www.SteamPoweredRadio.Com UNITED. TRANSFORMER COMPANY DIVISION OF TRW INC. ~ THE UTC STORY-QUALITYand RELIABILITYat UTC UNITED TRANSFORMER COMPANY, Division of TRW Virtually all hermetic items in this catalog have been INC., with almost forty years of pioneering in the areas proved to meet one or more of the MIL Specs, or are of research, design and engineering assures you quality currently being tested. and reliability unexcelled in the industry. UTC has in A tremendous advantage exists in using the stand­ continuous production the most complete line of stand­ ardized UTC MIL components for military equipment. ard items ready for immediate delivery from the factory These units can be used in prototypes or full produc­ or authorized industrial distributor. This, coupled with tion without special tests, costs, or delays. Minor de­ UTC's broad capabilities in special (custom built) items, viations from standard units do not affect the original covers virtually every transformer and filter require­ test validity. ment for both military and industrial use. UTC hermetic components are of rugged design with high safety factors in all characteristics. They are either ENGINEERING The knowledge and experience of the metal encased or molded and exceed MIL Specs in nation's top engineering talent create UTC products. many respects, taking into consideration the most All designs are fully laboratory proved before being severe conditions which may be encountered in service. released for production. They are ideally suited for airborne, ground communi­ MATERIALS and LIFE TESTING The UTC Material and cations, marine, and missile service. Chemical Laboratories analyze and evaluate the mate­ An increasing number of industrial equipment manu­ rials employed in all products. Special processes facturers, becoming concerned with the reliability of are introduced as required by material characteristics. components in their equipment, are turning to hermeti­ Finished units, as well as insulation systems, are con­ cally sealed components. The necessity for reliability stantly undergoing life tests to provide reliability guides in industrial service is clear when the cost of an hour's for present and future designs and manufacturing proc­ shutdown of a broadcast schedule or industrial control esses. The purpose of these tests is to extend the life system is visualized. of each design to the absolute maximum- usually far COMMERCIAL and INDUSTRIAL COMPONENTS UTC beyond customer requirements. non-hermetic lines of components are designed for a wide range of applications, and QUALITY CONTROL The Quality Control Department have found acceptance in all types of commercial and industrial equipments coordinates all statistics relating to materials and proc­ . They are conservatively designed to assure esses. All incoming materials are subjected to exhaus­ highest re­ liability. Breakdown test voltages tive testing, with individual lots of materials separately are used far in excess of maximum working voltages. All isolated in order to afford tight material control components are vacuum impregnated. Potted units throughout production. Continuous surveillance is con­ are sealed with special insulating compounds for maximum environ­ ducted to assure conformance of products to all re­ mental protection. Our quality control on these com­ quirements. If discrepancies are found or anticipated, ponents is as stringent as on our military lines, corrective action is immediately instituted. Parts made requiring 100% testing on prime parameters. within the UTC plant, such as drawn cans, stamped laminations, etc., are inspected and treated as though SPECIAL DESIGNS In addition to the needs met by they were provided by an outside vendor. the standard components in this catalog, there are many unique applications which require special units. Special­ PRODUCT TESTING Each individual transformer or design facilities are available for production of samples filter is tested for its performance at least three times as well as large quantities. The close coordination be­ during successive stages of manufacture. In addition to tween our design groups, sample shop, and factory this, a substantial sampling of each day's production is assures production quality equal to sample quality. put through extensive humidity, vibration, thermal shock, and overload testing to assure exact performance and THE END RESULT UTC's level of quality and reliabil­ reliability. ity is unmatched in the industry-twenty times better than the industry average, based on available informa­ MILITARY COMPONENTS The UTC Laboratories in­ tion. clude complete "In House" DESC approved facilities For every phase of the art of iron core inductive for testing to MIL-T-27C, MIL-F-18327C, and MIL-T- devices, UTC is the first source for the highest reli­ 210388. These facilities are employed for quality con­ ability, the most varied types and the most sophisticated trol of production as well as for proving new items. and advanced designs in the industry. www.SteamPoweredRadio.Com © 1970 UNITED TRANSFORMER COMPANY, DIVI SION OF TRW INC. Pr inted in U. @ PRODUCT SERIES INDEX PRODUCT PRODUCT SERIES DESCRIPTION PAGE SERIES DESCRIPTION PAGE AUDIO TRANSFORMERS & INDUCTORS HIGH Q INDUCTORS General Information ............. ............•... ......... 2 General Information ...... ......... ..........•........ 60 , 61 Product Selection Guide .............. .........•....• . ..... 3 Product Selection Guide ....... ....... ...... ...... .. .. 61 Mil itary Types : Grade 4, Metal Encased All MIL except VIC & DI BIT-250 Transistor & flat pack styles ...................... 4, 5 High Q Inductors-Fixed DI -T Ultraminiature transformers & inductors ............ 10 FE Toroidal, molded .............•.............. .... 64 DI -T200 Plug-i n ultraminiature transformers & inductors ....... 11 Fl Toroidal, molded ........... ..... .•. .. .......... 64 FO Toroidal, DO-T Ultraminiature transformers & inductors ............ 6, 7 molded ..................•... •......... 64 HOA Toroidal, metal encased ......•........... DO-T200 P lug-in , ultraminiature transformers & inductors . ......... 70 ....... 8 HOB Toroidal, metal encased ........... • .... ......•.... FHA Low profile 70 audio transformers ..................... 12 HOC Toroidal, metal encased ..... .... ............... 70 FHI Low profile inductors ................. ........... 12 HOE Toroidal, metal encased .... .... ......•...... .... 70 H Transformers & inductors. Full line. Hermetically MH Toroidal, molded .... ......•..........• .. ... .... 63 sealed, metal encased ............. ...... 12, 13, 14 ML Lam inated, shielded .............. .... •. ....... 62 MM Toroidal, PIL Ultraminiature transistor style un its ............ ..... g molded .......... .... ............... 63 MO Laminated , molded ... ..... ............... W Military Standards ............ ........... ....... ... 62 15 MOA Toroidal, metal encased ........................... 66 MOB Toroidal, metal Military Types : Grade 5, Molded encased ..•........ .......... .... 67 MOD Toroidal, metal encased ... .. ......... ... ...... 66 SML Plug-i n transformers .......... .. ... .. .. , ... , , ..... 16 MOE Toroidal, metal encased .........•..........• . ..... 67 SO-P Molded transformers ................... .... ..... 17 MOL Laminated, metal encased ........•.......... .. .... 65 SSO-P Molded transformers .................. • . .. ...... 16 MOM Laminated, metal encased .. ..... .. .. .... 65 MS Toroidal, molded ..................... .. ........ 63 Industrial Types: Cased, non -hermetic MW Toroidal, molded .... ........... ................ 63 A Ultra compact wideband transformers & inductors .. 20 , 21 TOA Same as MOA, but centertapped ...... .....•...... 66 CAT High copper efficiency for transistor use ............. 26 High Q Inductors-Variable CG High quality transformers ............... .......... 26 HVC Wide range, + 200%, - 70 % of nominal value .. ..... 68 HA Excellent quality audio transformers ............. 24 , 25 HVV Vernier, narrow range ± 10% of nominal value ...... 68 LAB Highest qu ality for laboratory circuit d eve lopment .... 15 TVC Same as HVC , but centertapped .................... 68 LS Hi-fidelity, highest quality. Broadcast types ....... 22, 23 VIC + 85%, - 45% of nominal value .. ...... .. ...... 69 0 Compact audio transformers & inductors . .......... 18 DI Inductance decades ..... .... ... •.....• . ... .. 69 P Octal socket plug-in types .. .................. .. 19 ELECTRIC WAVE FILTERS S Popular priced series ........... ... .. • . ......... 27 General Information ........ ........• . ... ......•.... 72 , 73 Industrial Types: Open Frame, non-hermetic Product Selection Guide ..... .. ........ .•...... ....... .. 74 SO Flexible lead types ................ .••........... 17 Band Pass SSO Flexible lead types ....•.. .•.. .... .•..... ..... 16 BMI Miniature metal cased. Center frequency range POWER TRANSFORMERS & INDUCTORS 30 Hz to 10 kHz . ............................... 80 BML Similar to BMI. Center frequency range 400 Hz to 1 General Information kHz .. 80 . ....... .. ............. •... •..... 30 BPH Ultra miniaturized metal cased, pin terminals. Center Product Selection Guide ....................... ......... 31 frequency range 50 kHz to 100 kHz ........... ... 76 BPM Ultra miniaturized metal cased, pin terminals. Center Military Types frequency range 400 Hz to 20 kHz ..... .. ..... 76 DO-T400 Ultraminiature power transformers .............. ... 37 BTI Similar to BMI. Center frequency range 60 Hz to 120 Hz
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