1076 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE February 16 Lt. Gen. Idwal Hubert Edwards,.,11A (ma· READING OF WASHINGTON'S ·PETITIQNS AND__ MEMORIALS jor general, Regular _Air Force) , UI;l.ited FAREWELL AQDRESS Petitions, et c., ·were laid before the States Air Force. Lt. Gen. William Ellsworth Kepner, 6A The VICE PRESIDENT. Under a Senate, or presented, and referred as (major general, Regular Air Force), United special order of the Senate of January 24, indicated: · States ~ir Force. 1901, it is the duty of the Presiding By the VICE PRESIDENT: Officer to appoint a Senator to read A concurrent resolution of the Legislature of the State of Minnesota; to the Committee Washington's Farewell Address on the on Agriculture- and Forestry: CONFffiMATIONS 22d day of February. Since the 22d day ''Concurrent resolution relating to, legisla­ Executive nominations confirmed by of February falls. upon Sunday, the read· tion affecting Federal support for butter the Senate February 13, 1953: ing. of the farewell address this year will now before the Congress of the United UNITED NATIONS take place on February 23. States , James J. Wadsworth, of New York, to be In making the appointment the Pre­ "Whereas the Federai Government support deputy representative of the United States siding Officer always alternates between of butter prices at the present level of 90 per­ of America to the United Nations with the the two sides of the aisle. At this time cent of parity expires on March 31, 1953; and rank and- status of Ambassador Extraor­ "Whereas butter prices already have fallen dinary and Plenipotentiary, and deputy rep­ the appointment falls to a member of more than 15 cents a pound to that Federal resentative of the United States of America the majority. The Chair takes great support level of 67% cents a pound for grade in the Security Council of the United pleasure in appointing the s .enator from A butter; and Nations. Kentucky [Mr. CooPER] to perform this "Whereas the dairy industry is already DEPARTMENT OF STATE function. suffering severely and would be dangerously Donald B. Lourie, of Illinois, to be Under injured by a further drastic price drop; and Secretary of State for Administration. "Whereas the Federal Government can legally use its flexible powers after March 31, AIR FORCE EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. 1953, to lower the support price level to 75 H. Lee White, of New Jersey, to be Assistant The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the percent of parity which would be a cut of Secretary of the Air Force. , about 11 cents a pound; and Senate the following letters, which were "Whereas the present Federal administra· PATENT OFFICE referred as indicated: tion is pledged to maintain through 1953 Robert Clement Watson, of Maryland, to be and 1954 the Federal price supports of six Commissioner of Patents. REPORT ON SETTLEMENT OF CLAIM OF THE PILOTS' AsSOCIATION FOR THE BAY AND RIVER basic farm commodities including corn, a DELAWARE, BY TREASURY DEPARTMENT dairy feed, raising a major dairy cost; and •• ..... •• "Whereas the price support level for butter A letter from the Acting S~cretary of the determines the level of Federal pi-ice supports SENATE Treasury, reporting, pursuant to law, that for other dairy products and is therefore the Treasury Department had settled the basic: Now, therefore, be it MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1953 claim of the Pilots' Association for the Bay "Resolved, That the house of representa­ and River Delaware, in the amount of $5,- tives and the senate concurring do urge that The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown 205.52; to the Committee on the Judiciary. in simple fairness to dairying and to avert severe injury to producers and consumers of Harris, D. D., offered the following REPORT ON SETTLEMENT OF CLAIM OF DEED C. milk and milk products, the Federal Govern­ prayer: THURMAN, JR., BY PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE ment forthwith announce that the present om;. Father God, facing the clamant A letter from the Administrator, Federal 90 percent support level for butter which calls !fhd the demanding tasks of another Security Agency, reporting, pursuant to law, expire.> on March 31, 1953, will be extended week we would bow for a hallowed mo­ that the Public Health Service had settled through the year 1954; be it further the claim of Deed C. Thurman, Jr., in the "Resolved, That the secretary of state trans. ment at this shrine of Thy divine grace. mit a copy of this resolution, properly at. We acknowledge , before Thee that our amount of $1,108.34; to the Committee on the Judiciary. tested, by .the proper officers of both houses, lives are restless. pools. We are dis­ be sent to the President of the United States, turbed by the social turmoil of our times, LAWS ENACTED BY M'uNICIPAL COUNCIL OF ST. the Secretary of Agriculture of the 'united burdened by many anxieties, tempted to CROIX, V.I. States, the presiding officers of the Senate cynicism by human cruelty and perver­ A letter from the Assistant Secret{try of · and House of Representatives, and to each si~i'J'. often disheartened by human folly the Interior, transmitting, pursuant to law, United States Senator and Member of Con­ which seems to profit so little by bitter copies of laws enacted by the Municipal gress from the State of Minnesota. reaping. Amid the tensions of these Council of St. Croix, V.I. (with accompany­ "JOHN A. HARTLE, ing papers); · to the Committee on Interior "Speaker of the House of Representatives. terrific days we seek in Thy presence a "ANCHER NELSEN, saving experience of inner quiet and cer­ and Insular Affairs. "President of the Senate. tainty. We would lay our problems and AMENDMENT OF CODE RELATING TO TRANSMIS­ "Adopted by the house of representatives, tasks before Thee, not to escape them, SION OF FIREARMS IN THE MAILs· the 6th day of- February, 1953. "G. H. LEAHY, but praying for Thy empowering so that A letter from the Postmaster General, with strength and courage we may carry "Chief Clerk, House of Representatives. transmitting a draft of proposed legislation "By MYRTLE R. BARNES, them with a new gallantry. to amend section 1715 of title 18, United "First Assistant Chief Clerk. May our attitudes and hopes widen States Code, to permit the transmission of "Adopted by the senate, the .9th day of every area of good will within the reach firearms in the mails to or from persons or February, 1953. of our influence. In a divided and vio­ concerns having lawful use for them in con­ "Cy GOSREY, lent world may we be among those whom nection with their businesses or their official "Secretary of the Senate. the generations to come shall call duties, and for other purposes (with an ac­ ·"Approved February 9, 1953. blessed, because our records here and companying paper); to the Committee on "C. EDWARD ANDERSEN, now shall write our names among today's Post Office and Civil Service. "Governor of the State ~f Min~esota." A joint resolution of the Legislature of the peacemakers. We ask it in the dear REPORT OF FEDERAL CIVIL DEFENSE Redeemer's name. Amen. State of Idaho; to the Committee on Armed ADMINISTRATION Services: A letter from the Acting Administrator, "House Joint Memorial s· Federal Civil Defense Administration, Wash­ THE JOURNAL "To the Honorable Senate anq, House of Rep­ ington, D. C., transmitting, pursuant to law, resentatives of the United States in On request of Mr. TAFT, and by unani­ a report of that Administration for the year Congress assembled: mous consent, the reading of the Jour­ 1952 (with an accompanying report}; to the "We\ your memorialists, the Legislature of nal of the proceedings of Friday, Feb­ Committee on Armed Services. the State of Idaho, as assembled in its 32d ruary 13, 1953, was dispensed with. - REPORT OF SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE session, do respectfully represent that- COMMISSION "W:hereas the 190th Fighter Interceptor Squadron of the Air National Guard of Idaho MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT A ,letter from the Chairman, Securities and has just returned from a tour of active duty Exchange Commission, transmitting, pursu­ with the Air Force, stripped of its equip­ Messages in writing from the President ant to law, a report of that Commission, for ment and faced with the necessity of re­ of the United States submitting nomina­ the fiscal year ended June 30, 1952 (with an building completely in order to continue its tions were communicated to the Senate accompanying report) ; to the. Committee on function as _part of the organized militia by Mr. Miller, one of his secretaries. · Banking and Currency. f.orces of .the Nation; and 1953 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE 1077 "Whereas it is necessary that the. 190th . and transmission . facilities, . as a Federal dent, as Presiding Officer o! the Senate, and Fighter Interceptor Squadron of the Air Na­ project. to each Member of the Senate of the Unitecl tional Guard of Idaho, as well as other air­ "And your memorialist will ever pray. States. guard units of the Nation returning from ''Passed by the house February 2, 1953. "WALTEJt BUBEL, active duty, be equipped with aircraft of the "GEORGE J. MISCOVICH, "Speaker of the House. proper type for training purposes as soon as "Speaker of the House. "V. L. GILBREATH, possible; and "Attest: "Chief Clerk of the House. "Whereas the 190th Fighter Interceptor "MARGARET GRISHAM, "C. P. DAHL, Squadron of the Air National Guard of Idaho "Chief Clerk of the House. "President of the Senate. is a key part of the northwestern air defense "Passed by the senate February 5, 1953. "EDWARD LENS, .and is in urgent need of proper equipment "CHAS. D. JoNES, "Secretary of the Senate." to perform this task: Now, therefore, be it ''President of the Senate.
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