,.-- lcl[~;._~;mliCNnrfiiUillr it~tnrll 1:>LD NORTHVILLE SPRING For 84 Years - - Friend, Companion and Kindly Counselor- Volume 84, Number 13 12 PAGES Northville, Michigan, Th,ursday, August 26, 1954 $2.50 Per Year in Advance Io't ~ 'Ret:Md New Village Near Northville Now Under Construction by G. H. C. , , When we return from a vacation there always is the 1,000 Homes To Be feeling that the Great Lakes region has much to offer in the way of desirable li'1ng-fertile fields dotted with woods and lakes, pleasant.villages like Northville, chang- ing seasons to look fOl'\vard to, friendly nPighbors. Doub~ Built On Ten Mile, At less those from Montana, Wyoming and Arizona who . spend their vacations in Michigan feel the same way when they return to their own home states, although it is hard for a native Michigander to understand why. Anyway, Cost of $15,000,000 we're glad to be back on the job again and we look for- ward to a busy, interesting and happy year ahead. A new community of more than 3,000 persons will * * * * come into being two and a half miles northeast of N orth- We were most happy fo have as guest columnists dur- ville under plans announced this week by the president of ing our absence the supervisors of Northville and Novi the construction company, Paul LeBo,st, of Detr.oit. Cost townships and the president of the vill~ge of ,Northville. of building alone, LeBost said, will exceed $15,000,000. Everyone who read what they had to say' must have been Already under construction the new community, to impressed by their interest in civic anairs and their de- be known as Willow Brook Village, will be located on a sire to explain the problems of the townships imd village 350-acre plot between Nine and Ten Mile roads, and be- so more people will be familiar with their work. To Mrs. tween Meadowbrook and Haggerty. Mollie Lawrence, supervisor of Northville township, and LeBost, who termed himself a "builder and land de- to Frazer Staman, Novi township supervisor and Claude \Teloper", emphasized that the new village was in no sense Ely, village president, our sincere thanks-and best wishes a "project". ! for reelection as long as they are willing to serve. ~ Planned Community and all the other portions of a * * * * ;. well organized conununity, all Interestingo-and about as expected-was the rech.m- "This is to be a planned com- laid out and planned for in ad- mendation of Tom Carrington's committee that the village munity," he stated Tuesday. "It vance." again put the proposition to become a city to a vote: at WIll not be merely a collection of mdividual houses and other struc- He said Novi township already the election next spring. ~his committee, composed' of has taken an option on land for a some men wh'O were on the city incorporation committee tures. There will be streets, parks, schools, churches, playgrounds new school on Ten Mile Rd., so h,:o years ago, and some new members, profited by th~ad- ______________ Ithat construction can be begun mltted mistake of Jhe first committee in tryinJr to take in as soon as the need arises. more territory than the voters would ratify. The present Plans for a shopping center and recommendation is that onlv the area now within the vil- Caution Advised other commercial facilities are THE FIRST SECTION of the new Willow Brook Village. to be lage be incorporated as a city. This should not be too hard scaping of the grounds of .the initial block of houses now being included in the layout of the new locaied befween Nine and Ten Mile roads, near Hagge~ly. in to sell to the voters if the advantages of city government complefed just east of Meadowbrook on Ten Mile Rd. Not a community. Approximately 1,000 Novi .township,. already is under. construction. Builder Paul For Annual Labor homes are to be built. and if these are pointed out, and the village certainly can use to -good building projecl. the "planned community" will con.tain 1.000 LeBost (right) and Building Supt. William Parker. discuss land. homes. shopping center. schools, churches at a cost of $15.000.000. house the customary average of advanta~e the extra money it would receive from the three to a family, population of state's "take" from bettin~ at NoIihv.ille Downs. ~ Day Week-End Willow ,Brook Village will be - • * * *~ • The annual LaQor Day week. 3,000 when initiall~ ~omp.leted, Disturbing to those familiar ,#ith the damage ViID.tch Novi School To end vacationers. scramble to' LeBost declared. ThIS IS slIgh.t1y Dutch elm disease can do to beautiful elnf trees stic~~as ,~ , Record Enroliment'ls Expected In Publication of close up the sulnm~r cottage, less than .the present population line Northville street.s ~as the mews earlier .this mQnth ReglOster"Students stack their cars t9. thl! rooftop of NorthVIlle. \ . till~t..a'b infect~n tree had been a~covered on....S..Ce'nt~r.St. 'orth.vjlle Schools; go Pass 1,300 rictures Starts and breast the holiday trafficL.will ,"Three. Finished' Daily and destroyed immediately. This is the first time the di- rrSult in hundreds of deaths and " r 9 A M S and thousands of injuries, warns Asked how long it would be ~eas~ ha,s been discov~re? locally but it has been spread- at ~ o' ept. 7 re~O:~h~~~~d~;~1~:p~~h70,0~it:~ t~eThhighboSCkshOtOIoff1ice' d' th the Institute for Safer Living. before he expected this goal to mg m southeastern MIchIgan for sevel'a] years. It I'S to be e 0 are oca te In e record enrollment that may h' h h 1b 'ldi ·11b In Record Today Gnly by careful planning of the be attained, LeBost said that by hoped that local property owners and the Wayne COllnty N' bl' h Ig SC 00 UI ng WI e open P k C OVIPu ICsc 001 will register reach 1,350, Supt. Russell H. Am· during the hours of registration WIth this issue, The Record "cllJsing up", sensible packing of Sept. 10 his building crews will ar ommission will join with the village next spring in students Tuesday, Sept. 7 at 9:00 erman said 'Wednesday. This for the convenience of all child- begins publication of pictures of the car, safe dnving every mile complete three new homes every having all trees in the area sprayed to prevent spread of o'clock, school authorities said would be about 125 more stu- ren in grades 4 through 12. Child- Northville children which were of the way home, says the Insti- day. Ten already are nearing the disease. - Wednesday. 'rhe buses will make dents than were enrolled last ren in grades .K-3 will obtam taken two months ago in a special tute, can serious accidents be completion, and others are in the I aVOleted. initial stages of construction. At * * .. .. regular runs. Classes will be dis- Year. their books and supplies in their project imtiated to develop a pic- At least 400 highway deaths the rate stated, the estimated I~ Considerable talk is heard by pedestrians about the missed. at 10:30. F~culty meet- First on the agend~ will' be a classrooms after the opening of torial record of Tomorrow's Citi- I will happen over Labor Day 1,000 homes would be built by difficulty of seeing when the new traffic lights- at the cor- mgs WIll be held ill the after- gene~l faculty ~eetmg at 9:30 school. zens. week-end and thousands more next summer, assuming there is f • d C d noon I a.m. m the NorthVIlle CommunIty - S·· ner 0 M am an. enter: streets are red an green. Conse.·, .. center. Tuesday afternoon and N~w Teachers . IX ?f th~ ~Ictures are pUb- will be i!1jured In these crashes. sufficient demand for them. Quently there IS more Jay-walking than usual. They can I Children Who WIll be fiv~ ye~rs J Wednesday will he devoted to I Several, n:w names appear on lIshed In this Issue. ~ach week Plus these, an untold number of "Demand?" queried LeBost. be seen all right by motorists approaching from a distance, old by Dec. 1, may enroll In kin- staff meetings, committee assign. !he fac~~y lIst ~g.e to .new teach- mo~e photo~aphs WIll appear, v:=catlOners will be injured by "We've already gotten many or- but they are higher than the Id r ht d h' ld d dregarten. t worksho t lllg poslhons as w:ll a~ rePlace-I ull.hl the enhre number has been falling off ladders, falling down del'S, and when the word gets . I d"o lit' s an are so s le.e On Wednesday, Sept. B, the me!! s, ps, e c. ments to cver resIgnations. The prInted. as to ma k e It extreme y Ifflcult for a near-by pedestrIan teachers will attend a pre-school Stu~ents are to report in t~e /list of new teachers and their _ stairs. getting overtired and over- arou~d w~ expect to be swamped. to know whether, to cross the street or stay on tbe curb. institute at Pontiac. There will follOWIng order, Amennan s8ld: assignments are: exerting in their mad rush to get I don t think we'll be able to meet the c:en)11!l!=chores done as quick- . the demand, !?r t~ere are thou~- Many passers-by are heaJ'd to comment that the situation be school all day on Thursday Thursday, Sept.
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