' \ WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1961 FA«B TWENTY A T e ra g e D a ily N e t P ress Runi- The Weather iitanrIfPBter lEtt^nitt^ For the Week Ended ForecMt of O. S. Wentber Barea* done S, 1961 F air, warm,humid tonight. Low 13,3.S0 66-10. Friday haiy, hot, humid, About Town thnnderahowem In late altemoon. Board Deliays Action HOUSE &. HALE Member of the Aodlt High near 90, HOUSE &, IMLE I>r. Robert E. KUme, a radiolo- BoreMi of drenlstton MAIN STREET — MANCHESTER Manchester— A City of Village Charm MAIN STREET — MANCHESTER I gist at Manchester Memorial Hoa- ^tal. will didCiiM new techniques » • On Appeals Unit Law in radiolog>’ a* guest v f the Kl- MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1961 (ClaaeUlod Adverttatiig on Page 16) PRICE FIVE CENTS wanis Club of Manchester Tues- VOL. LXXX, NO. 264 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) da.v at noon at the Manchester ' Country Club. The board of directors."after public hearings at Bowers School Auditorium last night, tabled action on a proposed Capt. Paul, W. Arcari. non of ordinance to create a personnel appeals board pending further j Mrs. Magdalene V. Arcari. 182 stud.v, and approved three proposed ordinances. Kennedy Sends Aide State News WONDERFUL! I' Oak St., has been selected to par­ A fter hearing several aug SALE^ ticipate in the Arm y-Air F\>rce tlona concerning regulationa and consultant On drafting suggested I maneuver, "Exercise Swift Strike," procedures of a personnel appeals rules of procedure. Roundup at Dover Air Force Base. Del., board, the directors decided to de­ Gunfight Foils Castro Foes this month. A member of the Air Mayor Harold A. Turklngton fer aeffon on a jiroposed ordinance declared that the board of direc­ MEN'S ZIPPER FRONT For Showdown with Force for aix years, his duties in­ drafted by Town Counsel Arthur i' elude navigating a C l24 plane. tors. as a policy-making board, l,eClairt. The general manager shonld spell out regulations un­ Trucker ‘ Named W A ^A B LE! was asked to provide ftirther in- der which the appeals board would Merabea s of the Mountain Laurel foi-mation from national Munici­ SPORT JACKETS operate. |! Chapter of Sweet Adelines Inc. pal League and state sources as Reds on N-Test Ban Driver of Year I will meet tomorrow at 7 p.m. at Director Francis Mahoney In­ well as from other towns in Con­ quired about his earlier proposal 1! the home of Mrs. Thomas Sweeney, necticut. for appointment of a personnel M omow A u f. 10 (/F)— ^Thethave atrong bearing on chances of 1 Hartford. Aug. 10 (i'P) In Try to Hyack Airliner 383 Back Lane, Wethersfield. For Wins Music Grant Martin recommended excluding manager. Martin replied that MOMOW, A u g . lu V ^ disarmament in other fields. : Frank DeLucia. New Haven, transportation, Manchester mem­ Mrs. Wayne F. Besaw. 17 Law ­ rates of pay or salary from griev­ creation of such a post would not Soviet Union today accuMo prohibiUon L driver for the Adlev Ex- bers may call Mrs. T. A. Crandall, rence St.. Rockville, the former ances to be appealed. He also be within the directors' ordinance i/j to 1/2 Off! the United States of wanting of nuclear weapons test ecploslons I ggg H aven , has I ’ ,')8 White St., or meet at the Irisii- Miss Sue Reneker of Manchester, suggests a change in the pro­ power, but would be a matter for is the easiest of disarmament ___ _______ -------------- I American Home, 69 Grove St., a nuclear test ban so full of ARNEL has been awarded a partial scholar- ; posed ordinance, which would per­ a Charter Revision Commission loop holes that testing could problems to solve, and______ an— agree-— named Connecticut driv- regularly 6.99 to I 8.99 Hartford. ship to Hai ti College of Mii.stc of ; mit employes to appeal from rul­ and referendum by the electors. Inent there would provide an ad-|er of the year for 1960 by the actually continue. the University of Hartford. [ ings of department heads instead In other actions, the board ap­ mirable start on a much broader | Motor Transport As.sociation Plane Crashed Near Campbell Council. Knights of A graduate of Manchester High | of the general manager. To effect, proved the following: The Russians also charged East-West disarmament program, Connecticut. , Columbus, will hold its annual ’ School, she has been attending the , 1. An amendment to an ordi­ this W'ould permit an employe to the western powers want a Conversely, Kennedy said that if The award wa.s presented to family outing in Maitm Park. East . college part-time for the past three go direct to the appeals board nance whereby a taxpayer would Hartford, on Sunday. Aug. 26. test ban agreement which the nations negotiating at Geneva DeLiicia in recognition of "unusu­ I years, where she has been a mem- ' from a department head. Marlin notify the collector of revenue in­ cannot agree on a nuclear test from l2:3n to o p.m. Tiio.se wishing stead of the hoard of directors if would permit them to collect al public service"''in resiuscitating Havana; Three Dead her of the Hartt College Concert pointed out that the town has em­ inspection system he did not see to attend .should contact Richard they elect to make installment intelligence data in the Soviet an infant who was a pas.sengcr In . Band. She will begin full-time ployes who are not under the ju­ how the Russians could possibly 10.99 Jarwis. chairman, or make reserva­ payments on sidewalk assessments, a car involved in a major craSh i study in the fall, majoring in music risdiction of the manager. Union, and a control appara­ tions at the K of C Home. in excess of $100. say that they are really for dis­ on the George Washington Bridge By JOSE MARIA ORLANDO ■ education with a tuba minor. tus which would be a “pliant Supports Idea 2. An amendment to the build­ armament in the United Nations in New 'York City. She and her husband have two .• checks General Assembly or anj-v^hera Havana. Aug. 10 (/P)— Enemies of Fidel Castrp attem^ited Thi-ee Manchester women will I children. Brenda Ann and Ricky, Director William Collins asked ing code to incorporate changes al- tool” in the hands of the DeLucia has covered 700.000 ac­ I operate the miscellaneous booth Martin if he foresaw any admin- | ready adopted in the stale building United States and Britain. else. cident-free mile.s in the past 15 to hi.jack a Cuban airliner in flight yesterday but a gun bat­ • two piece r at the ninth annual Mere.v festival i.strative -problem if the manager code as recommended by the Build • some lined Kennedy said he Is hopeful that years in the New Haven-Wa.shing- tle erupted and three persons were killed, including the pilot I ; to benefit the Sisters of M eny were not 'consulted. Martin said he ing Officials Conference of Ameri­ Washington, Aug. 10 (/P)— ton, D.C. route. land one hijacker. assumed the appeals board pro­ ca. (Continued on Page Seventeen) building fund Aug. 19 from l i a m. Police A rrests President Kennedy an­ The co-pilot crash-landed in a sugar cane field 20 miles to 6 p.m. at Our Lady of Mercy cedure would allow the manager to 3. An amendment to an ordi­ • some re­ Beer Truck Upsets N’o\-itiate. Neck Rd., Madison. be heard as well as a department nance regulating awninga over nounced today he ha.s ordered south of Havana and the other hijackers escaped. Cuban • permanently I They are Mns. Anthony Slogesky. j Mary E. Quagliano, 12 Bvmce head or employe. sidewalks, providing for a mini­ versible his top nuclear test negoti­ Nikitn Rr$inrli«ili^«i wuiington. Aug. 10 .,4>' — a militiamen fanned out in the area in an intensive search to­ I tractor-trailer loaded with a cargo 211 School St,; Mrs. .John Hahn, I Dr., yesterday was charged with In supporting the proposal for mum clearance of seven feet and ator to return to Geneva Aug. of beer overturned, on the Wilbur day. 70 Linden St.: and Mrs, Edward ! keeping an unlicensed dog. She such an appeal.a board. Martin said requiring that awnings shall not pleated • waist length 24 for a showdown meeting Cross highway here early today, Tlie incident was disclosed today by official Cuban sources; Kosak. 304 E. Middle Tpke. ! was arrested on a complaint that that, under the present informal extend cljiser than 12 inches from Super-Super Bomb with Russia on the effort to injtiring the driver. j her dog bit Dianne Weias. 6. of 65 s.vatem of hearing grievances. "My a curb line. Havana Radio reported one hijacker was a'woman. ■ .ADVERTISEMENT inclination is to uphold the de­ ban nuclear weajwns tests. Mos(OW, Aug. 10 /Pi Premier State Police said the tractor- Six persons also were reported wounded. I I _________ _________ _________ _________BunCe D _________ i„ on the nose. The young- partment head which puts an extra RITA ASKS 5TH DIVO^E • fingertip Kennedy announced he has re­ Khni.shchev brandished the threat trailer skidded and landed tipside • new tall shades Enjov the convenience of a ; step w-as treated at Manchester Cuban sources promptly charged that the seizure was the burden on the employe." Hollywood. Aug. 9 '.Pi - Rita lengths ceived a secret report from a spe­ of a super-super bomb five times down on the highway.
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