MULVIHILL CELEBRATES TEST TUBES AND TEA ELIGIBILITY RULING PROF-FILE SUBJECT AGAINST IONA THIS WEEK Vol. 27 NEW YORK, N. Y., DECEMBER 12, 1947 No. 8 Gala Show Climaxes War Memorial Drive / —— Church Wreckers Uampus Talent Celebrities,Featured in Star-Studded Program;Sophomores Hear Begin Demolition Realize $53,000 Profit from Proceeds of Pontiac Raffle By JOHN FARLEY jingle Bells Echo Before a crowd of about 3,500 faculty, students, and friends of Fordham, seven-year-old Judith For Memorial Brennan s name was drawn from a huge cylinder as the lucky winner of the 1947 Pontiac sedan la Gym Tonight which was the grand prize of the Fordham War Memorial raffle. This culminated the drive which ShrineVto Cost $128; was headed by Rev. James Hennessy, S.J., and Mr. Edmund O'Sullivan, the faculty advisers. Pieper to Lead Sophs And Repairs $33,i The name on the winning ticket, which was drawn from the thousands in the metal barrel by ~" "Mr. Jake Apuzzo, donor of the' At Annual Xmas Hop; To Take\5 Months grand prize, was announced by the Rev. Robert I. Gannon, S.J., presi- 1,000 to Attend Anyone whoy passed the/Univer- dent of the University. The drawing sity Church wkhin the tfast four climaxed a three-hour show which weeks must hav\ noticed the "Dan- The first faint tinklings of jingle starred Phil Regan, star of the bells will be heard on the campus ger! Keep Out! Cbnstructiin!" signs screen and night club world and tonight as the Sophomore Class posted at the various entrances to featured the Fordham Band and holds its annual Christmas Dance in the building. The vtork of renovat- Glee Club, the Shaving Muggs quar- the Gym from nine to one. Leo ing the chapel and attorning it as a tette and the comedy team of George Pieper and his ten-piece orchestra fitting memorial to ourN^er dead has Connolly and John Intorcia. will be the bell tinklers. begun in earnest, and will continue Over $53,000 was raised during for about five months. the drive. The $100 prize, donated William Lovett, President of the Cost of the shrine is estimated at by Mr. Apuzzo to the seller of the Sophomore Class and chairman of $128,000. This is in addition to ap- the dance committee, engaged Pie- most books of chances, went to Ar- per's group, which features Alicia proximately $33,000 which will be thur Oates, '50, for selling sixty-two spent on repairing the church. Noth- Wallace as its vocalist. A compara- books. Consolation prizes of $50 and tively new outfit, they have been ing is being spared to make it the $25 went to Arthur Falconer and heard nightly over WOR from Dona- most beautiful building on the cam- Adrjan Link for selling forty-seven hue's in Mountview, N. J., where pus. As the Rev. Robert I. Gannon, and forty-five books, respectively. they have just completed a six- S.J., President of the University, The winning sections in each year months' engagement. put it, when he spoke at the Mass in the College, students of which The decorative theme, which has of the Holy Ghost last Oct. 10, will receive an Italian dinner, were "Nothing has been ordered from a always been the test of a dance com- Senior C-3, Junior H, Soph Q, and mittee's originality, will, of course, catalogue. Everything will be a Freshman AB-G. AB-G Bad the work of art." stress the Yuletide aspect of the highest class average in the entire Photo by Jong dance. A huge canopy of white Thanks to the recently completed CAMPUS CHURCH College with about $38 a man. As crepe, from which streamers of War Memorial Raffle, $53,000 has CONNOLLY and INTORCIA UNDER CONSTRUCTION the freshman led in returns up to Student Comedy Team green and red crepe will descend to been raised by the joint efforts of Dec. 2, the end of the competition, the balconies, will insure a festive the student body, the alumni and the John Sullivan, frosh representative, atmosphere. 'The centerpiece will be faculty. • was awarded a $20 prize. an evergreen bedecked with tinsel. Up to the present time, workmen Action Impossible Bob Billmeyer, who arranged the Dealy Fireproofing The dance is the result of weeks from C. J. Moore, Inc., of 285 Madi- evening's program, acted as master, of work by the officers of Sophomore son Avenue, the demolition contrac- of ceremonies. After the band had Nears Completion Year and their assistants. While no tors, have been • occupied with re- On Vets Checks gotten things off to the proper start specific committees were formed it moving the pillars, which for so with the playing of the Star Span- was decided to long had obstructed the view of the gled Banner and American Patrol, N. Y. State Contributes appoint one group altar from the rear of the church. Student Council Hears Billmeyer introduced Phil Regan, to handle the dif- These* pillars supported the old roof, Gallagher's Report currently starring at. the Persian $11,000 to Project ferent jobs. but no structural changes will be Room, who sang several songs in necessary, since a new roof was his Irish-tenor style. The long-range remodeling of This group, placed over the old one when the Nothing of importance can be done Following this and a short mono- Dealy Hall nears another goal with which was in chapel was enlarged some twenty at the present time to speed up the logue from Mr. Allan Corelli, vari- the virtual completion of the fire- charge of ticket years ago. veteran subsistence checks, Warren ety show promoter, Rev. Kevin J. proofing of the rear stairway, the sales, decorations, The rear of the chapel is now Gallagher report- O'Brien, S.J., presented the Madow Rev. Robert I. Gannon, President of refreshments and ed to the Student trophy for the outstanding football the University, revealed this week. entertainment, criss-crossed with steel scaffolding, was composed of and planks are piled high for future Council at its reg- player in the Fordham N.Y.U. game Total cost of the project was $42,- ular meeting on [to Stan Bloomer. Mr. Madow, the Hugh Neary, Ken use. All the old plaster has been 500, $11,000 of which was contrib- Foley, Jim Hea- scraped from the walls, and the Dec. 2. donator of the trophy, was on stage uted by New York State. Originally for the presentation of the award. ney, Jack Geary, (Continued on page 3) The Council also the state intended to build a new Ed McHugh and . , , heard reports on Continuing the entertainment, the barracks, but the renovation will Bl Lovet a future symposi- Glee Club rendered three selections provide the same facilities. The $11,- John Burns. " « um and Harvester which were well received by the 000 was sufficient to install modern Bids for the affair may be pur- Glee Clubbers Sing Club receipts. audience. They sang the "Fordham plumbing in the dorm area. chased tonight at the door; but only Committees were Marching Song," the "Alma Mater" Builder's plans called for the com- until the allotted 500 have been f ormed to draw up (Continued on page 8) (Continued on page 10) sold. Anticipating a rather large For Labor Group a letter to class turnout, Lovett said that only an early arrival at the Gym will assure representatives purchase of a bid. Crown Heights School and make changes Warret1 Gallagher . The Sophomore Class's large en- in the Council's Lucille Borden Painting Addedrollment caused class officers to be Stages Plaza Show Constitution. An official welcoming confident that the dance will be committee was created to meet and every bit as successful as last year's Participating in the tenth anni- aid visiting groups, teams, clubs and Christmas dance. versary celebration of the Crown organizations. To University Art Collection Heights Labor School of Brooklyn, From a recent interview with Mr. the Fordham Glee Club, under the Tolly R. Broady, Fordham's VA rep- By EDWARD LOUGHMAN chased by the brother of Mrs. Bor- direction of Dr. Frederick Joslyn, resentative, Gallagher, President of den, an American diplomatic repre- Mr. McCleery Directs ??ng in the Grand Ballroom of the the Council, learned that future com- The Fordham University art col- lection was recently enriched by the sentative to Mexico more than fifty Blackfriars' Show Hotel Plaza, Monday evening, Dec. plaints on subsistence allowance years ago. 1. before over 600 members and checks may have to be handled by gift of a miniature on ivory of un- usual historical value. It was pre- On removing the rear plate, in- Fordham students still have a Wends of the Labor School. the VA Seventh Avenue office. scribed "Pius IX Benedicamus Dom- The Glee Club opened the pro- Symposium Scheduled sented to the President by Mrs. chance to see the Blackfriars' Gerald Borden, novelist, who writes inum," and sealed with the Papal production of "Trial By Fire," gram with the rendition of its tra- arms, Father Gannon discovered a written by the Rev. George ditional curtain-raiser, "We Meet He also reported on the forth- under the name of Lucille Borden. coming symposium to be held here The painting of the Madonna and piece of parchment which had been Dunne, S.J., and directed by Mr Again Tonight Boys," followed by fixed at the back of the ivory Albert McCleery, head of the we selections which included, "The on December 19th. The subject will Child is framed in elaborately be: "The Relation of Christian Ideas wrought silver, ornamented by gold miniature, presumably in 1864.
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