![No Injuries in Japs' Attack on Island](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Help the Red Cross Help Our Soldiers Win the War! .......... ' ‘ ■ — ■ - - ■ - - _______ . Average Daily Circulation For the Month of November, IMI The Weather Forecast of U. S. Weather Bnrsaa 7,010 Msmber •( Iha Andit Increasing ciondlncea and eon- Bnrana of drenlaaons tinned mild this aftsmoOn, mootly cloudy tonight; temnomi Manchester— A City of Village Charm about the same as h u t nfghL ^ VOL. LXl., NO. 66 (Claselfled Advertising On Page 18) PRICE THREE CBI No Injuries in Japs’ Attack on Island; Three Vital British Zones Are Menaced Soviet Army on Offensive on Whole Russian Front Today Closeup of Jap “Baby” Submarine Japs Widen Attacks Action by Japanese In Westerp iPacific; Naval Forces Weak; Landing in Sarawak Destroy Jap Planes Throw Und, S«. ,Dd |T r i g h l i n g Like Fanatic., Bombers Wreck 26 Nip- A.r Foroai Sproad- . Ni|,p„ne« Hurl Then.: Only Slight Damage to onese Craft and Fire Probe Board Mg offro..ve Around Pcints Denial into Teeth of Loading Platform of Fuel Supplies in At­ South China Sea; Evi- . j BriUah Artillery and " Pineapple Company in tack on Beach Head Holds Meet AISI ^ntly ^ming for IVaZlS ISSUe Machine«un Fire in Shelling of Kahnlnf; | Established at Vigan QniA Knoekoia of ~ Battle Which May De. To Organize By Enemy Submarine! Last Week; Subs of Brmrf, «,d Dutch Ku’nor. of Tension in eide Fate of Nofthweat- Naval Situation in At­ Stronghold, in Area. Cer™o" - Portugue.e ern Malaya and Baro. Asiatic Fleet Go in­ Stimson and Knox At­ Al lantic Remains Quiet; Revc Relations Called Un- — ---------------- to Action Successfully. Singaport, Dec. 17.—</P)— tend; No Comment to Attack Made at Dusk. founded by DNB. I-’Ondon, . Dec. ITT—<A»>— Japanese forces have landed Manila, Dec. 17.—(A*)—U. Be Made Until Full in Sarawak, a British area The Japanese, widening their Washington, Dec. 17.—(ff) Lisbon, Dec. l l . —iA’i The Por­ attacks still further in the S. Army bombers destroyed Membership Present. on the northwest coast of tuguese press published prominent­ 26 Japanese planes and fired —The Navy Department an­ Borneo, it was announced to­ western Pacific, menaced the Washington, Dec. 17—MP)— The nounced today that there ly today DNB reports from Berlin British in three vital zones fuel supplies in a heavy at­ day as the Japanese threw quoting Foreign Office circles as tack yesterday on the beach special five-man board appointed were no injuries to personiid their land, sea and air forces denying rumors of tension In Ger- girdling the China Sea today by President Roosevelt to investi­ during the Japanese attack man-Portuguese relations. —Hong Kong, the Malayan head which the Japanese es­ gate the lurpriae Japanese attacx into a spreading offensive DNB said the qualified apokea- tablished last week at Vigan on Hawaii met today in the office on Johpston island, vU ch around the South China Sea. peninsula and the Island of .of Secretary of War SUmson to was reported late yesterday. The JapaneM evidently were aim­ Borneo. Fighting like fanat on the kuzon west coast, 200 organize and discuss procedure. (Continued On Page Sixteen) miles flrom Manila, Army The Navy described the ac­ ing for a quick knockout of Biit- Ics, they were burling themselves lah and Dutch atrongbolda, eelzure Into the teeth of British artillery headquarters announced today. (Contlnnsd On Page Sixteen) tion by Japanese Naval forcea of vital reaourcea and control of and machine-gun Are In a battle The announcement followed as “weak.” Karller, the War De­ the aea lanes by which reinforce­ British Sink which the British said might de­ the Sa*ck'on**P««H ®'4get submarine, beached following swiftly on an official . disclosure partment said the shelling of Ka* ments could reach the Allies. cide the fate of northwestern Ma that aubmarinea of the U. S. hului, on the island of Maul, by lays and Its princlpsl city and Asiatic fiect had gone into action Japan Claims an enemy submarine yesterday ■ Effort Partly Frustrated island base, Penang. for the first time in the 11-day- caused only sUght damage to a Their effort apparently waa to Italian Suh; wate?at"i »p^d'o?‘z47nou'’"'^"'^ through the loading platform of a pineapple Core of Master Plan old war with Japan, scoring suc­ strike heavy and s^ttered blows This still appeared to be the cesses the details of which Were company and that there were no before resistance could be organ­ core of the Japanese master plan not immediately divulged. Two Islands^ casualties. ized and coordinated, but this 53 Rescued so far, aimed ultimately at Slnga No C2iaiige in Situation Brief CiomnmMiqiie Glvse seemed to be at least partly frus­ pore, Brltaln’a Oriental citadel. In a brief midday, commuajaasu trated. But Hong Kong, second only to The communique announcing P osts Beaten the Navy said: The Dutch disclosed that one General and 19 Other Singapore as a bastion of British Germans in Some the attack on Vigan, launched ap­ “It has been established of their planes, aupporUng British parently to prevent the Japanese there were no injuries to person^ strength, was under siege from from establishing air bases neces­ resistance to the enemy landing at Offices Aboard Ves­ Its Japanese-captured mainland Navy Units Destroy ‘De­ nel in the weak attack on J oMh Mlrl, Sarawak, had scored a direct sary for conquest of the Philip­ ston Island reported yesterday. sel ; Destroyer Farn- area and a military commentator pines, said there had been “no hit on a Japanese destroyer. said air and artillery assaults on Sections Retreat fense Facilities’ in At­ The Naval situation in the Atlaa- Oil was an obvious objective at change in the land situation to­ tic remains quiet." dale Is Given Credit. Hong Kong island were increasing day.’’ tack; Seven British Mlrl but the Batavia radio said In severity. Johnston, 717 miles southwaag. "everything was destroyed before Down the South China main- The bulletin was issued at 4 p. Ships Claimed Sunk. of Hawaii, waa attacked by Jap­ London. Dec. 17.—(4>)—An Ital­ ., (2. a. m., e.s.t.). anese Naval uhita at dusk of — ian submarine carrying an Italian coast 45 miles from Hong Kong Without Fighting (Continued On Page Sixteen) general and 19 other military of­ reports here said, Japanese forceu Of the Japanese planes destroy­ ed, one was abot down in aerial Tokyo, Dec. 17—(Official Radio (Coptlnued On Page Slzteoa) ficers from Libya to Italy has have taken the Portuguese island Received by AP) —The Navy sec­ of Macao. Taking Hundreds of combat and the remainder were been sunk In .the central Mediter­ tion of Imperial headquarters re­ ranean, the Admiralty said today. British headquarters in Singa­ Towns and Villages in House Group wrecked on the groimd, the com­ Plan to Unify pore announced that the Japanese munique declared. ported today that Japanese Naval The Admiralty said the general units destroyed “most enemy de- was not among 63 surv.vors who had ..landed In Sarawak, bn the Mighty Winter Sweep; The brief announcement said. fense facilities' 'in an attack yes­ were made prisoners.. northwestern coast of Bbrneo, Hit for Age “The enemy at Vigan suffered terday on Johnston Island and on Flashes ! War Program The general was Identified as probably the same operation as the Six Divisions Routed heavUy from an attack our Air Dec. 12 on Baker island in the (Late BoUetias of the (F) WIsa) Guido Lami. Japanese reported with detail yes­ Force yesterday. One Japanese South Pacific. terday. ^ From Kalinin Offering. plane was shot down and at least The submarine was reported by Limit Stand The Navy section also claimed Britain Has Not Asked The big laland i* about 300 miles Only Little Opposition. 25 more were destroyed on the that the Japanese Navy, cooperat­ German Plot Thwarted ground. Fuel supplies' were set ing with the Army In operations „ Buenos Aires, Dec. 17,—0P>-A Russia to Declare (Contianed Os Page SUteen) (Owllaoed o T ^ e SixteMi --------* * Mr’ T. „ German plot to halt the expert a t War. a r on Japan Yet, -------------------------- --------------- . __________ Moscow, Dec. 17.—(JP) On Asks Repre* (Oratlnued On Page Sixteen) (Continued On Page Sixteen) Bolivian metals to the V alM __ - flvAthe whole Russiann __ is .front, sentatives__ to Favor States by sabotaging raUwngn running to the Chilean porta at Londor/Jlondor/} Dec. 17—OP)—Govern­ from far north of long-be­ Legislation to Include Arica and Antofagasta has baam ment spokeamen told the Houae British Maintaining sieged Leningrad to the thwarted, aocordlag ttf iafot- of Commons today that aU ateps Men from 19 to 45. mstion received Lere to ^ y . It al­ had been taken to coordinate Biit- Black Sea, the Red Army was Labor, Management lah, American and Allied war reported on the offensive to­ so was leaned that the BoMvlMli .Waahlngton, Dec. 17— (4>) — govenraent had Imposed a sM I plana in accord with President Pressure on- Flank day, taking hundreds of censorship but whether this waa RooaeVelt’s call for “world acale towns and villages in one House DemocraUc Leader McCor­ atrategy" but that BriWln had not mack of Massachusetts rebuked Group Meets Today connected with the reported N«d asked Russia to declare war on sector after another in a plot was not clear. JajMn. Some Progress Made De­ mighty winter sweep against the the House Military Committee to­ Germans who were said in some day and asked the representatives Ban On Tires Extended 'iTieae statements were made by spite Bad Weather and 190 Are KiUed to approve legislation to require I Convenes in Effort to Richard Law, undersecretary for Inatancee to have run without a 3 Die, 5 Hurt Washington, Dec.
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