^ M|| tBh^- - f:^ ^Mslk:0hii> WMAfMM ' ? *7^ ' £i ! VOLUME LII.—NUMBER 41. AiSl-ii.wOi >. »r;i -v.*. a ,.wrjf ; NOKWALK, CONNECTICUT, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12,1869. 7'*J WHOLE NUMBER 1136; :• ' ';• il : vv-'.>7; Valuable Mill Property for Sale ' Edward P. Weed : GREEN APPLES.,; have a cross. The view from the windows my old friend, however, I felt a little down sense at the price you pay me. But I will NORUALK GAZETTE. REAL ESTATE. would disturb a saint. in the mouth. It wa? not quite clear to my finish up with a solid chunk or two of wis. ; j [This beautiful poem is taken from Trowbridge's DENTISTRY At Kent Station, Conn, DRUGGIST & APOTHECARY, THE LADIES' BOUDOIR. ' dom. r " The Vagabond and Other Poems mind that Grant had settled down in Wash­ The Sceond Oldest Paper In tlic State. IN To Rent. Wall Street, Norwalk Conn ; The dressing room of the mansion's mis­ ington fo^ the Winter, and I didn't know The present fall in slocks ought to have ' i. i fitoutli 35fl"or vv alls.> Very desirable Dwelling, within three minutes Pure Foreign and Domestic Drags, Medicines, Pull'down the bough, Bobl Isn't this fun? - ' walk of the Bridge. Possession piven immedi- Now give It a shake, and^therc goes one! tress is large as an ordinary parlor. It' is but that I'd have more of his traveling ex­ been foreseen by any one with half an eye. C : : ) OFFICE IN GAZETTE BUILDING. A —Kent $450 per road depot, and 8% miles from Norwalk, on main Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, cigars, KENDALL & HART, Operators. ately, ApplyA at the Gazette Offlcc. road to Danbury, consisting of Saw Mill, Upright and year. 40 Mineral Waters, Sc. Now put your thnmb up to the other, and see carpeted with blue, white, and rose, with penses to pay. For months past they've been bulling up -;V i: ;. E are now prepared to receive our patients at Circular Saws, all in good order; also, Cider Mill, Pure Wines and Liquors for medicinal purposes only If It Isn't as mellow as mellow can be! it . : A. II. BYINGTON & CO., W any time during the week. y^ cxtract tceth nearly new, with three presses, and all necessary ma­ Among our Stock may be found frescocs and turniture to match. Besides, there's Mrs. Paul. She declares far beyond t'leir value. Where would stocks - , ? j with or without the use of 1ACGHING GAS. To Rent, Furnished. chinery; two large Cider Vaults, Vinegar Loft, Vats, Lubln's Extracts, Sponges, I know by the stripe ^'-vrTj GUESTS'ROOMS. she has nothing to wear—and really I go to, if this thing could le continued forever ? | A. II. BYINGTON, J. B. ELLS, G. N. ELLS Wednesdays we devote entirely to extracting^ Teeth ROM December 1st, 1869, the residence of the and Casks; one large Barn, besides Stables for six Lubin's Soaps, \ Chamois Skins ' ' ' It must be ripe! • " WITHOUT PAIN. subscriber on East Avenue, together with horse, horses; one splendea team of Matched Horses, six Fancy Soaps, Castile Soap, t : The great guests' room is spacious, and should not like to sec her wear it on great A let-down must always come, sooner or F Corks, / That's one apiece for you and me. The principal Operator iu Colton's Dental Association carriage, &c. 3Stf O. 8. FERRY. and seven years old; two heavy Wagons; one light Toilet Articles, carpctcd with sober red. It is rich, but festive occasions. But she woold, I do be­ later. Even at the present prices stocks, • Subscription $2.00 per year in advance. has repeatedly declared that South Norwalk is the best Wagon, and everything complete to carry on a suc­ Hair Brushes Bird Seed, J Single copies 5 cents. place withiii his knowledge, (out of Cooper Union) to cessful business; also, adjoining said property, one Nail " Congress Water, • Green, are they? Weil, no matter for that, • • more snbdued in its tone than the others. lieve, if, like the adder, I turned a deaf car almost without exception, are higher than : . : iiave teeth extracted. , , IOR SAIJE.—Building Lots and Dwellings, Cottage House and Barn, nouse containing 8 rooms, Flesh " Empire " Sit down on the grass, and we'll have a chat; Advertising: Bates. We particulary invite those who may desire 1 ranging from 8100 to $10,000, situated in town of with four acres of choioe land, and fruit in abundance; Star " There arc many olher roon/s of smaller to her representations. And the baby Paul they were a year ago. Why are they worth $1.00 IDarlen. Apply to F. H. HOVT, Daricn Real Estate Tooth " And I'll tell yi n what old Partoa Bute < Four lines or less,1 insertion 50 cts.; 3 URics, ARTIFICIAL TEETH, also, a two-story House with eight rooms, with eight Shaving " • Klssengen " 1 1 1 : 1.00 Agency. " acies of land. The mill property and one house will Vichy " Said last Sunday of unripe fruit. • ' size. -" <" ' • —bless its dear little heart—it wants hand­ •any more ? Certainly the earnings of the One square, one insertion, .no to examine onr manner of work and priafe before Ciothes " , l'er week, for continuance, be sold together, or the wnole exchanged for Norwalk Infants " Gettysburg " "Life," says he, ' '' ; i FAMILY CHAMBERS. kerchiefs and lots of things. As for me, I roads are less. On any sound principle, can * 'i 7.00 procuring them elsewhere. Teeth filled in The most Vermont " One square, six months, BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. property. Terms easy. Address Feather Dusters, V< "Is a bountiful tree, - v : '• •' one year—with paper, 15.00 approved manner. Those partially broken away by • GEORGE H. BRACKEN, Seltzer " s The children's chambers arc in keeping can get along without clothes, and go for an au eight or ten per cent, paying .stock be 25.00 decay, restored to their former size and shape. Pomades, Two " " " " " HE subscriber offers for sale, on very resonablc 22tf Kent Mills, or South Norwalk, Hair Oils, Mlssisquoi " Heavily-laden with beautif.il fruit. V' i with the rest. Through the whole suite, as incalculable length of time without food safe for investment at more than par ? The Three " " " " 30.00 terms, a number of the choicest, ana most desi­ Farina Cologne, Excelsior " One quarter Colnmn, one year. 50.00 Trable Building Lots in the town of Norwalk, situated BayRnm, London Porter, , * 4 For the youth there's love, just streaked with red, elsewhere, run inlaid woodland frescoes, but but I must have cigars and my regular om­ trade of the road is always subject to such 80.00 . .* <T1_. fftllt a.MnM A# IIAOV C P_ Scotch Ale, • < One half " " • " 150.00 Real Estate for Sale. ' Florida Water, ; And great joys hanging just over his head; nowhere can be found gaudiness. All is nibus ride. contingencies as crops and travel. The : Vail Colnmn, one year, a. „ " Magnolia " Camphor, Special Notices *5 per ce»t advance on the above, U viuw ui vue kwwu, ijuiuv*, HE land belonging to the estate of George W. Hair Dyes, Cream Tartar, |s Happiness, honor and great estate ; cosily, all is rich, but the tints arc delicate, So I went down into Wall street to see if fact of the matter is, stocks were put up too - 7] jar Local Notices in Heading Columns, 20 cents THE MODEL MARKET. Sound. A good avenue, CO feet wide, has been laid T Raymond, comprising some of the most desira­ Flavoring Extracts, Indigo, , * "i For those who patiently work and wait;— ! ' out in front of the property. Is within five minutes ble property in South Norwalk. is now offered for sale Shaker Herbs, Alcohol, i , and none obtrude upon the eye. I could pick up any money. It seemed lo far beyond their value by the cliques, and ) P8 B1 SilngB," said he, {'"ariy advertisers restricted to the business con- WIIiliIAift HI'fCHEIiL, walk of the Horse Railroad Size of lots to suit pur- at a bargain by the trustee of that estate. .Apply to Stationery, THE SERVANTS' ROOMS. ' me that where so much money had been the community gradually became educated • tern plated at the time of contract, but are permitted AVING become proprietor of this old establish­ LE IS F. BEERS, Trustee, GEORGE W. RAY­ and a full assortment of all other articles usually "Orevery degree, to make monthly changes of their advertisements. ed and ever popular market, is prepared lo fur­ quireof no fanCy prlCCS- ^jM^TONr'^ MOND hnd CHESTER F. TOLLES, South Norwalk, kept in a Drug and Chemical Establishment. Ripening early, and ripening late. •'- ; The servants' rooms are more modest than lost, there must be a little lying round' pro­ to dealing in them at the inflated prices, . ' One inch space constitutes a square. nishH Hotels, Saloons, Families, &c., with Meats of all S8 or JAMES FINNEY, Real Estate Agent. Conn. tf26 Advance payment required for all transient adver­ the rest, and yet they equ.il the chambers of never once stopping to ask themselves what ^ i ? kinds, of the best quality, in any desired quantity and "I Take them In season, pluck and eat, U ) ' • : miscuously. : : ij tisements. - • • KIUI O TO S. F. PECK'Sj Druggist, South Nor­ at the lowest market prices. The continued patron­ FOR SALE. FOR SALE. And the fruit is wholesome, tie fruit is sweet; a first-class hotel. The floors have Brussels Ah, the scene that Wall street presented was the intrinsic value, nor how they got O Oii irter of a Column, one tune, ; .
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