* •• THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. tdent of the United States, but sari? anat, sarwamga vism . A-2 r 1 .v.jzr*. ,« • FAUBUS INTERVIEW it cannot disrupt the unfolding ' M£9yGHHHHSBBHBHHHHBS HBttfijBBBBBBBBBHBHfiBBBBHSmBHHHBIHBH[^HBHiHIBBHHI9BBBHHHBBHBBBBEBHiHBBHHHHiH9BiHHHB9I will of the people expressed through their representatives ON STATION WMAL In Congress. SET TOMORROW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR The obligation NEW YORK. Sept. 7 heavily immediately UP). rests and —The American Broad- upon everyone concerned to casting Co. announced to- move this situation out of the day that Gov. Orval E. area of force and Into the Faubus of Arkansas will channels which civilised soci- ’ appear on the ABC tele- eties devised long ago for the ft B 8 vision program :> “Ofcen .$< ¦ K_ loMF «fi Hearing” tomorrow. national settlement of differ- I . k joO.^ ences. The The President has Arkansas Governor rightly affirmed his obligation will be questioned by John but his intention keep- Becondarl, also of chief of ABC's ing this issue in the courts. Washington bureau, and a BOSTON HERALD—lnevi- m ? panel of other newsmen. W‘ *V m tably the day will come, as It I '\ML XSSk .;••¦ The ¦¦f rn +Ww J0» ftH - ‘W;-> half-hour national. has network show will be tele- come to other Southern # * communities, ¦k|;P' flyfl B / 'iU $ f M vised by KATV in Little when Negro and H jV ' PJ| $* Rock, white children sit side by side and will be viewed v:- in p.m. | the classroom and think from 5:30 to 6 EDT. nothing It Wash- of It. It Is only irra- will be carried in tional prejudice, on ington by Station WMAL- baaed old TV. wives’ tales about race and old- fashioned worries about eco- nomic competition, which keeps the thing going. ARKANSAS COLUMBUS (OHIO) DIS- CentinuedFrom First Page PATCH—However deeply and sincerely many people it is not possible for a normal in the program be South may feel about racial to carried on for integration who are the school.” in their schools. •' * - those in p ,; :.**:? . ,» .' ;- 'l_Tt* _SB , *¦ H. I t 'i*t S' "*P A' f Mr. Blossom, Arkansas’ Oov. Orval Faubus > echoing the gone * jff f has much too in ; :-# views of many far and » , v educators about the fS?*>¦^|BHHHHE9MnMMN^#* wrong . (He) I P s.\r - present-day schooling in gen- direction. eral, said: is In the same sort of open “We have nine months of defiance of authority as were time in each school year to the Southerners of another era properly who precipitated the Civil educate children of War. BEAUTY the this school district. In normal LEAD PARADE—Here are seven Ruth Rupprecht; Miss Arizona, Lynn Freyse; conditions nine moiiths is not CLEVELAND PLAIN DEAL- winners of preliminary competitions of the Miss Miss Missouri, Sara Ann Cooper; Miss North sufficient time to give children ER—Oov. Faubus may be pre- America Pageant at Atlantic City, N. J. The Carolina, Elaine Herndon, and Miss Pennsyl- * an adequate education. paring a strategic retreat. three in swimsuits won in that category and vanla, Jennie Rebecca Blatchford, who tied in “Each day that this goes on Arkansas has been receiving the others were singled out for talent. From the last night’s talent contest with Miss Oregon. is just one day out of the lives unfavorable publicity through- left are Miss Oregon, Judith Hansen; Miss —AP wirephoto. of all these children.” out the Nation and we doubt whether public opinion win Georgia, Jody Shattuck; Miss Indiana, Gloria Appeared Groups ' Before •AUNT SUSAN GOT WISH long support his Intemperate In a brief examination by Mrs. Busan Garrett, may defiance of Federal authority. Judge Davies. Mr. was 108, not look happy perched Blossom on the M-48 Army tank, but that is just one of the CLEVELAND NEWS The Woman Dismissed asked whether the plan of in- Governor defying Ban Sought tegration things she wanted to do before she dies. She also Is the Fed- ToientT est Ends,Choice in the Little Rock eral Government and refusing public sipped lemonade Maj. J. Ryan As Postmaster schools “was not dis- with Gen. L. of Fort to obey the order cussed Knox, Ky., and lowering of a Federal Negro before civic groups tin saw the of the flag at the law, On Gls' Little Rock.” Court. Federal whlcb In Des Moines fort. Mrs. Garrett was born a slave.—AF Wirephoto. supersedes per- Os Pageant Near replied State law or Queen DBS MOINES, Sept. 7 UP).— Mr. Blossom that he sonal feelings, must be en- ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.. Sept. 7 OP).—Fifty-one beauties White Wives Des Moines today no longer estimated he had appeared be- ¦ forced. are prlmplns for the ball tonight where one of them will DALLAS. Sept. 7 UP).— State had the largest postofflce in fore about 175 groups to dis- cuss the matter. be crowned Miss America ISSS. Representative joe Pool aaked the United States headed by a The Nation’s queen of talent and beauty step \ “In your best judgment did will forward President Eisenhower by tele- woman. School Pickets to the stage of a crowded convention hall to receive the crown the plan appear to be aqcept- Editorials Blast Faubus gram last night to prevent Miss Edith Johnson. 56. able?” Judge asked, to be surrendered by the present Miss America. Marian postmaster since 1940, fired Davies McKnlght Manning, Negro soldiers now serving In: was “Ibelieve it was accepted Deride Clement Ann of ! yesterday immediately i not 8. C. Germany from bringing white and on the basis of their wanting MEMPHIS, Term., Sept. 7 suited in a tie between Jennie was replaced by David H. Cren- Program in (A*).—Four | integration Little Rock but as men carrying signs The final hour and a half Rebecca Blatchford, a 23-year- wives to Texas. shaw, 58. the best By Miss Johnson is a solution this problem.” tb* AimcUM Prut criticising (10:30 pjn. to midnight EDT) old blue eyed blond from Holl- to Mr. Tennessee Oov. The Army has recommended Democrat. Mr. Crenshaw is Blossom said. The action of Arkansas Gov. Orval E. Faubus in calling : Frank Clement picketed *¦«* daysburg. Faye • will be televised over CBB-TV. Pa., and Judith that Negroes who have mar- a Republican. out the block integration High 19, also eyed Troops Ringed School National Guard to school in Littles School while the Gov- The 10 semifinalists will be Hansen. a blue ried white German girls trans- strong . blond, Oreg. Miss Johnson said her re- Integration Rock has evoked editorial reaction across the Nation. emor talked to a civics class announced first. Soon, the from Astoria. fer from the 2d Armored Di- “political was held up by some of the editorial yesterday. moval constituted of Here is comment: field will be narrowed to five Miss North Carolina. Elaine vision before it moves to Fort persecution.” She force arms. Between 100 of off with said she New York Times—We cannot think such methods of Oov. Clement and then the week-long beauty Herndon. 16. walked Hood, Tex., from Bad Kreuts- appeal discharge and 200 Arkansas National opposing a court order characteristic of has been a the swim suit competition. would her to as the America we frequent target of segrega- contest will reach its climax nash, Germany, in November. the United Service Guardsmen have ringed the have been brought up to 1 Miss Blatchford performed a States Civil high ground 1 love. tionists since he ordered na- when the winner will step for- A spokesman for the division Commission. school from Tues- The militia in front of the book at they ward to sparkling baton twirling dem- day-first day of school—until the Governor ’ tlonal guardsmen into Clinton, be crowned. and, said some of the Negroes in the The removal charges against Central High School in Little probably will turn Tenn„ rioting onstration Miss Hansen now. On Tuesday and him into Use : after broke out The final preliminary beauty sang Ml unit married white Oerman Mias Johnson said she had not Wednes- Rock and those guarding the great martyr of the South. And there last September following and “Bi. Chiamano Mtmi." girts and the day the troops repulsed Negro Mansion I talent competition ended from the opera “La Boheme.” recommendation delegated sufficient responsi- 1 Executive where Gov. such action might create a gen- ' integration of the high school. last night with three gorgeous was made to prevent embar- bility the post- students who attempted to > Faubus of Arkansas seemed to uinely explosive bliss Hansen had one false to assistant enter the situation in The men carried neatly let- contestants from Pennsylvania. lyric rassment. and she to school. On Thursday be standing siege against non- Little Rock 1 start, but the soprano re- master that failed , and Friday, as mounted, tered signs reading “Fire Oregon and North Carolina covered quickly and performed Ttxas has civil and penal adjust adequately to changes tension existent Federal marshals—- BALTIMORE SUN —“The emerging statutes prohibiting the Negroes did not show up. ! Clement. Hire Faubus,” “Fau- with top honors. the rest the song with pro- intermar- in postofflce management these are not the United States man on the spot today is Fed- Thinks, of riage between whites On Thursday afternoon, the ’ bus Clement Stinks,” The talent competition re- fessional skill. • and Ne- satisfactory of the Declaration, of the Bill eral Judge Ronald N. Davies. but “I was not be- , six-man and • "Is East High Next Target groes. expressed school board Rights the . officials I am not Republican, Mr. of or Gettysburg . Now the (school) board, Integrator opinions whether cause a Blossom, petitioned the judge by ¦ for Clement”? and different on that’s all there is to it." Miss Address.
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