♦ WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT WEATHER FORECAST Loyal—The Ten Dollar Raise. For 36 hours éndlng 5 p. m, Tuesday: Columbia—Boy Oasy. Dominion—The Ordeal. Victoria and vicinity—Westerly winds, ; Capitol—Beyond the Rocks. generally fair add cool. xtixtff v PRICE FIVE CENTS VOJj. 60. NO. 138 VICTORIA, B. C., MONDAY, JUNE 12, 1922 ==sss VICTORIA WELCOMES THE GOOD ROADS ADVOCATES ' ■ • —ü — i"1»- --------------------------------------------- >-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------——j———————— -------------------------------------- ; _ ---------- :---------------------- -.-a, =%B¥£JATIONALISTSMATinNAl ISTS I TV I t ZV , I,.. Entertained FATTY ARBUCKLE , irsotmi! tCHARGE OF Delegates Gather Interest Continues IN SECLUSION ON WERE ARRESTED GOOD ROADS by Motorists CONVENTION VANCOUVER ISLAND? London. June 12.—(Canadian Press Cable)—As the result of evidence at Luncheon Here (By Times Special Correspondent) For Discussion of to Centre in the New given before special treason courts, Courtenay, B. C„ June 12,— Roscoe C. (Fatty) Arbuckle, who which were established as an out­ faded from public limelight after come of the Johannesburg revolt, five hUr final acquittal of the charge in Commons Situation connection with the death of prominent Nationalists have been Good Roads Plans Virginia Rappe. has been located arrested under the common law here. He is said to be seeking charged with high treason, according seclusion in the wooded fastnesses to a Reuter dispatch from Pretoria. Effect of Budget Vote at Ottawa To morrow Evening of Vancouver Island, near Camp­ bell River, where trout fishing is They include Editor Cost, of the Formal Welcome Is Extended to Great Gathering of Subject of Speculation; Majority of M.P.’s Are a diverting pastime. Dutch paper Vaderland; Genera! Arbuckle la believed to have Pienaar und-AtJV'Moll, the last nafned Highway Enthusiasts Here; Membership Repre­ Averse to General Election. “» reached the Island from the main­ being a «nSember of the Transvaal sentative of All Parts of Dominion. land on Friday. Provincial Council and secretary of ; the Transvaal, Nationalist Party. Ottawa. .Tune 12.—(Canadian Press'—Rumors of a geneAl From the Atlantia- to the Pacifie, Cabinet Ministers and promi­ election in September as an outcome of the present*political situa nent business men of every province of Canada arrived ip,Victoria tinn arc current to-day. Hut although the possibility ot a dis­ during the week-end to iff end the ninth annual convention of the solution of Parliament is widely discussed, the rumors hear no Chinese Boys Vainly Canadian Good Roads Association which assembled at the Km press official authority. There seems to be little doubt that the Con­ Iiotel this morning. The convention will last for four days. servatives as a body and the Progressives, with the possible excep­ Aa the delegates landed from the- boats from the mainland one tion of three or four, will -vote against the Government on the Sacrifice Themselves of the first things they.noted was an avenue of' welcome banners main budget motion. Speculation, nevertheless, is keen as to what stretched arrows the striVt, while the light standards were pro- the promised budget modifications will contain and wjiethcr or fusely decorated in golde"deq broom. Flanked by tlie. ..beautiful not they are likely to affect to-morrow's critical vote. to gardens of the Parliament Buildings Save Companion HON. S. J. LATTA and the Empress Hotel, the street» Dissolution of Parliament is understood to. be favored by tin1 fronting on thetener Harbor, whera Liberal wing, which" sees in such a step a jyay out of the present of Regina ONTARIO MAY HAVE the vessels .deck, presented a strik­ President. ing and charming appearance. difficulties. They claim that the j PERMANENT SPEAKER Government would come back with The Victims. Hon. John Oliver, Premier of the OF LEGISLATURE Province; Hon. E. D. Barrow. Hon. a safe working majority over both Lee Gee Shew, 10 years of age, 555 Cormorant Street. BY-ELECTION IN W. H. Sutherland and Hon. A. M. Opposition . parties. They point to , Majenon. K.C.; Acting Mayor John Wong Qnon Wai, 15 years of age, 555 Fisgard Street. Ontario ai being again the chief j NEW BRUNSWICK Toronto. June 12.—Ontario may Harvey and the presidents of all local ÜJÏE. break away, from all Canadian organisations of a public or semi* battleground in the event of an elec­ Nip Lung Poi, 16 years of age, 544 Fisgard Street. OF*. P. E. OOOLV St. John, N. B., June 12.—In- the precedent by appointing a per­ public nature attended to greet the tion and believe they would capture by-election held in Ht. John County manent Speaker of the legisla­ delegatee. seats In that ' province both from One of the most pathetic drowning fatalities that has occurred on Saturday to fill the vacancy ture. The subject was more or caused by the resignation of Hon. I. Seldom before in the history „ of here in some years took place at three o'clock yesterday afternoon less mooted at the close of the 19C1 Victoria have so many prominent Daring Plan Made by Captain Progressives and Conservatives. B. M. Baxter, -who afterwards wus session of the legislature, and IV Qfi-the other h^and, a dissolution of when three members of a party of six Chinese boys bathing in elected to the Federal Parliament^A. men connected with the public Ufa is understood that the Drury Gov­ of Canada met in a convention here. Amundsen Parliament at the present Juncture the harbor off the t'holberg Shipyards were drowned. F. Rentlo. Government candidate, ernment is giving more than pass­ received 2.051 votes to the 1.780 A number of prominent American finds no general support among the ing thought to such a move. road builders or men Interested in the The party, all school boys, had gone to the rocks just south polled by Dr. 3. II, Barton. Oj.^osl- Hon. Nelson Parliament, the members. The Liberals as a whole development of good roads will also Hopes to Make Landing at of the two wooden-h,»lls at the shipyards and prepared to enter tlon candidate. The majority rf 271 present Speaker, is the prospec­ / are not desirous of dissolution after was the largest made iu the county attend the convention and some of » the water. They-undressed on the roeks and Wong (juon Wai tive- permanent Speaker. them will address thé congress. f North Pole only one session. Progressives and in many years. The Governn;» nt ru- entered the water first. In a little )vhile his companions noticed cord was the only issue. Objects of Body. Seattle, June 12.—"(Associ­ Conservatives also do not like" the Needed for Commerce, Tour­ that Wai was in difficulties, and Lee idea, although there is considerable ----------,-------- ■ -------—*---------rf- The convention Is being held in Co­ ated Press)—Haakon Hammer, ists and Defence, Says Gee Shew rushed# to his aid. The operation with the Good Roads comment on the statement attributed two boys sank together before Nip league of British (Columbia. to R. H. Halbert. Progressive, North honorary member of the Amund- Doolittle Lung Pol could reach the scene. Nip objects of the association are Ontario, at the Russell County pic­ Hurricane Killed Sixty léct and distribute informatio* con- aen Polar BaaimJscicntitie Kxpe if\im poi made a desperate attempt nic on Saturday, that Progressives Roads Greatest Factor in De­ dition and personal represents Intend to force the Government to to untangle the struggling boys and st ruction and maintenance In the change the budget "even if it takes veloping Country, He bring them to the shore, but becom­ various towns, cities, villages and tive of C'apt. Amundsen, to-day an election to do it.” ing exhausted he failed, all three in the New York Area municipalities throughout Canada; to Progressives generally, however, Asserts drowning together in the kelp strewn stimulate and encourage in all ways uonfirmed reports that C'apt Would prefer to defer another appeal water. the improvement, construction and to the people »t any raté till after Canada needs a transcontinental Three Cempaniens en Land maintenance of reads* the who IA Roald Amundsen will attempt an the redistribution bill is brought Presbyterian General Assem­ Naw York. Jatte 12.—«The tirâth toll rtf Hie brief hat terrific highway for. commerec. for tourists Tbe triple fatality* took pBMë un­ from an ’educational and practical aeroplane flight across the North down next session and It and for military protectiW, Or. P. *. der the eyes of Yuon Wing Hong, bly Continues at Winnipeg hurricane that swooped Uowu on the metropolitan area late yes­ •tandpoint. provinces secure a wider representa­ Doolittle. President of the Canadian till Douglas Street; Mae Oim Ark. terday passed the sixty mark to-day, with indications that the For the above reason it will be Im­ Pole. tion in the House. Automobile Association, told dele­ F.sgard Street, and Jung Yan Wing. total number of dead might go much higher. possible for the convention to dis­ Captain Amundsen will be, accom­ Uncertain. gates to the Canadian Good Roads C4 Bay Street. «► Quebec Probably Will Have cuss any particular local situation as panied on his perilous journey by The present situation is admitted Association convention at a luncheon For some time no aid came to the 1923 Meeting regards the granting of any demands only two companions. Lieut. K. U. on all hands to be crucial. Old par In the Empress "Hotel at noon to-day. scene*, but one of the boys ran for Sew York, June 12.—Daybreak this morning found hundreds for road construction or malnten- -People vail the trans-Canada help. Sergeant Boulton heard of the ip the ouest ten Fullerton, formerly Canadian army liamentary hands dismiss it with the . Winnipeg:.
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