ENVIRONMENT CANTERBURY CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL / ENVIRONMENT CANTERBURY JOINT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF THE THIRD MEETING OF THE CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL / ENVIRONMENT CANTERBURY JOINT COMMITTEE HELD ON TUESDAY 28 FEBRUARY 2006 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, FIRST FLOOR, PEGASUS BUILDING, ENVIRONMENT CANTERBURY, 58 KILMORE STREET, CHRISTCHURCH FROM 3.00PM. 1. APOLOGIES 2. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES – 30 AUGUST 2005 3. MATTERS ARISING MATTERS FOR INFORMATION 4. SURFACE WATER PROTOCOL 5. PASSENGER TRANSPORT PROGRESS UPDATE 6. PASSENGER TRANSPORT STRATEGY AND PASSENGER TRANSPORT PLAN 7. UPDATE ON BUS PRIORITY CORRIDORS 8. UPDATE ON SUBURBAN BUS EXCHANGES 9. CENTRAL CITY BUS EXCHANGE EXPANSION 10. MARKETING OF PASSENGER TRANSPORT 11. BACKGROUND/UPDATE ON METRO FARE REVIEW PRESENT Environment Canterbury Crs Kerry Burke (Chairperson) Richard Budd, Anne Carroll, Elizabeth Cunningham, Robert Johnston (to 4.25pm), Alec Neill, June Slee, Judy Waters and Bill Woods. Christchurch City Council Mayor Garry Moore (from 2.25pm), Crs, Barry Corbett, Anna Crighton, Carole Evans, Pat Harrow, Bob Shearing and Norm Withers. MANAGEMENT AND OFFICERS PRESENT Environment Canterbury B R Jenkins (Chief Executive), J D Talbot (Director Policy and Planning), M C Freeman (Director Regulation), J Atkinson (Portfolio Manager Transport), M Noon (Passenger Services Strategic Planner), W Holton-Jeffreys (Passenger Services Manager) and L M McDonald (Administration Officer). Christchurch City Council I Hay (General Manager Strategic Development), J Ridgen (Environmental Scientist), J McEwing (Programme Manager Healthy Environment) and R Woods (Transport Planner) 1. APOLOGIES Environment Canterbury Crs Bob Kirk, Ross Little, Nicky Wagner and Angus McKay Cr Robert Johnston (for early departure) Christchurch City Council Crs Helen Broughton, Sally Buck, Graham Condon, David Cox, Gail Sheriff and Sue Wells Mayor Garry Moore (for lateness) 2. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held on 30 August 2005 at Christchurch City Council have been circulated, were taken as read and confirmed as a correct record of proceedings. 3. MATTERS ARISING There were no matters arising. MATTERS FOR INFORMATION 4. SURFACE WATER PROTOCOL Jenny Ridgen spoke to the report and presentation (both attached to the agenda) and explained that the development of the Protocol for Surface Water Management was a joint project between both councils. The protocol was based on nationally accepted principles of integrated land use planning with agreed practices based on Christchurch conditions. Submissions on the draft protocol were received late 2005 and the amended draft protocol would be submitted to both councils for adoption. Ms Ridgen explained that this would be a living document which would be brought back to both councils for tweaking after the pilot integrated catchment management plan has been developed for the South West Christchurch area, and as required. Mayor Garry Moore arrived at 2.25pm. Points raised by Councillors included the management would have to be appropriate for areas already developed, and who would be responsible for monitoring. 5. PASSENGER TRANSPORT PROGRESS UPDATE Jill Atkinson spoke to a presentation (copies circulated) “Metro Update” and invited discussion and feedback from the meeting. Key points made were the effects on service of the bus exchange reaching capacity and the issue of travel time reliability. Traffic delays on some main routes, for example Papanui Road northbound between 2.30pm and 6pm on weekdays, meant that travel time varied from 4 to 20 minutes. It was acknowledged the effect of these variances had on timetables. Mayor Moore suggested that the removal of parking along key corridors at peak times to allow the introduction of traffic lanes for buses and cars with more than two passengers, as recently established at Plimmerton, is something that could be easily implemented and should be pursued as soon as possible. 6. PASSENGER TRANSPORT STRATEGY AND PASSENGER TRANSPORT PLAN Matthew Noon spoke to a presentation on the review of the Christchurch Public Passenger Transport Strategy. This is a joint project between both councils and the reconvened Passenger Transport Advisory Group, including Crs Buck, Carroll, Shearing and Wagner and a wide range of community representatives, have met to identify issues for the strategy. Public feedback on the public transport system is being sought, with a deadline for comments at 31 March 2006. A draft strategy will be presented to both councils in April 2006. Cr Corbett commented that the spilt of responsibilities between the two councils was confusing for the public and suggested that it may be time to consider whether all aspects of public transport should be with one council. Cr Harrow referred to development of light rail systems in America and suggested that this should be investigated for Christchurch. Mayor Moore agreed and noted that the Urban Development Strategy identified nodes that could be linked by light rail. He said that there might be opportunities to develop a light rail infrastructure with other partners. Cr Evans said it would be useful to have information on the costs for both councils of public transport, with details of rating levels and central government funding. Cr Crighton raised the issue of the City Shuttle, paid for by the City Council and the restriction on Council asking for a gold coin donation. She noted that the Shuttle reduces congestion and it is in the interests of both councils that it is successful. There was support for the proposal to investigate how bus lanes could be introduced. The work currently being done by City Council staff on this was acknowledged but it was agreed that it would also be useful for the Joint Committee to write to the appropriate central government agency seeking support and advice on how to successfully implement lanes for buses, and cars with more than two passengers. Resolved That the Christchurch City Council/Environment Canterbury Joint Committee write to Land Transport New Zealand, and/or any other appropriate central government agency, requesting support and advice on the implementation of designated traffic lanes for public transport and vehicles with more than two passengers. Mayor Moore/Cr Johnston Cr Johnston left at 4.25pm. Matthew Noon explained the review of the Canterbury Regional Passenger Transport Plan and the proposed changes to structure, content and terminology. A consultation draft will be presented to both councils in March, then a public submission period from April to June 2006. Following hearings in July it is anticipated that a final draft document will be presented to the councils in August. 7. BUS PRIORITY CORRIDORS Robert Woods provided an update on work being done on the development of bus priority corridors. Designs were being prepared on three corridors: • Colombo Street South • Papanui Road • Queenspark route (New Brighton Road/QE 2 Drive) The importance of engaging with the community is recognised and as well as consulting with those directly effected by the proposals, there would also be the need to raise the awareness of the community that this improvement was being developed. Mr Woods noted that enforcement of the priority corridors was an issue that has been discussed with the Police, and will have to be dealt with a national level. Cr Harrow asked if the development of bus lanes would compromise the cycleways. Mr Woods replied that if the width was sufficient, cycles and buses could share lanes. 8. SUBURBAN BUS EXCHANGES Robert Woods advised that criteria have been identified for suburban bus exchanges and the views of the Community Boards sought on them. These will be put to the City Council on 2 March for approval and then will used to prioritise a list of locations. This prioritised list will then be considered by Council and the top three approved for scheme development and implementation. 9. CENTRAL BUS EXCHANGE EXPANSION Robert Woods advised that the draft City Council Long Term Council Community Plan (LTCCP) included funding for expansion of the bus exchange. A preliminary planning phase has been completed with priorities for evaluating sites identified. Noting that the original bus exchange was funded entirely by the City Council, the importance of working closely with Land Transport New Zealand was stressed if central government funding was to be obtained. The issue of safety at the bus exchange at night was raised and the need for good security arrangements. 10. MARKETING OF PASSENGER TRANSPORT Jill Atkinson provided examples of marketing of various bus destinations like “Take me to the beach” that is appearing on the back of buses and is aimed at encouraging current bus passengers to consider other trips. It is also proposed to mail out marketing information that focuses on people who are currently not catching buses. 11. METRO FARE REVIEW Jill Atkinson spoke to a presentation (copies tabled) that explained why fares had recently being increased. This information included a breakdown of the funding for passenger transport (50% fares, 25% rates and 25% central government). Mrs Atkinson explained that there is a need to consider the balance between sources of funding with issues of fairness. Mayor Moore and Cr Budd left at 4.55pm. It was noted that the costs of contracts had increased by up to 25%. Regarding some contracts being handed back, Cr Shearing said that the penalties for this should be at a level to ensure that handing back a contract is the last resort. NEXT MEETING Tuesday 4 July at Christchurch City Council Cr Burke thanked members for their attendance and participation and the meeting closed at 5.02pm. CONFIRMED DATE ________________________ ________________________ CHAIRPERSON .
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