh~ch was During the evening the following bring exhibits to the club by I P .M. office, since h e has been acting dean and Norman Battersby; Board or the program starts promptly at 2:00 una lllmously elected, wns p~ ' esldent , L. promotions of members of the local Health: Dr. J ohn R Downes, chairman, of Delaware College since the death P~rke~ Thoma~ vIce preSIdent, Mrs. company were announced: Sergt. M.. of Dean George Dutton. Kansas Pastor Paul D. Lovett, George L. Baker. O. K . Vlrgll1la Schoenborn; secretary, Mrs. Johnson Reeves to rank of Second Lieu­ Strahorn and Chic'f of Police William No d ate has been set by the uni­ Thelma L~cher; treasurer, Mrs. Evelyn tenant; Sergt Wesley F. Greenwall to versity trustees for a meeting to dis­ To Speak Here H. Cunningham. Arnold. DIrectors elected for two years rank of Second Lieutenant and Ser­ The following list of town officials cuss permanent appointments ' to the were ~r s. Elizabeth Kase and George geant Frank Reynolds to rank of First On 'Intolerance" presidency 01' deanship. and employees wel'e approved:-John T. Boll. TThose telected for one . ~ear Sergeant. Pearce Cann, attorney; George L. .. were G. aggar Evans and WIlham It was announced that two members Next Friday Baker, milk inspector ; C. Frank Powell. Murray. of the company, Paul Schorah and assessor; John H. Rumer. Alderman; The program was 111 charge of Mrs. Robert Morrison had been inducted in­ Dr. L. M. Birkhead. pastor of All William H. Cunningham. chief of pol­ HULLIHEN Virginia ~ahanna, .chairman of the to the U. S. Navy. Souls' Unitarian Church, Kansas City, ice; Leroy C. Hill, Sergeant; James p l ~y -chooSll1g cO~,m~ltee . She gave a Following the inspection a buffet Mo., will be the speaker at the next E. Morrison. patrollman; William J . bl'lef synopsIS of Du·ty Work At The luncheon was served to the inspecting g University Hour in Mitchell Hall on Smith, patrolman; Samuel H. Tibbil1. RITES ARE ~r oss roads", de.scribin it' as a play ~.f party and the officers and members of the campus of the University of Dela­ patrolman. nostal':l'lc chmm and lusty .humol . the company. Lieut. William Donnell ware on the evening of Friday, April George E. Ramsey, town supervisor, Accordll1g to Mrs. Mahalma, It IS one is commander of the local unit of the 28, at 8:15. Dr. Birkhead's subject will secretary and treasurer of the town: HELD ON of those Ga~ 90 Melodramas that were Sta te Guard. be "Intolerance is a Rackel." As is Joshua R. Wood, electrician; Elmer J . so popular 111 the Gashght Era, filled _ _ ____ usual with the features of the Univer­ Ellison, superintendent of water de­ with thrilling escapes, noble sentiments I si ty Hour Program, this event is free partment; Irvin Chalmers, assistant to and deep-dyed villain.v. The play will 63 TIRES a nd the public is cordially invited. E. J. Ellison; Clement Valient, meter of the Newark Public SUNDAY be presented May 20 at the Country and the faculty of the Women's Club for members and their guest . 01'. Birkhead is well -known not only reader; Huey Morris, scwer depart­ throughout his community and his de­ ment; Arthur M. Sager, day pumper: have been invited to be guests IThis will be the last Drama Group 24 Years Service APPROVED nomination as the pastor of the church Howard MU!'~hy, night pumper and club on Monday. meeting of the yeal' replacing the that has become famous as "The Libel'­ watchman; Homer Vansant, street fore­ Milton L. Draper represented Beaux Arts Ball of former years. Marked Great al Center" of K ansas City, but throullh­ man; Harriett K . !<'erguson, office m arl- at the Delaware State Co er- The remainder of the evening was BY RATION O lt~ and of Social Workers held at he Growth At devoted to try-outs for the play which duPont. Mrs. M. W. HansOR has afforded much fun and amusement for elected to serve on the cprpOI'P- Insll" tU1I" on Me participants and the audience. Re- BOARD board of the club. freshmf;nts were served nt the end of the close of the program tea will the evening by Mrs. J oseph Shields a nd on tn~. · "" by Mrs. John K. Speicher, H eaded by Gov. Walter W. Bacon, her committee. pose the ambitions and machinations I of her committee o'f tea leaders in Delaware educational and Certificates of dl:~sc~~:.t~~:~edh t~r~~~~·ied the tech- MORNING - busi ness circles were among those at- ni qucs of division by which some in- . tending funeral sel'vices on Sunday for ROTARY I dividuals. forgetful or disloyal to our DI·. Walter Hullihen, president of the I Issued At RS Amel'ican democracy fa ith and acting University of Delaware. in St. Thomas' I VOLUNTEE SHEAR Episcopal Church, were he h ad served IVISITS AT Meeting Held ~~n~:~r ~~::~~~~~. ~!nf~~~i~~ I;e~'~~ ~~; This Week I10 1' group purposes, have sought to di- asi~l;i~~':;::~·: ~~~re conducted b y Rev. MEXICAN vide Americans into mutually hating, NEEDED USSION Andrew W. Mayer. rector . aSS Isted by the Rt. Rev'. Arthur R. McKinstry, Thc Newark Tire Rali on Board at an~~!o ll~:~~Crcg~~su~~ . this fie ld of social bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Del- their reg u~ a r weekly m~ eling ?eld I. ~~~ fomention at length led him abroad Gauze Shipment · NRAYON aware .. Interment was in Gr8celawn VILLAGE Monday ni ght In the MUII1 Street to Nazi Germany where he studied the MemorIal Cemetel·Y. li on offices . issue? certificates for the I fa scist process at its founta in-head. 1s Received By Dr HullJhen, age 69, has served as purchase of 63. tIres a ~d 32 tubes. \ He has watched the rise a nd fall of preSIdent of the univerSIty sInce 1920 I Those rccelvlng certIficates [ 0 1' the various of these groups with the ad- Re{1 Cross Brallcll '1' 1 a nd di ed sh ol·t1 y after 3 o'clock last Pennsylvania purchase of tires and tubes.
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