CTHE TUFTS DAILY? Medford, MA 02155 ‘Ihursdav.March 1.1990 Vol XX,Number __ 27 IGC forms ad hoc NRBQ, Treat Her group on keg ban Right will play Pub by STEPHEN NEWMAN bassist Joey Spampinato, guitar- by STEPHEN NEWMAN who may no longer serve kegs. Daily Editonal Board ist Anderson and drummer Tm Daily Editorial Board AI Suggestions now being consid- Rock band WQwill per- Ardolino. The band’s influences At an emergency meeting last ered include “bring your own beer” fm’l’hdYmh8at&*e range from the Beach Boys to night, the Inter-Greek Council parties and hiring catering serv- Pub, with Boston’s ownTreat Her Thelonius Monk to the Everly formed an ad hoc committee on ices to set up cash bars for the Right opening the show, Tufts Brothers, and these overtones are risk management to “try to come fraternities. Concert Board Chair Mayer apparent in NRBQ’s music. up with viable options for houses The ad hoc committee mem- Danzig announced yesterday. A recent Rolling Stone profile immediately affected by the no- bers are: Associate Dean of Stu- Because the TCB was unable said that the band members “pres- keg policy,” according to IGC dents Bruce Reitman, University to ~~urea band for the Fall ent themselves as serious musi- Social Chair John Muckelbauer. Provost Sol Gittleman, Assistant Concert,theconcert wasresched- cians who don’t take themselves Fraternity presidents, social Director of Student Activities uled for March. Danzig said that too se&~ly.’’me article chairs and members of the Ad- Cathy Harder-Bernier -- the IGC Daily file phot0 The Zeta Psi fraternity house in the future the TCB’s intends to the band’s music as an “imperti- ministration formed the commit- advisor, and Steve Chandler from have the concert in the fall. tee after learning that at least six undertaken ar coordinated by any nent amalgam of roots rock, the Alumni Advisory Board. Also According to Danzig- NRBQ modem jazz and novelty tunes.” Tufts fraternities will have to ban number in the name of or on included on the committee are “likes to have a good time and SO Although the group has never kegs from their chapter events in representatives from the off- behalf of the chapter. The pur- that’s what we’reexpecting.They received much *lay, aside from order to comply with their na- campus fraternitiesand thepresi- chase and/or use of a bulk quan- are a fun party band.” minor hits “Me and the Boys,” tional organizations’ risk man- tity of such alcoholic beverage, dents of Sigma Nu and Zeta Psi, MBQ’s show Will be called and their cover of Johnny Cash’s agement policy. the two FIPG fraternities with i.e. kegs, is prohibited.” “The Wild Weekday,” a takeoff ‘‘Get Rhythm,” they have been a At this point, neither the IGC houses on campus, according to Owen said that “purchasing of alcohol in any way, shape, or form on NRBQ’s latest album, ‘‘Wild favorite of critics and musicians. nor the University plan to imple- Muckelbauer. Weekend.” The title Of the con- A staple of the small club circuit ment a campus-wide ban on fra- Muckelbauer explained that the with chapter funds” has been a part of risk management cert was changed because the for years, NRBQ has gathered a ternity kegs. FIPG is made up of 27 fraternities FIPG Concert could not be cult following and built a reputa- The Fraternity Insurance Pur- and two sororities who have had sinceitwasfoundedinJune 1988. for the weekend, according to tion for their spontaneous, fun- chasing Group released a revised problems with liability in the past. The recent revision of the policy Danzig. filled performances, where they risk management policy in De- The fi.atemitiesand sororities came was made to ban kegs explicitly ‘ NRBQy an acronym for New often pass around a hat to take cember calling for a ban on kegs together as a group to enforce a so there would be “no question Rhythm and Blues Quartet, fea- see CONCERT, page 17 from fraternityactivities, accord- strict risk management policy in [about the alcohol policy] for tures Kevboardist Tern Adams, ing to FIPG President Durward order to receive bulk insurance at anyone with a molecule of com- low premiums. mon sense,” Owen said. The national organizations of According to IGC President He explained that violation of ITen*eta Psi, Sigma Nu and Alpha Brett Ingerman, the IGC and the the FIPG policy would not mean Epsilon Pi have all ratified the six FPG member chapters repre- that the fraternity would lose their FIPG risk management policy, sented at Tufts only received word insurance. which means that the Tufts chap- of the changes this week, after he If there were a risk that any ters must also adopt the policy. and other IGC members attended Tufts fraternity would lose its The three other FIPG national the North East Interfraternity insurance for a violation of the fraternities represented at Tufts, Conference last weekend. policy, the University might have PsiUpsilon,AlphaSigmaPhiand According to the FIPG risk considered banning kegs from all Zeta Beta Tau, are expected to management policy rule number fraternities in order administer . ratify the policy soon as well. two, “No alcoholic beverages may the policy uniformly. However, Muckelbauer will chair the new be purchased through the chapter Reitman and Harder-Berniersaid commim that will look into social treasury nor may the purchase of alternatives open to fraternities same for members or guests be see BAN, page 17 ZGC requires pledges to attend NRBQ date rape awareness seminar Student aid targeted by EMANUEL BARDANIS the event are AWARE (Actively tutesdaterapewhichtheorganiz- Daily Editorial Board Working for Acquaintance Rape ers of the event hope to dispel The Inter-Greek Council voted Education), the Tufts police, and through education. by Development office the IGC. The workshop, which Twombly said the committee unanimously last Wednesday to from foundations and corpora- require all pledges to attend a will be held at 7 p.m. in Barnum hopes to obtain funds for making by ELIZABETH YELLEN 008, will be open to all students. the workshop an annual event. ContributingWriter tions while the other half is do- Sexual Harassment and Date Rape nated by alumni, parents, and workshop on March 7. Benty said that such workshops “What we’re trying to do is set Because of the projected short- will help the IGC committee to the foundation so that this will be fall in next year’s financial aid friends, Broome said. “If we can get every pledge The Development Office be- class to have some kind of educa- become “an active force in stop- a permanent fixture,” he said. budget, the Tufts Development Office is placing more emphasis gan a five-year capital campaign tion, they’re going to make their ping this [date rape and sexual Ingerman said the IGC hopes harassment].” to expand the scope of futurerape on raising money for scholarships in 1987 with its goal to raise $250 houses better educated,” said million by 1992. According to Robin Benty, co-chair of the IGC Robert Twombly, theother co- and harassment workshops to than it has in the past, according chair of the IGC committee, said educating “the entire freshman to Director of Development Roger Broome, the campaign raises Committee on Sexual Harassment money for three purposes: con- and Date Rape Awareness. that the organizers of the event class,” as does Greeks Advocat- Broome. “want people to be aware of their ing the Mature Management of When raising money for the struction, operational costs such Tufts Police Crime Prevention as electric bills, and endowments, Officer Eileen Badger said she actions.” Alcohol, (GAMMA). University, the Development According to Ingerman, the Office decides how much money that include scholarships and will “[Date rape] is a problem speak at the event along with to request and for what purpose faculty support. two members the Somerville campus-wide... but it’s invisible,” IGC may create a “GAMMA plus” of the money will be used before Police Domestic Violence Unit, Twombly said. sticker, which will indicate that In the past year, the Develop- they approach potential donors. ment Office has been more suc- and either Tufts Police Captain Headded that,“it’snotaprob- freshman have attended a forum In light of the projected financial cessful in raising scholarship Ronald Repoza lem with the Greeks more than on rape and harassment in addi- or Director of aid shortfall, the office has re- money securing money for Public Safety John King. anywhere else.” Twombly said tion to one on alcohol manage- than cently been requesting more schol- buildings, according to Broome. Among the groups organizing that the workshop is not “a PR ment. Currently, freshman who move,” saying that, “it’s not being attended the IGC alcohol aware- arshipmoneymoreoften, accord- “More money has been raised done to benefit the Greeks, it’s ness workshop at the beginning ing to Broome. for endowments than capital being done because this is an is- of the year have stickers on their However, according to Broome, construction,” he said, specify- Inside sue.” IDSthat are required for entrance the change in priority does not ing that as of December, 1989, the campaign has raised approxi- Op-Ed .............................. P.5 IGC President Brett Ingerman to fraternity parties. guarantee instant results. The aid A special page devoted to the issue< said that the idea for the work- Ingerman said that the IGC is crisis only surfaced in the past mately $36 million for endow- being coveied in the upcoming sympo- shop “originally came from the considering a “three or four week few months, so it is difficult to ments and $34 million for capital sium on Third World militarization.
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