Morocco-UNICEF Country Programme Evaluation R-1 Morocco - UNICEF Country Programme Evaluation Table of contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Context of the Country Programme Evaluation 1.2 Links between Country Programme Evaluation and Mid-Term Review 1.3 Objectives 1.4 Methodology and work plan 1.5 Evaluation progress and constraints 1.6 Structure of the evaluation report 2. THE STATUS OF WOMEN’S AND CHILDREN’S RIGHTS IN MOROCCO 2.1 The status of children’s rights 2.1.1 The right to survival 2.1.2 The right to development 2.1.3 The right to protection 2.1.4 The right to participation 2.2 The evolution of the legal context 2.2.1 Legal reforms that impact children’s rights 2.2.2 Reports on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child 2.2.3 Report on CEDAW implementation 2.3. Conclusion on the status of rights 3. PRESENTATION OF THE GOVERNMENT OF MOROCCO - UNICEF COUNTRY PROGRAMME 3.1 The 1997-2001 Country Programme 3.1.1 Objectives and structure 3.1.2 Results 3.1.3 Lessons learned and recommendations for the 2002-2006 Programme 3.2 The 2002-2006 Country Programme 3.2.1 Purpose, objectives and strategy 3.2.2 Structure 3.2.3 CP resources 3.2.4 Programme organization 3.2.5 Programmes, projects and sub-projects of the Country Programme 4. ANALYSIS OF THE COUNTRY PROGRAMME 4.1 The role and relevance of the country programme 4.1.1 PC role 4.1.2 Relevance 4.2 Programme design and focus 4.2.1 The design of the Programme 4.2.2 The focus of the Programme 4.3 Niche and comparative advantages 4.3.1 The comparative advantages of the cooperation between Morocco and UNICEF 4.3.2 The niches of the Country Programme and partner complementarity 4.3.3 Integration of the Country Programme into the UNDAF process 4.4 Effectiveness of the Country Programme 4.4.1 The constraints to the evaluation of effectiveness 4.4.2 Main results 4.4.3 Results analysis 4.5 Efficiency 4.5.1 Information on costs and results 4.5.2 Monitoring and evaluation 4.6 Resource mobilization 4.6.1 Level of resources mobilized and used 4.6.2 Resource mobilization strategy 4.7 Result sustainability R-2 Morocco - UNICEF Country Programme Evaluation 4.7.1 Sustainability of the experiences 4.7.2 Replication and integration of tools and intervention models 4.7.3 Programme implications 5. STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Refocusing the Country Programme 5.2 The Human Rights-Based Approach to Programming 5.3 The gender approach 5.4 Results-Based Management 5.5 Pilot exper 5.6 Advocacy 5.7 Communication at the programme level 5.8 Partnerships 5.9 Resource mobilization 5.10 Implications for programme structure List of charts Chart 1. Resource estimates for the 2002-2006 Country Programme (in thousands of US$) Chart 2. Projects and sub-projects per type of result desired Chart 3. Result overview for pilot experiences Chart 4. Resources forecast and mobilized (in thousands of US$) Chart 5. Use of mobilized resources (in thousands of US$) Chart 6. Summary of recommendations and implementation scheme List of diagrams Diagram 1. Management structure of the Country Programme: national level List of Annexes Annex 1. Terms of reference of the Country Programme Evaluation Annex 2. Recommendations: preliminary implementation scheme and time-frame Annex 3. List of individuals met and agencies consulted Annex 4. List of the main documents consulted Annex 5. Recommendations of the Geneva Committee on Children’s Rights Annex 6. Updated elements of a Human Rights-Based Approach to Programming Annex 7. The structure of the 2002-2006 Country Programme Annex 8. Programme, project and sub-project objectives Annex 9. The gender dimension List of acronyms (as appropriate) and translation of French Terminology AD Approche des droits humains (“Approche-Droits”) Human rights approach APFDH Approche de programmation fondée sur les droits humains HRBAP Human Rights-Based Approach to Programming APN Appui aux priorités nationals Support to national priorities AR Autres Ressources OR Other Resources ADFM Association démocratique des femmes du Maroc Democratic Association of Moroccan Women R-3 Morocco - UNICEF Country Programme Evaluation BCP Bilan Commun de Pays CCA Common Country Assessment CDE Convention relative aux droits de l’enfant CRC Convention on the Rights of the Child CEFDF Convention sur l’élimination de toutes les formes de discrimination à l’égard des femmes CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women CNEP Centre national d’évaluation des programmes National Programme Evaluation Center COSEF Commission spéciale sur l’éducation et la formation Special Commission on Education and Training CSB Centre de santé de base Basic Health Center DAR Direction des affaires rurales Department of Rural Affairs DCL Direction des collectivités locales Department of local government units EPC Evaluation du programme de cooperation CPE Country Programme Evaluation FME Forum des médias pour l’enfant Media Forum for Children GAR Gestion axée sur les resultants RBM Results-Based Management GNUD Groupe des Nations Unies pour le développement UNDG United Nations Development Group IPEC International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labor (Same acronym in French) MAEC Ministère des Affaires étrangères et de la Coopération Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation MEN Ministère de l’Education Nationale Ministry of National Education MI Ministère de l’Intérieur Ministry of the Interior MS Ministère de la Santé Ministry of Health ODM Objectifs de développement pour le millénaire MDGs Millennium Development Goals ONDE Observatoire national des droits de l’enfant National Observatory of Children’s Rights ONG Organisation non gouvernementale NGO Non-Governemental Organization PC Programme de cooperation R-4 Morocco - UNICEF Country Programme Evaluation CP Country Programme (of Cooperation) PCIME Prise en charge intégrée des maladies de l’enfant IMCI Integrated Management of Childhood Illness PCO Plan-Cadre d’Opérations MPO Master Plan of Operations PDCE Plan de développement communal centré sur l’enfant Child-focused Municipal Development Plan PISE Plan intégré de suivi et d’évaluation IMEP Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation Plan PNLS Programme national de lutte contre le SIDA National anti-AIDS Programme PPE Programme protection de l’enfance Child Protection Programme PSMT Plan stratégique à moyen terme MTSP Mid-term Strategic Plan PSP-CDE Programme Suivi et Promotion de la CDE CRC Monitoring and Promotion Programme RMP Revue à mi-parcours MTR Mid-Term Review RR Resources Régulières (or RO: Ressources Ordinaires) RR Regular Resources SE Secrétariat d’Etat State Secretariat, Office of the Secretary of State SE-FEPH Secrétariat d’Etat chargé de la Famille, de l’Enfance et des Personnes Handicapées State Secretariat in charge of Family Matters, Childhood and the Handicapped SIIE Système intégré d’information sur l’enfant Integrated information system on children SEMR Soutien aux enfants du milieu rural Support to children of rural areas SMART Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timebound Same acronym in French SNU Système des Nations Unies UNS United Nations System UCW Understanding Children Work Same acronym in French UNDAF United Nations Development Assistance Framework Plan-Cadre des Nations Unies pour l’Aide au Développement (same acronym in French) R-5 Morocco - UNICEF Country Programme Evaluation FOREWORD The Government of Morocco - UNICEF Country Programme Evaluation (CPE) was conducted by a team of the following five external Consultants (three international and two national): • Mr. Simon Latraverse, team leader; • Mrs. Karen Hickson, expert in UNICEF programmes and the gender issue; • Mrs. Keiko Kita, Japanese Government Consultant, expert in elementary education and maternal health; • Mr. Azeddine Akesbi, national Consultant, expert in child education and protection; • Mr. Taoufik Bakkali, national Consultant, health expert. The evaluation was coordinated by Mr Lucien Back of the Evaluation Office at UNICEF New York Headquarters with support provided by Mr Joaquin Gonzalez-Aleman. The Evaluation Office wishes to express its gratitude to the team and all those who guided and facilitated its work. These thanks are first and foremost directed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Department of Multilateral Cooperation, which has made the evaluation exercise possible and kindly supported it throughout its various stages by making judicious comments. The National Centre of Programme Evaluation of the High Commissioner of Planning kindly supported the evaluation with valuable support. We also want to express our gratitude to national partners, both from Ministries and local institutions, who met with the evaluation team and answered its questions, and to all the stakeholders, who made themselves available and showed interest in the evaluation. The team wants to express its gratitude and its appreciation to the Rabat UNICEF office, which went out of its way to provide the evaluators with all the information requested, and always made itself available to discuss evaluation issues and answer all queries. The team would particularly like to stress the important preparatory work performed by the Office, as the presentations of the Programme and of its components that it conducted with partners made the team promptly aware of the Programme and of the set of issues that children have to face in Morocco. UNICEF wishes to express its gratitude to the Government of Japan for facilitating the participation of a consultant in the evaluation work throughout the process, which has led to the enrichment of the team’s analyses through much-appreciated experience in the areas of basic education and health care to the mother and child. Jean Serge Quesnel Director of the Evaluation Office UNICEF New York Headquarters R-6 Morocco - UNICEF Country Programme Evaluation EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. Purpose and context of the evaluation The Country Programme Evaluation (CPE) for Morocco aims to support the Mi-Term Review (MTR) of the Government of Morocco - UNICEF Country Programme of Cooperation (CP) by bringing a strategic dimension to this review conducted by the Government of Morocco and UNICEF, in cooperation with civil society components.
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