Kisii County Government 1 An Official Publication of Kisii County Government The Home of Soapstone and Bananas Embracing Public Investment Opportunities Gallant Sons and Daughters Participation of Kisii PAGE PAGE PAGE 9 28 30 2 Kisii County Government Kisii Town Kisii County Government 3 Devolution Transforming Kisii County Together with 12 other counties, we have formed the Lake Basin Region Economic Bloc to spur economic development of our respective counties t has been an exciting yet chal- renal unit to offer dialysis services; will have a capacity to crush 5,000 lenging journey at the helm of Kisii installation of state-of-the-art diag- tonnes of cane per day and produce ICounty Government since we were nostic equipment like a 16 slice CT 172,500 metric tonnes of sugar. Ad- sworn into office as the pioneer lead- Scan, digital x-rays and MRI; increas- ditionally, the sugar complex will pro- ership of the devolved county number ing the hospital’s bed capacity from duce 15 million litres of ethanol and 45. 450 to 700; and construction of a 10 megawatts of power. hostel block. We are now putting up Residents bestowed on me the im- Equally in the pipeline is a new Kisii a new 100-body capacity mortuary mense responsibility of laying the City, which is going to be built in part- to replace the current 20-body ca- foundation for the long-term growth nership with Chinese investors. of a county with great potential, a pacity morgue. In addition, we have Together with 12 other counties, we county that is on track to transform put up an administration block for the lives of its residents as a 24-hour the staff, which has freed space to have formed the Lake Basin Region economy. accommodate the High Dependency Economic Bloc to spur economic de- and Intensive Care units. Currently, velopment of our respective counties. Kisii has been on a progressive jour- construction works for a KShs2.1 bil- ney through devolution. We have Despite the challenges, ranging from lion cancer centre are ongoing. The improved education standards and disruptive politics to irregular dis- project is being funded by the Saudi increased funding for bursary to bursement of funds from the Exche- government and the Arab Bank for In- KShs430million to help needy stu- quer, the county has strived to and ternational Development. dents. continues to deliver on its mandate. To increase access to safe, clean The Council of Governors however is We have recruited over 950 Early water to residents and support agri- addressing the challenge of irregular Childhood Development (ECD) teach- culture, the county launched a pro- disbursements of funds from the Na- ers and built classrooms to lay a foun- gramme to drill boreholes in each tional Treasury. dation for good education for our of the 45 wards. The boreholes are children. Overall, Kisii County is an unrivalled located in public institutions and fit- investment destination and a key We have done over 1,000 kilometres ted with handpumps. The plan is to commercial hub for the region. We of road network and continue to open develop the boreholes into water re- continue to live the dream of devolu- up more using county-owned con- ticulation schemes to serve residents tion. Join us on this journey. struction equipment. near the public institutions. So far, 25 In the health sector, we have hired boreholes have been drilled. more medical workers, while hospi- To empower the county’s residents To empower the H.E. Hon. James E.O. Ongwae, CBS, EBS, OGW, tals which previously had no doctors, through wealth creation, we have now boast of at least two to three positioned Kisii as an investment county’s residents Governor, Kisii County practitioners in the facilities. We have destination. This has been expedited through wealth resuscitated theatres in Nyamache, through continuous improvement of Keumbu, Gesusu and Gucha hospitals. infrastructure and attracting inves- creation, we have Further, the county government re- tors through the Kisii Entrepreneur- vamped and upgraded the Kisii Level ship Summit, which showcased trade positioned Kisii 5 Hospital to a teaching and referral and investment opportunities. hospital in collaboration with Kisii After the summit, we signed three as an investment This is the surest way to University. key agreements totalling KShs21 bil- destination. We embarked on a major facelift of lion. We have signed an agreement the facility that included renovation with an Indian investor for the estab- better serve our people of the kitchen to use gas instead of lishment of a sugar complex in South firewood; establishment of a 10-bed Mogirango sub-county. The sugar mill n 2013, the Governor and I took over the Imantle of leadership in Kisii County. We sought to put structures in place and promote a good system of governance. “Devolution means the benefits of growth are Clearly, devolved gover- reaching many more Kenyans, as achievements nance is the surest way in the counties show. Kisii Town has a 24-hour to bring services and re- economy following the installation of 300 solar sources closer to the peo- lights.” ple. As pioneer leaders of the County Government H.E. Uhuru Kenyatta,CGH in Kisii, we recognise our President and the Commander in Chief of the obligation to maintain the highest standards of Defense Forces of Kenya service delivery and craft H.E. Hon. Joash Maangi,MBS, innovative ways to attract Deputy Governor investment. Only then can we realise the aspirations of residents. I would like to assure the residents of this great County that we are firm- ly committed to delivering on our mandate. But to do this, we need the support of all stakeholders. I urge that we exercise patriotism and work towards the betterment of our beloved county for present and future gen- erations. I call upon the County Public Service to strive to discharge their duty with honesty, diligence and accountability to our employer, the public. I also thank the County Assembly and the leadership of Kisii for the spirit of “By and large, devolution is changing our country in teamwork and dedication, which have been key in the realisation of the ways few imagined…People are taking control of their achievements we are showcasing today. destiny. Devolution has come with a new boss; the people. God bless Kisii County. Development is what the people say it should be.” Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga,EGH Leader of Opposition - CORD (Coalition for Reforms and Democracy) 4 Kisii County Government Empowering citizens through self-governance he advent of devolution ushered a new market and labour restrictions within the East a window of opportunity for potential investors dawn in the management of political African Community, Kisii is poised to develop in the field of agribusiness. By partnering with Tpower and resources in Kenya. The ob- strong networks into northern parts of neigh- us, you will be helping us transform our lives, ject of this new dispensation was to promote bouring Tanzania and the whole of the Lake Vic- you will be helping our people to achieve higher democratic and accountable exercise of power toria region markets. productivity and earnings from their farms. This to foster national unity by recognising diversity. Kisii is today characterised by one main fea- direction will lead towards job creation and Devolution also empowers people to benefit ture - diminishing land parcels. In an area where greater prosperity. from self-governance and encourages partici- land is the principal resource which supports There are numerous investment opportunities pation in the exercise of powers of the State livelihoods, you will appreciate what it means in processing and value addition of agricultural and in making decisions affecting them. Further, to the people when land sizes are diminishing. produce like tea, coffee, bananas, pyrethrum, the devolved system of government recognises This poses an obvious threat to the lives of the milk, avocados, name it. In addition, there are the right of communities to manage their own people and generations to come. What is re- many other opportunities in other sectors such affairs and to further their development. quired, in my view, is urgent transformation of as healthcare, exploitation of natural resources Kisii County is strategically located, with easy our way of life, to move away from traditional (for example Kisii soapstone), energy genera- access and developed communication infra- methods of agriculture and embrace new and tion, water harvesting, and waste recycling and Hon. Christopher M. Obure, EGH modern technologies which will help improve management among others. Senator - Kisii County structure. Kisii Town has become the commer- cial and financial hub of the entire southwest- productivity on our smaller land parcels. Let us join hands as we build our county and ern Kenya. With liberalisation and removal of This is a huge challenge for us, but it also opens offer valuable service to our people. take this opportunity to congratulate the Kisii County Government and the Governor Our dream is to make Kisii great for the exemplary work done in entrenching I are accountable for the expenditure of funds in the county has seen to the installation of devolution in the county. The gains brought by allocated to them. streetlights in most of the key towns in the sub- devolution in Kisii County are evident and nu- counties. This has improved security and busi- merous. The community enjoys better public In Kisii County, the equitable share of al- nesses are now operating in a 24-hour econo- participation in decision making processes, be- located revenue raised nationally has risen my. The county government, I note, has created sides improved access to resources at the grass- from KShs5,188,303,957 in the year 2013 to more employment opportunities and devolved roots level because the organs of government KShs7,654,114,597 in the year 2016.
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