Psalms 77 K Q 1 To the chief>> . (77:2) : ִמְזמר ְלָאָסף יְדוּתוּן ְיִדיתוּן ־ עַל ַלְמַנֵצַּח (77:1) 1: 77 l·mntzch ol - idithun iduthun l·asph mzmur : Musician, to Jeduthun, A for· the ·one-making-it-permanent on Jeduthun Jeduthun to·Asaph psalm Psalm of Asaph.>> I cried unto God with my voice, [even] unto God with my voice; and he gave ear unto : אֵלָ י ְוַהֲאִזין ֱאלִהים ־ אֶ ל קִלי ְוֶאְצָעָקה ֱאלִהים ־ אֶ ל קִלי qul·i al - aleim u·atzoqe qul·i al - aleim u·eazin al·i : me. voice-of·me to Elohim and·I-am-crying-out voice-of·me to Elohim and·he-cgiv es-ear to·me 2 In the day of my trouble I ְולֹא ִנְגָּרה לַיְלָ ה ָיִדי ָדָּרְשִׁתּי אֲדֹנָי ָצָרִתי ְבּים (77:3) 2: 77 b·ium tzrth·i adni drshthi id·i lile ngre u·la sought the Lord: my sore in·day-of distress-of·me my-Lord I-inquired hand-of·me night she-is-stirred and·not ran in the night, and ceased not: my soul refused to be comforted. : ַנְפִשׁי ִהָנֵּחם ֵמֲאָנה ָתפוּג thphug mane enchm nphsh·i : she-is-be ing-torpid she-mrefused to-be-consoled-of soul-of·me 3 I remembered God, and ְוִתְתַעֵטּף ָאִשׂיָחה ְוֶאֱהָמָיה ֱאלִהים ֶאְזְכָּרה (77:4) 3: 77 azkre aleim u·aemie ashiche u·ththotph was troubled: I complained, I-am-remembering Elohim and·I-am-clamoring I-am-meditating and·she-is-sdrooping and my spirit was overwhelmed. Selah. : ֶסָלה רוִּחי ruch·i sle : spirit-of·me interlude 4 Thou holdest mine eyes : ֲאַדֵבּר ְולֹא ִנְפַעְמִתּי עֵ ינָי ְשֻׁמרת ָאַחְזָתּ (77:5) 4: 77 achzth shmruth oin·i nphomthi u·la adbr : waking: I am so troubled you-held guardians-of eyes-of·me I-was-agitated and·not I-am-mspeaking that I cannot speak. 5 I have considered the days : עָלִמים ְשׁנת ִמֶקֶּדם ָיִמים ִחַשְּׁבִתּי (77:6) 5: 77 chshbthi imim m·qdm shnuth oulmim : of old, the years of ancient I-mtook -account days from·aforetime years-of eons times. 6 I call to remembrance my ָאִשׂיָחה ְלָבִבי ־ ִעם ַבָּלְּיָלה ְנִגיָנִתי ֶאְזְכָּרה (77:7) 6: 77 azkre nginth·i b·lile om - lbb·i ashiche song in the night: I I-am-remembering accompaniment-of·me in· the ·night with heart-of·me I-am-meditating commune with mine own heart: and my spirit made diligent search. : רוִּחי ַוְיַחֵפּשׂ u·ichphsh ruch·i : and·he-is-msearching spirit-of·me 7 Will the Lord cast off for ִלְרצת ֹיִסיף ־ ְולֹא אֲדֹנָי יִזְנַח ַהְלעָלִמים (77:8) 7: 77 e·l·oulmim iznch adni u·la - isiph l·rtzuth ever? and will he be ?·for·eons he-shall-cast-off my-Lord and·not he-shall-cadd to·to-approve-of favourable no more? : עד oud : further 8 Is his mercy clean gone ְלֹדר ֹאֶמר ָגַּמר ַחְסדּ לָ נֶצַ ח ֶהָאֵפס (77:9) 8: 77 e·aphs l·ntzch chsd·u gmr amr l·dr for ever? doth [his] promise ?·he-limited to·permanence kindness-of·him he-lapsed saying for·generation fail for evermore? : וָדֹר u·dr : and·generation 9 Hath God forgotten to be ַרֲחָמיו ְבַּאף ָקַפץ ־ ִאם אֵ ל ַחנּת הֲשָׁכַ ח (77:10) 9: 77 e·shkch chnuth al am - qphtz b·aph rchmi·u gracious? hath he in anger ?·he-forgot to-mbe -gracious-of El or he-shut-off in·anger compassions-of·him shut up his tender mercies? Selah. : ֶסָלה sle : interlude 10 And I said, This [is] my : ֶעְלין ְיִמין ְשׁנת ִהיא ַחלִּתי ָוֹאַמר (77:11) 10: 77 u·amr chluth·i eia shnuth imin oliun : infirmity: [but I will and·I-am-saying to-beseech-of·me she years-of right-hand -of supreme-one remember] the years of the K Q right hand of the most High. 11 I will remember the . ֶאְזְכָּרה ־ ִכּי יָהּ ־ ַמַעְלֵלי אֶזְכּר ַאְזִכּיר (77:12) 11: 77 azkir azkur molli - ie ki - azkre works of the LORD: surely I-shall-crecord I-shall-remember actions-of Ie that I-shall-remember I will remember thy wonders of old. : ִפְּלֶאך ִמֶקֶּדם m·qdm phla·k : from·aforetime marvel ous-deed -of·you 12 I will meditate also of all וַּבֲעִלילֶתיך פָּעֳלֶ ך ־ ְבָכל ְוָהִגיִתי (77:13) 12: 77 u·egithi b·kl - phol·k u·b·oliluthi·k thy work, and talk of thy and·I-soliloquize in·all-of contrivance-of·you and·in·actions-of·you doings. WLC : WLC_v 1.1 / WLC_tm 1.0 / CHES 2.0 AV © 2008 Scripture4all Foundation - www.scripture4all.org Psalms 77 - Psalms 78 : ָאִשׂיָחה ashiche : I-shall-meditate 13 Thy way, O God, [is] in : ֵכּאלִהים גָּדל אֵ ל ־ ִמי ַדְּרֶכּך ַבֹּקֶּדשׁ ֱאלִהים (77:14) 13: 77 aleim b·qdsh drk·k mi - al gdul k·aleim : the sanctuary: who [is so] Elohim in· the ·holiness way-of·you who ? El great as·Elohim great a God as [our] God? 14 Thou [art] the God that : עֻזֶּך ָבַעִמּים הַדְעָתּ פֶלֶ א עֹשֵׂ ה ָהֵאל ַאָתּה (77:15) 14: 77 athe e·al oshe phla eudoth b·omim oz·k : doest wonders: thou hast you the·El one-doing-of marvel you-cmade -known in· the ·peoples strength-of·you declared thy strength among the people. 15 [Thou hast with [thine : ֶסָלה ְויֵסף יַעֲקֹב ־ ְבֵּני ַעֶמּך ִבְּזרַע ָגַּאְלָתּ (77:16) 15: 77 galth b·zruo om·k bni - ioqb u·iusph sle : arm redeemed thy people, you-redeemed in·arm people-of·you sons-of Jacob and·Joseph interlude the sons of Jacob and Joseph. Selah. 16 The waters saw thee, O אַ ף ָיִחילוּ ַמִּים ָראוּך ֱאלִהים ַמִּים ָראוּך (77:17) 16: 77 rau·k mim aleim rau·k mim ichilu aph God, the waters saw thee; they-saw·you waters Elohim they-saw·you waters they-are-travailing indeed they were afraid: the depths also were troubled. : ְתֹהמת ִיְרְגּזוּ irgzu themuth : they-are-be ing-disturb ed abysses 17 The clouds poured out ־ אַ ף ְשָׁחִקים ָנְתנוּ קל עָ בת ַמִים ֹזְרמוּ (77:18) 17: 77 zrmu mim obuth qul nthnu shchqim aph - water: the skies sent out a they-were-made-to -storm-down waters thick-cloud s voice they-gave skies indeed sound: thine arrows also went abroad. : ִיְתַהָלּכוּ חֲצָצֶ יך chtztzi·k ithelku : arrows-of·you they-are-sgoing-about 18 The voice of thy thunder ֵתֵּבל ְבָרִקים ֵהִאירוּ ַבַּגְּלַגּל ַרַעְמך קל (77:19) 18: 77 qul rom·k b·glgl eairu brqim thbl [was] in the heaven: the sound-of thunder-of·you in· the ·cyclone they-clit-up lightnings habitance lightnings lightened the world: the earth trembled and shook. : ָהָאֶרץ ַוִתְּרַעשׁ ָרְגָזה rgze u·throsh e·artz : she-was -disturbed and·she-is-quaking the·earth K Q 19 ,Thy way [is] in the sea ַרִבּים ְבַּמִים וְּשִׁביְלך וְּשִׁביֶליך ַדְּרֶכּך ַבָּיּם (77:20) 19: 77 b·im drk·k u·shbili·k u·shbil·k b·mim rbim and thy path in the great in· the ·sea way-of·you and·trails-of·you and·trail-of·you in·waters many-ones waters, and thy footsteps are not known. : ֹנָדעוּ לֹא ְוִעְקּבֶתיך u·oqbuthi·k la ndou : and·heel-print s-of·you not they-were-known 20 Thou leddest thy people : ְוַאֲהֹרן מֹשֶׁ ה ־ ְבַּיד ַעֶמּך כַ צֹּאן ָנִחיָת (77:21) 20: 77 nchith k·tzan om·k b·id - mshe u·aern : like a flock by the hand of you-guided as· the ·flock people-of·you in·hand-of Moses and·Aaron Moses and Aaron. 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