Thames Hospital plagued by Waikato DHB cyber-attack, P3 ISSN 2703-5700 NOW PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY Issue 022 May 26, 2021 C 100 C 0 MFiery 25 M 0 object Y 0 Y 0 K 0 K 100 Moanataiari School’s security camera caught the moment an unknown flying object crash-landed Font :: Times (modified) on the school field. hits school Photo: SUPPLIED By KELLEY TANTAU Brock said. “And we’ll probably never see anything like it again in t 9:19pm on a Friday night, the rest of our lives.” Asomething mysterious hap- University of Otago masters stu- pened at Moanataiari School. dent Daniel Burgin, who specialises Footage captured on surveillance in martian meteorites, told The Pro- cameras showed an object falling file there were “strange” elements to from the sky, ablaze. the object that seemingly fell from It crash-landed on the school’s the sky. field and burned for roughly one On one hand, it was unlikely the minute. thin material of the metal chain Witnesses reported hearing a could have survived the re-entry “whipping” noise, followed by a into earth’s atmosphere if it came loud bang. from outer space. On the other “It sounded like a car crash. I hand, it was “a rare feat” for some- ran out back and there was a really thing to get so hot to burn the way bright glow coming from the school it did. field,” nearby resident Rita Moore “If it was the atmosphere that told The Profile. heated it up that much, it would’ve By daybreak on Monday, there had to have come from space, be- was another development. cause stuff that is orbiting around A thin chain, with a small hoop at the earth is going tens of thousands one end, sat between a charred strip of kilometres per hour,” he said. of grass. “Say if someone dropped some- Teachers began investigating. thing out of a plane, you wouldn’t Rumours started to swirl. get anything like that; it would just Was this the work of Men in fall.” Black or extraterrestrials? Was it Mr Burgin said NASA tracked Josh Dennis, left, Lilly-Anne Sands-Gage, Jacob Kidd, and Liam Corbett with the burnt grass left behind. Photo: KELLEY TANTAU the remnants of a Chinese rocket or around 500,000 pieces of space The school has done its own re- The school will be sending a frag- Despite this, it was “worth it” for space junk? junk orbiting the earth that were search into the mysterious crash- ment of the remains to the university, the school to seek further explana- Only one thing was certain: the larger than the size of a marble. landing, with some pupils taking where Mr Burgin will analyse it us- tion. blackened strip of school field had However, there were millions of compasses out onto the field to de- ing a scanning electron microscope. “The odds of ever seeing some- piqued the interest of staff and pu- other smaller pieces orbiting at dif- termine the object’s trajectory. He said the school could rule out thing fall from space is so incredibly pils, and they were determined to ferent heights and directions. Wayne Howes’ Room 9 students the debris coming from the Chinese tiny, so it’d be bloody awesome if it get to the bottom of it. “We’ve been putting stuff up have also drawn pictures and written rocket that was launched on April was [from there],” he said. “There’s no health and safety ac- there since the 60s, so there is a fair news reports about the enigma, with 29. The entirety of it burned up and “And I would highly recommend tion plan to cater to something like bit, but for it to fall back down to some children now having aspira- landed somewhere in the Indian anyone wanting to go into space to this,” Moanataiari principal David earth is pretty rare.” tions to become astronauts. Ocean, he said. follow their dreams.” Come check out Snowden’s our Ne Need a rubbish bin? - MENSWEAR - w Season stock Proudly locally owned and operated for over 50 years With a range of size options – we’ve got you covered! Images not to scale. PHONE 0800 4 MY BIN (0800 469 246) EMAIL [email protected] ONLINE www.smartbins.co.nz 520 Pollen St Thames, Coromandel WE ARE LOCAL – proudly 100% Kiwi owned & operated Ph: 07 868 7056 • www.snowdensmenwear.co.nz 02 THE VALLEY PROFILE, May26, 2021 www.valleyprofile.co.nz CONTACT US HDC town promotion The Valley Profile is a community newspaper that delivers 100% local news in the Thames Valley region. We deliver 12,500 copies plan likely to go ahead each Wednesday to every By KELLEY TANTAU tions have been doing up to this letterbox, reaching more than point. Judith said if the new mod- 22,500 readers in Hauraki Plains, Paeroa, Thames, Thames Coast auraki District Council faced el went ahead, Positive Paeroa will and surrounding rural areas, Hstrong opposition at its long “cease to exist” come June. plus bulk distribution around the term plan (LTP) hearings last Meanwhile, also at the hear- Coromandel Peninsula. week to its proposal to cut funding ing, Hauraki Plains College envi- to town promoters and employ its ronmental leaders Morgan Har- NEWS/EDITORIAL own staff member instead. ris and Sophie Scott suggested Editor Teresa Ramsey Following a joint submission council converse with its younger Ph 0204 0944 853 by the district’s three town pro- generation by visiting schools, Email: [email protected] motion organisations - Go Waihi, because its social media strategy Reporter Kelley Tantau Positive Paeroa, and Positively didn’t seem to be working. Ph 022 619 4889 Promoting the Plains - the Val- “We want it to be made easier Email: [email protected] ley Profile understands council- for youth to submit feedback,” ADVERTISING lors decided to go ahead with its Morgan said. “I was the one who Ad manager Nikki Sanders recommended option to cut town went through the Alice in Our funding. Place [LTP consultation docu- Ph 022 1303 885 However, Hauraki District ment] and I found it quite hard to Email: [email protected] Council declined to confirm its navigate. I feel it could be changed MISSED PAPERS/ADMIN decision when approached by The to make it easier for young people Ph 027 396 2459 Profile. “Unfortunately, although to submit feedback and be a part Thames Bridge Club’s Ted Cliffin and Barbara McFarlane. Photo: SUPPLIED Email: [email protected] the council is deliberating on the of the conversation.” decisions, we’re unable to confirm Morgan said while the younger 100% LOCALLY OWNED the final outcome of the Manaaki generation was on social media, Thames Bridge Club AND OPERATED Toiora proposal, or any other that did not guarantee them see- PO Box 550, Thames 3540 decisions, until the minutes are ing the council’s alerts or updates. ratified and the long term plan is “At the end of the day, going to www.valleyprofile.co.nz adopted,” a spokesperson said. schools and advertising through champions set for finals Hi, my name is Pete “This will happen at a meeting that means will be a lot more ben- The Bridge partnership of Bar- nals later this year. the Pukeko and I’m on June 23.” eficial, because not everyone is go- bara McFarlane and Ted Cliffin “We will be sending them off here to help you. Council’s proposal would see ing to be following your pages.” Find me in one $411,000 set aside for town pro- Also discussed during the hear- has struck gold for the second with our very best wishes for a of the display motion, visitor information ser- ing was the state of the district’s time for the Waikato and the victorious tournament. advertisements vices and district events co-ordi- cemeteries and sports fields, and Thames Bridge Club. “Your club is very proud of in The Valley Profile, then email [email protected] or Ph/ nation for the 2021-2022 year, new additions to benefit the area. A club spokesperson said the you both.” txt 027 396 2459 with your full and a reduction in funding to the One submitter asked coun- pair played superbly in Tauran- The club meets Mondays, three town promotion organisa- cil to look at establishing a “bird name, the business name and page ga recently, winning the Inter- Tuesdays and Thursdays, from number of the ad by the following tions to $10,000 each per year. interpretation centre” on the Monday to go in the draw to WIN Spokespeople for the three town Wharekawa Coast, complete with provincial Trials competition February until November, at its a car valet from Thames Autos promotion organisations Greg a shop and food supply for cy- and the right to represent the Brown St clubrooms. worth $150! The prize is drawn at Whyte, Judith Jamieson, and Sa- clists, while another wished to see Waikato Region against teams More information can be the end of each month. rah Sheehy told councillors there the council develop a number of from around New Zealand. found online at: www.thames. was no value in council establish- wetlands in Paeroa, including by ing a full-time, in-house role to Paeroa’s wastewater treatment Auckland will be the host bridge-club.org or Ph 07 868 club for the Interprovincial fi- 8132. - 868 8981 - undertake the work the organisa- ponds. Kitchenware that lasts a lifetime and just like the recipes, can be enjoyed by many generations COME & SEE US for all your kitchen and cooking needs.
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