3.0 LAWS ON DEMARCATION 3.1 Articles 47 (1992 Constitution) Constituencies. 47 (1) Ghana shall be divided into as many constituencies for the purpose of election of members of Parliament as the Electoral Commission may prescribe, and each constituency shall be represented by one member of Parliament. (2) No constituency shall fall within more than one region. (3) The boundaries of each constituency shall be such that the number of inhabitants in the constituency is, as nearly as possible, equal to the population quota. (4) For the purposes of clause (3) of this article, the number of inhabitants of a constituency may be greater or less than the population quota in order to take account of means of communication, geographical features, density of population and area and boundaries of the regions and other administrative or traditional areas. (5) The Electoral Commission shall review the division of Ghana into constituencies at intervals of not less than seven years, or within twelve months after the publication of the enumeration figures after the holding of a census of the population of Ghana, whichever is earlier, and many, as a result, alter the constituencies. (6) Where the boundaries of a constituency established under this article are altered as a result of a review, the alteration shall come into effect upon the next dissolution of Parliament. (7) For the purposes of this article, “population quota” means the number obtained b dividing the number of inhabitants of Ghana by the number of constituencies into which Ghana is divided under this article. 3.2 Articles 48 (1992 Constitution) Appeals From Decisions of Commission. 48. (1) A person aggrieved by a decision of the Electoral Commission in respect of a demarcation of a boundary, may appeal to a tribunal consisting of three persons appointed by the Chief Justice; and the Electoral Commission shall give effect to the decision of the tribunal. (2) A person aggrieved by a decision of the tribunal referred to in clause (1) of this article may appeal to the Court of Appeal whose decision on the matter shall be final. © Electoral Commission of Ghana 1 3.3 C.I. 46 - REPRESENTATION OF THE PEOPLE (PARLIAMENTARY CONSTITUENCIES) INSTRUMENT, 2004 Constituencies for election to Parliament. 1. (1) Ghana is divided into two hundred and thirty Constituencies for the purposes of election of members of the Parliament which will hold its first sitting in January, 2005, and for subsequent elections. (2) Each Constituency shall be represented by one member in Parliament. Area of constituencies. 2. The electoral areas specified in the third column of the Schedule to this Instrument are hereby determined as the areas of the constituencies specified in the first column of the Schedule and the constituency headquarters are as specified in the second column of the Schedule. Renovation and transitional provision. 3. (1) The Representation of the People (Parliamentary Constituencies) Instrument, 1992 (L.I.1538) is hereby revoked. (2) Notwithstanding the revocation under subregulation (1), a person representing a constituency under the revoked instrument shall continue to hold office until the Parliament is dissolved. SCHEDULE WESTERN REGION Constituency Constituency Area or Constituency Headquarters 1. Shama Shama 1. Shama Junction 2. Assorku-Essaman 3. Anto-Aboso 4. Etsifi 5. Bentsir 6. Apo-Awuna Beach 7. Upper Nehaban 8. Lower Nchaban 9. Supomu-Dunkwa 10. Bepos 11. Abuesi 12. Aboadze Constituency Constituency Area or Constituency Headquarters © Electoral Commission of Ghana 2 2. Sekondi Sekondi 1. Yensuadu 2. Asamansudu 3. Essikadu West 4. Bakaekyir 5. Ekuasi/Essaman 6. Nkontompo 7. Adiembra 8. Kweikuma 3. Essikadu-Ketan Essikadu 1. Mempeansem Ngyeresia 2. Essikadu East 3. Essikadu West 4. Ridge Ministries 5. Kojokrom 6. Mpentemnsrew 7. Nketsiakrom 8. Mprintsin 9. Anoe 10. Ketan 11. Kansaworado 4. Takoradi Takoradi 1. New Takoradi 2. Cassava Farm 3. Amanful-East 4. Amanful West 5. Old Adra 6. Essikafoambantem No.1 7. Presby Church 8. Essikafoambantem No.2 9. Zenith 10. Railway Quarters 11. Chapel Hill Harbour 12. Beach Road 13. Airforce 5. Effia- Effiakuma 1. Effia 2. Effiakuma West Kwesimintsim 3. Effiakuma East 4. East Tanokrom 5. West-Tanokrom 6. Anagye 7. Effiakuma-Zongo 8. Kwesimintsim 9. Zabon Zongo 10. Sofo Zongo 11. Asakae 12. Apremdu 6. Amenfi West Asankrangwa 1. Akromanto 2. Bloekso 3. Nkwantaetwem 4. Brodzekrom 5. Wassa Dunkwa 6. Tigarekrom 7. Bekwai 8. Nwanta 9. Mumuni Camp 10. Woman No Good 11. Yirase 12. Asankra-Breman 13. Asankran Oda 14. Mosenso 15. Kwabeng-Saa 7. Amenfi Central Manso-Amenfi 1. Manso Amenfi 2. Hlawa 3. Achiechire 4. Anyinabrim 5. Amuni 6. Gwirigum 7. Sonpire 8. Kwekubua 9. Agona 10. Jedua Kese 11. Wurtrem 12. Agona Camp 13. Juabo 14. Ankwaso 15. Ajakaa Manso 16. Daboasi-Otwi 17. Manso Nkwanta No.2 © Electoral Commission of Ghana 3 Constituency Constituency Area or Constituency Headquarters 8. Amenfi East Wassa Akropong 1. Old Town 2. Essikafoambantem 3. Asikuma 4. Saamang 5. Adansi 6. Jappa 7. Dadieso 8. Namanko 9. Nkonya 10. Pewuako 11. Saa 12. Bawdie 13. Sunyenso 14. Dawurampong 15. Ankonsia 16. Nsuem 17. Marfo 18. Afransie 19. Abrokyire 20. Opong Valley 21. Wuwuso 22. Mampong 9. Juaboso Juaboso 1. Boinzan 2. Ellubo 3. Juaboso 4. Bodi 5. Ahenbenso 6. Attaboka 7. Kofikrom-Proso 8. Anhwiafutu 9. Bonsu Nkwanta 10. Kefas 11.Fantraline 12. Aboboya 13.Afere 14. Oparekrom 15. Nkatieso 16. Benchema 17. Asempaneye 18. Sayerano 19. Amoya 20. Kwesikrom 10. Bia Debiso-Essem 1. New Papase 2. Asenyinakrom 3. Adabokrom 4. Kwabena Nkataa 5. Kwasarekrom 6. Saaye 7. Adjuafua 8. Asuentaa 9. Kramokrom 10. Yawmatwa 11. Adiepena 12. Kyremekrom 13. Tepakrom 14. Nsomakrom 15. Kaase 16. Nyamebekyere 17. Yaokwaa 18. Fosukrom 19. Sebesia 20. Kofie Ponko 21. Kwesikuma 22. Sukusuku 23. New Boinzan 24. Nafana 25. Essam 26. Dadiso 27. Kwamebikrom 28. Ahenbuboano 29 Mansah 30. Kakenabo 31. Kojoaba 32. Elluokrom 33. Dansokrom 34. Asanteman 11. Prestea- Bogoso 1. Huni Valley 2. Kurantin Hunivalley 3. Bompieso-Awoanda 4. Damang 5. Insu 6. Yawkrom 7. Obengkrom 8. Akutuase 9. Nzimafokrom 10. Fanti Mines 11. Huni Shaft 12. Wassa Nkran © Electoral Commission of Ghana 4 Constituency Constituency Area or Constituency Headquarters 13. Awudua 14. Kofigyankrom 15. Huniso 16. Mankesim 17. Cemetery Road 18.Boier Side 19. No.3 Company 20. Anfagya 21. Kroo-Town 22 Heman 23. Ankobra 24. Atakyem 25. Lions Street 26. Petepom 27. Beppo 28. Tarkwa Brem 29. Mboase-Mondaye 12. Tarkwa/Nsuaom Tarkwa 1. Akodowa 2. Zongo 2. Nkwanta 4. Essaman 5. Boyaya 6. Asikafoambantem 7. Dompim 8. Bonsa 9. Nsuta Company 10. Tarkwa-Banso 11. Tamso 12. Atoabo 13. Zongo 14. Tarkwa Abose 15. Tobrebe 16. Kamponase 17. Old Town 18. Branababome 19. Oyanide Housing Estate 20. Brenuakyenim 21. Lay Out 22. Abontiakoon 23. Nzimafokrom 24. Benso 25. Essuaso 13. Evalue-Gwira Axim 1. Apewosika 2. Bolazo 3. Bokazo 4. Botokule 5. Grant Hill 6. Tolanu 7. Kokwado 8. Brawire 9. Nsein 10. Apataim 11. Dadwien 12. Kegyina 13. Bamiankor 14. Dominase 15. Owira-Banso 16. Gwira Ashiem 17. Sikaneasem 14. Ellembelle Aiyinase 1. Kikam 2. Asanta 3. Asanta Kotokoro 4. Atuabo 5. Ngalokyi 6. Bikwe 7. Sanzule 8. Aiyinase South 9. Aiyinase 10. Aiyinase North 11. Nyamebekyere 12. Menzisor 13. Awiebo Solo 14. Awiebo Nyiake 15. Baseke 16. A.B. Bokazo 17. Ebowu 18. Nzezemelenu © Electoral Commission of Ghana 5 19. Tancan 20. Adubrim 21. Nkroful Elunibo 22. Nkroful Ebanso Constituency Constituency Area or Constituency Headquarters 15. Sefwi-Wiawso Sefwi-Wiaso 1. Abourntem 2. Asaman 3. Newtown 4. Susumente 5. Anhiam 6. Dwinase 7. Asuagya 8. Nsuonsua 9. Punikrom 10. Tanoso 11. Datano 12. Buako North 13. Boako South 14. Anyinabrim 15. Sui 16. Abrabra 17. Ewiase 18. Anhwiaa 19. Paboase 20. Amafie 21. North Asafo 22. South Asafo 23. Market Area 24. Sefwi Line 25. Market Area 26. Kojina 16. Sefwi Sefwi 1. Adumafua/Nsawura 2. Ackaakrom/Kojokrom Akontonbra Akontonbra 3. Apruti/Yawkrom 4. Nkwadum/Fawokabra 5. Besebema/Agyeman Camp 6. Kofikrom/Bopa 7. Asantekrom/Wuruwuru 8. Essase 9. Akontombra 10. Aburonehia 17. Bibiani- Bibiani 1. Old Town 2. Old Town Central Anhwiaso- 3. Compound 4. New Town Bekwai 5. Bibiani Estate 6. Hwenampori 7. Subri 8. Chirano 9. Suruno 10. Anhwiaso 11. Kojina 12. Afamu 13. Tanose 14. Kukunso 15. Ankrakrom 16. Awaso Asem Paneye Esikafoamantem 17. Awaso Central 18. Aworku 18. Aowia Enchi 1. Adumline-Kokoase 2. Akutubo 3. Ellubo 4. Nyankroman 5. Boinso 6. Omanpe 7. Kwahu 8. Nkwant 9. Sewum 10. Jema 11. Asemkrom 12. Achimfo 13. Banase 14. Yiwabra 15. Aquay Allah 16. Disueane 17. Adjoum 18. New Yakasi © Electoral Commission of Ghana 6 19. Old Yakasi 20. Akontombra Nkwanta 21. Afodowa 22. Adonikrom 19. Suaman Dadieso 1. Nanakrom 2. Domeabra 3. Nana Bullu 4. Nyamebekyere 5. Yaw Papekrom 6. Kwasuokrom 7. Karlo 8. Toya Constituency Constituency Area or Constituency Headquarters 20. Jomoro Half Assini 1. Enose 2. Adonwoso 3. Amanzule 4. Ekpu 5. Mpataba Nuba 6. Mpataba 7. Ahumasuazo/Samenye 8. New Town 9. Efasu 10. Nzematianu 11. Wharf 12. Anlomatoupe 13. Tikobo No.1 14. Twinen 15. Allowuley 16. Naulley 17. Peyin 18. Elloyinkengen 19. Takinta 20. New Kabeniasuazo 21. Adusuazo 22. Ahobre/Atwebanso 23. Bonyeresuazo 24. Zongo Bonyere 25. Bonyere-Ekegyina 26. Ezinubo 27. Tikobo No.2 28. Nvellenu Mpim 29. Elubo 30. Allabluale 21. Mpohor- Daboase 1. Daboase West 2. Daboase East Wassa East 3. Adansi 4. Mampong/Botogyina 5. Sekyerekrobo 6. Aboaboso/Kwabaa 7. Dompim No.1 8. Ateku 9. Adansi Asra-Tuase 10. Osenso 11. Nsadweso 12. Subri 13. Essaman 14. Enyindabrim 15. Brofoyedur 16. Prato 17. Sekyere Heman 18. Akutuase 19. Atobiase Domama 20. Manso Newtown 21. Manso Old Town 22. Ayiem 23. Banso Lower Town 24. Banso Upper Town 25. Bopp 26.
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