![North End Pharmacy](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
! 0 $ M t e c ^ - ^ .■' '•■ ■ ^ SfiVj'' . V » ■ -,v \ ■' ^ ' . y >. ,» V. • • ■»«. «■ 'f, • ■ •• ,( fAGB TWENTf rtllDAY. AWUL’15.1985 lEwnittfi Ifi^raUii Aysrate Dsfly Nst Pnss Ruu ■ i ■! I « • i I » "i' ■ I I t lllll . Far tee Week Esfiefi April 9. 1955 Ths Wssthsr Bdmrd J. lohan, vlca praaident A eon waa born qt.tbe Hartford he. empowered to fine periwns up i.’ef V; a Waattai A b o u t T ow n • f the First Natiaoal Bank, will ba Hospital Tuesday to Mr. had Mha to |9S for vlolatloaa of the buu7 one of the panel membatii o f ‘The Xaaae Snyder, 97 WeUeriy Rd. Finish Step Ing code. The jpoup also dseifitd SWISS (iilANlS 1 1 ,7 3 3 Factom to hO'ConsIdorad In tha 9 p.m. cn Sunday. A p ril 91, a t the construction should start within K a n b a n o t B t M U 3r*a Church Suceebafttl Oparatioh o f a M ort­ Polish Vstsrano Hall, 975 Path St., Brewma Leedem ClUb wiU Menteer .ef tee Aqfilt six months a fter a perm it is issued' Baman ef (Xrofisllee n g k ia T S a . MMIO Club «ra raquaatad th maat gage lo a n Portfolio,” at the 10th H ai^ord. K leel'on and instaUsi-. meet .Monday at S pjn. ai'Osmp In Revision and tha buUding'inspector should iM lch t h t Uw pariah booM ht 7;S0 annual maethig. of the Saving tion cf efBcsm will be held and ifarriih.Wood on Oaxdne:- S t. sat a date upon udiich ths permit Manche§Uir-‘r-^ City o f Village Charm to a acnaa tha lorthcaninc murical Bank Asaodation^ of Connecticut rafTeriiments wlU be asrvsd after WlU emUe If the buUding Is not nvna. in New london oir-April 90. He the meeting. Alton J. Munale. aon o f Mrs. and Of New Code eomplsted. VOL. LXXIV, ^ 167 will aieo be a guest at the ben- Mrs. J. V. Mdasla, 105 RusssU St., #VE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., SAtinMIAY, APRIL 16, 1955 (Claarificfi AfiyertWag #■ Page IS) n a “Bwaatla PU** Mbiatna wUl quet of that asaodation on the A iimeetlnr of tiie newty eleoted has hotn dlsehargeO iStsr ssrving The BuUding Code Revlskm Com PRICE FIVE CENTS ba raaeatad iaaorroar «vantnc by aenM evening. cfflcen and trusteee of ifanobat- four years la tha V .8 Air Force. mittee last night finished adapting P^sto^^s Father Exquisite Colors Generous Bsaltets mffmmtm Kaaoaatar AaaamMy l7o. 15, Or­ ter Lodge o f FShs No. IfiOS WUl be the administrative eecUon of the der of lUtiibow for Girls, In Sykes Ladtcn of the Assumption held ton l^ ^ 7 :M at the Amer- Tha Hartford Ooikity Council uniform State code to the town’s KRINNIAL FLOWniN« PLANTS Avdltofhun, RockrlUe.* Cars will Churdi will hold their monthly ioen IsgiOn Bkmm. VFW Auxiliary will meet Sunday needs ■ and authorixad Dlrsctor Preaches Sunday leavaf'froitt tha Temple at 7 p.m. food sals Sunday, April 17, In the aftantoon at 9:30 at the Harry Ftrato, conftnittea ohalnMA T . Salk Serum Presented ^Ih Pebniaiy under the Utility room, when purehases may The marriage o f Miss Susanna Union St. Windsor, to go forward with atopa tosrriri The Rev. Toot ftrandt wlU oc­ Beg. fiie. SPECIAL 3 5 c dbaotton of Mrs. Oltva Racava In ta made after eedi Meaa. Mrs. Robb, daughter o f 3<r.' and Mra. and alternates from tho local tha adoption of a new code. tha Bowers B6booi auditorium, cupy Ms sen’s pulpit in Cbnoor- Poster WUUenis end Mrs. Jamea Sherwood J. Robb, W Adetal'e Uary wiU attend. Flrato plans to dlsoai tha re­ dla lAitheran Churoh Sunday • C ahiilHbiiiB * l ^ x Stated-lor t l ^ w ia ha the thhrd out-of-town Barry, co-chairmen, promise a Rd., and Edwin L. Qifinn, aon of written eidmlnlstrative section ,Q00 pertormanca. it has been strta fOr m ondM at tha 10:15 Am. ssrv- •Delsles • UpliM «HlHmiy«tlMn wide eaaortment of beked gooda Mr. and Mra Walter B.^uinn, 9M Richard Nelson end a group of wHlt General Managar Richard Ice.- •file Rev.'Erich Brandt, pea-: the entertalnmeht of men and donated by members of the perish. Main' 8 t„wlU be ceiebrat^ tomor­ Martin, and toWn counsel Charlas Women a t the Kasonlc Hoihe, man of tha COvsasht C^ngroga- tor of Cbnterdla. wlU conduct the row aftenmon at 3 o’clodc L. S t Uoiial Church wlU leave early to-^ N.CkoriteU,, worship. Solid) First Wallinrtocd, and at Teactaan Ocd- Robert W heeler Thornton, 00 Maxy'a l^ilscopai Church. k, lega, WUUmanUe. Another ancafe- morrow morning for Cromwell, to The w ^'step in replacing the The Rev. Toat Bnpndt will take -X WeatnUnater Rd., has recently been f . prepare the grounds and'improve town's .UicamMete and antiquated for Ms subject “The Promise d OUDIOU BULBS , Ohalaa: MU-rlMa. 59s New York, April 16 (JP)— ment is scheduled tor the Fulow- initiated into B^ma FhiM^mUon craft Club of Another gard^ clinic, to Which the prcqieriy* of -the Cblldrea’s code with a cqimarriianaive modern My RsBurrectlon.” ‘iMa wUl be The Nstioiul Fooiidfition for aodal .fraternity at Worcester tha p^ie la invited free of Home at Ckomwall, Of which the one la tha adoption by ordinance ot tha fourth time that he has O ld Teainiiistes Ko. m , AJT A AK; W « Potyteetanie Bwtlteta. Wenoeatsv, Police Report Infsntile Paralysis says Salk an Batinday, BO. charge, trill be held tonight a f 3 Rev. R «m 6ld Johnson, form srly the State code and tho natlanal praached from the Concordia pul­ Atpani|MsRtslt 25 terU sH -lil iw$I75 o’clock at Plantland on the Parl^ pastor of Covenant Congregation^ code made up by the'BuUding Of- pit A retired pastor, he is ssrv- Vatoiofi orders will be filljed way. A fun color movie on alt fidala Omferenee ^ Amerten. F'RlipilodMNltwi * Hanly AboImm froia “the aouth up”— Bt. Xaiys Guild has set the al, is superiatendent. F uIN a IOO ing as a supply pastor in tho area 25 Residents AU FulidiI people are Invited to American roae winners will he men from the Eastern District are Plana caU fo r holding a pubUc of Rochester, N. T. Last week ing the same system used in date of Thursday, Kay S, for its attend the PoUih ‘Bwieooonka.” * WMt* Degweed * Howfidiif Tim s * Shrabs annual qprlny rununaga sale in ra ia h * shown and Robert Reoh of the expacted to assist, tn tha work. hsaring 'mi those oodea and adopt­ he helped give Communion to over the field trtala last year. If vMch will be observed by the Fo- CaUfomia Spray Chemicql Cb. wtU MMM f - - ing them intact If they meet with TOO people in three Communion •Svergreew •Prlvef Hedge * Apple Trees Dr. Hart IB. Vah Riper, the f<»ti- th e pariah house. Membars are i« - Ush American Chib at 100 Clin ton Burned Alive Helen K eller at Ghandi Shrine quartad to aat aaida salable ar- lead a discussion psried rslativa to Cheater-Bowies’ r ^ r t to Con­ pubUc approval as they undoubted­ aervloea and in private Com­ ^dathm's medical director, said y ^ St. tomorrow night a t 7:90. Mem- care end maintenance ot roeea ly wllL # WfiMtts "■■■ w vw vfw iw jHiielQiiv BMifeMtAtfI fwwwr spvwve ' Dixie Flyer 3 X Others ticlaa.'Kn. Barie lUdian has necticut eit Ms reasht ^ p to Asia munion. Tw o o f these' aervicea terday early closing dates for ben end Menda ere Invited to ob- Earl Herrick, managor cf Plant- After the two oodea are adopted were at Concordia Lutheran Sssebo, Jspsn, April 16 schools and an eqrlier beginning agreed to pick up donattoiia Where rve tbOa evm t Bendng will fol­ and Africa Will he 'presented in nacaanry. land, wUI* demonstrate correct Hartford at Centtnel HiU RaU, —the State code ahd the BuUdMg Church, Rochester. N. T. ^ KRTlUiaR AND iNSiCTICIOIS , (JPy-rK landslide, ripp^ loose of the polio/oeasw in that part Of low to the snnJe of the Kessta- planting and pruning mathoda. Officials Conference of America— . He retired In 1945 after-aervliig the nwoiv are the main reasons lenloc orchestra. 955 Main 8t4 on AprU 93. Dipner by three days of'torfentisl Sign Pacts reaervationa fo r the arieeting. they WiU he amended where neces­ 40 years In finir cangrfgattons: rains, craah^ down on 15 for such^lasnihg. Dale J. Robtnaon, lOQ Osmpfield sary to aiyuat them to local nseda. Watertown. N. Y., Albany. N. T., tRANSPLANTED LSTTUCi. CAIIAOi Van RlJ>er said distributioa of which is open to the public, are jfiouses here tonight. Polkie Albert W. Harrison Jr. -of ths Rd., has been aocepted for en­ sUU being acemted by thS: Serv­ Town offlctala pbui to adopt ths Preston, Ontario, Canada, and MOCCOtl AND ROMAINI the drug arlli then proceed north­ A ir Force has been promoted from trance at tM Chetrea School in ice Bureau fo r Wiomen’a'Organisai^ oodea in fuU first and amend them Plttefoid, Ni T. repoiled - 26 persons buried ward toivard the Canadian border. LAST first lieutenant to captain. He is Windsor In the fall. aons, 955 Main y t. Hartford.^ later to dvoid tha nsceaslty of ad­ sad listed as missing. Two / Pay Hoasage to Scientiat stationsd at McClellan Air Forbe vertising the codas wMch a SPICIAt-UME 100 Um. ..........7 ... $1.31 other bodies have been re­ MeanwMIe, the '-grateful nation Boston, April 16 Base.
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