Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana / 73 (3) / A311220 / 2021 / 1 First record of a homolid crab (Crustacea: Decapoda: Homoloidea) from the early Eocene of the Iberian Peninsula Primer registro de un cangrejo homólido (Crustacea: Decapoda: Homoloidea) del Eoceno temprano de la Península Ibérica 1 2 3,* Fernando A. Ferratges , José Luis Domínguez , Álex Ossó ABSTRACT 1 Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra-IU- ABSTRACT RESUMEN CA, Universidad de Zaragoza, E-50009, Zara- goza, Spain. We describe a new species of homolid Se describe una nueva especie de cangrejo 2 José María Muñoz Damián, 6, bloque 1, bajo crab from the Ypresian (early Eocene) homólido, de la Formación Roda, Ypresiano B, 50011, Zaragoza, Spain. Roda Formation of Huesca province (Eoceno temprano) de la provincia de (Aragon, Spain). In spite of the Huesca (Aragón, España). A pesar de que 3 Llorenç de Villalonga, 17B, 1-1, 43007 Tarra- gona, Catalonia. fragmentary condition of the sole el único ejemplar se halla parcialmente specimen, some preserved frontal ele- fragmentado, la similitud morfológica con * Corresponding author: (A. Ossó) ments, and in particular the complete especies actuales de los elementos conservados [email protected] left cheliped, allow inclusion it within de la región frontal y en especial el completo the genus Paromola Wood-Mason quelípedo izquierdo, permite ubicarlo en in Wood-Mason and Alcock, 1891, el género Paromola Wood-Mason Wood- based on morphological similarities Mason and Alcock, 1891. Comparaciones with the extant species of this genus. con ejemplares actuales de Paromola cuvieri Direct comparison with specimens (Risso, 1815) confirmarían la validez de of the extant Paromola cuvieri (Risso, esta ubicación sistemática. Paromola bretoni 1815) confirms this systematic assign- n. sp. es el primer homólido reportado en el ment. Paromola bretoni n. sp. is the first Cenozoico de la Península Ibérica y amplia homolid reported in the Cenozoic of la riqueza de registros sobre decápodos fósiles the Iberian Peninsula, and expands del Eoceno en las cuencas Surpirenaicas. the rich decapod fossil record of the Eocene basins of southern Pyrenees. Palabras clave: Sistemática, Bra How to cite this article: quiura, Homolidae, Ypresiano, Ferratges, F.A., Domínguez, J.L., Ossó, Keywords:Systematics, Brachyura, Pirineos A., 2021, First record of a homolid crab Homolidae, Ypresian, Pyrenees. (Crustacea: Decapoda: Homoloidea) from the early Eocene of the Iberian Peninsula: Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, 73 (3), A311220. http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/ BSGM2020v73n3a311220 Manuscript received: Corrected manuscript received: Manuscript accepted: Peer Reviewing under the responsability of Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-SA license(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) Homolid crab from the early Eocene of Iberian Peninsula http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2021v73n3a311220 2 / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana // 7373 (3)(3) // A311220A311220 // 20212021 1. Introduction 2. Geological setting Records of fossil homolids in the Eocene of Europe The Tremp-Graus Basin (southern Pyrenees) are not uncommon, for instance in northern Italy, records marine sediments from the Thanetian– INTRODUTION/ GEOLOGICAL SETTING where several genera and species of Homolidae lower Cuisian (lower Ypresian, lower Eocene). De Haan, 1839 have been described (De Angeli Paleogeographically, during the Paleocene– et al., 2019, p. 20), as well as in the British Isles Eocene, these basins corresponded to an elongated (Collins et al., 2020, p. 32) and Denmark (Collins gulf connected to the west by the Bay of Biscay, et al., 2005, p. 19–20). Records of the Homolidae located on the southern limit of the axial zone have never been reported to date from the Eocene of the Pyrenees, in tropical latitudes (Hay et al., of the Iberian Peninsula. Therefore, this is the first 1999). The Upper Palaeocene to Lower Eocene report for the family in the Eocene of the Iberian in this area consists in the following formations: Peninsula. Here we report the first occurrence Serraduy, Puebla Limestone, Roda, Morillo and fossil homolid crabs in the Eocene of the Iberian San Esteban (Figure 1); and it is bounded by Peninsula. The material is represented by a crab unconformities related to tectonic activity (Leren carapace fragmentarily preserved, decorticated, et al., 2010). and preserving some cuticle remains and pereo- The studied material comes from the exposed pods, recovered from early Eocene strata near outcrop of prodelta marls corresponding to the the village of Roda de Isábena (Huesca province, Roda Formation (Figure 1), located near to Roda Aragon, Spain). A proper mechanical preparation de Isábena (northeast of Huesca, Spain). This of the holotype, partially destroyed by a previous formation exposes a thick succession of marls and inadequate attempt of preparation, allowed us to sandstones and has provided an interesting deca- reveal important elements, such as the complete pod assemblage (e.g. Vía Boada, 1959; Vía, 1969, left cheliped and partial ambulatory legs. The 1973; Artal and Castillo, 2004; Artal et al., 2005, remains of the intralineal carapace and of the left 2013a, b; Schweitzer et al., 2007; Van Bakel et al., extralineal flank, with partially preserved cuticle, 2012). and the peculiar morphology of the left cheliped, The Roda Formation, is coarsening and shal- as well as the presence of the linea homolica, indicate lowing upwards (Molenaar and Martinius, 1990), a clear affinity with Homolidae. and show a general progradational pattern to the Here we describe Paromola bretoni n. sp., a new S and SW (Puigdefàbregas et al., 1985; Molenaar et fossil species of the extant genus Paromola, with al., 1988; Lopez-Blanco et al., 1991, 2003; Nio and only two other fossil species known: P. rosenburgensis Yang, 1991; Lopez-Blanco, 1996; Molenaar and Nyborg and Garassino, 2017, and P. vetula Craw- Martinius, 1996; Leren et al., 2010). ford, 2008 (see Nyborg and Garassino, 2017). This formation has been biostratigraphically Extant species of Paromola are spread world- dated as lower Ypresian in age (Samsó et al., 1990; wide (Guinot and Richer de Forges, 1995, fig. Tosquella et al., 1990) and consists of a succession 70), usually inhabiting the upper bathyal zone of up to 200 m thick formed of shallow-marine, common among homolids, albeit they can also mixed siliciclastic-carbonate deposits (Martinius inhabit shallower depths (ibid, p. 489–491, fig. and Molenaar, 1991). 76), similar to the palaeoenvironment where the Abbreviations. MPZ: Museo de Ciencias fossil specimen dwelt. Explanation on the former Naturales de la Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain). and current systematics of Homoloidea De Haan, ICMD: Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC), 1839 are summarized by Guinot (2019, p. 753). Barcelona (Spain). Homolid crab from the early Eocene of Iberian Peninsula http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2021v73n3a311220 Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana / 73 (3) / A311220 / 2021 / 3 SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY Figure 1 Map location and explanation of formations. Red star indicates outcrop where Paromola bretoni n. sp. was recovered. 3. Systematic palaeontology Paromola bretoni n. sp urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:D020CE6C-4633-4712- Infraorder Brachyura Linnaeus, 1758 9C38-6237E281CA04 Section Homoloida Karasawa, Schweitzer and (Figures 2 and 3) 2011 Feldmann, 2011 Diagnosis. Dorsal carapace longitudinally sub- Superfamily Homoloidea De Haan, 1839 rectangular; regions fairly defined, marked by shal- Family Homolidae De Haan, 1839 low incised grooves, some culminated by upward Genus Paromola Wood-Mason in Wood-Mason directed spines at anterior third of carapace; wid- and Alcock, 1891 est at level of the mesobranchial region, narrowing in anterior third. Long, pointed, and moderately Type species. Dorippe cuvieri Risso, 1815, by orig- upturned rostrum; pseudorostral spines directed inal designation. upwards, originating just above upper margin Species. Paromola bathyalis Guinot and Richer orbits. Posterior margin concave axially with two de Forges, 1995 (extant); P. crosnieri Guinot and lateral reentrants. Cheliped extremely long, sub- Richer de Forges, 1995 (extant); P. cuvieri (Risso, circular in section, spiny; carpus very elongated; 1815) (extant); P. japonica Parisi, 1915 (extant); P. ambulatory legs long, spiny, subcircular in section. macrochira Sakai, 1961 (extant); P. rathbunae Porter, Etymology. Honoring the late Gérard Breton, 1908 (extant); P. roseburgensis Nyborg and Garass- French palaeocarcinologist. ino, 2017 (fossil); P. vetula Crawford, 2008 (fossil). Material. Holotype MPZ 2020/615, decorti- Homolid crab from the early Eocene of Iberian Peninsula http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2021v73n3a311220 4 / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana // 7373 (3)(3) // A311220A311220 // 20212021 SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY Figure 2 Paromola bretoni n. sp., holotype MPZ 2020/615. A: dorsal view; B: frontal view; C: left lateral view; D; ventral view; E: close-up of dactyli. Abbreviations: ba = possibly antennular basal article; lh = linea homolica; psr = pseudorostral spines; P2-P4 = ambulatory legs; r = rostrum; rl = rostral lobe; s1 = pleonal somite 1. Photographs by Isabel Pérez Urresti. Scale bar A, B, C, D, equal to 10 mm; E, equal to 5 mm. (Photographs by Isabel Pérez Urresti). Homolid crab from the early Eocene of Iberian Peninsula http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2021v73n3a311220 Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana
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