GC Sponsored NATIONAL SEMINAR on Novel Journey from Conventional to Green Chemistry : a Bliss to Environment on 21-February 2O15

GC Sponsored NATIONAL SEMINAR on Novel Journey from Conventional to Green Chemistry : a Bliss to Environment on 21-February 2O15

qr.EF,_:l ei,;17,,,*, UGC Sponsored NATIONAL SEMINAR on Novel Journey from Conventional to Green Chemistry : A bliss to Environment on 21-February 2O15 Organized By Doportmcnt of Ch@mistrv PATl{A SGIEl{GE GOLTEGE PATNA UIIIIVEBSITY, PATNA.Sl)(l ()(l5, IIIIDIA ln Collaboration With Science For Society, Bihar n f6-!g;;;; m3 t,rl It I t It ; t L,niversily Branch, bureaucracy in lndia as well as abroad. lt offers B.Sc. Payable at "Allahabad Bank, Patna honours course in Chemistry, Physica, I\,,lalhematics, Statistics, Botany, Zoology and Geology. Vocational and Registration fee include Seminar Kit, refreshment and lunch National Seminar on "A NovelJoumey from Conventional self-financing courses include B.Sc. in Biotechnology, duringtheseminar. Green chemistry : A bliss Environment" is being to lo Environmental scienceand computerapplication (BCA).All Department, Patna Science organized by chemistry postgmduate departments ofscience faculty arc located on college, Palna Univorsity, Patna-800005 in collaboration itscampLrs. Patna University has limited guest house/ hostel Science for society, Patna, 2'r.02.2015. wilh Biharon accommodation. Patna has excellent hotels such as hotel The academic programme of the sem;nar will consist of I\raurya, Hotel Patliputra Ashok, etc. Fordetailsyou mayvisit plenary talk, invited Lecture, Symposia, Oral Paper theirwebsites. The room tariff per day varies from Rs.3000- Chemistry Departmenl with a rich heritage of nurturing, Presenlation and poster presentation on topics related to the Rs..1 0000. Participants shall be offered free accommodalion nou shing and showcasjng talent in ilsfield, has magnificient in univercity hostels/guest houses (shares ifthe participants built in and lustrous H-shaped double storeyed building, is large.). Free accommodation may be ananged on first 1927-28 under the supervisjon of the then Principal of the served basis, Participants arc free to make their own stay collegeand Head ofchemistry department Dr. K. S. Caldwell. arrangements. The purpose behind orqanizinq this nalional seminar is to The department has been well ado.ned with distinguished acquaint the pailicipants the hazardous impact of faculties like DrR. C. Ray, Dr. R.B.N. Sahay, Dr. B. Prasad chemicals from lnduslries and Nuclear weapons on Prof. M.Q. Doja, Dr. J.N. Chatterjea, Dr.S.P Ghosh, Dr. S.N. Chief Patron : Prof. (Dr)YC. Simhadri, VC. Patna Unlv. ecosystems and environment and also to provide Das, Dr. B. L. Thakur, Dr. Chandra Shekhar Sharma, Dr. Patron : Sri Bindeshwar Pathak, Padma Shree, Charman, knowledge about the newlyemerging Green Chemistry and B.Singh , Dr N.N. Sinha etc. The department has legacy of good research centre, and is its role. The Seminar will create inlerest and generate being a teaching and Convener: Prof. (Dr)U.K. Sinha, PrincipalPatna Science College enthusiasm among padcipants and scienlists of fulure continuously tryinq to maintain it. (Mob.: 9431 049802) generation to make an effective bridge between Organizing Secretary: Conventional Chemistry and Green Chemistry. The seminar Prot(Dr.) Radhakant Prasad, Head, Depl of Chemistry Paha College, Patna U niv. (IIob : 9430032893) will provide a platform to express afid share views about the Participant lnterested for oral paper representation will have 1o Science linking of conventional chemistry wilh Green Chemistry to send soft copy of abstract in MS word file at email Joint Organizing Secretary : tackle the present monstrous problems- Uses of computer [email protected] or kumarsanjay.chem@ Mr. Sanjay Kuman Asstt. Prcfessor, Dept. of Chemistry Palna ([,lob.: 9234464673) to design techniques for eco-friendly environmenl will be rediffmail.com latestbvfl h F€b.2015. Science College Abstracl must incllide name. surname. organisaLion one of the thrust a reas of the seminar. represented, address, telephone number/mobile number, e- Dr. Dilip Kumar Verma, Assl. Prcfessor, PG. Depl. ol Chemistry mail address of the author, and must be according to Patna Univ. (Nrob.: 9852429875) following guidelines : vcnue & Reception-in-charge : : ]imes NewRoman Di P.C, VaBhyakiyar, PrciSaniayKumar, D. (Mrs.) Asha Kumad capital ol Bihar state, is well connecled with rail, Patna, the Size :12Pt road and air. Ancient Patna known as Patliputra, was the lvargin:'1"or2.54cm of vast Magadh Empire, and has been a seat of Or. Rajneesh Kuma., MrA.K. Gupta capital Paper A4size learning, knowledge and fine arts. Theiradition ofpursuitof : Editor & Publication-in.harge : Volume 400-500 words knowledge hascontinued here down iheages, : Prof.(Di) L.K. Mishra, Reid. Professor, Dr Kumar Rajeev Ranjan Allabstracts will be reviewed and the reviewers will Prasad Slngh, Dr D.N.Thakun Dr. lil.K. Singh, Dr.Abhay Kumar, Patna Universty, the seventh oldest unive$lty ofthe a for ora l/poster presentation. Dr. (t4rs)8. Chowdhary, PrcIessor, [,t.M.C., Patna Univ lndian Subcontinent. was eslablished on 1st October, 1917. select bstract Timeallotlediorpreseniation : 5min. + 2 m n.Iorqueslion-answer : This Universily imparts high level ofteaching and research n Accommodation & Transpon-in-cha.ge variousfields. TheTemperatureofPatna in Feb is 20*5'C Dr Manoj Ranian, Dr RandhirKumar, MrRabindEParsadSingh. Patna Science College, a premier insiitution of higher Dr.8.l( Sinha, Bot y, Ps.c. (Member),lvob.:9122421357) education in science and a constiluent colleqe of Patna Dr. kshad Ali, Chem., BN. Ddlleqe, Pttna (Member), l\rloh: 9€1002833 University, was eslablished on 15'' November, 1927 by the Registration fee may be paid eilher in cash to Dr Prahlad Kumar, Dr. S. D. Yadau, Chem. M M C., hlia{Membd), [ioh.:9835272]96 then viceroy, Lord lrwin. The college has great legacy, and Registration lncharge (NS-2015), Mobile No.-9234725902, has produced a number of d:stinquished personalities in Chernistry Depadmenl, Paina Science College oras Demand Dralt Dr. Ashish Kumar Sinhr. chem. Pw.c.. Parna lMember). lvob.: 9708345101 in ravour of NalonalSeminar in Chemistry Palna Science College, medicine, engineering a Dr. Prahlad Xumar, PG, Ch!m. PU.lBesislhtibn ln{haioe), llob.: S234U! diverse fields of science, 50254231524, Ara-abad Bao<, PU. Br.. Prlra. TS (Dr.) Bha@unin, Haza baqh Prof. (Dr.) R.(. Verma, Pm vice chancellor, Pbha univ, Palna Prof. Gurdeep Singh, v.c.,vinoba Prol (Dr.) Amarendra Mishra, I]ean FaNlly 0fScienE, Palna Unitr Prof. (Dr.) Arun. (r. Sinha, h vim chancellor. htn'llnit Prof. (Dr.) Ram Jatan Sinha, ErHs.d, I]epl. ol chom., Palna Univ Prof" (Dr.) P.C. Trivedi, Er vice Ghanetlor. GmathNrUniv. ProL (Dr.)S.K. Srivastava, Ex.Head, PGZoologx Be0istrar, PU Prof (Dr.) Binod Kumar, v.c., B.N. Mandal unitr, Iladhepura Prof. (Dr) Ahish Kumar Ghosh, Hmd, oepl. 0f chDm., PahaUnin Prot {Dr.) K. Prasad, P vice Chanc.llo!, ilagsdh univ., Bodh Gava Dr (Mrs) Rani Azad, Head,0epl. ol chsn, ilagadhllahila collDqe PU. Prof. (Dr,) S.P. Verma, PDsidenl, S cience lor socieln Ex HMd, Phv. Dr. S.R. Padamodeo, Ex Head, Bio chemistry Patna univ Prof, {Dr.l Prabhu DayalSingh, H0ad, Biochemislrv. Paha univ Proi (Dr,) A.K. Banerjee, Er.Head. PG. chem., Palna unitr Prof. (Dr.) S. N. Sharma, tle.d,0epl. of Bolany, tutna unitr Prof. (Dr.) T. Sharma, Ex.Head, PG. chem. BnA unitr Muailarpur (Dr.) Head, BotanY, Patna Sc ColhgD Prof. Surendra Prasad Singh, ProL (Dr.) Bachha Sinha, H.0-DChemislry. B.H.u Prol (Dr.) R.N. Pandey, Head,0epl.0l Marhematics, Paha u Y Prof. (Dr) K.P. Tiwari, Beld. Prcf.ol chemistrv, Allahabad unitr Prof. (Dr.) L,N. Rai, Head, Depr.0l ilalhematils, Parm science c0lhse Prof. (Dr.) Shivadhar Sharma, Head, chem.,lLU., BodhGava Prof. (Dr.) Dr, S,X. Sinha, Head, Dept. orPhvsit' Palia unitr (Dr.) Bdd Prol. & Head 0tciem., v.(.sin0h univ, AE Prof. (Dr.) A.K. Verma, Head, Depl. ol Physict PalMscience c0lhge Piot R. T. Singh, Prof. (Dr.) R.K. Sinha, Hsad, 00pr. 0f zoolosy, Phina trnir Dr. (Mrs.) (alpana Shahi, chem., colhqD0l coninete, tuina, M.u- Dr. (Mrs) A. Sinha, Head, DEpl.0r Zoolosy, Patna science colhoD Prof. (Dr.) K.(. Srivastava, Dnscto., Disbms Edu., ErHead, ch!m,v.B.Ha. (Dr.) M.N. Sinha, Head,0epr.0f Geolosy, hlna univ Prof. Prof. (Dr.) R.N. Pathak, HBid. ciem.&Dmnsr. Kolh,n uniL clralba$a Prof. (Dr.) B.K. Mishra,oept.ol Ge0losy, Palia univ Prof. (Dr.) sheo Satya Prakash, Head,a.N. cDlleoe, M.u. Paha. Dr Anil Kumar, Hesd, Depi. ofGmlogn Phtna Science Colhqe ProL (Dr.) BihariSingh, t*Head, chem. A.N. C0llosD,lu.U. k1na. Dr. A. A. Pandey, Dept. ol Geology. Pbh. Sc. coll€0E (Dr.) Head tuelsinsh uniL Ara. Dr. M.A. Ansari, Coadhalor BcA, Patna Science college Prof, Damodar Singh, chem.,ven Dr. Amrendra Narayan, oepl. of Physict PG.Pbtna Univ. Prol (Dr.) Lallon Mishra, chonislrr B.H.U. veanA, B'sc. (tnvsc.), BDtanv,fhtnasD. collego Dr. Shardendu Kr,, coord. Dr. B,N.lha, Hesd leptt. 01 chemistry, BB.B.a. unin, llruzalla4r Dr. M.E Trivedi, co.od., BSc., Biotech. Bolany, Paha sc. ColhqD Dr Swatentrashawar Jha, Head oepl- 0f C hemistrn LNlvlU Dr. D.X. Paul, Assl. Pmfesor, Dept.ol zoDlDgy, Paha sc. coll0se Prof. (Dr) D. K. Sharma, Dept.0t chem., colleoe 0l Commscr, MU Dr. G.B. Chand, Asst. Pmlesor, Depl olzDologx PEina UniL Pal a ProL (Dr.) L. Dubey, Beid.Pmfessot D+1-otchemislry, Palna unitr ProL {Dr.} H.C. Rai, trHead, Chomistd, BRAUnuiluslhQur Dr. Raj Kishore Prasad, Principal, BN. colhge, hina llniv Prof (Dr.) l.A.K. Parvez, Retd. Pml.,oept-ol chem., PU. Dr. M.B. Ojha, Head, chemistry. BN.tDllese, Patna unir Prof. (Dr.) S.W.M. Subuktagin, Retd. Head, Depit0iChem., eu- (Dr) Principal,lIMc, tutna, PU. Prof. Dolly Sinha, Prof. (Dr.) R.S. Gandhi, Bsid. Pmfesor, Depi.0f chemistrv, PU. Dr (Mrs) Bina Rani, Associate Prcftssor, chem.,M i/t.C., Patna Univ. Prof. (Dr) K.V. Srinivasan, Feld Pmlessot Deplt.0l Chemisl,v. Pu. Dr. (Mrs) Anium Fatima, Asso.iaie PDlesso,, chom., M.M.c, Palna unif, Prof, (Dr.) M.N.

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