NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals addressed to the City of Mont Belvieu will be received at the Mont Belvieu City Hall, 11607 Eagle Drive, Mont Belvieu, Texas 77580, attention Kori Schweinle, City Secretary; for furnishing all necessary materials, equipment, superintendence, and labor for the construction of the SS-002 Cotton Bayou Wastewater Treatment Plant – Dewatering Facility, until 2:00 PM on Tuesday September 1, 2020. Bids will, immediately thereafter, be publicly opened and read aloud in the City of Mont Belvieu City Council Chambers. Any bids received after closing time will be returned unopened. The Work consists of providing the necessary labor, materials, equipment, supervision, includ- ing but not limited to construction of a new multi-disc screw press dewatering system un- der an open pre-engineered metal canopy with 8 an enclosed CMU electrical and polymer rooms RATES & INFO and a decorative CMU wall with aluminum fas- Tuesday cia, modifications at the existing MCC building 281-425-8008 August 18, 2020 and new electrical gear and control panels in [email protected] Classifiedsthe proposed dewatering building; and site im- provements, and all other miscellaneous iteThems Baytown Sun specified or shown in the contract documents, including adjustments and work necessary for a Motorcycles & Apartments Mobile Homes General complete working system Garage Sales Trades General General Lost & Found 108 ATVs 404 For Rent 406 For Rent 501 Services 615 706 708 708 805 Each proposal shall be accompanied by a bid 2 KAWASAKI 1200's BAY TERRACE A g3ubaerda/n2tbeaetohf, noetwless th* aHnA5U%LIoNfGtoHtaAl NbiKd * 915 S. Broadway, LIBERTY-DAYTON HIRING FOR an Elec- WELDERS & RESCUED KITTEN 11 carpet, pool, $950/mn. (1993 & 1995) No title, APTS. 1502 Nolan amount, as a guarantee WthialltHthaeulb-oidfdf etrrawshil,l LaPorte , 9 to 5 Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, tronic & IT position. HELPERS needed weeks; has first shots clear numbers $1,150 Road, Baytown, Texas 2916 McKinney Rd. debris, buildings, junk Anti,, Modern furn., re- INC. is accepting Degree req. in either ASAP in Baytown area & tested healthy. ent2e8r 1in-t9o4a8-c2o8n9t5ract and execute the required cash 832-247-7627 77520 Waiting list bonds within ten days afterCnaollti2c8e1o-4f 2a0w-a2r2d8.1At frig, Holiday decor and applications for Dodge Electronics Engineer- Need to have experi- Sweet girl, black & OPEN!!! Applications the optioGeneraln of the bidder, the guarantee may be new arrivals coming in trained technicians, ing, Electrical Com- ence with 3/16 Jet white, prefer inside. Houses For *A. MARTINEZ* can be picked up at the 501 Serviceson e of the following: daily. 512-754-1008 lube techs, and shop puter Science. Posi- rods, valid TX ID/TX Call or txt 281-515- 401 Rent front door at any time. Tree & Lawn Service porters. Liberty-Dayton tion is responsible for DL and SS card. TWIC 5008 in evening or call Flower beds & Initial AAA QUALITY TREE Technical Chrysler offers compet- all IT related hardware, required. call Allen days 281-427-3250 1606 GILLETTE 3/2/2. a. Cashier's check or ceCrtliefiaenducph2e8c1k-u7p9o8n-5a396 705 Trim/Removal/Land itive pay and insur- software and process Theriot 281-932-4072 Fenced yard,living rm national or state bank, payable to the City of REWARD LOST CALF Clearing/Stump Grind- ance options. Please related control sys- M-F, 8am - 5pm & den. references Mont Belvieu. ROOFING & ROOF HIRING APPLIANCE yellow with white face bin. gNcaelgl o2t8ia1b-4le2U0-.2S2.8G1overnment bonds (at par call 936-336-8841 and tems. Mail resumeʼ to $1,100 mo. $500 dep. Repair- Wind storm repair technician, must speak to our Service P.O. Box 70156 in Sjolander/Cedar 281-424-1405 value). certified. Call Andy have 5 years exp and Bayou area c. Bid bond from a surety company listed in Manager Dwaine Houston, TX 77270. 713-320-3411 Website: own tools. please Wiggleton for more EOE/AAP. 281-433-6028 the latest issue of U.S. TredaeslucroynCroirocufilnagr .5c7o0m, contact 713-502-1277 such bid bond being within the maximum information. amount specified for such company in that publication. Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices 810 810Bids without such guarantee will not be 810 considered. NOTICE TO BIDDERS ORDINANCE NO. 14,455 Award of this contract will be made on the basis AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF of the lowest responsive responsible bid and BUSINESS THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, Sealed proposals addressed to the City of references. The right is reserved as the interest Mont Belvieu will be received at the Mont AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF of the Owner may require, to reject any or all THE CITY OF BAYTOWN TO REZONE Belvieu City Hall, 11607 Eagle Drive, Mont bids, and to waive any informality in bids re- Belvieu, Texas 77580, attention Kori Schweinle, APPROXIMATELY 1.07 ACRES IN THE 1500 SERVICES ceived. The successful bidder must furnish BLOCK OF BARCELONA WAY, LEGALLY City Secretary; for furnishing all necessary Performance Bond and Payment Bond on the materials, equipment, superintendence, and DESCRIBED AS LOTS 39- 52 OF THE & forms provided in the amount of one hundred COLONY MADRID SUBDIVISION, HARRIS labor for the construction of the percent (100%) of the total contract price from a DIRECTORY SS-002 Cotton Bayou Wastewater COUNTY, TEXAS, FROM A MIXED USE (MU) Surety or other Sureties acceptable to the Own- ZONING DISTRICT TO A MIXED RESIDEN- Treatment Plant – Dewatering Facility, until er. Owner reserves the right to award the con- 2:00 PM on Tuesday September 1, 2020. TIAL AT LOW TO MEDIUM DENSITIES (SF2) ROOF REPAIR SERVICES tract at any time within ninety (90) days after bid ZONING DISTRICT; PRESCRIBING A Bids will, immediately thereafter, be publicly opening. opened and read aloud in the City of Mont MAXIMUM PENALTY OF TWO THOUSAND Belvieu City Council Chambers. Any bids AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($2,000.00); $199 roof leak special A Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; received after closing time will be returned held to review the scope of work. The Pre-Bid unopened. CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND Conference will be held on Tuesday, August PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND 25, 2020 at 10:30 AM at City of Mont Belvieu, EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. The Work consists of providing the necessary City Hall 11607 Eagle Pointe Drive Mont labor, materials, equipment, supervision, includ- Belvieu, Texas. ing but not limited to construction of a new ORDINANCE NO. 14,456 | multi-disc screw press dewatering system un- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 832.596.5595 FREE estimates Equal Opportunity in Employment – all quali- THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AMEND- der an open pre-engineered metal canopy with fied applicants will receive consideration for em- an enclosed CMU electrical and polymer rooms ING CHAPTER 98 "UTILITIES," ARTICLE III ployment without regard to race, color, religion, "WATER SERVICE" OF THE CODE OF TILES SERVICES and a decorative CMU wall with aluminum fas- sex, age, handicap or national origin. Bidders cia, modifications at the existing MCC building ORDINANCES, BAYTOWN, TEXAS, BY on this work will be required to comply with the ADDING A NEW SECTION TO BE and new electrical gear and control panels in Presidentʼs Executive Order No. 11246, as the proposed dewatering building; and site im- NUMBERED AND ENTITLED SECTION amended by Executive Order 11375, and as 98-61.5 "VACANT PROPERTY"; AMENDING provements, and all other miscellaneous items supplemented in Department of Labor regula- MORALES CHAPTER 98 "UTILITIES," ARTICLE III specified or shown in the contract documents, tions 41 CFR Part 60. including adjustments and work necessary for a "WATER SERVICE," SECTION 98-62 TILE COMPANY complete working system "PROCEDURES AND REMEDIES FOR The Contract Documents, Specifications, and NONPAYMENT OF BILLS," SUBSECTIONS Specializing in all types of tile setting Plans may be examined at the following (B), (E), (F), AND (J) OF THE CODE OF Each proposal shall be accompanied by a bid locations: for over 45 years guarantee of not less than 5% of total bid ORDINANCES, BAYTOWN, TEXAS, TO UP- amount, as a guarantee that the bidder will DATE CERTAIN UTILITY FEES; PROVIDING A Complete set of the bidding documents FOR A PENALTY NOT EXCEEDING FIVE • Flooring • Countertops • Bathrooms • Showers enter into a contract and execute the required are on file at www.civcastusa.com. There is bonds within ten days after notice of award. At HUNDRED AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($500.00); no cost to view the plans, and printing can PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; the option of the bidder, the guarantee may be be done through the website. Sets of hard one of the following: CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND copies of Bidding Documents will not be PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND Tim Morales, Owner 281-424-6042 sold. Complete sets of Bidding Documents EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. Baytown, Texas Cell: 281-222-8307 a. Cashier's check or certified check upon a shall be used in preparing Bids; neither national or state bank, payable to the City of Owner nor Engineer assumes any respons- ORDINANCE NO. 14,458 Mont Belvieu. ibility for errors or misinterpretations result- b. Negotiable U.S. Government bonds (at par AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ROOF REPAIR SERVICES ing from the use of incomplete sets of Bid- THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, value). ding Documents. Owner and Engineer, in c. Bid bond from a surety company listed in REPEALING CHAPTER 14 "ANIMALS" OF making copies of Bidding Documents avail- THE CODE OF the latest issue of U.S. Treasury Circular 570, able on the above terms, do so only for the such bid bond being within the maximum ORDINANCES, BAYTOWN, TEXAS; AMEND- purpose of obtaining Bids for the Work and ING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, amount specified for such company in that do not confer a license or grant for any publication.
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