Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 10-19-1993 The BG News October 19, 1993 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News October 19, 1993" (1993). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5592. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/5592 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. tf The BG News Tuesday, October 19, 1993 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 76, Issue 39: Briefs Jurors decide on Denny case Weather Attackers found guilty of lesser charges, innocent of felonies by Llndi Deutxch taped attack of Denny - and two Defense psychologists testi- Rain is on the way: The Associated Press lesser charges on which the fied that Williams, 20, and his panel deadlocked. 29 year-old co-defendant acted in Tuesday, cloudy with a Hours later, the panel an- the heat of the moment and slight chance of rain. High LOS ANGELES -- Two blacks nounced it had decided that Wil- couldn't have planned their ac- in the lower 60s. Mainly were acquitted Monday of most liams was Innocent of a robbery tions. southeast winds S to 10 mph. of the felony charges in the beat- charge. Superior Court Judge Williams and Watson sat cal- Chance of rain 30 percent. ing of white trucker Reginald John Ouderkirk then asked the mly as the verdicts were read, Tuesday night, rain likely. Denny and other motorists at the jury to deliberate the final two except when the clerk announced Low around SO. Chance of start of the 1992 riots, easing counts. "Not Guilty" on an aggravated rain 60 percent. Wednesday, fears of renewed racial tensions. Accepting the defense argu- mayhem charge against Wil- periods of rain. High near The defendants were convicted ment that Williams and co- liams, which could have brought 65. Chance of rain 80 per- of lesser counts. defendant Henry Watson were him life in prison. Williams cent. The Judge sent the multiracial caught up in mob violence after clapped his hands over his eyes, jury back to deliberate the most the state Rodney King beating reared back in his seat and serious count - attempted mur- trial, the jurors acquitted them of hugged his attorney. der against defendant Damian most charges that required spe- See DENNY, Outside campus Williams Watson "Football" Williams In the video- cific intent. Student Another rape reported: A University student was UAO sponsors virtual reality reportedly raped by an ac- quaintance in an apartment charges TW BG Newa/TcreM Tk*nMf Cyberworld Thursday. According to the police technology report, the woman entered police the man's apartment where they began "making out and on the rise fooling around." When the man asked the neglect by Lawrence Hannan woman if they could have general assignment reporter sex the woman reportedly by Joe Peltier said no. police reporter University students Police said the man began to have sex with the woman received a hands-on glim- pse of the future Monday in and the woman pushed him A University student has off. clashed with police over the in- the Northwest Commons as they participated in a dem- It is unknown whether the vestigation of an attack on her onstration of a new kind of woman will press charges. between Troup and Manville av- enues Oct. 8. technology. Micki McQuate, a senior Eng- Virtual reality is the new technology that permits a lish major, charges police are person to enter a seemingly Your cheatin' heart: neglecting the case so they can pursue a suspect in two other as- realistic, yet very different sault cases. Police have said they world. The vast majority of mar- For $2, students were ried Americans don't cheat believe McQuate's attacker is not the same person. able to experience this on their spouses, a sex technology by using a fu- Bowling Green police Capt. researcher says, disputing turistic helmet brought to claims that adultery is ram- Thomas Votava said the assault investigation has to take a back the University by the Uni- pant. versity Activities Organiza- seat to the ongoing rape cases. About 15 percent of mar- tion and Kramer Prop- ried or previously married "I'm sure it's terrifying and I erties, the company that Americans have cheated on feel sorry for her, but right now manufactures the helmet. a spouse, estimates Tom W. the rapes are the continuing in- Students who waited in Smith of the National Opin- vestigation," Votava said. line were fitted with the ion Research Center. McQuate said police told her helmet which made them Perhaps 3 percent to 4 the investigation of her case look into what appeared to might even Interfere with the percent of husbands and be another three dimen- wives have a sexual partner rape investigations. But de- sional world. tective Sgt. Brad Conner, who is outside their marriage in a Some of the participants given year, said Smith, di- handling the case, denied making compared the experience to rector of the center's Gen- such a statment. "That is abso- playing a video game that eral Social Survey. lutely not true," Conner said. they were participating in An ABC News- McQuate said she plans to file a from all angles and dimen- Washington Post national complaint against the police divi- sions. telephone poll in 1987 found sion. One University student that 89 percent of respond- "The actual attack has not up- who took part was Jennifer ents said they never had an set me half as much as my treat- Mingus. Mingus considered affair while married. ment by the police," she said. the virtual reality display a About 1,400 people are Reports of the assault were not fun yet disorienting experi- Interviewed in person each included in daily reports given to ence. year for the national Gen- the news media, and police told a "This was really neat. It eral Social Survey. Ques- News reporter Oct. 8 the assault really feels like you're in a tions about sexual behavior was a fight between friends. different world," Mingus are answered on a private, McQuate said she was walking said. "You tum your head written questionnaire at the home from a local bar at about around and you see some- end of the interview. 2:30 a.m. when she was grabbed thing totally different. It's by a man wearing a ski mask and all around you." a hooded sweatshirt. He pulled Lyle Vogler, road man- her into an alley between Manvi- ager for Kramer Prop- Other findings: lle Avenue and Troup Avenue. erties, said the three di- O People age 18-29 report "He had me down on the ground, shoving my face into the Sophmore computer science major Cralg Courtney entertains himself with a new kind of technology, having sex an average of 81 virtual reality In the Northwest Commons Monday evening. See REALITY, page 4. times per year. The fre- ground," McQuate said. quency drops steadily from She said she felt her life was in 65 times per year for those danger. in their 40s to nine times per "He said, 'I'm going to kill year for age 70 and over. you,"' McQuate said. "Then he raised his arm and there was Step process aids rape victims O About 14 percent of men something in his hand." and 22 percent of women by Snarl L.Velebi the Bowling Green Police Divi- rape reports that takes about 90 minutes to McQuate then threw off her at- "It gives us a little better idea report having no sex within courts reporter sion said he hopes victims begin complete the last 12 months. tacker and ran toward Manville with a phone call to the police, al- of what's going on," he said. "It She said the first thing emer- Avenue shouting for help. People though some people choose to go lets us know what the problem gency-room staff ask people la near the comer of Manville and One in four women will be to the hospital first or call a was - a date rape or a stranger whether they are hurt. Wooster Street called police. raped. crisis center. assault." Victims who choose to "If there's an injury, that take* She said Conner told her he be- "We would like to be notified seek help can call The Link's top priority over everything lieves the attack may have been One in six, during their college Here are Monday night's career. first," he said. "It's easier when 24-hour crisis intervention line at else," she said. Ohio Lottery selections: someone she knows. According you're doing an investigation to 3S2-1S4S to be assigned a vol- Victims who first notify a to McQuate, Conner said police Rape Is a real threat, officials say, and when It happens, most get in on the ground floor." unteer who will accompany them crisis center or police do not on patrol downtown remember Pick 3 Numbers: 8-9-1 victims do not know what to do. While victims do not have to through the medical, investigato- have to say out loud that they Pick 4 Numbers: 6-3-3-0 seeing her arguing with someone report rapes to the police, medi- ry and legal procedures.
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