Dear Doctor • • • • FIFTEEN Each morning I get awful pairu My head feeu like the morning after, MARCH From reading ads in subway trairu. My stummick shakes with bitter laughter. 1937 CENTS .p .-!) A HEALTHY SEX LIFE BROMO· QUININE Sneeze cures, pills, and health-Iood fads­ You've car-ad-sickness, that is sure­ How can I NEUTRALIZE these ads? HEALTH AND HYGIENE is the cure! • f Why Suffer • HEALTH AND HYGIENE I needless confusion from the chorus of false POOR FOOD and DRUG LAWS I 215 Fourth Avenue, New York City. I and extravagant advertising claims that f I clang in your ears all day ? You, too, can BY WILL MASi.OW I enclose 31. Please send HEALTH I I en joy the benefits of a sane and honest ~ AND HYGIENE for one year to magazine that gives you the truth about what you should or should not take or do I • • Name .. _. _... _..... ................................... to keep your health and native beauty. One f hundred doctors recommend HEALTH AND • Address .............................................. I HYGIENE. They write for it, they know. STORY OF INDUSTRIAL DISEASE And this is the only prescription we know I City ...................................................... I BY DR. HENRY E. SIGERIST f that's permissible to pass on to your puz­ f State •••••••••••••• -••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• zled friends. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY -------- ______1 II1II( C Use the Coupon Ratings of 1937 Purely Personal In This Issue MORE AND MORE AMERICAN doctors are coming forward in aid of MARCH, 1937 Automobiles Spanish democracy in its struggle () against fascism. The unit of the VOLUME 5 NUMBER 3 DIVIDED into three price classifications under $1,000, over Medical Bureau of the American twenty· five leading models of 1937 automobiles are rated Friends of Spanish Democracy now in the current March issue of Consumers Union Reports­ some as "Best Buys," some as "Not Acceptable," and others as in Spain is doing notable work, hav­ War on Syphilis 66 ing set up a base hospital near the "Also Acceptable" in the estimated order of their merit. Editorial Based on such factors as economy, comparative safety of front. A second unit, consisting of operation, general performance and other engineering fea· Some of the Cars Rated in This Issue a staff of doctors, nurses, and techni­ tures, these ratings were made by competent automotive Smallpox-Still With Us .... 67 engineers after thorough examinations and actual performance WiIlys Ford Chrysler cians, ten ambulance cars, an x-ray Chevrolet Buick Dodge station, laboratory, surgical, and The Disease and Its Prevention tests. Such features as hypoid gears, automatic choke, frame Plymouth Studebaker DeSoto durability, driver·visibility, and others are discussed at length. Oldsmobile Pontiac Graham medical equipment is to sail shortly. Tables on comparative gas consumption are also given. This To carryon its splendid work the report-which should be read by everyone contemplating the OTHER REPORTS IN THIS ISSUE A Healthy Sex Life 71 purchase of a new car-will be followed in an early issue by Bureau needs funds and supplies. Standards of Sex Activity ratings of cars in higher-priced groups. Previous issues of the RADIO SETS, FLOUR, SHEETS, CAN Contributions may be sent to the REPORTS (still available) have analyzed and rated tires, OPENERS, BAKED BEANS, CANNED Medical Bureau A.F.S.D. at 20 Vesey gasolines, motor oils, and anti·freeze solutions. ASPARAGUS AND CHERRIES Street, New York City. Doctors and How the Kidneys Work 73 pharmacists can help especially by A Physiological Description For $3 -A Group o f ExperIenced donating medical supplies of all kinds. Further information by tele­ Historical Background of Industrial Diseases,. 75 Technicians G 0 e s t 0 Work for You phoning BArclay 7-3811. By Dr. Henry E. Sigerist ow can you, a consumer, know what you're cet­ the ratings by means of laboratory and other standard H ting when you go to market? The government tests, the results of which are painstakingly checked THE RESPONSE TO OUR back­ knows what it's getting-because it conducts technical and verified. Products reported on include most of the tests of the merchandise it buys. The manufacturer merchandise you have occasion to buy from day to day: number offer far exceeded our expec­ Poor Food and Drug Laws, 80 knows what he's getting-because he does the same shoes, toothpaste, radios, foods, drugs, cosmetics, with his raw materials. It hasn't been so easy for vacuum cleaners, soaps, liquors, clothing, tires, oils, tations. Since the last issue went to By Will lVIaslo'll' the consumer. Lacking the technical knowledge and and many things besides. Notes are also included in press we have mailed out about 2,000 the facilities required for testing products, he also the Reports on the labor conditions under which many lacks the funds to test even a fraction of the products of the products are manufactured, these notes, how­ copies. We still have some left, ever, being entirely independent of the technical Grove's Laxative Bromo-Quinine. 85 he uses. Now, howe"er, the consumer' can ha.ve mer­ though, and the special offer remains chandise tested for hinl-honestly, dependably, with­ recommendations. Exposing a lVorthl.ess Remedy out bia.s. and at a very nominal cost-by a nation­ Consumers Union has no connection with any com­ in effect as long as the supply lasts. wide, technical organization set up and controlled by mercial interest. Its income is derived solely from consumers interested in getting the most for their membership fees and contributions and is used solely ~or details see the last page of this -- In the interests of its members. Many prominent scien- Cosmetic Problems 87 money. tists, educators, journalists, and lssue. The name of this orcanization is labor leaders, including Heywood Acne or Pimples Consumers Union of United States, Broun, Francis Gorman, and Dr. Inc. Formed on a strictly non­ Begin With Any of These Issues Alvin Johnson, are among the spon­ JUDGING FROM the rapidity with profit, membership basis under the MAY - Toilet Soaps, Breakfast sors and directors of Consumers which orders came in, a number of laws of New York State, the pur­ Cereals, Milk. Union. The membership fee (which Book Reviews 88 pose of this organization is to serve JUNE - Automobiles, Gasollnes, conters voting irghts) is $3 a year. people must have felt the same way its members in the capacity of a Seeds. It includes twelve issues of the Health Books Appraised consumers. testing laboratory by JULY-Refrigerators, Used Car., monthly Reports and a yearly Buy­ about it as Mrs. H. C. of Malden, providing them with accurate and Motor Olls. ing Guide (the 1937 edition of this Massachusetts, who wrote: "Enclosed unbiased technical information AUG.--Oil Burners and Stokers, Guide, running to nearly 200 paces, Questions and Answers 91 about their everyday purchases. Hosiery, Blacklist of Drugs and is now In preparation). An abridg­ find $1 for which please send me the Close to 30,000 consumers through­ Cosmetics, Meat. ed edition of the Reports, coverinc Our Doctors Discuss Medical Problems out the United States are now SEPT.--8hoes, Tires, Whiskies, only the less expensive products, is eighteen numbers now available. I members of Consumer. Union. Women's Coats. also available at $1 a year. received my February copy five min­ OCT.-Men's Shirts, Gins, Electric To become a member of Consum­ To them every month goes Con­ Razors, Dentifrices, Anti-freeze ers Union, mail the application form utes ago." sumers Union Reporte. 1 compact Solutions. below. Your membership will be­ magazine. provocatively lliustrated, NOV.-Radios, Toasters, Wines, gin either with the current March Here's another example of quick Editors: CARL MALMBERG and JOHN STUART written in straightforward lan­ Children's Shoes, Winter Olls. issue or with any previous issue you work. A. H. of Detroit writes: "En­ guage, and describing and rating DEC.-Vacuum Cleaners, Foun­ may indicate. Listings of the prin­ tested products by brand names as tain Pens, Electric Irons, Blan­ cipal subjects covered in past issues closed find $8 for eight new sub­ "Best BUYS," "Also Acceptable," or kets. Nose Drops. are given In the coupon below. "Not Acceptable." Competent, un­ JAN.-FEB. - Men's Suit.. Cold (Note: Consumers Union Reports scriptions. These substriptions were biased technicians, either on the Remedies, Shaving Creams, are not sold on newsstands and are obtained in about forty-five minutes." HEALTH stan of Consumers Union or em­ Children's Undergarments. available only through membership, ployed as consultants, workin.. in MAR.-1937 Autos. Radio Sets, subscription. or at the omce of Con­ Mrs. A. M., also of Detroit, sends and university and other laboratories, Sheets, Flour, Canned Foods. sumers Union, 66 Vandam Street, make the analyses and determine New ork.) us two new subscriptions and the fol­ lowing pat on the back: "I certainly HYGIENE MAIL To: CONSUMERS UNION OF U. S., Inc., 55 Vandam SL, New York get a lot of pleasure out of being able THIS I hereby apply for membership in Consumers Union. I enclose: to find another subscriber, and one Magazine of the People's Health Education League o $3 for one year's membership, $2.50 of which is for a year's subscription does not have to do much high pres­ to the complete edition of Consumers Union Reports. "ure advertising at that, as the maga­ HEALTH and HYGIENE is published monthly by the H. It H. Publishing Co., $1 for one year's membership, 50c of which is for a year's subscription to Inc., 215 Fourth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Subscription price $1.00 a year, in o zine sells itself." advance; Canadian and Foreign.
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