E1608 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 30, 2008 In 1996, Foreman returned to Tokyo, scor- EARMARK DECLARATION unique three-way ‘‘chile’’ combination to gen- ing an easy win over the unrated Crawford erations of Tennesseans and made a reputa- Grimsley by a 12-round decision. In 1997, he HON. LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART tion for himself by providing inspirational mes- faced fringe contender Lou Savarese, winning OF FLORIDA sages that came to be known as ‘‘Thoughts a close decision in a grueling, competitive en- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES from The Bottom of a Chili Bowl.’’ Today, great-grandson Todd Varallo, who counter. Yet another opportunity came Fore- Tuesday, July 29, 2008 man’s way as the World Boxing Council de- joined the business shortly after he graduated cided to match him against Shannon Briggs in Mr. LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART of Florida. from high school, operates the restaurant and a 1998 ‘‘eliminator bout’’ for the right to face Madam Speaker, I am submitting the following continues to serve up the ‘‘chile’’ that World Boxing Council champion Lennox information for publication in the CONGRES- launched the restaurant’s ‘‘century of suc- Lewis. After 12 rounds, there was once again SIONAL RECORD regarding earmarks I received cess.’’ The restaurant also continues to be the a controversial majority decision, but this time as part of H.R. 6599, the Fiscal Year 2009 scene of many negotiations, meetings, con- Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Ap- the victory went to Briggs. Foreman had ferences and consultations that shape the propriations bill. course of Nashville and Tennessee history. fought for the last time, at the age of 48. Requesting Member: Representative LIN- Madam Speaker, I join everyone in Ten- In January 2003, Foreman was elected to COLN DIAZ-BALART (FL–21). nessee’s Fifth District in applauding Varallo’s the International Boxing Hall of Fame, where Bill Number: H.R. 6599, Report 110–775. Restaurant, and I commend the entire Varallo he was inducted in June. That same year, he Account: Military Construction, Army. family for their century-long service to the citi- was named boxing’s ninth greatest puncher of Legal Name of Requesting Entity: United zens of Nashville and middle Tennessee. all time by Ring Magazine. States Southern Command. f Address of Requesting Entity: 3511 NW Foreman said he had no plans to resume EARMARK DECLARATION his career as a boxer, but then announced in 91st Ave., Miami, FL 33172–1217. February 2004 that he was training for one Description of Request: I received an ear- more comeback fight to demonstrate that the mark of $81,600,000 for the second increment HON. HENRY E. BROWN, JR. OF SOUTH CAROLINA age of 60, like 40, is not a ‘‘death sentence.’’ of funding for the construction of a new head- quarters for the United States Southern Com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The bout, against an unspecified opponent, mand (SOUTHCOM) in Doral, FL. The funding never materialized. Having severed his rela- Wednesday, July 30, 2008 will continue the work of the first installment in tionship with HBO to pursue other opportuni- which SOUTHCOM received $100,000,000 in Mr. BROWN of South Carolina. Madam ties, George Foreman and the sport of boxing the FY08 Military Construction and Veterans Speaker, I submit the following: finally went their separate ways. Affairs Appropriations bill. The authorization Requesting Member: Congressman HENRY Life has definitely gone on after boxing for for this funding was included in the H.R. 5658, E. BROWN, Jr. ‘‘Big George Foreman.’’ In addition to becom- the Duncan Hunter National Defense Author- Bill Number: H.R. 6599—Military Construc- ing the Heavyweight Champion of the World ization Act for Fiscal Year 2009, which passed tion, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies and an Olympic Medal Winner, Olympic Hall the House of Representatives May 22, 2008. Appropriations Bill, 2009. of Famer, he wears the titles of pastor, nation- The total cost of the headquarters construction Account: Military Construction, Air Force. ally recognized spokesperson, entrepreneur, is estimated to be $237,000,000. Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Charles- author, reality television star, mentor and role Through the Department of Defense, this ton Air Force Base, United States Air Force. model. He has been the face of Meineke Muf- project has been undergone an open bid proc- Address of Requesting Entity: Charleston flers, and countless homes in the country have ess and the planning, engineering and design Air Force Base, South Carolina, 29404. the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reduc- phase is well underway. The funds would be Description of Project: Provide $4.5 million ing Grilling Machine. used by the Department of Defense to build for construction of an addition to C–17 flight the new SOUTHCOM headquarters adjacent simulator complex at Charleston AFB. This ad- In 2004, Foreman began marketing the to the current SOUTHCOM facility in Doral, dition, which was included in the Administra- George Foreman brand of ‘‘Big and Tall’’ FL. The land for this facility is under long-term tion’s Fiscal Year 2009 Budget Request, will clothes through the retailer Casual Male. He lease from the State of Florida. allow the facility to accommodate a new six- has even appeared as a judge on the second f axis flight simulator and loadmaster trainer season of the ABC reality television series with space for computers, briefing rooms, American Inventor. Foreman has four books: RECOGNIZING VARALLO’S RES- component and facility storage and other The Autobiography of George Foreman; God TAURANT AS IT CELEBRATES 101 needed space. Training needs of the aircrews in My Corner: A Spiritual Memoir; Going the YEARS IN BUSINESS have exceeded the capabilities of the existing Extra Smile; and Fatherhood by George: three simulators. If this new simulator space is Hard-Won Advice on Being a Dad. HON. JIM COOPER not provided, established training goals will not On May 22, 2007, it was announced that OF TENNESSEE be achieved at an airbase that currently Foreman had become a partner in the Panther IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES houses two wings of C–17s currently meeting the needs of our troops deployed abroad. Racing Indy Car team, in the Indianapolis 500; Tuesday, July 29, 2008 and on July 16, 2008, TV Land premiered f Mr. COOPER. Madam Speaker, today I rise Family Foreman, a reality TV show, starring to recognize Varallo’s, Nashville’s oldest con- HONORING SAM BOVA FOR HIS George and his family. tinuously operated restaurant, and offer my LONGTIME CIVIC EFFORTS IN Big George Foreman continues to be ex- heartfelt congratulations on its 101st anniver- SUNSET BAY, NEW YORK tremely active in the community. He encour- sary. ages young people through his George Fore- Founded in 1907 by Frank Varallo, Sr., a HON. BRIAN HIGGINS man Youth Center in Houston, and he built former traveling musician who played for the OF NEW YORK The George Foreman Youth & Community likes of President Theodore Roosevelt, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Center in 1984 with money saved from his 8- Varallo’s Restaurant has been a gathering Wednesday, July 30, 2008 year retirement. Foreman wanted to create a place for Tennessee’s governors and legisla- haven for kids to hang out. tors, Nashville’s mayors and politicians, musi- Mr. HIGGINS. Madam Speaker, today I rise cians and movie stars, athletes and artists, to honor a longtime businessman and civic I am proud to recognize my friend whom I business leaders and students, and anyone leader in the great community of Sunset Bay, admire greatly, Mr. George Foreman, for his who was hungry. New York. Sam Bova has owned and oper- accomplishments in and out of the boxing ring. Four generations of the Varallo family have ated the Sunset Bay Beach since the mid He has repeatedly shown us all that you can served their world famous ‘‘chile’’—a special 1990s, consisting of two prime waterfront at- overcome all odds and obstacles. He is a recipe acquired by Frank Varallo, Sr., during tractions: the Sunset Bay Beach Club, and shining testament of hard work and determina- his travels in South America. At the age of 14, Cabana Sam’s Sunset Bay Grill. tion, and I applaud all of his accomplishments Frank Varallo, Jr., took over the business As a businessman, Sam’s business pro- and service to the community. upon the death of his father. For more than 70 vides seasonal work to more than 150 people, And that’s just the way it is. years, Frank, Jr., served the restaurant’s and is the source of a tremendous amount of VerDate Aug 31 2005 07:11 Jul 31, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.078 E30JYPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS July 30, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1609 seasonal fun in the area of northwestern tional service to his customers and the town of HONORING THE CITY OF ELKHART Chautauqua County. His management of the Marshalltown will be missed. ON ITS 150TH ANNIVERSARY Beach provides a tremendously enjoyable at- I know that my colleagues in the United mosphere for local residents as well as those States Congress join me in commending Dr. HON. JOE DONNELLY who choose Sunset Bay as their summertime Ron Dunham for his service to Central Iowa. OF INDIANA vacation destination. I consider it an honor to represent Dr. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES More than just as a businessman, however, Dunham in Congress, and I wish him and his Sam Bova has been a dedicated member of wife Sue, a long, happy and healthy retire- Wednesday, July 30, 2008 the community in northern Chautauqua Coun- ment.
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