![I]7P95 Pending on Which Aide You Were Ernment Os Well As Education](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
PAGB FORTY THURSDAY. MAY 26, 1972 iiattrirriitipr CutnitiQ Rham Budget The Weather Rejected Again ^ Caear and cool tonigM with low near 50. Sunny and mild tomor- Page 9 raw; high about 75. Outlook for Sunday . (air and mild. ROBISS (A P ) — Ita ly ’B (at Manehetter^A City of Village Charm puta. Indiuitry U loatng' weight. Nowadeys (ewer ItaUane VOL. XCL NO. 202 gwge themeelvea on spaghetti (TWENTY-BIGHT PAGES — TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MAY 26. 1972 (Otaaalfied Advertising on Page 36) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS and wine. Here and more ot them are counting calories and watching their weight. l^Mghettl, (ettucclne, lasagne, canhallonl, ravioli and the like—the dishes that made Ital­ ian restaurants famous—are the victims o t a new era when Dunlopitl the deader get the dates and AGWAY the (atUes go to die mcrvlea alone. Arms# Pact* “Ihe Industry's pUght is grave," Mllan’a dally n Qlomo wrote a(ter a naUonwlde sur­ Dunlop Itil vey. In die last two decades pasta EMORIAL Accord To Be Signed Tonight production has remained at li VDBOOW (AP) — The United mllHan tons a year despite a Tank Assault special commission meant that legialativc action, deployment Btatea and the Soviet Union steady pbpulatlan increase and summit negotiatmv were of offenaive imcleeir mtaaUea reached "final agreement" to­ twice as many tourists. 'Rie 14 unable here to sedve the many will be frozen at the present day on a two-peurt agreement to million figure is only a halt ot knotty problems involved. Nix­ lev el 80 far aa the United limit tiic dejdoyment cf strate­ the Industry capacity. on, according to Ziegler, "wel­ Statea is concerned. The Rua- gic nuclear weapons, the White Also in the last 30 years 1,030 comes the formation of the sians win be allowed to catch Turned Back House announced. CMnmissloa.” pasta piants have folded, moat ....... up with the U.S. lead in launch­ HOTPOINT DAY SIgnink of the accord was "It Is his intention that every- ing platforms. ot diem the small (amlly-type COLORFUM scheduled for a Kremlin cere­ operations in the power south. ting poesiUe be done from the REFRESHERS mony late tonight, following The accord permits both Ehcports have been on the UB. Bide to develop" the com- countries to reidace existing of- rise, however—from 40,000 tons GERANIUM! President Nixon’s dinner for.hls misslan into a i>ermanent body NearKontum Soviet bosta. fenslve misaUes, whether on a y e a r In 1801 to 803,000 tons i & i to press (or brooder trade. land or aboard ah^ at aea, 2 Nlxon’a press secretary, Ron- last year. Nostalgic Italian emi­ MODEL AHP^yOB W ord o f a SMUT agreem ent with more sophisticated weap­ grants are said to have a con- SMGON (AP) — U.S. forces firing electronically ^ L. ZieglM', said the accord was reached at a- two-hour ons as technological advances siderahie role in pasta con­ guided missiles newly introduced in Vietnam broke op a afternoon summit meeting with perm it. sumption abroad. SPECIALS tsuik assault on Kontum City in the central higdilands ? POTS today. A dozen tanks were report^l destroyed. the three top Soviet leaders— HHKCOH At about the same time, Taaa Communist party chief Leonid repotted the Preoldent and So­ On the northern (rent. South L Bieihnev, President Nikolai B viet leaders had agreed to ea- Vietnamese marines beat back V. Fodgorny and Premier Alexi tabllah a joint commission to the fourth assault this week on N. Kosygin. "promote the develofunent of Put theso colorful plants In charming rows along the New Law the northenmioet defense line The agreement culminates mutually advantageous rela­ windowtinsl <5r use them in an equally lovely way as at My Cbaidi, north o t Hue. The 3H years of nsgotlatlcns. MOCKBE 6 tions In trade.” It was the first Center Congregational Church border flowers outdoorsi Saigon command claimed Ut Ziegler also annmmoed, About break-through in difficult trade will have Its 193rd annual meet­ Rules Out North Vietnamese troops were two hours after the Russians negotiations since the President ing and election ot ottlcers to­ Gold S odI^ T O '* ^ ^ ^ klUed and said South Tfietnam. had done ao, that the. two gov- came after a day of cn-agaln, arrived here Monday. night at 8 at the church sanc­ Wur ascend set a your Ikst retl eholes. Choose ese losses were seven klUed ernments have agreed' to Mtab- off-again reports of the pros­ The creation of such a com­ tuary. IXfSfOM-BTU the betlel the belWda fmm Dunlop. ‘Devices’ and 34 wounded. lih a specizd Joint oommerctal pects (or a settlement tonight mission had been suggested be­ The meeting will be proceeded PORTA*COOL • TeMBM UIMB IMP • mi. Mt, r m mi» mu Other rangMS cn the eastern eommlsslott to negotiate a One {w rt o t the agreement, by a (amily potluck at 6 in mm pm trnmtrn KAR’i'vkjRD, Ooan, (AiF) — fore the summit talks by aome gBiiiW..... ... (lank o t the My Chonh line brood trade agreement, ar­ limiting defensive antiballistio A n CONDlTlpmiR # m m w m tm , im in » OaoneoUcut’e new, tough anti- U.S. trade offlciala because dif­ Woodruff Hall o t the church. m m s. pm m msSt, sm were reported battling (Or a range (or government credits to missile sites in each country, Mrs. Janet Hynds Is in charge • 8.000-BTU cooling, abortion law makee the u m o t ficult negotiations on settlement m i m u m u N» third day. Maanwhlle, 13 miles finance tranaaotions, set up ar­ takes the form ot a treaty, sub­ nS mmUiUMPB mM pfsiiiMHiN mpimmi intraHiterlne devloee (lUD's) of Soviet World War n lend- ot the dinner. 115-volt plug-in southwest of. Ihie Vietnamese bitration machinery 'to settle ject to ratification by the UB. leB W iW U *. (Or birth control illegal, aoya lease debts Stood in the way of At 7, there will be a (amily operation infantrynMn reoccupled Fire commercial disputes, and to Senate and was agreed upon worship service in the sanc­ State Sen. George U .Gunther. any broader trade agreements, • Q ulck-l^nt tide panels Base Checkmate, and (M d re­ grant each other most-favored- first. tuary. The sermon topic is MR. PETE U m zeaaon, saya Gunther, ia such as multiroUllon dollar and camar-balance design RO SE BUSH $2^:50 ports sold 31 North Vietnamese nation tariff treatment. Under the terms ot a com­ "Memory, Hope and Peace." C78°^M that (he law aaya the poUoy o t grain puix^iaaea from the speed easy do-it-yourself - PEAT were killed. The fact that major trade Is­ panion executive agreement, Nursery and pre-school care will SALE the state la to proteot human installation MOSS $24,50 In the air war against North sues were being assigned to a which win take effect without (See Page Bight) be provided. E78-14 life "(TOm the mooMnt o t con­ • Ufhtar weight from Vietnam, American planes On Sunday, Center Church F o r t cep tion .” $25.50 pounded the Haiphong area will begin its summer schedule • Elegant simutotsd-wood C u .F l F78-14 An lUD i>revonts a fertilised $ Thursday (Or the third day in a ot one service at 10 a.m. only. front 5.45 ovum from itself to $ Ideal for mulch and soil Im­ $ 2 8 .5Q campaign to isolate the major Sunday’s service will be iden­ • Flip^Mt filler is easy to 1.97 G 7 8 - U the w all o t the uterus, Oimiher provement! Alr-dried and port from the root of the ooun- tical to tonight’s. remove, clean and replace ENTIRE INVENTORY milled lor uniformity. noted. I h e Stratforti RegadbU- H 78-14 $31.50 can said Thnraday that this try. PUots retorted destroying Thornton Town To Mark • Top air dlsctiarge - MUST QOl (87-3116) amounta to an ahortion under one span each in Um H aiphong Israeli Rule • Quiet two-speed fan -‘ G78*'15l $28.50 the now law, which he called and Klen An highway bridges • Adiustable thermostat “doppy, unconstitutional and about six miles north of the 12 RP MODEL 125 LOT H78-15 $31 . 50 city and said they also attacked Of Arab Land • Five-position air director ridtculouB." Sues Over Memorial Day Both the old bwr, wfakfa was the Ben Thuy power plant near o Ventilstion control J78-15 $37 .5 0* Seen Until ’85 declared nraVeisHtntional lost Vlnli, 146 miles north of the de- o "Fan" and “CooT cycles mlUtarlaed sane. It was the “MemoiliUI Day — Past and The i>arade will then proceed BiBBCmyr, Israel (AP) — Is­ 7 5 5 7 ° ° FREE! month by a federal court, and Present” is tiM topic of the to Center Park where Herman o Rust-Quardlan finish 178-15 $38 .5 0* fifth power plant attacked since River Dirt raeli Defense Minister Moahe GARDEN the new one, signed into law speech George Emmerling, prin­ Wagner, Memorial Day Com- the Nixon administration broad­ M Dayan says that In the absence • Aluminum rear grille' BEDDING TUeaday by Gov. Thomaa J. The town bos been sued for cipal of Manchester High School, mlttee chairman, wlU give a PLANT. ened the air war to Include in­ ot a MlddU Bast peace aettie- o Quiet rotary compressor ^ WHITEWALL O N LY Moddll, (Othid abortions except will deliver Monday at the Me­ welcome address; the MandMs- FOOD dustrial targets. 176,000 t>r tlM M ,8.0.
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