PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862—VOL. 32. PORTLAND, MAINE, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 8, 1893. { CL A fM A IL ^lATTKIL } PRICE THREE CENTS. SPECIAL NOTICES. gIrpITcleSMg" REDEEM). OLD BAY STATE. Or Steam Scouring, A process for Woolen Carpets, Bugs, MatB, Ac. ft which oleanses without beating, restores the col- Glorious for Her or to original brilliancy, at Triumph Empire State Again in the FOSTER'S FOREST CITY Republican Host. DYE HOUSE Ranks. AND STEAM Republican Carpet Works, Cleaning 4 13 Preble St. Telephone Connection. GREENHALGE ELECTED BY MAYNARD AND THE THUGS The total city vote for associate judge of the court of appeals is, Maynard, 123,- SEVENTY THOUSAND. OYER 30,000. FIRE BEATEN OUT OF SIGHT. 889: Bartlett, 94,692. INSUWCE, How the Districts Reported, New York, November 7.—One hundred DOW & PINKHAM, and sixty-one districts outside of New 85 Ercchango St., York and Brooklyn give, Bartlett, Rep., for judge of the court of appeals, 20,234; That Is the Size of the Majority AGENTS FOR Maynard, Dem., 13,417. Two and districts LIVERPOOL & LONDON A GLOBE. hundred eighty-four Ohio Gives and McKinley. I ETNA INS. CO. of Hartford. outside of New York Brooklyn give HOME INS. CO. of New York. for secretary of state, Palmer, Rep., 31,- Insurance co. of north America. 602; Meyer, Dem., 23,045. The same dis- NORTHERN ASSURANCE of England. tricts in 1891 gave O’Connor, Rep., 33,068; QUEEN INS. CO. Rice, Dem., 29,463, The Tidal Wave Struck the Buckeye State LANCASHIRE of England. and six districts outside NIAGARA FIRE of New York. Four hundred With All Its Force—From All Sections NEW HAMPSHIRE. of New York and Brooklyn give Palmer, Come of INS. CO. of STATE of Pennsylvania. Rep., 45,404; Meyer, Dem., 33,069. The Report* Heavy Republican FIDELITY A CASUALTY CO.of N. Y. same districts in 1891 gave O’Connor, Gains—It Is Glorious News For Repub- Rep., 46,977; Rice, Dem., 41,896. h ive hundred and sixty-nine districts licans Every whore. DOW & of New York and PINKHAM, Agents. outside Brooklyn give Columbus, O., November 8.—The 35 St. Palmer, Rep., 63,470: Meyer, Dem., Exchange, 48,503. The same districts in 1891 gave Democratic state oommittee concede Mc- O’Connor, Rep., 65,835; Rice, Dem., This is the Strongest Agency in 59,284. Kinley’s election from 60,000 to 75,000 Portland. Seven hundred and fifty-six districts of New York and plurality. mayl eodti outside Brooklyn give Palmer, Rep., 84,590; Meyer, Dem., 65,- Columbus, O., November 7.—Returns 154; the same districts in 1891, gave the Rooster from 201 preoincts show constant and KIND ■ This Is Only Maynard O’Connor, Rep., 88,788; Rice, Dem., 80,- 190. immense gains for the Republicans and Nine hundredMnd eighty-seven districts STHETHAT Which Survived the Blow. indicate that Gov. McKinley will be re- CURESl outside of New York and Brooklyn give |j| g Palmer, Rep., 109,470; Meyer, Dem., elected by over 40,000 plurality, with a 86,772; the same districts in 1891 "gave majority over all other candidates. The O’Connor, Rep., 115,718; Rice, Dem., same relative 105,204. gain throughout will like- Seven hundred and forty-five districts ly increase MoKinley’s plurality to 50,- EVEN CROKER, THE TAMMANY outside of New York and Brooklyn give 000. Bartlett, Rep., 87,889; Maynard, Dem., He Carried Nearly AH the Cities of BOSS, HAS NO HOPE. 62,063. BY FIFTY THOU8AND. Fourteen hundred and forty districts outside of New York and Brooklyn give McKinley Ahead of the Ticket and Filing the Commonwealth. Palmer, Rep., for secretary of state, 157,- Up Votes. 709; Meyer, Dem., 129,773; the same dis- tricts in 1891 gave O’Connor, Rep., 168,- Cincinnati, November 7.—'Returns 370; The Republicans Have'Elected Their State Rice, Dem., 154,979. from all over the state are ooming in Nine hundred and eightv-nine districts very slowly. Four hundred and Ticket, a Majority of Both Branches outside of New York and Brooxlyn give fifty pre- BOSTON GATE RUSSELL LESS THAN Bartlett, Rep., 112,750; Maynard, Dem., cincts of 286S in the state give McKinley, of the Legislature, and a Majority of 85,563. 10,000 PLURALITY. The total vote of the for 76,028; Neal, 54,875; People’s, 2143; Pro- Constitutional Convention—All the city secretary* the of state with fifteen election districts to A TIDAL WAVE. hibition, 2143. McKinley is running far Democratic Ticket Was Badly Beaten hear from is, Meyer, 146,900; Palmer, ahead of the vote cast for Harrison in 80, 700. It is a tidal wave and it has swept beaten by Bartlett, Republican, a by 1892. Neal falls far short of that oast for and Maynard Was Away Behind the Eleven hundred districts of the 1142 away Democratic hopes of victory. The, plurality estimated at 75,000 give Maynard for judge of court of ap- Cleveland in the same year. Reliable Rest. Democrats are not Tbs Despatches Tell One of isw^s peals, 121,526; Bartlett, 91,089. in it. This is a The Russells have been retired in returns from outside counties will be Dong Story mm LEVI _ BERET, New York, November 8.—Returns from Republican victory and the despatches Massachusetts and the thinxing voters of very late. Judging from those already Republican Gains-The Rallying of Pownal, Me. in at this all the counties in the state show a IOWA ALL RIGHT. hour (11 o’clock), tell a story which all blicans will the State have won a McKinley the Cities in the ASTONISHED AT THE : : Repu Bay great victory, will have a majority of The Republican Forces :g of for Palmer, Boies Beaten a Increased Re- 50,000. §§“ plurality 15,238 Republi- by Heavily with : WONDERFUL read pleasure. electing a Republicans have elected the a Remarkable and can candidate for of state over Mr.Greenhalge governor by county Unprecedented g: RESULTS!”g secretary publican Majority, ticket with candidate for both of over every RHEUM AND I F Meyer, Dem., and a plurality of 71,273 New York, the Empire state, is back plurality 30,000. houses. Feature. isALT letto. November elec- for candidate for Des Moines, 7.—The Ohio has rallied to the support of her .. .. ■ Bartlett, Republican in the ranks. Even the ■ ERYSIPELAS | | c«F Republican November re- tion in Iowa today was a Re- Boston, 7.—The most of the court of appeals over May- sweeping favorite son, and the great As Cincinnati Heard Ii. judge most sanguine Republicans hardly hoped majority markable and unprecedented feature of nard. Returns at 1.30 a.m. indicate that publican victory, giving to that party the —CURED II which may exceed to Gov. ■the for so a Demo- 70,000 given Cincinnati, November 7.—Ten pre- election of today was the fact that S Dana Sarsaparilla Co. [ d 18 senators are elected and 16 governor, state officers and general as- vigorous protest against cincts — Republican give 1016. == Gentlemen This is to certify that I have been is a vindication of the McKinley, 1403; Neal, the Republican candidate for governor with to elect a cratic and the McKinley splendid —troubled with SALT RHEUM andg Democrats; Republican assemblymen, sembly power United rule, Tammany tyranny Tlie same precincts a year ago Har- gEYRSIPELAS for gave carried nearly every in the Common- years. For the last 5 — Republican principles which he repre- city the efforts of have done me nn= 74; Democratic 54; a Re- States Senator to succeed J. F. Wilson. of and men of the rison, 1319; Cleveland, 1095. =year8 physicians assemblymen, performances Maynard wealth. The are the whatever. Lart left arm swelledM following plural- —good Spring my in the senate of Chairman of the sents and a source of to Forty precincts give McKinley, 5167; “to theshodlderandl became alarmed. My— publican majority four, Blythe, Republican stamp of John Y. McKane, whose out- gratification ities: told me to ^ Neal,3364; Prohibition, 291. Worcester, 2,891; Haverhill, 501; ^druggist try and in the house of twenty, and on joint State said “Jack- People’s,101; Committee, tonight: rageous attack on Republicans everywhere. The same precincts last year Harri- Newburyport, 333; Everett, 701; of yesterday reputable gave Lynn, ballot twenty-four. son will have The gen- DANA’S 35,000 plurality. citizens Iowa, too, is with her sister states, and son, 5011; Cleveland, 3979; People’s, 83; 1502; Somerville, 1883; Malden, 850; eral assembly will be Republican attempting to exercise their 281. by has made Prohibition; Cambridge, 613; Chelsea, 1161; Newton, 1 SARSAPARILLA I FLOWER SURRENDERS. from 15 to 20 on joint ballot The Re- legal rights, is detailed on the second heavy Republican gains, One hundred and if not satisfied I need not for and twenty-five precincts —and pay it, upon— was won on tne in the 988; Salem, 546; Medford, 500; Gloucester, =these conditions I took the Sarsaparilla home and— publican victory entirely of this electing gubernatorial candidate by a state, including returns in Hamil- = The Governor at Had Heard page paper. Fall —tried it faithfully. In one month I was a*ton- Midnight economic issues.” ton 90; River, 291; Beverly, 625; Spring- at the wonderful results. estimated at county, give McKinley, 18,609; Neal, _Ished I— the Chairman of the Democratic plurality 35,000. the same last field, 1069. Russell carried the continued until I took 5 bottles, and to-day I have|f= Tidings. Fuller, The Republicans have elected state 11,818; year gave Harrison, following: Salt Rheum or Erysipelas, and= committee, has conceded the election of The New Jersey legislature has been 17,748; Cleveland, 14,390.
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