April 28, 1975 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE 11987 If you don't believe it, I was talking to a federal government are riding around with is room for politicar differences that fall young lady before . .She had to run home to big limousines that suck up a gallon of gas short of violence. get her Social Security check because she is when you turn the corner and that goes for There is no room, however, for mass afraid somebody would steal it. She told me the state and county. I think it's time we she gets $208 and pays rent of two hundred let them know about it. ignorance which leads to misunderstand­ some-odd dollars. Now, you tell me how in Thank you: ing and, in, turn, fear. Fear, that is, of the devil can a women or anybody-she can't anything that is minutely different from even feed herself. It costs me more to feed what we have come to know through my dog. prior personal experience. WoMAN from the audience. They don't MAN'S INHUMANITY TO MAN Such ignorance and fear are surely a want us to have dogs now. factor in the breeding of mass violence Mr. GREGORY. I've got one. The only point I really wanted to get off and the genocidal impulse. Yet, educa­ is that Social Security be taken off as in­ HON. GLENN M. ANDERSON tion itself is not the answer, for under­ come, and people that are paying rent are OF CALIFORNIA standing stops far short of compassion. being ripped off. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES What also seems to be lacking is a strong I'd like to add to that. We started a lottery sense of moral commitment. Simply in New York State, and, while Governor Thursday, April 24, 1975 understanding your fellow man does not Rockefeller was in office, they had been using necessarily mean having sympathy for the lottery money for every Tom, Dick and Mr. ANDERSON of California. Mr. Harry to go out and have a cup of coffee. The Speaker, today is a day of particular his rights as a human being. purpose of it when this was put into effect significance. April 24, 1975, marks the We are now in an era where we are was to be used for educational purposes, and, 60th anniversary of the Armenian finding it necessary to reexamine our so­ that way, it would reduce everybody's taxes. massacres, which saw the slaughtering of cietal institutions. Each part of society Now, Mr. Ford comes out trying to cut the 800,000 to 1 million Armenians. At the has a necessary function aimed at income taxes from twenty some-odd billion same time, it is the National Day of achieving the goal of societal harmony. dollars. By the same token, he wants to raise What, then, is religion's role in a violent the gasoline taxes and you and you and me Remembrance of Man's Inhumanity to and a whole lot more of us that are living Man. I am happy to say that I cospon­ world? I think that the answer is ob­ on fixed incomes, we will never see a dime out sored House Joint Resolution 148, a joint vious. The church's role is to help teach of this reduction in taxes. But we will have resolution to so designate this day. I the moral values that are necessary for to pay the fifteen cents a gallon that they feel that at this time it is appropriate a civilized existence. The universities' role want to put in there on top of it. to ask ourselves what are the factors that is to help educate in order to understand Now that we've got a few bucks, what is breed mass violence, and what are the as well as respect what we have previous­ he going to do? Drain us, send us to the poorhouse or to a nursing home like these solutions to this problem. I also feel that ly feared. fellows they got in there now that are k111- we can make a good start by reexamining The fact that this day of national ing off our people? the ideals that make tip our way of life. remembrance falls on the eve of the Now, your Social Security. We are supposed Individualism and politcal sovereignty Bicentennial of our Nation's birth is, I to get a five per cent increase in July, is are ideals that stand as cornerstones of feel, significant. It is time to reexamine that right? Well, it seems to me that every modern democratic thought. And simi­ the ideals that this Natiop was founded time the senior citizen got an increase, we larly, the pride in one's family, in one's on and ask ourselves if we are living up had to wait a year or a year and a half or cultural and ethnic roots, as well as one's to them. better because in the last six or seven years, the two previous raises that we got took over nation, are concepts that certainly Individualism is not at the root of two years. But, by the same token, in 1987, deserve praise. mass violence. It is, rather, the tool with Johnson had a law passed to raise everybody But at the same time, individual, fam­ which we can solve our conflicts which in the Senate and Congress including Pres­ ily, and cultural differences all too often lead to aggression. For along with the ident Nixon's salary up $100,000. The legis­ lead to con:fiict, which all too often lead concept of individualism goes the concept lators up here in Albany increased every one to open aggression, and in turn, sense­ of individual rights and freedoms. The of themselves up to $15,000, and they did less violence. Add to these rather tradi­ respect for our fellow man's freedoms can this within forty-eight hours. They put it in effect in less than a month. But, st111 in all, tional concepts the more recent problems only start with the respect of our own. we have to sit back and twiddle our thumbs of overpopulation and subsequent food A greater understanding of our fellow for a couple of bucks. Now, Mr. Ford- shortages, and the possibility of mass man tempered with a morality that re­ The only thing I want to say now is Mr. violence greatly increases. spects his rights as a human being is the Ford wants to give Cambodia and the other We certainly do not have to look very necessary step away from uncivilized vio­ side $300,000,000. far to see some current examples. Almost lence. My belief is charity begins at home. A lot every day, terrorist groups carry out acts Solutions to the problem of mass vio­ of people in this country llve in one-room of senseless violence. In South Vietnam, shacks down in Tennessee and Virginia. This lence and the genocidal impulse lie in guy didn't want to hear it. We have a lot of we hear fears of a massive bloodbath relieving of economic disparities, for they people llving right through Tennessee and with a Communist takeover of Saigon. lead to conflicts over hunger. They also Virginia and down there llving in one-room And the recent inhumanities in Ban­ lie in relieving educational disparities, shacks with four, five and six kids, and they gladesh and South Africa continue. for they lead to misunderstanding and can't get nothing. And they are starving to Yet, the problem does not lie in the ultimately intolerance. And finally, they death. This man wants to go to work and concept of individualism itself. Nor does lie in instituting a morality that tran­ give them $300,000,000 in Cambodia. Let us it lie in the cultural, ethnic, and na­ scends political, cultural, and individual all go after these people and tell them that charity begins at home. tional distinctions we find both inside differences. For in a society there is room In addition to that, Mr. Ford tells you to and outside of national boundaries. For for such differences. The recognition and go out and buy a llttle car so you don't in striving for a strong, unified society, respecting of their existence leads to so­ waste too much gas, but, by the same token, there is room for individualism; there is cietal unity. The intolerance of them Mr. Ford and all the representatives in the room for cultural differences; and there leads to senseless violence. SENATE-Monday, April 28, 1975 (Legislative day of Monday, April21, 1975) The Senate met at 12 noon, on the ex­ Almighty God, infinite, eternal, and small, that serving Thee with our whole piration of the recess, and was called to unchangeable, we who are finite, tem­ heart and mind and strength, this Na­ order by Hon. PATRICK J. LEAHY, a Sen­ poral, and changeable open our lives for ator from the State of Vermont. tion and all nations may achieve that the indwelling of Thy spirit. We confess peace and justice which is the nature of that without Thee our human strength PRAYER Thy kingdom. The Chaplain, the Reverend Edward and wisdom are insumcient for the ur­ L. R. Elson, D.D., offered the following gent needs committed to us. Be with us, And to Thee shall be the glory and the prayer: 0 Father, to guide us in actions great and praise. Amen. 11988 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE April 28, 1975 APPOINTMENT OF ACTING PRESI­ s.
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