The Secaucus News BETTER BUSINESS BETTER COMMUNITY BETTER LIVING VOL VII. NO. t SECAUCUS. N. J., SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 9. 1916 s CENTS form. Suddenly she turned"unit came down the straw strewn nlnle. Her FRIEDA GASPER MARRIED sweet face bore truces of team, Which ACME TRIP TO THE HIGHLADS hnd dried on her cheekN. Bhe smiled LOCAL ITEMS THE NEW faintly whe-n wlie reached Aimer and Bright, clear and pleasant was tbe The bunch certainly did enjoy them- turned away with him. Board of Health meets next Tuesday. day in which the tic of matrimony was selves at the Highland* last Sunday. Abner caught her arm. He was half bound about Secaucus'a faireat laas, From all aewunte the trip on the Man- afraid to tt'll her hla «ood Hewn with Dickenson High (Jersey City) opens "Fritzy" Casper and her beloved lad, out preparation. Presently he swept daisy and the eurf bathing, ae well as CLARION October 2rd. Clarence P. Terverns of Jersey City the dancing, couldn't be bMtcn. his long arm slowly In the direction of the town and cleared IIIH thrnnt. Heighti, and happy the throng who wit- The baseball team has booked Che By request of the Board of Health Look at the road down by theBuilt Panama Canal Out of Cur- nessed this most holy occation. strong New Durham A. A. aa their op- the Board .of Education has again post- "By... creek." he wald. "Don't you two n clotnl rent Revenues, Patriotically The marriage took place in th* bride's ponenta for thia Suodey'a Tha poned the opening of the gchoolB to thehome, on Lewis and Muller streets, Acmes will be able to •Mr WILL N. Hoarding Bonds In Treasury 18ibof this month. Sunday evening at aeven o'clock, by strongest lineup, as tha cool Rev. Adolph H. Holthusen or St. John'a HARBEN Which Democrats Filch L)r. Leo. W. Brandenburg has recent- will keep the boys far away fi F.v. Lutheran Church of Jersey City ly given a pint of his blood to combat beacha, where several of tbNB nave to Hide a Deficit. Helghta. infantile paralysis, of which he waB a been spending their week-ends. Copyright, 1914. by Harper 6 victim when a child. A string orchester struck np the usu- Oar old friend Bill Lubrs la aajala Brothers CARNIVAL OF DEBAUCHERY al Lohengrin's Wedding March as oar among the boys, bavin* ban snnonaa The Ladies Aid Society of the Reform- dear ones entered and took iheir places fully opwated on at th* Reoeevelt Hoa- IN PUBLIC EXPENDITURE ed Church of Seraucua will open again beneath a pink and white draped areb pital. Bill waa am-prieedto are all the CHAPTER XXVII. next Wednesday, S*pt. 13th. The meet- overhung with a large floral bell. new furniture, etc. bat be cmlrlnt eeem Conclusion. ing will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Great was the attendance, and tre- to get over the shock wtwa Mid that TOP, Aber' old Abner com- Sanator Panrou Believes thn Looted Cadell on Farm Road. mendous the shower of rice at the end Pete Kenneliy bad bought a on pipe. manded sternly. "Listen to Condition of th« Treaaury Will of tbe ceremony and of which the poor Watch the boys giva Henry Hnllaaaii me. You hain't competent to Necessitate tha Withholding of Borough Clerk Adrian Post issued a Rev. Holthusen received a good two and Edw. Borebers a sendoff at the) manage fer yorese'f in this Contracts For Battleships and Da-marriage licence to Mrs. Jessie Hough, thirds of these pearly grains. dance of the Wandering Four at B»Sj- thing. You are like a straw betwixt lay tha Whole 8ch«mo of Preparad- of Front Street, and John H. Beeg. son From without a clamorous serenade erich'e Hall next Saturday. two whirlwinds. One second you are neas—Nation's Money Frittered Away driven by the right force, an' tfie next of Mr. and Mrs. J. Beer, the hotelkeep- waa sounded by a mass of urchin* who Kennelly'a favorite saying to Jane*— you fall Into the wrong. You are wav- to Finance Hare Brained and III Ad-er ef Seventh and Front streets. laboriously hammered away at milk can* "why don't yoa try shaving ooee, Mookv, ertn' betwixt the sunlight o' God an' vised Projects. boilers and an assortment of discarded it don't hart?" the darkness <>' the devil's abode. You At a meeting of Secaucus Hose Co. kitchen utenails. can't hold out, an' you know It. You No. 1, Saturday night, the'following of- Of the many gifte donated, eat glass see what you are Bufferln' now. Do William It. Wlllcox, chairman of the ficera were nominated: Foreman, Chris ware waa of the most. At modern wed- HOUSE-WABMHG you think It wouldn't be warn ef you Itepuhllcan National committee, has re Babe; assistant foreman, George Pols; dings one mast be prepared with s buf- was to allow Howard Tlnsley to shoul- A boaM wanning party was nek) at reived from Senator I'curnse a brief secretary, Conrad Meckel; property fet. home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Half at 770 der what you done? You've got this but positive summing up of the ex- sin in you. It in wusa'n the most ter- clerk, Charles (llueck. Automobiles were furnished by tbeSixth Street. A vary enjoyable time waa rible disease. Your yiillcr green face travagances of the Wilson administra- groom to escort th* assemblage to their soant in singing, daneioej. and pieyiac shows It. It leaks like sweat out o' tbe tion during the Bcsslon of congress just Two more cases of infantile paralyaia home* or trains as in turn they left. parlor gamaa. Mr. Wm. Asphalt aarf Mr. ]K>res o' yore skin. You look like a about to close. Tue senator says: was reported by Dr. Leo. Brandenburg, Near the termination of the party, tbe H. Flalg esodaeted a bypnoti*ir«etaat damned creature vvulkln' about to show "Wbeu the country realizes what this the case of Henry Decker, 13 months, bridal coople boarded an auto owned by with blind folding tb* paraon t* faad the folks the consequences o' wrong actin' congress lias done bi the way of aj>- of Cedar Lane, and William Molyneux, Mr. Fred Zimmerman of Weehawken an' rebellion to God an' his law. Ef "It'e Aba Fulton going to jail," said keys. Soloa van mowed by . Abner. propriatlons It will be dumfounded. ' three years, of Hackensack River. Both Height*, eoasia to the bride, for tbe Elliot and BtUtasath W« you will Jest put yorese'f In Cod's core Already It has been shown that over ta this thing a sweet peace will fall o' dust? It's the only dust anywhere children are get'ing along nicely. train to Niagra Fall*. Tbe fiendish male waa served by Mrs. H. Phi* a*7 P. M. a billloa. seven or eight hundred mil- on you an light as dew, and you will In night, an' It looks usly agin tue bine acquaintance were fervently praying Among those present werws^JasJe lion dollars have been appropriated— be Hlled with a joy that you never sky and' white clouds on aech a purty. James Lamonica, the "hoe maker of for a tire blow out, that the newrywede Germer. Jamee Elliot, Minnie Cllajia. more money than was ever approprl dreamt of." still day, don't It?" Paterson Plankroad, has sold his bii»i- may miss their train. Willie Flaig. Tillie Ktafo, Fred GttatV She suld nothing. ated In any one year in the history of nean, bought > Diver, and left this burg ateyer, Anna Gasunhoatar, David Keen- Abner paused. Fulton's whole body "Yes, It's a' ugly sight," Abner went the American government The lotal early yesterday morning for East Scran- ly, Katie GMndsnypr, Ralph Malta. seemed to buve wilted. He swayed on. "in all the green an' blue about It, will reach nearly $2,000,000,000 before ton, Pa., with Ctasrlie Gutjihr at the COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS back and forth In tbe wind of Indeci- an' ylt right In its middle Is some'n' Una GKnatoyar. Jehn Blecaawf. Aha*. the end of this carnival of debauch helm, the party left Secaucus at six a. sion. Then something quite unex- good, some'n' splendid, some'n' that At a meeting of the Board of Council EogeL The*. WarMr, attiiil Ita Wawajr. ery in public expendlturea la rescued, pected happened. A woman approach- will make you happier 'n you ever was m. and arrived in Scranton 11:30 a. m.Tuesday night a petition from several Wm. Botierwortk. because no account has been taken or ed. It was Mrs. Fulton. She sat down in yore life. Can you guess what it la, citizens asking to have a light placed at worth. Grandmother Want*. Mr. Uta. the $20,000,000 for the Dantal) Island*, Hiss Mildred Hardrava, of Centre on tbe log close to ber husband. She Maryr tbe corner of Kront and Second 8tree>ts Werner, of Long taste*, Mr. and Mr. the $»).(XKJ,OUO which thet guvernmeot Avenue, and Harry Thorn«trom, Of put a thin, toil hardened band on bis "No," she said, wonderlngly. waa laid over for further consideration. O. Curtain. Mr. end Mrs. H. Uab»r No one spoke. Suddenly Abner "It's Jeff Dill in my buggy takln' Abe bare to refiod uiit Gram street, were married Saturday, A rrqavat from the Young People's) bt of a desperate course U) par- Fulton to Jail.
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