_______________EKO-REGIONAL, Vol 15, No. 1, Maret 2020. pp. 25-31 Analysis of Human Development Index in Sumatera Barat Province using Biplot Method By Eri Mardison Badan Pusat Statistik, Sumatra Utara Corresponding Autor: [email protected] Submission: November 07 2019, Accepted: Februari 25 2020 ABSTRACT The Human Development Index (HDI) is calculated from four variables, however, the HDI value cannot directly show which variables are superior in an area and which are not. For this reason, this study aims to analyze the strength of the HDI variables in each region in Sumatera Barat Province, using Biplot Analysis. Important findings resulted from biplot analysis indicate that the Sumatera Barat Province is categorized into five regional groups that are affected by the proximity value of its constituent variables. Out of the five groups, two groups are in an area not adjacent to the variable. The other two groups are in the variable area. While the last group is an extreme region compared to other regional groups. Areas that are not in the area of variables are weak against variables, while the area falling in the variable area is superior in the relevant variable. For extreme groups, Kota Padang is very superior in the adjusted per capita expenditure variable and superior in other variables too. Meanwhile, the Mentawai Islands Regency is very weak in all variables. Kota Padang Panjang is very superior in all variables of education but weak in the economic variable. The Biplot Analysis also revealed that Sijunjung Regency had a fairly good in expenditure, but it was not good enough in other dimensions of the HDI. Things like this are not given enough attention to ordinary HDI analysis, this is what makes the Biplot analysis important to do. Keywords: Biplot Analysis, HDI, Sumatera Barat. ABSTRAK Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM) dihasilkan dari empat komponen, namun demikian nilai IPM tersebut tidak dapat menunjukkan secara langsung komponen mana yang unggul pada suatu daerah dan mana yang tidak. Untuk itu, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kekuatan komponen IPM di setiap wilayah di Provinsi Sumatera Barat, dengan menggunakan Analisis Biplot. Temuan penting yang dihasilkan dari analisis biplot menunjukkan bahwa Provinsi Sumatera Barat dikelompokkan ke dalam lima group wilayah yang dipengaruhi oleh nilai kedekatan komponen penyusunnya. Dari lima group tersebut, dua grup berada pada daerah yang tidak berdekatan dengan peubah. Dua grup lainnya berada pada daerah peubah. Sedangkan satu grup terakhir merupakan daerah yang tergolong ekstrim dibandingkan dengan kelompok daerah lainnya. Daerah yang tidak berada pada area peubah, bersifat lemah terhadap peubah. Sementara daerah yang berada pada aera peubah akan unggul pada peubah bersangkutan. Untuk grup 25 Analysis of Human Development Index.... (Mardison)_______________ ekstrim, Kota Padang sangat unggul pada komponen pengeluaran per kapita yang disesuaikan dan juga unggul pada komponen-komponen lainnya. Sedangkan Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai sangat lemah pada semua komponen. Kota Padang Panjang sangat unggul pada seluruh komponen pendidikan, namun lemah pada komponen ekonomi. Biplot analisis juga mengungkap bahwa Kabupten Sijunjung mempunyai pengeluaran yang cukup baik, tetaPI tidak cukup baik pada dimensi IPM yang lain. Hal-hal seperti ini kurang diperhatikan pada analisis IPM biasa, inilah yang membuat Biplot analisis menjadi penting untuk dilaksanakan Kata Kunci: Analisis BIplot, IPM, Sumatera Barat. INTRODUCTION The Goals of all development are humans, all for humans. The Human Development Index (HDI) is one of the indicators to measure the success of the development, according to Junian et al. (2018). Pieces of research have been done by pairing the HDI with other variables such as poverty, population, and economic growth, one of which was done by Prasetyoningrum & Sukmawati (2018). However, not many studies mention and discuss previous studies that do not examine the HDI variable itself. Indonesia began to calculate HDI from 1990. Indonesian HDI increased from 53.2 in 1990 to 71.39 in 2018. It always increased with a different magnitude, Indonesian HDI had only experienced a decline in 1998 due to economic crisis. HDI is one of important indicator to measure the success of human development efforts. In connection with that IPM also became one of the allocators for the General Allocation Fund (DAU). Sumatera Barat Province has a relatively stable of HDI ranking. In 1996 the Province of Sumatra Barat was ranked 11th with an HDI score of 69.2, in 1999 it had been ranked 9th and had risen in 2002 to rank 8th but since 2004 until now it has survived at a number 9th. A region with sufficient stability is interesting to be used as research material. Moreover this research is the first study by raising the main variables of HDI in Sumatera Barat Province. The new method of HDI consists of three dimensions; the health dimension is represented by the Life Expectancy (LE), the education dimension is represented by Expected Years of School (EYS) and Mean Years of School (MYS), and the economic dimension is represented by adjusted per capita expenditures, as defined by BPS (2019). Usually, the classification of HDI is low, medium, high, and very high, based on BPS (2019). This research tried to explore the HDI grouping using biplot analysis. Biplot analysis is classified as a double variable exploration analysis, which intended to reveal multiple variable data in a two- dimensional scatter map, so that the data behavior of all involved variables is easy to be interpreted, as stated by Tinungki (2018). METHODS This study chose a biplot analysis method since the method can describe the data in a two- dimensional graph (Hatidja, Momuat, 2017). A multivariate method that uses graphs in the form of rows and columns is the analysis biplot. Thus, the objects and variables under study can be displayed. As a double dimensional descriptive statistical technique, the biplot can present a group of observations and variables simultaneously on one image. The characteristics of the variable and the object of observation and the relative position between the object of observation and the variable can be analysed. These advantages and uses are very much in accordance to the research objectives, one of which is to show the superiority of an area and its proximity to other variables. There are four important things that can be obtained on the biplot display, (Leleury & Wokanubun, 2015): 1. Relationships between observed objects. 2. Variability of variables. 3. Relations between variables. 26 _______________EKO-REGIONAL, Vol 15, No. 1, Maret 2020. pp. 25-31 4. Relationships between objects and variables. Biplot analysis or also called Singular Value composition (SVD) is based on the breakdown of singular values. Biplot can be built from a data matrix, where each column represents a variable and each row represents the object of research. The Biplot method yield information about the relative position of the original variable. Furthermore, the combination of the original variable plot with the observation plot through superimpose will produce information about the relationship between the variable and the observation. Based on matrix: x x x 11 1i 1p X x x x n p k1 ki kp xn1 xni xnp It can generate matrix G and H as follows: g g gT 11 12 1 G g g T k1 k 2 g k T g n1 g n2 g n h h hT 11 12 1 H h h hT i1 i2 i h h T p1 p2 h p The target: 푻 푻 퐠풌 = (g푘1 g푘2) 푟푒푝푟푒푠푒푛푡푠 퐱풌 = (x푘1 … x푘2 … x푘푝) 푻 푻 퐡풌 = (h푖1 h푘2) 푟푒푝푟푒푠푒푛푡푠 퐱풊 = (x1푖 … x푘푖 … x푛푖) Suppose the nYp matrix is a data matrix and nXp is data matrix that has been corrected for its median, viz. X = Y – (JY)/n , where J is a one-element matrix and has the size of nxn. With singular value decomposition obtained:: nXp = nUr Lr Ap (1) where : T T U and A are matrices with orthonormal columns (U U = A A = rI r) L is a diagonal matrix with diagonal elements in the form of eigen values The above equation can be written as:) X = U Lα L1-α A’ (2) X = nGr rHp By defining G = U Lα dan H = L1α A’ In special case, where α = 0, then G = U, and H = AL 27 Analysis of Human Development Index.... (Mardison)_______________ RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS One of the prerequisites for biplot analysis is the composition of data that is normally distributed, (Sholihin et all, 2014). This step is carried out in anticipation of the data transformation process. From the data normality test output using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, it appears that the sig value for all variables has a greater value than α = 0.05. So it can be said that the data is normally distributed. Because the data is normally distributed, the transformation process is not necessary. Table 1. The Result of One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test LE EYS MYS A. Ex penditure N 19 19 19 19 Normal Parametersa,b Mean 69.7573684 13.654 9.0037 10515.11 21052620 2 Std. Deviation 2.77905427 1.0791 1.5188 1911.860 9797362 8 6 Most Extreme Absolute .108 .155 .224 .147 Differences Positive .077 .155 .224 .147 Negative -.108 -.113 -.130 -.106 Test Statistic .108 .155 .224 .147 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .200c,d .200c,d .013c .200c,d a. Test distribution is Normal. b. Calculated from data. c. Lilliefors Significance Correction. d. This is a lower bound of the true significance. Tabel 2. The Result of Communality Initial Extraction Life Expectancy 1,000 0,866 Expected Years of School 1,000 0,870 Mean Years of School 1,000 0,913 Adjusted of Per Capita Expenditure 1,000 1,000 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. The communality table shows the value of the variable whether it can explain a factor or not.
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