u "- - ' 3 rv-Z?- .' ...... tl ... ; v 1 C" "" NO. 5C33. PjjHJOT '2$,;, 190Q.JlXTKBN, VOL. XXXII., HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, BATUBjly , PAQE8, PRICE ITVC OEUia PROFESSIONAL CARDS. aro northern end-o- f the Island fro LHainato Wailuku , iIVllGIKIT Tl .r.s a decided ius?d . for;' these SUMMER-DAY- ATTOHNKTS. HE HAVE rout ,y.,or thelosIngofar number of S j. .V A II I'll .. C. Atklnaon smrf Vftofflc5t on'the.' IslarTa?, has1 pro : fifeM ;incdnvnwn'ce to 'many resIA Atf f"ftu Islartd.v Bv the 'rural 4 lf$ fc the 4rtM)ns: n the route vwlq i HAD WALES' TITLE nouses in stea? ivl as Tiefetoforev along the high- - in fn.rn Washington k;p It . L' -- ' A. PH. ana Uth 8t. TI.H km. t , Jh Orpheum. s descendant of Charl-- I., who but for - a f a - Pr,nce great- WU?ea .'."JV'' rTtin' w - tha FFl Ihuleep Singh, one 6t the - The the Act of Settlement would have been I I f All' ;got True Story of Scot- OrpheUm JaJjght to itness the per- - Army VylllCCrZ) All!681 nd richest the potentates of Mary IV. of England and III. of f India, who tfre now in New York, are . not formancjf,by. the late McAdoo Compa- land. The A.rc could coming to Washington to see ' reigned In England, however, as ny. of the evening was a "dis- the sights have TheI and to be seen. The sis- A Bavarian Mary 11. turbance byMfss Milton as the "tough Want To Go To eldest of the her grandmothers, III. and girl," who a ters is said to be thirty years old, by marrying her uncle, the Duke of takes seat out In -the but rirT.-iciA!- . a TOmTnotlon,- and is they are. both beautlfuL women oCJke . Modena, vitiated the claim according ejt-tte- U ......... f - tkt. - fry the special policeman who Hindoo type, and each of them' wears ftp' J. Al'tl H. II""- "" Prince to English law. employed by pro- China. ;.uf,.r; - .tfntlon HT-- n to the theater. The Jewels worth a fortune. If one or jsoth This line of possible or Impossible gram for tonight will be the same. A of them should take a fancy to brings In another string oV targe, crowd is looked for. add an succession ' American, to 11 m- husband the already large ,r-- oltl' W - to royal "might have beens." The next ( ,h ""''. ;:w' ." outfit, Washington has bunches m-- THE from t P' i HE IS A ROYAL there- Tricked Chinese. , . CABINET IS i. m.. t Jir". In line on this Jacobin branch, the which choice might be made. w.; T1!. Arch-Duches- s's in c a. fore, was the sister, the Four uraall Portuguese boys worked Palma, living repre- WAR D.-Of- H.-a Duchess of whose COUNCIL - .4 M. MIGHT HAVE a Cjlub. i y. L, s rl.KVtf.ANP. BEEN of. a nat chem to rob a Chinese of ft y Seaman's U . m., to sentative Is the present ducal head . I i Kii' hour, Mo portion vof the load of bananas which A a T-- house, he being also a de Jure well tended iconert was given I p. m ; l. O. that royal personage and figuring as Robert U -- ra "bringing to the city from Kallhl ' last night at the Seaman's Club. The - Gen. Miles Would Like Active n w j. i:r.nnAiTK.-om- f- an.i ra- Would b Brit- - I. of England and IV. of Scotland on Kameha-meh'- a program was an gdod"orfe',and ant now Successor to vallTAs the man neared unsually M.ma '" lrtnh Alki Pt. the other side of the family. AcliAoJl leading two donkeys laden Service AbroadVisit of was much appreciated. Mrs. Annls"-Montagu- e offl, h.nir. to J", I to 4 an.l 1 to a. ish Throne But for Act To offset the snatches of pleasure with, the' fruit, the boys accosted him Turner, Mr.TJaty, and Mr. of Settlement. which must accrue from the feeling and while two engaged him In conver- Prominent People. John, Wilson vocalized; Miss Duffy re- n (. W. JiuK.-o- mo 8M Fort t.; that according to one standard of suc- sation the other pit iced bananas irom cited .with, feeling; Messrs. Johnson and T gave k.'xira I to 10 . w- - I to 4 an.l to p. cession he some day might have been the load and dropped them In the road. Parker a banjo and clog dance W 13X number, ; g in ly I ta 30 a. m.; tal. on (Special and Miss Rice accompanied (HtiJ Correnpondencf). king of the greatest empire earth. Presently the boys left the Chinese and Correspondence.) In her usual finished style. S. I'rlnce Rupert has to look back to a started with all apparent Innocence on WASHINGTON, 8. n T MITMt:HA.-om- c, Nuuanu LONDON, Julj 2. An engage August The flow Ti. IM. P. o. boa MS; rIJnca ment recently reported In the Court er of glory can. only be plucked In the M .Vmianu ft.'. oRIra houra to 10 Oasette, London, poaaeaaea a re field of danger. That Is why army off- SPECIAL SESSION m ; I 4 to p. m. I to "! Anglo-Saxo- icers and their friends' are markable Interest to the n OF-'WALE- thronelne race who follow up royal pdlgre-fl- . the corridors of the war .'department, It REAL PRINCE pulling every NOT AGREED ON I of Hla Iioyal Hlghneas wire In sight to get as that Trlnre signed ..rt. I ta It ft. tn.: I to I and 7 to I Ilupert of iUvarlA to the Ducheaa Ma to duty with our troops in Chi- i nv; Tl. whu. rle Oabrlellf, fourth daughter of the AND HIS FAIR FIANCEE na. The army. officers expect it to be Governor not Determined to dlsttn-gulahe- a big war, and believe, In language tuk. Charlea Theodore, the d Jhe mrntNAnr iunor-O- orullut of Havarla. of Admiral Schley, "that .there will be Convene the H glory enough fLATHANf. Vtiinary raon I'rlnt w Ilupert one of Europe's roy-- al for all who are on the BU BUblaa; glory-hunte- rs irj rnU: offlra Kin "might have beena," being accord- ground. The are by no t(. v0: talla iar f nlt promptly means confined to the youngish officers. J. aporUltlaa, olatatrlca an ing to the legitimist genealogical table, K sieclal session of the Legislature may i"i.rt the heir of of Krttaln and They all seem to want to go. Lieuten- ltmnM. the throne be called; again, may Govern-o- ronaequently the preaent ant General Miles, commander of the it not be. r altrrnate army, Dole his n. T. KAT.HUNUMA.-Cff- lc. Cluh Pta- - I'rlnce of Walea. would himself like to get service and advisers have reached no 4 p. 477. In China, M; hnura, a. m. to m.; TaL If I'rlnce Rup rt had chanced to ex- - and even General Leonard determination in the matter. The sub- lat aeven hundred years ago he Wood, military governor of Cuba, who ject has been discussed fof weeks and ame is tKNTIST8. might not have b-e- n going around In over here to talk about Cuban mat- the Governor has asked and heard the the rareleaa way that he does with a ters with Secretary Root, has taken the opinions of many prominent citizens as to ijnor Maaonlo 1 1 0-- Chinese glory fever, go ihro anvo Tmpl. royal tag upon conapicuoua to and will If he advisability- - om houra a, m. to 4 p. tn him, all. the of convening the Legisla- t Had he ventured around very much, he can get the consent of the President ture at an early date. - and Secretary Root to go there, but Some ago Y DimT.-Mott-Pm- lth cor. probably would aoon have been round- months immediately after jn. bid., Tort Is not Is want- I'jtrl (ita, mca hour to 4. ed up by the myrmidon! of court that likebv Gem, Wood fJa wail.bad- - hecoaas. aXaritory, there ni I the r" Some was taTK of an and placed In the Tower of London for ed right where he Is. of ihe old "extra" session, which n. C. H. t'MUItphl retired chaps have been scenting glory, meant the holding of a special election at Ill'ill. tnta km fa keeping, for fear he might Kit Manonlij Tmil-- ; Tt. UJ. that too. Gen. O. O. Howard stopped while a great expense. The "extra" session nome day get an Itch to wear hi own not called, is now discuss- - on his way to Grey re- - (wasI and what crown hlmelf Nor, hitvcver, he is al the Blue and d ,3 merel e asaembling of the Legl9. .in . r. wAf.r, rn. o r. WAf.r.. t li Vc union at Atlanta to assure Secretary ,ature Ua members are regularly ( fl.-- hour a m. ao p. m.; Lw luwfl atroll around any other after enjoy In Root that he was at the disposal of the elected, sooner than they would ordlnari-- Tort PI.J Tot perin and hlrnaelf rltsht the y ant. low of the throne to which he la the department if he could be of any ser-ll- be gathered. vice in connection with the trouble In The Governor, who has all the say . in ML'XICIANS. truent heir. the matter, has not made up his mind la long way to wade through China. HI. Ik It a Mrs.
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