Dark Matter from Axion Strings with Adaptive Mesh Refinement Malte Buschmann,1, ∗ Joshua W. Foster,2, 3, 4, y Anson Hook,5 Adam Peterson,6 Don E. Willcox,6 Weiqun Zhang,6 and Benjamin R. Safdi3, 4, z 1Department of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA 2Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics, Department of Physics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 3Berkeley Center for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 4Theoretical Physics Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720 5Maryland Center for Fundamental Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, U.S.A. 6Center for Computational Sciences and Engineering Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley, CA 94720 (Dated: August 13, 2021) Axions are hypothetical particles that may explain the observed dark matter (DM) density and the non-observation of a neutron electric dipole moment. An increasing number of axion laboratory searches are underway worldwide, but these efforts are made difficult by the fact that the axion mass is largely unconstrained. If the axion is generated after inflation there is a unique mass that gives rise to the observed DM abundance; due to nonlinearities and topological defects known as strings, computing this mass accurately has been a challenge for four decades. Recent works, making use of large static lattice simulations, have led to largely disparate predictions for the axion mass, spanning the range from 25 microelectronvolts to over 500 microelectronvolts. In this work we show that adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) simulations are better suited for axion cosmology than the previously-used static lattice simulations because only the string cores require high spatial resolution. Using dedicated AMR simulations we obtain an over three order of magnitude leap in dynamic range and provide evidence that axion strings radiate their energy with a scale-invariant spectrum, to within ∼5% precision, leading to a mass prediction in the range (40,180) microelectronvolts. An outstanding mystery of the Standard Model of par- metry is restored. As the Universe expands the strings ticle physics is that the neutron electric dipole moment, shrink, straighten, and combine by emitting radiation which would cause the neutron to precess in the presence into axions. The contribution to the DM abundance from of an electric field, appears to be over ten billion times the string-induced axions has been heavily debated, with smaller than expected [1]. Axions were originally invoked some works claiming that string-induced axions play no as a dynamical solution to this problem; they would inter- important role [13, 14], with the DM abundance domi- act with quantum chromodynamics (QCD) inside of the nated by axions produced during the QCD phase transi- neutron so as to remove the electric dipole moment [2{ tion, and others claiming these axions dominate the DM 5]. However, free-streaming ultra-cold axions may also be abundance [15{17]. produced cosmologically in the early Universe, and these The evolution of the axion string network in the early axions may explain the observed dark matter (DM) [6{8], Universe has been studied numerically and analytically which is known to govern the dynamics of galaxies and since the 1980's [13{22] with increasingly complex and galaxy clusters. capable frameworks in recent years [23{28]. The earli- Multiple efforts are underway at present to search for est simulations were restricted computationally to lat- the existence of axion DM in the laboratory [9, 10], but tices of order 1503 sites [15], while modern-day static- these efforts are hindered by the fact that the mass of lattice simulations∼ have achieved 8; 0003 sites [25]. The the axion particle is currently unknown. The axion is approach we present in this work,∼ using adaptive mesh naturally realized as the pseudo-Goldstone boson of a refinement (AMR) simulations, provides an even larger global symmetry called the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) symme- jump in sensitivity by maintaining high resolution around arXiv:2108.05368v1 [hep-ph] 11 Aug 2021 try, which is broken at a high energy scale fa [2{5, 11]. If the string cores and lower resolution elsewhere [29]; to the PQ symmetry is broken after the cosmological epoch achieve the same resolution as our simulations using a 3 of inflation, then there is a unique axion mass ma that static grid would require a 65; 536 site lattice. Our un- leads to the observed DM abundance. (If the PQ sym- precedented dynamical range allows us to determine that metry is broken before or during inflation, then the DM radiation from axion strings prior to the QCD phase tran- abundance depends on the initial value of the axion field sition likely dominates the DM density. that is inflated [12].) However, computing this mass is difficult principally because after PQ symmetry breaking axion strings develop; at the string cores the full PQ sym- AMR SIMULATION FRAMEWORK The axion a as the phase of the complex PQ scalar ∗ ia=fa [email protected] field Φ = (r + fa)=p2e , with a = a(x) and r = y [email protected] r(x) real functions of spacetime x. The radial mode r z [email protected] is heavy and is not dynamical at temperatures below its 2 Figure 1. (Top row) 3-D rendering of various simulation states from the initial state (left) to the final state (right). Shown is the full simulation volume with the respective relative size of a Hubble volume indicated. The axion energy density is illustrated by the density of a 3-D media and string cores are overlaid in yellow. (Bottom row) Zoom in on a string segment. From left to right: Relationship between the string width and the number of refinement levels as a function of time; 2-D slices of the radial mode and string radiation centered around a string element; string element enshrouded by axion energy density; and an illustration of the layout of the three coarsest grid levels around a string core (not to scale). Animations available here. −1 mass mr. The axion field, on the other hand, is massless The string width scale Γ is set by mr , while the maxi- until the QCD phase transition and thus is dynamical on mum physical length scale that may be resolved with the scales smaller than the cosmological horizon between the comoving lattice grows linearly with η. Thus, finer grids PQ and QCD epochs. The axion field acquires a small are needed to resolve Γ at later times. We start with 2 3 mass ma Λ =fa at temperatures T of order the a uniform grid of 2048 grid sites, with an initial state ∼ QCD QCD confinement scale ΛQCD from QCD instantons [30], based on a thermal distribution before the PQ phase though in our simulations we focus on temperatures T transition (see Methods). Extra refined grids are then ΛQCD where the mass may be neglected. added over time whenever the comoving string width Our simulation is based on the block-structured AMR drops below a certain threshold. We add the first four software framework AMReX [31]. The equations of mo- extra refinement levels when Γ is resolved by four grid tion (EOM) for Φ can be derived from the Lagrangian [32] sites at the respective finest level, with the fifth extra level added when Γ is resolved by three grid sites (see 2 2 2 Fig.1 and Supp. Fig. S1). In comparison, note that [27] 2 2 fa λT 2 PQ = @Φ λ Φ Φ ; (1) resolves Γ by one grid site at the end of their simula- L j j − j j − 2 − 3 j j tion. Each extra level introduces eight times as many grid cells per volume as the previous level. Refined levels where λ is the PQ quartic coupling. (We fix λ = 1 with- are localized primarily around strings. This is achieved out loss of generality so that mr = p2fa.) The EOM by identifying grid cells that are pierced by a string core are solved using the strong-stability preserving Runge- using the algorithm described in [33]. The exact grid Kutta (SSPRK3) algorithm with a time step size that layout is periodically adjusted to track strings over time. satisfies the Courant{Friedrichs{Lewy condition on a lat- See Fig.1 for an illustration of the grid layout. tice defined in fixed comoving coordinates. Evolution takes place in rescaled conformal time η = R=R1 = 1=2 (t=t1) , where R is the scale factor of the Fried- STRING NETWORK EVOLUTION mann{Lema^ıtre–Robertson{Walker metric, R1 R(t1), ≡ and t1 is a reference time such that H1 H(t1) = fa with Hubble parameter H. In these units≡ the PQ phase The axion string network is thought to evolve and transition takes place around η 1, and we chose a start- shrink with time by radiating axions so as to obey the ≈ ing time of ηi = 0:1 and a final time of ηf = 75:7. Our scaling solution, where the number of strings per Hubble simulation volume is a box with periodic boundary con- patch remains order unity as a function of time [20]. The ditions and comoving side length L = 120=(R1H1). This network evolution is illustrated in the top panels of Fig.1, 3 volume corresponds to 1200 Hubble volumes at ηi and with time slices labeled by log(mr=H) = log(2mrt). The 4 Hubble volumes at ηf . (Ref. [27] found that finite- energy density in axion radiation is overlaid on top of the volume∼ effects are not important for simulations ending string network and is strongest in the vicinity of areas of with 4 Hubble volumes.) large string curvature. ∼ 3 1.8 scale model (see Refs.
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