Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 1-17-1958 The B.G. News January 17, 1958 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B.G. News January 17, 1958" (1958). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1397. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/1397 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Weather Jhought For The Day Outlook—Continued cloudy with wtoqkt think very few people »en- chanq* In (tmperatutM. e. except those who are of Ttmp^alurti—Exp«ct*d to ran?* In opinion. ih« low Mi dropptay at night. 1Wpt % <& Mt —Rochefoucauld VoL42 Bowling Green State University. Bowling Green. Ohio. Friday. Ian. 17. 1958 No. 22 Name Falcons' Dates From '27 $2,500 Goal Set By Charities Board IT IVAN LAKE Thirty years ago this past fall, the nickname "Falcons" was originated for teams re- For Three Day Campus Appeal Drive presenting the University. I have often been asked how I The annual United Campus Appeal has set a goal of decided on this name and oth- $2,500 for the three day campaign beginning Tuesday, Jan. er details, so it might be well to 21, according to Carolyn Krukemyer, chairman of the Univer- review it for the record. Izunt It Weerd? sity Charities Roard. This institution was then a struggling state Normal College, This will be the only drive on campus this year, and bids but it already was trying to shake A Noo Langwidg for additional individually sponsored drives may be, the "normal" part of the title to By HAY DANOEL under the powers granted to the carry the idea that it was then Charities Board, presented to the a degree-granting institution. Woodent it bee grate if sunt- board for its approval, according budee wood dreem up a noo lang;- to Miss Krukemyer. Common nicknames, used by widge, spokn and ritn az it sown- sports writers throughout the This drive will be on a competi- dz? It shurlee wood make thingr tive basis, and 8" by 12" engraved state, were "BG Normals," eezier for numbudy frum a forun "Teachers," and "BG Pedagogu- plaques will be awarded to the nashurt whoo tryz to lern Ing-liah. winners of the men's and women's es." None of these was of our Shal wee look at sum xampuls? school's choosing and frequently residence hall divisions. 1 was asked by Dr. Williams, then Imadgun sumbudce frum Chek- Two thermometers will be plac- president, and members of the oslovahkeeuh whoo haz onlee bin ed in front of the Administration faculty why some nickname could heer a kupul daze. Wut a teribul Bldg. to record the progress of the not be found that would be made xershun for him wen hee trize separate divisions. Small mimiture acceptable. too tel thu diferens beetween thermometers will also be given For a number of years 1 had wurdz like "led" and "lead," "rye" to the individual housing units consulted with historians of the etc. Izunt it weerd? Also, up- to record their own contributions. area and others, hoping to find ahatrofees wood bee sooperfloous. CHARITIES BOARD MEMBERS Carol McEwen. Bill Park. Ann Gallaher. and On Monday, Jan. 20, students a clue to a good title that might "Don't" wood bee spelt "dont," chairman Carolyn Krukemyer. left to right, make plane for the United Campus will receive envelopes for their be appropriate, but without suc- "can't" wood beakum "kant," Appeal Drive, starting OB Monday. contributions. cess. "hasn't" wood apeer az "hazunt," Visiting Speakers Then one day 1 happened to pick etc. Yoo see? Tuesday, Jan. 21, speakers from up a story about falconry. Here TMiu:y wood bee beter al ar- the Charities Board sub-commit- was a name, I thought that might tee, will visit fraternity and sor- well be our objective. 1 studied ownd, if eech leter had onlee wun 1 World Views.... ority houses at dinner time. These sownd, insted uv sownding wun further and was convinced. speakers will work with the contri- At that time there was no stu- way wun time and sum uther way BONN—West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer will tell nnulher time. Wenever peepul had Soviet Premier Nikolai Rulganin that any East-West conference should butions chairman of the individual dent government so there was no houses to collect the money for one to consult along that line. too rite sumthinp, thare wood be preceded by much diplomatic spadework and confined to a limited bee no kweshtun abowt wich way number of powers. the drive. There was no one to consult, ac- He made that clear in a broadcast to the nation Wednesday night Members of the speaking sub- tually, except President II. B. a wcrd wuz spelt.. And wenever thay had too reed sumthing; thare when he previewed the letter that is to be sent in a few days to committee arc Bob Rask, Bob Williams and I did not want to reply to Bulganin's letter of last month. wood bee no kweshtun abowt wich Kinstle, Morse Sanderson, Dave go to him for fear that he might ROME—A report published in Rome Thursday said secret diplo- Riggs, Ed Ward, George Ilurmeist- kill it. So I took a complete flier way a werd wuz pronownsd. matic talks are under way between the Vatican and the Soviet Union THE FOSTER PARENTS plan tor war er, Doug Cotner, Dennis llaum, and assumed full responsibility. in Berne, Switzerland. But it seemz as if nobudee wil crphans. ont of Ih. chailttei to be Chuck Lane, Ron Myers, David On Oct. 28, 1927, as sports ugree too this alterashun, so I UNITED NATIONS, N.Y.—A new dispute developed in the U.N. Arlein. editor of The Daily Sentinel-Tri- Thursday as a committee appointed by Dag Hammarskjold proposed aided by Iho appeal drive, will help wil take my thota elsware too mor the burning of a secret list naming 81 witnesses who testified that the children such as this Hill. Korean girl. Betty Wilson, Luanne Courtney, bune, I wrote my story under the xeptuhul fceldz uv mentul ndever. Dorothy Tucker, Carol Eilor, Shir- headline, WHY WE CHRISTEN Red Army drowned the Hungarian revolt in blood and terror. The hasslo involves U.N. Political Affairs officer Povl Bang- Icy Klotz, Marilyn Woodruff, Ro- BG TEAMS "FALCONS." 1 was Jensen, who was suspended by the Secretary General for refusing berta Hause, Linda Gee, Liz Ste- amazed at its complete and un- to turn over the names. vens, Pat Beck, Pat Lehman, Syl- questioned acceptance. KEY Announces Fee WASHINGTON—President Eisenhower sent Congress a budget- 26 Picked By via Stroh and Luanne Johnson. Why did I propose the name? Due to a reduction In the 1951 cutting farm program which will be one of the biggest political hot Representatives from the Chari- So that it can he used by sports KEY budget, each -lucent will be potatoes of this election year. ties board will be in the dining writers, its length (only 7 let- chargwd a SI eerrice fee In order The 2,800-word program contemplates price support reductions Greek Heads halls at the Commons, Kohl and ters) is perfect. It should be dif- which influential farm bloc lawmakers already have said will fail to recede a copy of the yearbook. Gcorgianna Jensen and Al Gold- Shatzcl on Wednesday, Jan. 22, erent so that it immediately id- to get through Congress. From Monday. Jan. 13. through CAPE CANAVERAL, FI.A.— The Navy's second attempt to launch berg, co-chairmen for the annual to receive the donations from entifies the school. It was perfect Saturday. Jan. 25, the KEY -laff a six-inch earth satellite sphere faced the possiblity Thursday of furth members of these respective dorms then and is still so, even though Greek Week, have announced the will let up a booth acroee from the er delays due to technical difficulties. committee chairman for the festivi- and Ivy Hall. the Air Force Academy recently Buslneu Office on the second floor Although the blast-off is expected about the middle of next week, ties. Greek Week is slated to begin Off campus students and faculty adopted the nickname. of the) A dm Initiation BHg. there were reports that the Vanguard launching may be held up Saturday, April 19. members may contribute at a Next, it has been identified with This booth will bo open from until late in the week or even longer. booth to be set up in the Well, sports as far back as 2000 BC. 10 a.m. to BOOB, and from 2 p-m. PARIS—The Permanent Council of Ministers of NATO turned Sue Stcbbins has been chosen from discussion of the Bulganin notes Thursday to consider such At- Thursday, Jan. 23, and faculty Falconry still exists in the world. to 4 p.m. This will bo Iho only secretary for the affair with Hank members may also send their con- Further, a falcon is the most lantic alliance problems us the demand that west Germany bear more Adler acting as treasurer. time the students will bo able lo of the cost of keeping British troops on German soil. tributions to Miss Krukemyer at powerful bird for its size in the roeerve their copy of the '51 KEY.
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