THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1922. east by the said railway-line to the Arline Creek, and by that creek and the Piopiotea Stream to a public road, by that road to the Waimarino-Taumarunui Road; and on the weet by [L.s.J JELLICOE, Governor-General. the last-mentioned road to the place of commencement : A PROCLAMATION. excepting from the within-described area all public roads and the North Island Main Trunk Railway line. y virtne and in exercise of the po,vers and authorities Also all that parcel of Crown land, cont&ning an area of B conferred upon me by section thirty-four of the War 16,600 acres, more or less, situated in Block XVI, Kaitieke, Legisla.ti.on and Statute Law Amendment Act, 1918, I, John and Blocks III, IV, VII, VIII, X, and XI, Manganui Survey Rushworth, V"1Scount Jellicoe, Governor-General of the J?istriots, and bounded as follows: JOn the north by'(Sec­ Dominion1'of New Zeala.nd, acting by and with the advice tions 3, 4, 1, and 6, Block XII, Kaitieke Survey District ; and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion on the east by a proposed scenic reserve, Sections 7 and 8, do hereby Bet apart the Crown land described in the Schedul; Block XVI, Kaitieke Survey District, Waimarino No. 4 hereto as and for provisional Stat.a forests. Block, the North Island Main Trunk Railway line, and the eastern boundary of Seotions 19 and 4 and 8 of Block VIII, SCHEDULE. Manganui Survey· District, by Sections 9 and 12 (scenic re,,erves) of the said Block VIII, and by the crossing of the WBLLDIGTON FOBBST·OONSQVATION REGION. Makatote Stream and the road forming the western boundary Proviaional State Fureal No. 66. of Lot 1 of Section 13 and Section 15 of the aforesaid Block ALL that parcel of Crown land, containing an area of 454 acres, VIII ; on the south by the Manganui-a-te-Ao River and more or less, situated in Blocks IV and VTII, Kaitieke Survey Sections _24 (scenic. re.serve), Block XI, and 5, BlockJX. District, and bounded as follows : On the north by the Matai Manganm Survey D1Stnct ; on the west by Sections 3, 4, and Sawmills (Limit.ed) milling-area; on the east by the North 5, Block VI, 31, 29 (scenic reserve), 25, and 30, Block VII, Island Main Trunk Railway line ; on the south by Section 4 7, 6, 4, and 9, Block III, and 3, 6, 4, Block XV, and Lot 1 of Section 3, Block VIII, Krutieke Survey Dis­ Survey District, and by the Waimarino-Retaruke Road, and trict ; on the west by Section 2, Block VIII aforesaid ; and Sections 5, 11, 2, and 3, Block XVI, Kaitieke Survey Distril)t, on the north-west by Carlson's milling-area to the place of to the place of commencement : excepting from the within­ commencement : excepting from the within-described area described area the sections comprising the Town of Erna all public roads. portion of the North Island Main Trunk Railway line, th; Also all that parcel of Crown land, containing an area of area of 200 acres granted to W. H. Toland and others for 209 acres, more or less, situated in Blocks IV and VIII, milling purposes, Section 20, Block VIII, Manganui Survey Kaitielre Survey District, and bounded as follows : On the District (proposed stock reserve), and all public roads. north by Section 40, Block IV, Kaitieke Survey District ; Also all that parcel of Crown land, containing an area of on the east by the scenic reserve along the left bank of the 378 acres, more or less, and being Lots 2, 3, and 4 of Sec­ Whakapapa River ; on the south by Adsett's milling-area ; tion 13 and Lot 2 of Section 18, Block VIII, Manganui Survey and on the west by the Waimarino-Taumarunui Road to the District. place of commencement. As the same are more particularly delineated on forest .. Also all that parcel of Crown land, containing an area ol atlas No. 062, deposited in the Head Office, State Forest 885 acres, more or less, being Section 6, Block VII, Kaitieke Service, at Wellington, and thereon coloured green. Survey District. Given under th£ hand of His Excellency the Governor­ PromaionaZ State F<»-Mt No. 6'1. General of the Dominion of New Zealand; and issued Aiso•all that parcel of Crown land, containing an area of under the Seal of that Dominion, at the Government 5,440 acres, more or less, situated in Blocks XII and XVI, House at Wellington, this 30th day of Janua.ry, 1922. Kaitieke Survey District, and IX and XIII, Tongariro Survey F. H. D. BELL, District, andlbounded as follows: On the north by Wai­ Commissioner of State Foresta. marino Native Reserve"!E; on the east by the Whakapapa River, Waimarino Block Nos. 8 and F, and State Forest Approved in Council. No. 42; on the south by the Waimarino Military .Reserve; F. D. THOMSON. on the west by the~llfain Trunk Road, Section 21 (scenic Clerk of the Executive Council. reserve) to the Te Pure River,'and by that river to and aoro88 the North Island Main ~ Railway line; on the south- Gou SA vs THB Knro ! A 280 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 5 Addfflonal Lana al, Papakur'!' taken for the Purposes of the ' Waitara Survey District ; thence generally north-easterly Ka1para-Wa1kato Ba,Zway. along the western boundaries of the said Section 9, Block XV, -- Sections 1 (F.R.) and 2 (both in Block XVI, Upper Waitara [L.B.] JELLICOE, Governor-General. Survey District), to the Waitara Valley Road; thence A PROCLAMATION generally northerly along the east side of the Waitara Valley ' and Rerekino Roads to the northern boundary of Section 1, HEREAS it ha.a been found desirable for the use, Block XII, Upper Waitara Survey District; thence easterly W convenience, and enjoyment of the along the northern boundary of the said Section 1 to its Railway to take further land at Papakura, in addition to intersection with the boundary of the Wha.ngamomona land previously a.oquired for the purposes of the said rail- Count.v as defined in the New Zealand Gazette for 20th way: Now, therefore, I, John Rushworth, ViscountJellicoe, Go- February, 1913, page 609; thence generally south-easterly vernor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in exercise and south-westerly along the said county boundary to the of the powers and authorities conferred on me by sections southernmost corner of Section 11, Block XV, Upper Waitara · d Survey District, the point of commencement. twenty-nme an one hundred and eighty-eight of the Public Also all that area in Block XIII, Waro Survey District, Works Act, 1908, and of every other power and authority in anywise enabling me in this behalf, do hereby proclaim the boundaries of which are more particularly described as and declare that the land described in the Schedule hereto follows : Commencing at the intersection of the south-west ia hereby taken for the parposes above mentioned. boundary of Section 2, Block XIII, Waro Survey District, with the boundary of the Whangamomona County as described in the New Ze.aZand Gazette for 20th February, 1913, page 609, SCHEDULE. and proceeding north-westerly along the south-west boundary APPBOxnu.TB area. of the niece of land : 1 rood. of Section 2 aforesaid of Block XIII, Waro Survey District, Being Allotment 68, Section XI, Village of Papakura, to and across the railway reserve to the western boundary of Block IV, Drury Survey District, Town of Papa.kura. the said Section 2 ; thence northerly along the western (S.O. 21783, blue.) boundary of the said Section 2 to the Rerekapa Road ; thence In the Nor~h Auckland Land District; as the is north-westerly along the south side of the Rerekapa Road more pai:ticula.rly delineated on the plan marked W.R. 30129, to a point due south of the intersection of the western deposited in the office of the Minister of Railways at Wel- boundary of Section 9, Block XIII, Waro Survey District, lington, and thereon coloured blue. · with the north side of the Rerekapa Road ; thence due north across the Rerekapa Road to the said intersec­ Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ tion ; thence north - easterly and south - ea.ste1·ly along the General of the Dominion of New Zealand ; and issued western and north-eastern boundaries of the said Section 9 under the Seal of that Dominion, at the Government to the boundary of the Whangamomona County as de­ Houae at Wellington, this 25th day of January, 1922. scribed in the New Zealand Gazette for 20th February, D. H. GUTHRIE, 19I:I, page 609 ; thence generally south-westerly along the Acting Minister of Railways. said boundary of the county to its intersection with the south-west boundary of Section 2, Block XIII, Waro Survey Gon BAVB THB KING I District, the point of commencement. Aleo that area in Waro and Pouatu Survey District,, the boundaries of which are more particularly described as .4.Uering .Boundaries of Clifton an,l Wh.a111Jamomona Countie;, follows : Commencing at the intersection of the .eastern boundary of Section 9, Block XIV, Wa,ro Survey District, [L.B.] JELLICOE, Governor-General. with Mount Damper Road Nort-h, and proceeding easterly A PROCLAMATION. and northerly along the north-western boundary of Block XV, Waro Survey District, to the boundary between Blocks XI HEREAS it is provided by subsection two of section and XV, Waro Survey District; thence easterly along the W fourteen of the Counties Act, 1920, that the bound­ northern boundaries of Blocks XV and XVT, Waro Survey aries of any one or more counties may be altered in accord­ District, to the Obura County boundary as described in the ance with a resolution proposing the alteration passed by the New Zealand Gazette for 20th February, 1913, page 609; Council of each of such
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