CITY OF GLOUCESTER OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Meeting: Monday, 7th July 2008 at 18:30 Council Chamber, North Warehouse, The Docks, Gloucester Membership Cllr. Wilson (Chair), Hobbs (Vice-Chair), Noakes, Crawford, Jones, Emerton (Spokesperson), Field, Haigh and Taylor AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members and Officers are reminded that at the start of the meeting they should declare any known interest in any matter to be considered, and also during the meeting if it becomes apparent that they have an interest in the matters being discussed. 3. MINUTES (Pages 1 - 6) Minutes of the meeting held on 3 June 2008 4. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME (MAX. 15 MINS) 5. PETITIONS AND DEPUTATIONS (MAX. 10 MINS) Pre-Scrutiny of Budgetary and Policy Framework Items 6. COUNCIL TARGETS FOR BUILDING A BETTER GLOUCESTER- CORPORATE PLAN 2008-2011 (Pages 7 - 26) Report by the Leader of the Council 7. LOCAL AREA AGREEMENT (Pages 27 - 132) Report of the Chief Executive A copy of the Draft Agreement is accessible on the Council’s web site. 8. LOCAL AUTHORITY BUSINESS GROWTH INCENTIVE SCHEME (RMD200810) (Pages 133 - 140) Report by the Cabinet Member for Corporate Performance and Resources 9. DRAFT FOOD SERVICE PLAN 2008 - 2009 (ES20810 - OSM) (Pages 141 - 166) Report by the Cabinet Member for Housing and Health 10. POLICY FOR MAKING DESIGNATED PUBLIC PLACES ORDERS (DPPO'S) IN GLOUCESTER CITY (ES20812 OSM) (Pages 167 - 172) Cabinet Member for Housing and Health 11. CITY COUNCIL RESTUCTURING - PROPOSALS FOR PHASE 2 (Pages 173 - 212) Report of the Chief Executive Pre-Scrutiny of Key Decisions 12. ROLL FORWARD OF CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY (PT07078A) (Pages 213 - 270) Report by the Cabinet Member for Environment Matters for Information 13. FINANCIAL MONITORING REPORT Director (Section 151) to report 14. SCRUTINY WORK PROGRAMMES (Pages 271 - 272) Information received since the last meeting of OSM Committee attached. 15. SCHEDULE OF INDIVIDUAL EXECUTIVE DECISIONS 2 None 16. SCHEDULE OF CABINET DECISIONS (Pages 273 - 274) The following lists the titles of decisions taken by Cabinet at its meeting on 5 June 2008. Details of the decisions are set out in the attached schedule for information. 17. SCRUTINY WORK PROGRAMMES AND CABINET FORWARD PLAN (Pages 275 - 286) Report by Democratic Services Manager CONFIDENTIAL MATTERS FOR KEY DECISION 18. EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC To consider the following resolution : “That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during the following item of business on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public are present during consideration of this item or these items there will be disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in Section 100I of the Local Government Act 1972.” Agenda item 19 Description of Exempt Information Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) (Paragraph 3-Schedule 12A) 19. LEASE OF LAND TO TESCO, ST OSWALDS PARK (Pages 287 - 290) Report of the Leader of the Council (Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture) 20. DATE OF NEXT ORDINARY MEETING Monday 1 September 2008 18.30 hrs. 3 Please note : The discussion times are only estimates, some items could take slightly longer to discuss. 4 Page 1 Agenda Item 3 OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING : Tuesday, 3rd June 2008 PRESENT : Cllrs. Wilson (Chair), Hobbs (Vice-Chair), Noakes, Crawford, Jones, Emerton (Spokesperson), Field, Haigh and Taylor Other Members Present Cllrs. James, Gravells, Llewellyn, Morgan, White and Whittaker Officers in Attendance Julian Wain, Chief Executive Keith Birtles, Director (S151) Phil Staddon, Corporate Director of Regeneration Amanda Wadsley, Corporate Director of Strategy and Development Gill Ragon, Environmental Health Manager Julie Wight, Environmental Health Manager 1. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. 2. MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting held on 14 April 2008 were taken as read and signed by the Chair. 3. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME (MAX. 15 MINS) Joseph Jones expressed the opportunity to address the Committee in relation to the provision of facilities for travelling showpersons and questioned how the Council’s policy for dealing with travelling people in Gloucester to be considered by the Committee that evening recognised the needs of travelling show people for temporary accommodation. The Chief Executive suggested that the issues raised appeared more likely to relate to the Regional Spatial Strategy. Councillor Gravells commented on the extent of consultation in relation to the draft policy for dealing with travelling people in Gloucester. The Committee was reminded that its role was to pre-scrutinise and comment on the document prior to the key decision to be taken by Cabinet on 5 June 2008. The Chair suggested to Mr Jones that, having had the opportunity to consider the relevance of the report in relation to his concerns and, if there were concerns, these be addressed to the Cabinet meeting on 5 June 2008. 4. PETITIONS AND DEPUTATIONS (MAX. 10 MINS) There were no petitions or deputations. 1 Page 2 OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 03.06.08 5. PARKING SERVICES PROCUREMENT - PROJECT INITIATION DOCUMENT The Scrutiny Committee considered the report from the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture to be submitted to Cabinet on 5 June 2008 seeking approval to a Prince 2 Project Initiation Document to procure a contractor to undertake a range of parking services from 1 September 2009 onwards. The Corporate Director of Regeneration commented that it was intended to secure the services of an external procurement consultant. RESOLVED That the report be noted. 6. POLICY FOR DEALING WITH TRAVELLING PEOPLE IN GLOUCESTER (ES20807) The Scrutiny Committee considered a report by the Cabinet Member for Housing and Health to be submitted to Cabinet on 5 June 2008 seeking approval to the policy for dealing with travelling people in Gloucester city. The Committee had earlier in the meeting received concerns from Joseph Jones in relation to the provision of facilities for travelling show persons who had questioned how the Council’s policy recognised the needs of travelling show people for temporary accommodation. Mr Jones had also raised an issue in relation for consultation. The Cabinet Member emphasised that wide consultation had taken place on the report. The Chair referred to the fourth paragraph under Section 8.1 and enquired whether the proposal for the lead officer to arrange a case conference within five days of being notified of an unauthorised encampment on Gloucester city owned land was a change of policy. The Cabinet Member commented that he was conscious that the case conference should not be seen to delay any necessary action being taken and that the case conference could be undertaken by e-mail or telephone conference if necessary. Councillor Jones referred to paragraph 6.0 and the current arrangement whereby the PCT provided travellers with direct access to doctors and nurses at the Vaughan Centre, 159 Southgate Street, Gloucester. She enquired whether the future of the centre was affected by reference in the Forward Plan to the sale of the Vaughan Centre, Southgate Street. The Cabinet Member responded by commenting that the proposed report related to the continued use of the Vaughan Centre. 2 Page 3 OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 03.06.08 RESOLVED That the report be noted and that the comments of this Committee be forwarded to Cabinet on 5 June 2008. 7. GATING ORDERS - CRITERIA FOR ADOPTION (ES20809) The Scrutiny Committee considered a report by the Cabinet Member for Environment to be submitted to the Cabinet meeting on 5 June 2008, the purpose of which was as follows:- 1. To outline to members a Criteria for adoption at Gloucester City Council regarding Gating Orders to secure a consistent and transparent approach around the city. 2. To seek a budget for Gating Orders to cover costs from April 2009. 3. To seek delegated authority for the: • Environmental Health Manager to initiate the process for the making of Gating Orders. • Environmental Health Manager in consultation with Cabinet Member for Environment to authorise the making of Gating Orders where there are no written representations. • Cabinet to make decisions regarding Gating Orders where written representations have been received except where regulations require the matter to be referred to a Public Inquiry. Councillor Jones expressed concerns regarding the use of gating orders across footpaths which had been used for a considerable length of time and felt that the majority of people would be inconvenienced by gating orders. The Committee recommended to Cabinet an amendment to recommendation 2.2 of the report by the addition of the words ‘and removing’ after the word ‘maintaining’. Councillor Taylor suggested the possible use of partial gating orders which would involve less inconvenience than full gating orders. In answer to a question from Councillor Jones, the Cabinet Member commented that the Council were currently looking at a request for an order at Carters Orchard, Quedgeley. RESOLVED 1. That the report be noted. 2. That Cabinet be recommended to amend recommendation 2.2 of the report by the addition of the words ‘and removing’ after the word ‘maintaining’. 3 Page 4 OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 03.06.08 8. REPORT FROM THE LICENSING REVIEW TASK AND FINISH GROUP (ES20808) Councillor Whittaker, Chair of the Licensing Act 2003 Task and Finish Group presented to members the outcome of the work carried out by the Group established to review the effect of the Licensing Act 2003. He expressed thanks for the work undertaken by Councillor Smith as a Member of the Group. Councillor Paul James commented that he had asked for Officers’ responses to the report before it is submitted to Cabinet.
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