Today's Radio Broadcasts

Today's Radio Broadcasts

TODAY'S RADIO BROADCASTS I CHICAGO OA A 1.11; HT SA% ING TIME.' WHIMBoa ItoCarter. ON SHORT WAVES. WAANKay Armin. -Equatoriantousle. :00-1V41NEildie Duchlo's orchestra. Y Vane, 51.7 in., 5.8 meg. Today's Features WMAQOne Alan's Family. BERLIN-u:15 p. nt.-Oldfamiliarmel- WBBAICavaleade of Music. odies INTL 25.4 in.11.77 meg- WINDToday's Baseball Game. SANTIAGO, C11ILE-9:40p. tn.-Hance ON W-GN. YVAAFRhy thinRhapsody. music:concert by'facultyofthe "Rumba, BuMba, Lumba, Down to WESManhattan Merry Go Round. Arts museum. 0111.100. 31.2 m.. 11.00 WCFEainuny Evans' Sports review. meg. Town," a popular melody written by 7:113WCFLStars of Tomorrow. LONDON-10:15 p. log." a play. 11511.GeneSadin,of WITD" Your City Government." 19.8 in 11.19 meg.; 051. 19.11 Northwestern ::311-11l.(1.NThe Lone Ranger [11113ti 15.20meg.:1150.25.5in, 11.15 WAIAQW eyrieKing's orchestra. meg.: GS13. 31.5 m9.51 meg. university, which AlurraY. BCENOS AIRES. Argentina-20:15p. M.-won a prizein WAANThe Evening Concert. Uusle. LUX. 31.00 m.. 9.00 meg. 4;4 W,LIDGolf Clinic. VANCOUVER-12 Mid.-Listento gTime bythe Hugo Mari- WCFEStreamlined Melodies. the Sea.CJR0, 48.7 in.. 6.15 meg.;ani song writing IVESActor's GuildHelenMenIcen. CJIITC. 25.5 in.. 11.72 meg. contest conducted 5WCFEHer Louie and theWeitzel. TORY0-12:45 a. in.-" New Japanese SMUW-0-NJack Denny's fifth [MRS] Music." JZIL 111.9 m.15.1 meg. over WG-N, will WID3At Andre Kostelantz's orchestra, WMAQWalter O'Keefe. Town Hall. be featured in a WCSEItal O'Halloran. CHICAGO WAVE LENGTHS. specialarrange- . WLSRoy Shieldsorchestra. W-11-N-120 WCFL-070 WWAE-1200 8 :15WCFI,Lvening Serenade. WMAQ -670 WA AF-920 WJJD-1180 ment on Harold :30WG-N-1oe Sanders' orchestra. WENR-870 WM111-1080 WGES-1380 Stokes' Melodies WENRKoy Shields'orchestra. WBBM-770 WBC-108(1 WEHC.-/ .110 from the Sky ITBITAttlelitity Box theater. WLS-870 WIND-500 WSBC-1210 WINDPickurd Family. A. N. program at 9:30 8:15W-G-NTo lllll rrow's Tribune. 7.00-W-G-N-Good Morning program. tonight from the 14 ii2W.(l.N_.-Hlghljgls(sof Sports. WMAQ-Stiburbati boor. 9 :011W-G.NNield Museum Expedition WAAF-Your Daily Visitor. main studio. [MISS I. 7 toppers. Lynn 7610-W.G.N-The Golden hour. Chalmers, WM A Q Your Hit Parade. %%WE-Christi:in Science program. a new protege of W1NDTommy Ott, organist. 1 :45 -WLS-Morning Devotions. Stokes, w 111 be WIIBMGang flusters. :00-W11AQ-1our Neighbor. WENSFrail Waring's orchestra. WLS-Pokey Mai tin. guest soloist. Art 1?:15-11' INDStars Over Alanhat tan. :I 5-W1.5-JulianBentley. Wright, the Four cillrord WENRCarol .Wcyrnan. 8:30-1.G.N-4intal Morning program. 11Xi0-11'.G.NAleloilles from I be sky 1311111 wLS-Jolly Joe and His Pet, Shades of Blue, and the Glee club WCFEGrant parkconvert. :00-1141.1S-LIdo Deck Serenade. will also be heard. The :job of direct- WDBMDesign in Harmony. WHIM-Pretty Kitty Kelly. ing Chicago's Field Museum will WEREMinstrel show. WLS-Mary WINDNews .fichind the News. WCFL-Gernian Program. dramatized on the W-GN and Mutual ..15WBBAIDr. Strinefellow Barr. WAAF-The Morning Revue. network Ends of the Earth program WMAQAlistalr Cooke. WIND-Julane Pelletier WINDRum Hodges' sports review. WMAQ-Mrs. at 9 o'clock. Clifford C. Gregg, direc-10:00WALAQAmos .'n'Andy. :15-W.G..N-11Insical Mail Box. tor of the Museum, will be inter- WCFLTcn o'clock Sky-Rideto 12. WMAQ-John's Other Wile. WENR Globe Trotter. W LS-Ma Perkins. viewed. WEB:ItPoetic Melodies. WBBM-Man on the Strot. 10 :15W-G-NAnsoil Weeks' orchestra, :30-W.G.N-Oet Thin to Music. Other features: WMAQNorman Pearce. WCFL-" Feather for Luck." dream. WENRSabin's orchestra. WAAF-16ornlitg songs. 9:45 a. m.Art Kahn, pianist. WSBMIrene Bordoni-Rose Graham. W IN D-Eb and Zeb. 30:30Painted Dreams. 1.0:30W4LNGriff Williams' orchestra. WLS-pepper Young's Family. WBBMTodd Hunter. WM-Complete Story hour. 11The Couple Next Door.NIBS. WCFEClarcnee Black's' orchestra. WBBM-Quarter Hour of Romance. 11:45We Are Four. MBS. WENREddle ;trios'orchestra. WMAQ-Just PlainBill. WINDBob. Tinsley,s orchestra. Ia :45-W-G-N-Art Kahn, pianist. 12:15 p. m.Tom, Dick, and Harry. WMAQCarlos Mollna's orchestra. WA AP-Memory Lane. MBS. 10:45WBBMManhattan Mother. WMAQ-Today's Children. 1:45Marriage License Romances. II ;00W.G.NGuy Lombardo's orch. [NHS]. W131351-11ello Pewax. WBBMFrankie Master's orchestra. .WIND-Thrtt Hollywood Lens. 2:45Baseball Headliners and the WMAQIfenry Busse's orchestra. IVLS-HtIltopperF. Brooklyn Dodgers-Chicago Cubs game WINDLet's Dance. 19:119W-11.N-Orm Pedro and piano. WEREPaul Whiteman's orchestra. WBUTA-Maaazine of the Air. from Wrigley field, also on WCFL-11:15WINDHouse of Peter McGregor. WIND-WBB1VL and WJJD. WEIBMAl 'Trace's orchestra. WMAQ-Da vidHartim 5:30Adventures Abroad. 11:30W-G-NJaek Denny's °reit.0111S1, WJJD-Ilude Martin, WMAQWoody Herman's orchestra. WLS-The O'Neil's. 7:30The Lone Ranger. MBS. WEERFletcher Henderson's orch. 10:1 5-WO-N-Bacitelor's Children. ON OTHER STATIONS. WINDBob Tinsley's orchestra. WIND-Bud Birmlr,yliaio. 7:00 p. m.VVLSManhattan Merry12 :00W.G.NCharlie Gaylord's oreli.(11111S1, WMAQ-BackstageWife. , WMAQEddy Tarzos' orchestra. WLS-Personal Column ofthe Air. Co Round with Al Rickey's band star- WEREDon Fernando's orchestra. tO 910-1VAT-N-PaInted Dreams. ring Rachel Canny. WINDThe. Nile Watch. WMBI-ShUt-in requests. WB13MNocturne, WITH-Women's Exchange program. 7:00WBBMCavalcade of Music. A. M. WMAQ-How to Be Charming. 7:30WMAQWayne King and his12 :15WBBMHorace Henderson's °reit. WAAF-Secrets of Charm. orchestra. :30W-G-NJoe Sanders'melt.I AIIIS1. WLS-Vic and Sade. WENR--Carlos Molina's orchestra. 10 :1A-W.O.N-IVoman In the Store. 7:30 WLS 'Second Husband" WMAQPa Sabln's orchestra. WMAQ-Rhytlim In the Air. starring Helen Menken. 1:00W.G-NEddy Duchin's ouch.1:51118]. WBBM-Real Life Stories. WITH-Sterling Young's orchestra. 7:30WBBMKen Murray. IVLS-The GospelSingers, 8:00WMAQTown Hall Tonight WA AF-13ob Hawk. Foolish Questions. 11 :00-1V-II.N-The Comae Next Door r/111181.with Walter O'Keefe. WMAQ-Girl Alone. 8:00WLS, WENRGrant Park WCFL-Trail Finders. Concert. Roy Shield's orchestra, Viv- WBBM-Houseboat Hannah. WJJD-Btireau of Missing Persons. ian Della Chiesa, soloist. WA AF-1del ody Parade. 8:00 WBBM Andre Kostelanets' 11 : I 5-W-G-N-Len Salvo, onto nist SIBS), WBBM-Ed win C. Hill. orchestra and Frank Parker. WAAP-VVillie Winn. 8:30 WBBM Jessica Dragonette wcFL-New Songs. and Charles Kullmann in "Madame Wart-Criminal Court Reviews. WLS-ChUck. Ray. and Christine. Pompadour." WMAQ-Mary Marlin. 9:00WMAQYour Hit Parade. 11:30-W-G-N-Nothing hut the Truth. 11 :00 WBBM Frankie Masters' WMAQ-Dan HorrSW'm Wife. WLS-Ralph Erne)ton.organist. orchestra. WAAF-Myrna Sergent. WBBM-Ilelen Trent. WCFL-Jbe Dumond's Cadets, 8:15WMAQPersonal Col.oftheMr. WJJD-Safely Court. 3:30WMAQThe Home Towner's. WIND-Harry Zimmerman. :1:45wmAQThe Guiding Light. I :45-W.(I-N-We Are Four IMOSI. 4:00WMAQ'' Not for Ladies." WABhf-Oue Gal Sunday- WAsilrJIminy Kozak. pianist. WLS-Melorly.Parade. WENRMusic Circle. WA AP-Estelle Barnes. Pianist. 4:15WENHDot and Pal. WMAQ-Young HIckorY. WMAQWhile the City Sider,. 12:00-W-G.N-Bob Ekon on StaleStreet. 4:30WMAQTen Time Varieties. WBBM-Bet ty and Rob. WAAFOrgan Melodies. wMBI-Midday Gospel hour. Hn'tenderand race WAAF-The Symphonic hour, results. WMAQ-1{Ing of Hearts. 4:45WMAQMeet the Orchestra. WCFL-Love and Learn. WBBmTenth WENRJohnnie Johnston. 11:15-w-o-N-Totn, Hick, and Harry. 5:00W.G.NSwing II. WBEM-Betty Crocker. WAAFThe Gaieties. WJJD-Loon Noonday Service. WCFLTea Time. WIND-Tommy Ott. organist. %TimmHoward Neumilier. WIVAQ-Charlie on the Spot. WJJDBaseball Scoreboard. WCFL-The Hit Review. WMBIBoys' and Girlsprogram. WLS- Virginia, Lee and Sunbeam. WMAQMind Your Manners. 19 :30-1V-G.N-Mitidayservice.RalphA. WENRIim.ry Kogen's orchestra. Gallagher, Loyolauniversity.Chi- MISW.G.NDarold Turner, pianist. cago11111131: markets. WCFLCarol Deis. WMAQ-Farm and Home hour. WMAQMalcolm Claire. WCFL-Noondny concert. WAAFRhumba Beat. WEIBM-Arnold Grimm's Daughter. WJJDSterling Young's orchestra. WIND-Mtmie and Banter. WINDPickard Family. I.2:45-WCFL-Man on the Street. WBBMTruman Bradley WLS-Dinner bell program. B:30-11'.G.NAdventures Abroad. 1 9.10-W-G-N-ValmerHouseConcertor- WMAQDon WinsInw. ehestra MOS]. WAAFSport Shorts. WCFL-Concerl orchestra. ` WCFLDal O'Hallora». WIND-Ital la n Hour. WJJDIfinney's Hawaiians. WAAF-Josephtne Bell. WHIMVoice of Carelessness: Snorts WIThm-Throtigh a Woman's Eye. Ithum& WIRT-Midday Roundup. 5:45W.G.NFour Californians. 1:1 5-1V4I-N-Iffackstone Concert Trio. wsnmAerose the Dinner Table., WBBM-Ritty Keene. Inc. WENREscorts and Betty. WA AF-Walt a Time. WAAPTunes of Today. I :30-W.G.N-Lneky Girl. WMAQArty Hall's Radio Rubes. W Pim' Love. WCFLLight Classics. WCFL-Bennett and Wolverton. 6:00W.G.NPalmer HouseConcertor- I :15-41'.0-N-Aturringe LicenseRm,uuuiinrp. chestra IMBS1. WM AQ-M usic ofthe Mnment. WMAQNews to You. WCFL-PeggY Wood Calling. WCFLGrace Wilson, songs. WBBM-Myrt and Marge. WINDGerman program. 2:110-w-n-N-Wife vs. Secretory. WMBISunset hour. WMAQ-Pepper Voting's Family. W.MDFred Beck. organist. WIHIM-Gossip club. WENREasy Aces. WLS-Home Maker's program. WBBMJohn Harrington, WCFL-Graee Wilson. 6:15W-G.NBlackstone Concert trio. :15-1V.1J-N-4une BakerHome Mntiage. WAAVMelody Revue. meet. WIKAQUncle Gera. WHIM-Meet the 111 ssus. WCFLDon Norman. WMAQ -M a Perkins, WENRHola Day.

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