¿ X O H A L ^ , . » H •UTTERA ItTíBA t SCRIPTA FEDERAL REGISTER 1934 ^ VOLUME 10 C </AHTED % NUMBER 155 Washington, Saturday, August 4, 1945 Regulations (c) A “local flying area” is an area in CONTENTS the vicinity of a designated landing area, including any channel leading thereto, REGULATIONS AND NOTICES TITLE 14—CIVIL AVIATION recorded by the Administrator after co­ ordination with all local interests, and A l ie n P r o per ty C u s t o d ia n : Vesting orders, copyrights: Page Chapter I—Civil Aeronautics Board with the defense commander if within Belaieff, M. P. (2 documents) _ 9682, [Civil Air Begs., Amdt. 41-1] a vital defense area, for nonexclusive use of local aircraft operations’ emanating 9683 German and Austrian nation­ P art 41— C ertification a n d O p e r a t io n from that designated area. als (2 documents)___ 9683,9684 R u l e s for S cheduled A ir C arrier O p ­ (d) A “vital defense area” is in area C iv il A er o n au tic s B oard: er atio ns O ut sid e t h e C o n t in e n t a l set aside by competent military au­ Air traffic rules; cruising alti­ L im it s o f t h e U n ite d S tates thority within which the operation of tudes ____________________ 9657 aircraft is prohibited or is authorized POSTPONEMENT OF EFFECTIVE DATE Certification and operation rules only subject to prescribed conditions. Adopted by the Civil Aeronautics for scheduled air carrier Board at its office in Washington, D. C., § 43.801 Flight rules, (a) Aircraft operations outside conti­ on the 31st day of July 1945. shall be based only at designated landing nental limits of U. S.; post­ areas. Effective July 31, 1945, Part 41 of the ponement of effective date- 9655 Civil Air Regulations is amended by post­ N ote: An aircraft is not prohibited from General operation rules; war poning the effective date from August 1, malting an occasional take-off and landing emergency regulations_____ 9655 1945, to September 1, 1945. from areas other than designated landing Trans-Marien Airlines, Inc., areas outside vital defense areas. This does hearing__________ ______ ___ 9682 (52 Stat. 984, 1007; 49 U.S.C. 425, 551) not apply to military airfields, use of which F ederal C ommunications C o m m is ­ by civil aircraft requires specific authoriza­ s io n : By the Civil Aeronautics Board. tion by appropriate military authorities. K ID Broadcasting Co., hearing. 9682 F red A. T oo m bs, (b) No person shall pilot an aircraft G eneral L and O f f ic e : Secretary. within a vital defense area unless the Alaska, withdrawal of public [F. R. Doc. 45-14267; Filed, Aug. 3, 1945; flight has been approved by the respon­ lands for use of War De- 10:47 a. m.] sible defense command or by the agency partment.________________ 9679 to which authority has been delegated California, reduction of with­ for such approval: Provided, That ap­ drawal— _________________ 9680 proval is not required for flights from Wyoming and Colorado, power [Civil Air Regs., Amdt. 43-1] designated landing areas confined to the site restoration and partial P art 43— G eneral O per atio n R u l e s local flying area. revocation of certain Exec­ utive orders,._____________ 9680 WAR EMERGENCY REGULATIONS § 43.802 Cancellation of designation. The Administrator may, at any time, I nterstate C om m er ce C o m m is s io n : Hay, Portland, Oreg.; unload­ At a session of the Civil Aeronautics cancel the designation of a landing area ing ------------------- 9682 Board held at its office in Washington, if it is determined such action is neces­ D. C., on the 31st day of July, 1945. sary to public safety or to prevent con­ Oranges and lemons from Ari­ Effective August 1,1945, Part 43 of the flict with military operations. zona or California; permit Civil Air Regulations is amended by add­ required for shipments____ 9681 ing a new § 43.8 to read as follows: § 43.81 Military insignia. No aircraft, N a t io n a l W ar L abor B oard: other than aircraft of the national de­ Rules of procedure; miscellane­ § 43.8 War emergency regulations. fense forces of the .United States, shall ous amendments__________ 9657 § 43.80 Designation of airports. be operated with emblems, insignia, or Wages aiitt salaries, approval of markings of the national defense forces increases__________________ 9657 § 43.800 Definitions. (As used in this unless written authorization for such use § 43.8). (a) The term “ aircraft” means O f fic e o f C ontract S e t t l e m e n t : is obtained from the War or Navy De­ Termination cost memoran­ all aircraft other than those operated by partments. scheduled air carriers, the United States dums ; fixed-price supply Army or Navy, the Civil Aeronautics Ad­ § 43.82 Search of passengers’ baggage. contracts_______ 9675 ministration, or the Civil Aeronautics The pilot in command of^an aircraft, or O f fic e o f E c o n o m ic S t a b il iz a ­ Board. any person designated by him, shall t io n : (b) A “ designated landing area” is an search passengers' baggage or cargo Support-prices, subsidies; Cali­ area designated by the Administrator whenever and to the extent that the pilot fornia raisin and grape pro­ as a regular base of operation for air­ believes national security so requires. If gram, 1945-46 marKeting craft during the period of national such baggage or cargo includes a camera, season____________________ 9674 emergency. (Continued on p. 9657) (Continued on p. 9656#; 9655 9656 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, August 4, 1945 CONTENTS—Continued CONTENTS—Continued u r plu s roperty oard O ffice of P rice A d m in istr a ­ S P B —Con. Trucks, allocation for disposal t io n —Continued. FEDERALÄREGISTER Adjustments and pricing or­ to farmers and farmers’ co­ ders—Continued. Pa&e operatives— Continued. Pai e ¿Russel Mfg. Co----------------- 9687 OKlahoma------------------------ 9697 Smith, Gordon Arther, Inc— 9690 Utah—_____________ ______ — 9697 U. S. Aladdin Co---------------- 9693 Solid F uels A dministration for Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, W ar: and days following legal holidays, by the Cotton goods, carded grey and colored-yarn (RPS 35, Am. Phillips-Thompson Co., revoca­ Division of the Federal Register, the National tion of suspension order— 9682 Archives, pursuant to the authority contained 27) _____ 9669 in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, Food rationing for institutional W ar D epartment: 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., users (Gen. RO 5, Am. .112) _ 9673 State guard; correspondence ch. 8B ), under regulations prescribed by the Fuel oil (Rev. RO 11, Am. 62) — 9669 and reports, channels of Administrative Committee, approved by the Gasoline rationing (Rev. RO 5C, communication--------------- 9657 President. Distribution is made only by the Am. 1 3 )________ —------ — 9669 W ar M anpower C o m m issio n : Superintendent of Documents, Government Minimum wartime workweek: Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Glass containers, narrow mouth (MPR 188, Am. 90 to Order Indiana: * The regulatory material appearing herein is ElKhart County-------------- 9684 keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, A - l ) --- ------------ — -------- 9694 which is published; under 50 titles, pursuant Livestock slaughter and meat Marshall and St. Joseph to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as distribution (Control Order Counties_____________ 9684 amended June 19, 1937. 1, Am. 2 to Supp. 1, Am. 2 to Rush, Fayette and FranKlin The Federal Register will be furnished by Supp. 2) (2 documents) — 9673 Counties_______ 9684 mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Wayne County----------- 9685 Lumber: per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ Wisconsin: , vance. The charge for individual copies Hardwood, yard sales in Ken­ tucky (RMPR 467, Arndt. Door and Kewaunee Coun­ (minimum 15i) varies in proportion to the ties.:---- 9684 size of the issue. Remit check or money 2 ) _____ 9674 order, made payable to the Superintendent Softwood, yard sales ceiling Manitowoc area------ ------- 9684 of Documents, directly to the Government prices in Chicago (Gen. W ar P roduction B oard: Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Order 65) 1--- .-------- 9685 Automobiles, passenger, ration­ There are no restrictions on the republica­ ing (Dir. 1-X) —---------— 9658 Meats, fats, fish and cheeses tion of material appearing in the. F ederal Cotton and wool machine Register. (Rev. RO 16, Am. 60)— — 9674 Knitted items (M-328B, Am. Petroleum, crude and natural, 3 to Sch. B )— -------- 9667 and petroleum gas (RMPR Magazines and periodicals (L - 436, Am. 17)______________ 9669 N O T IC E 244, Supp. 1 )----- 9665 Plywood and veneers from Re­ Motor vehicles, new and used 1944 Supplement construction Finance Cor­ commercial; rationing (Di­ poration (SO 94, Order 74) _ 9694 BooK 1 of the 1944 Supplement to rective 36) — :-----:— •----- 9658 Processed foods (Rev. RO 13, Newspapers (L-240, incl. Ints. the Code of Federal Regulations, Am. 66 to 2d Rev. Supp. 1) _ 9674 1_4)_____ 9662 containing Titles 1-10, including Puerto Rico, tire rationing Suspension orders, etc.: Presidential documents in full text, . (Rev. RO IB, Am. 1 )----- 9667 Connell Sales C o.------------- 9660 is now available from the Superin­ Resins, natural (MPR 297, Am. Food Store Engineering & Fix­ 4> _________ _______ — 9674 tendent of Documents, Government ture Co---------.------------- 9661 Gilboard Refrigeration CO— 9660 Printing Office, at $3.00 per copy.
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