The NATIONAL WEEKLY of PROGRAMS and PERSONALITIES Volume 1 Chicago, III., Week of March 13-19, 1932 Number 21 RADIO CALLS ANOTHER .ST AR BELLE BAKER JOINS THESPIANS WHO HAVE FOUND A HAVEN OF REFUGE Another star deserts the sta.ge for radio, and for the same ullderlyin!:" rea· sons that have actuated every other thealril-al figure in making the move. • • Radio offers a larger audience, it does away at one fell swoop with a score of hardships, and it also assures its artists of il steady income. '. lTER twenty years of success on the stage and in vaudeville and talk- A ing pictures, Belle Baker has turned to radio for the medium best suited to her generous talents. The chronicle of her rise through sheer hard work and natural ability reads like a page out of the story book , of romance, And now that she has realized her ambition to star in radio. !: Belle Baker looks fondly back over her thrilling career. It isn't that "the Mother of the sentim('ntal song," as critics have <ailed h('r, has turned her back on the stage and forgotten the medium which carried her to stardom: it isn't tbat Belle Baker has lost the youth­ fulness ;md charm which endeared her to the hearts of rhe theatre-going public. .It is simply th;lt she has found a medium which is ideal for bet talents, a medium which enables her to reach millions where on,ce she reached hundreds, and a medium which the Belle Baker of today loves with aU her heart. Alld then, too, Miss Baker realizes, as do all theatrical people, the many adnntagl's of radio which the theatre cannot afford. Once assured (ContInued on page 8) • Belle Baker, star of the neW E"'er­ Ready Razor and Blade program. to be broadrast each Sunday ov~r the Columbia network, Miss Baker has been appearing as gU(!.st llrtist on some of the largest pro~ grams, but the present venture Herbert John Abrahams. only son of BeUt! will be her debut as a regular nel~ tvork feature artist. She has can­ Jack Denny, whose orchestra will be beard Baker. Ile ~I.'as born on Chrisrmas Day on the new Ever"Ready program. Denny celed all of her stage engagements eleven years ago, !vhich wa.~ also MIIl,1 and his boys have just completed Gn wflage­ and will deL10le herself entirely to ment 0.1 the Royal Hotel in Montreal. Baker's all-'ll birthday cmniuenaq/. radio tuorh. FREE--ANOTHER PHILCO RADIO--FREE!!! SEE PAGE 20 UMovie Star Revue" HAROLD VISITS HAROLD John Thomas Favors To Feature Flicker Radio To Concerts Favorites On CBS • John Charles Thomas, American • baritone heard frequently over NBC Dorothea Jnmes. musical comedy networks. prefers radio broadcasting to and screen star: Syd Gary, popular the concert stage, He cites two r~4 vocalist; Ted Astor and his orchestra, sons: first. the size of the audience: and well-known motion picture stars second, the escape from const.1nt tra~ are heard on the new "Movie Star Re­ veiing, vue" which is broadcast o\'er (he Co­ "If I sing, for example, ~i x:ty can· certs in the course of a season, with lumbia network every Tuesday and an average attendance of 1,500", says Thursday at 4.45 p. m. Me. Thomas, "that torals only 90,000 Considered one of the most beau­ listeners for all the concerts. While tiful Titian blondes on the American for a single radio recital, the audience stage. Miss James has posed for many may easily total from 15,000,000 to leading artists and sculptors. In ad­ 20,000,000". dition to acting as mistress-of-cere­ Mr. Thomas thinks that broadcast· ing I!nables one to be a[ home more, monies. she is heard in several musical to study and prepare a more perfect numbers, alone and with Gary, on tep:-rtoire and to avoid the hardship each program. of concert travel. At irregular intervals. motion pic­ "The radio has made easily acces~ ture stars who have come east from sible the aural art of the world (0 a Hollywood, wil! appear as guests on vast unnumbered aUdience, and also makes it possible for the artist to reach, the series which is sponsored by the in one half hour, a greater potential Sterling Products Co., Inc. audience than perhaps he could appear Local Outfet \VBBM . before in a professional lifetime." • • ELSA ERSI DEBUT German Mayor Works ON CBS SUNDAY Overtime Answering • American Fan Mail The initial presentation of Ihe "I n­ Art...... , 1-.lKe, the youngster who took the part of Harold .J e\.ll In the ternational Revue", featuring Elsa movie production of that name. dropped off into WGN's studio to visit Mayor Hermann Luppe. of Nurem­ Ersi and Sam Lanin's Orchestra, sche­ the radio Harold Teen gang the other day and posed for this picture berg. Germany. has received almost duled for l.ast week, was postponed with the radio company. Left to right, top row, William Farnum, WGN's radio Harold Teen; Wally Colbath, the Lilacs of the radio eleven hundred letters from American to make way for Prcsidl'flt Hoover's group: Jack Spenccr. cast in the parts of Beezie and Pop Jenks; seated, listeners as a result of his recent inter· address to the people of the nation on Gayle Hinton, who takes the part of Gayle: Arthur Lake, the movie national broadcast, "Christmas Made hoarding. The Revue will be heard Harold Teen. and Eunice Yanke. the radio Lillums, Harold Teen is a in Gumany", which came through tbe initially this Sunday at 9:10 p. m. six-a week feature presented by \VGN at 6; 15 p. m. Columbia network. The mayor had o\'er the Columbia chain. intended to answer all mail in long Locaf Outlet WBBM. hand or picture postcards of the city, WGN's Gym Class Maxwell, Real Folks and he was more than surprised at tbe • volume of mail received. Monarch Foods On Moves to 9 A. M. To Switch Networks The little six~yl'ar-old frau lien, • • who stepped up to the microphone to WGN, WLS Every Day In response [0 thO\lsandr; of re­ Network changes affecting two of say hello to American children, has quests, Charlie White's Gym Class of [he best known radio programs on the received more than fifty requests for Two new programs. both sponsor­ the Air over \VGN has been moved up air were announced this week. One her picture, and many young fans ed by the makers of Monarch Foods, from 017:15 a. m. to .19:00 a. m. wanted her address so that they could wi\[ be presented over WGN and WLS spot, and the sponsors are now mak­ former NBC program switches to CBS, correspond with her. tbis week. ing plans for a coast· to-coast hookup and one CBS program will hereafter "The Lyon Family", a new do­ which will make Charlie director be heard over [he NBC, • mestic skit featuring Virginia Lee in of the largest GYIll Class in the world. The Maxwell House Ensemble pro- Plan To Televise [he leading feminine role, will be heard Charlie's Wednesday night program gram, with Lanny Ross as the fe.ltur~ for the first time this Tuesday at 1 :45 from WBBM. featuring the ··Myster­ Conventions Here p. m. from the WLS studios. Here­ ious Teller of Tales·'. will soon be ed artist ir; now heard over the Co­ • after it wil1 be presented at the $ame broadcast over one of the networks. lumbia network every Monday, Wed­ Television, so the experts say, is time each Tuesday. Thursday and nesday and Friday at 10:15 p. m, now at about the same stage of de­ Saturday_ • Until April 7. Maxwell House velopment as sound broadcasting of The MonJrch Mdody Men and the WJJD German Hour wil! continue to broadcast a pro­ 10 years ago. Nevertheless. when the l\lonarch Symphony will be featured Features A Zither gram over an NBC network at the Republicans and Democrats hold their in a new series to be broadcast from same time tbat the Lanny Ross com­ presidential· nominating conventions WGN each Monday, Wednesday and A German Broadcast,• announ~ed in bination is being hea.rd from Colum­ in Chicago next spring. television Friday at 9:00 p. m., beginning this German and featuring the best of all bia, Countess Olga Albani will be pickups may be placed on or near the Monday. types of German music, is now being the featured artist soprano, rostrum of the convention ball so that presented each Sunday at 2:30 p. rn. The '·Real Folks" program, George pictures as wen as words of the par­ from WJJO. Frame Brown·s famous rural sketch, ticipating notables can be broadcast. An outstanding featurc of the new will wind up its Sunday afternoon If the plans go through, the televising series is the appearance on the pro­ broadcasts over the Columbia system will undoubtedly be done over local grams of Tony Godetz. molliter of that on Sunday, April 3, and will begin Chicago stations only. unusual musical instrument. the Zith­ broadcasting over an NBC network Vol, 1 _ No. 21 ~larch 13-19, 1911t er. The Zither is a very old stringed­ on Thursday, April 7, at 8:30 • Publl.bed ,..."~Il bl Radio GuIde. Illc. instrument play(d by all German, p. m. It will utilize the time Big Dog Man ~Z3 !'11·",o~lb Cou". Cblc.~o.
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