' ' T •■ " "CTEsa tom* V I I1E SMYRNA TIMES. WEDNESDAY AFTEUNOON. APRIL 12,1905 4 Timm r* 1905. APRIL. D. 1905. SEASON OF 1905- # Three Trips a Week. ; JEWELRY "STÖRE. * a. THE DEEP BAY STALLfON, A meî e®tlnK* Persons of a bilious habit 0 4* P AT THE OLD STAND OF OSCAK FISHED NEw spring hats and gowns attract will derive great benefit by taking it 0 of these pills. If you have been one ■X 21 JEWELED. S’. jàfjhu>••«. attention of fashionable women. Smyrna and Philadelphia P 1 .This year we h:n 1 larger line § o\vs DRINKING TOO MUCH, 0 C! ■ t nan ver bt for** >f Watch. * they will promptly relieve the I Clocks. Silveiwar* »ml -V l.v t nausea, and CHESTER.* I We Lucy Carter Writes ol tbe Prevailing Spring SICK HEADACHE P ¥El9GIR of all kinds. Anyone wishing a y Styles in New York City—Linens to be 0 good Watch. Clock, or anythin ' * *5, andnervousnesswhlch follows,restore in the Jewelry tine, we can >u;t the Craze in Oowos and Waists. p the appetite and remove gloomy feel­ THE STEAMER I you both in articles and prices. *. V. ings. Elegantly sugar coated. Specialty of Testing the Eves f A millinery shop window is now < iÇiôôv;. WATC I u ?« a Take No Substitute. '^zT\ and Fitting Glass. -, P 9.« curious sight; exaggerations of all Will be in service on and after March 20th — •aa m Repairing of kinds of à u kinds and exquisite creations are so G. F. BRADY for a limited number of mares. Watches, Clocks ru..I Jewelry. 1 6.40 grranged that almost startling con­ ■ •*. fa, 0 636 ■“ HAVING 0 Satisfaction Guaranteed, both trasts are the result. A Napoleon in goods and work. 0 f 6.» PEDIGREE. P shape in pink gossamer straw, with an First-Class Passenger Accommodations, •Jl outline of tiny rosebuds back and front Fouled daring the year 1897. 15J£ hands M. E. SniTH. The Jeweler, J high, weight 1150 pounds, sired by the i f 6.05 (intended for a very young person) is «]ACK'DB£0(uj3 Private Dining Rooms, Electric P COMMERCE STREET, thoroughbred Kentucky Stallion Columbus SMYRNA, DELAWARE. * 6.W uext au immense black lace straw with fïOCKAPOUlïg Lights, &c., Wilkes. His dam was Happy Medium, a € f 5.46 fine, good sized mare. ■**o f 5.Û g high crown, and two gorgeous OS- WILL LEAVE B trieb plumes. Then a large sailor hat MEDICINE Smyrna Landing, and Pier4,Arch Street COLUMBUS WILKES. Jr., is a pacer ÜJ and has a very fine action. Has paced a with crown of the richest colored silk f 5.32 ,8*8 Wharf, Philadelphia, as follows: mile in 2.40. Under training would develop ttJB gnd lace brim, has for its neighbor high speed. RUBEROID a Smyrna Landing. | Philadelphia. ”53 jet toque with white ostrich plume A Monday 3, at 2 r m | Saturday 1. at 1 pm This great stock medicine is a Wednesday 5, *• 3 “ Tuesday 4,“ 3 “ 5Jl ROOFING RUBEROID ‘5,04 green straw, trimmed with white lilac Friday 7, “ 10 am! Thursday 6. “ 4 “ money saver for stock raisers. It TERMS OF SERVICE. •5 ' f I I 5.00 is near a large shape of Milan straw, Monday to. “ 5 p m Saturday s ’:i i M is a medicine, not a cheap food or Wednesday 12,- 2 " [Tuesday 11.“ il ®L00 single service; $8.00 for the Friday 14.“ lo am Thursday 13 season: f «• 4.47 the brim beut in three curves which condition powder. Though put up 10 A M $10.00 to insure mare with foal. Kf-t-m*4 / Monday 17,1 “ 0 pm! Saturday tö 7 P M *1 - 4 gre tilled in with large roses and fol­ in coarser form than Thedford’s Wednesday 19, “ 2 “ Tuesday IS, “ 2 y Friday 21, “ 10 a m Thursday 20, “ 4 W Anyone desiring the service of Colum­ iage. Black-Draught, renowned for the Monday 24, “ 12 noon Saturday 22, “ 5 bus Wilkes, Jr., will be served promptly bv ROOFING cure of the digestion troubles of Wednesday20,“ 2 pm Tuesday 25.“ « addressing Ostrich Plumes Friday 28,“ 4 “ Thursday 27 persons, it has the same qualities 10 A M ft Saturday 2.1, “ 11 is specified by leading architects for f 4.33 were never more important, their of invigorating digestion, stirring C H. ROSS, li 1 the finest classes of buildings. It . a graceful undulations doing away, to up the torpid liver and loosenin is and has for THIRTEEN YEARS i II Cheswold. Del. V * Consumer« Ire Co»« Wharf, Cheater. stood the test ami has been used 14.12 some extent with the absurdities of the constipated bowels for all stoc Lewis Clark, Groom. it* : : «VAS«** i MM and poultry. It is carefully pre­ Freight Received Daily at Arch Street Wharf. fifE * mi with success by a nt.tuber tn this 3.46 hats, designed to be conspicuous. vicinity. For sale by 1 3.35 pared and its action is so healthful Velvet is also a factor in millinery, that stock grow and thrive with particularly in the “high back” effects, an occasional dose in their food. It JOSEPH H. WRIGHT, Smyrna. Del where it is combined with flowers of cures hog cholera and makes hogs P. M. Tarions kinds. Large roses are well grow fat. It cures chicken cholera THE adapted to shapes turning up at one and roup and makes hens lay. It J. B. COOPER side, or forming the centre of a flat cures constipation, distemper and i- an4 Berlin crown of flowers. The position of colds in horses, murrain in cattle, and makes a draught animal do stylish hats is varied. Some tilt over -, ,2 . 12.27, more work for the food consumed. the face, especially the “high back” Large variety of useful irnin ! It gives animals and fowls of all L, an ahapes, others perch on the Pompa­ kinds new life. Every farmer and articles, iu Crockery, China, 7 alt. dour roll, then again the sailor is worn raiser should certainly give it a I » Glass, Tin, Enameled and j 2.38 quite flat on the head. trial. That Beautiful Accessory It costs 25c. a can and saves ten OF SMYRNA, DEL. Wooden W a r e besides Wt StA- times its price in profit. Pa- 30 p. the parasol now cor.es with renewed Twines, Hopes, Table beauty and variety. Myriads of plain Pittsburg, Kas., March 25,1904. W. H JflflfiEY, President, EUGENE DAVIS, CssUlerl ms at silk parasols in different styles, I havs bsen using your Black-Draught Knives, Butcher Knives, e Gl­ are Stock and Poultry Medicine on my suitable to tbe shirt waist suit, tbe stock for some time. I have used all Spoons, Lamps, kinds of stock food but 1 have found Pocket erme- novelty, however, is the “suit case week- that yours is the best for my purpose. Knives, Groceries, a. m. parasol,” jointed in the handle, which J. 8. HASSON. Meats, is certainly a great convenience. Pickles, Flour, Beans. Po­ Del»- Capital $100,000.00 3ueea Checked parasols with flowered silk WÊÊÊÊ^m aware borders are in keeping with the pres­ Surplus......................... $ 45,000.00 tatoes, Canned Meats and aware PAPER. aw are ent rage for checks, and one style of other tilings too . with elegant plain silk parasols have cut jet numerous with Offers its services to all in need; of Ico 4 bead or steel bead handles, some being SECURITY TRUST to mention. Garden and finished with a large knob. banking Facilities. AND Field Seeds, Planting Pota­ rer. your property ent The Lingerie Parasols Safe Deposit Company, toes, &c. and give it pro­ while affording no protection, are very Paint tection. pretty and range from those of simple No. 519 MARKET STREET, muslin edged with embroidery or eye­ A SAYINGS DEPARTMENT. WILMINGTON. DEL. let work, to the hand embroidered You can open a Savings Account with your rooms OD6 ONE DOLLAR, and you will be surprised with insertions of real Val. lace. CAPITAL (full paid), $600,000.00 to see how it will grow' if you keep putting from Jones’ Tacked and embroidered linen swell in the dollars as vou get them. Paper selection. ]S the category, and hand painting or Surplus,. $483,269.30 Ihterest is paid on such deposits when they reach the sum qf $5.00. J.B. COOPER colored embroidery on each gore or in —aj your woodwork a wreath around the parasol, are us­ AUTHORIZED BY LAW SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES. > ually a beautiful blending of delicate THE or perhaps oil To act as EXECUTOR, ADMINISTRATOR, We will rent you a Safe Deposit Box for a TRUSTEE, GUARDIAN, RECEIVER, AS­ Varnish tints. Gathered tucks of blue or pink nominal sum, where you can keep your will do. SIGNEE, REGISTRAR and AGENT, and to [ chiffon, a little more than an inch Execute Trust» of Every Description. valuable papers, such as Deeds, Mortgages and Insurance Policies. They will always apart, form an entire parasol, remark­ NEW YORK WORLD I» be where you can get at them, and be safe your furniture able for its softness and beauty. from loss by fire or theft. Allows Interest on Deposits. THR1CE-Ä-WEEK EDITION. and make it Linen Gowns and Suits Courteous and Considerate Attention Upholster Depositor» share in tbe profits arising from In­ new». vestment* made hy the company and their sav­ . Assured . Uend Wherever tbe Engli«h I.angunge far from showing the decline of favor, ings in a short time prove most gratifying, in­ prophesied on account of the longevity terest is credited to their accounts semi annually is Spoken.
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