© Copyright by PMWSZ w Opolu e-ISSN 2544-1620 Medical Science Pulse 2020 (14) 1 TABLE OF CONTENts Original papers Scientific Quarterly SEhrA BirGÜL BAtmAZ January–March 2020, Pulmonary tuberculosis in childhood: clinical features, Vol. 14, No. 1 treatment side effects and factors associated e-ISSN 2544-1620 with radiologic improvement ....................................... 4 Publisher: Opole Medical School NATALIA V. KhvOryk, HAMED AsAAD ALJAZAA (PMWSZ w Opolu) Hypergonadotropic ovarian insufficiency Sources of funding: in women of late reproductive age ................................... 10 statutory activity of the PMWSZ in Opole ALEH KUZNIAtsOU, ANdrEI ShpAKOU Tasks: “Purchase of digital object Organizational forms and methods of early diagnosis identifiers for electronic docu- of hereditary tumors .............................................. 15 ments; Purchase of software to manage editorial and publishing works; Purchase of anti-plagiarism AdA LisOwskA, KATArzyNA SzwAMEL, DONATA KUrpAS programme; Linguistic correction Somatic symptoms and level of anxiety and depression of scientific articles in the jour- in self-referral patients at the emergency department.................. 21 nal; Improvement of substantive level of reviews; Dissemination of information about the journal” are KATArzyNA SzwAMEL, ŻANETA DęBickA, MArtA GAWLik financed by the Ministry of Science Antineoplastic agents and the use of personal protective equipment: and Higher Education de minimis programme within the framework nursing staff awareness............................................ 31 of “Support for scientific jour- nals” project – contract number 147/WCN/2019/1. Case reports EDITORIAL OFFICE: ul. Katowicka 68, 45-060 Opole KLAUdiA KAłUŻA, ANTONINA KAczOROwskA tel. (+48) 77 442 35 46 Physiotherapeutic management of a patient fax (+48) 77 442 35 25 after craniocerebral trauma in the intensive care unit – a case report..... 40 e-mail: [email protected] Contact: AGATA MROczEK, MAGDALENA CHAWAłEK Deputy Editor – The changes in proportion and body composition Bożena Ratajczak-Olszewska of a woman practicing group fitness training for three months .......... 47 tel. (+48) 77 442 35 46 e-mail: [email protected] Review The editors reserve the right to shorten and edit texts submitted. The issue is closed: 31.03.2020 KAROLINA WALEwicz Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) in chronic low back pain: All articles are published in Open Access model and distributed under the terms of the a systematic review of randomized clinical trials ...................... 51 Creative Commons License: Attribution-Non- Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). License available: https:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ Opinion paper The publisher does not offer subscriptions. The journal appears in the original MArk JEREmy HUNT, KLAUdiA RAFLik, DAwid WESOłOwski, electronic version on the website: AGATa SIBILskA-WOźNIAckA, DOROTA ELizA SAKOwskA-HUNT www.medicalsciencepulse.com How to write a good abstract for a biomedical paper ................... 57 Editorial, graphics, composition: Studio IMPRESO Przemysław Biliczak 45-360 Opole, ul. Plebiscytowa 82 e-mail: [email protected] tel. (+48) 77 550 70 50 Medical Science Pulse 2020 (14) 1 Prof. Donata Kurpas MD, PhD Andrei Shpakou MD, PhD Bożena Ratajczak-Olszewska MSc Editor-in-Chief Deputy Editor Deputy Editor Ladies and Gentlemen, Faculty, Graduates and Students of Universities, Readers and Enthusiasts of Medical Science Pulse! We are pleased to announce the publication of the the journal” are financed by the Ministry of Science first issue, in 2020, of the scientific quarterly Medical and Higher Education de minimis programme within Science Pulse. We invite our readers to cooperate with the framework of “Support for scientific journals” pro- the editorial team as section editors or reviewers, sub- ject – contract number 147/WCN/2019/1. mit your manuscripts and publish your text in an acces- For the last seven years, the first issue of each calen- sible environment. dar year has accompanied the International Conferences We invite students, graduates, scientists and employ- Medical Science Pulse in Opole Medical School. Originally ees of medical universities and schools as well as other planned for the 7 and 8 May 2020, the 7th Conference scientific and research institutions: to build your aca- entitled Promoting research visibility: management of Open demic achievements, increase potential citations of Access data has been rescheduled due to the COVID-19 your research, participate in the important process of pandemic and will now take place in May 2021 at the popularizing science, and to publish theses in the form earliest. Invited speakers from the USA, Greece, United of a scientific article. Kingdom, Russia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Bul- Medical Science Pulse offers: international reach, garia and many Polish academic facilities are unani- Open Access to ensure wide reach to readers, short mously following quarantine measures in their home time to publication, high editorial and reviewing stand- countries. The current events show the importance of ards, high language quality provided by native English academic research, methodology, sharing of knowledge speakers, publishing free of any charges. and introducing reproducible results into practice. The constantly improving quality of research arti- The current COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly cles, increasing internationalisation and the dynamic impacted every area of our lives and, in particular, growth of the journal allows it to meet the professional is creating an unprecedented challenge to our health assessment criteria assessed by health scientists and and care systems worldwide. Governments across the medical experts. Last year Medical Science Pulse was globe are taking numerous measures to respond to the positively evaluated by experts in a competition by urgent care needs of those impacted by SARS-CoV-2 the Minister of Science and Higher Education under virus, while at the same time trying to reduce the long- the “Support for scientific journals” de minimis pro- term impact on vulnerable people as much as possible. gramme and awarded 20 points. The editorial board of Medical Science Pulse recog- Tasks: “Purchase of digital object identifiers for nizes the extraordinary pressures that this crisis has electronic documents; Purchase of software to manage imposed on health and care decision-makers, but par- editorial and publishing works; Purchase of anti-pla- ticularly on system managers and frontline staff. Our giarism programme; Linguistic correction of scientific thoughts are with you all. articles in the journal; Improvement of substantive The science-oriented sections of the quarterly pre- level of reviews; Dissemination of information about sents works on: pulmonary tuberculosis in childhood, www.medicalsciencepulse.com Editorial 3 hypergonadotropic ovarian insufficiency in women of opinion paper on how to write a good abstract for a bio- late reproductive age, organizational forms and meth- medical paper. We hope that this section of the publica- ods of early diagnosis of hereditary tumors, somatic tion will meet the expectations of people, particularly symptoms and level of anxiety and depression in of young researchers, who are increasingly willing to self-referral patients at the emergency department, submit their manuscripts to our Quarterly. awareness of nursing staff having direct contact at professional work with antineoplastic agents, physio- Submit your paper: therapeutic management of a patient after craniocer- – https://medicalsciencepulse.com/resources/html/ ebral trauma in the intensive care unit, the changes in cms/DEPOSITSMANUSCRIPT proportion and body composition of a woman practic- ing group fitness training, extracorporeal shock wave Join our editorial team: therapy (ESWT) in chronic low back pain: a systematic – http://wsm.opole.pl/3550/5690/dolacz-do-zespolu- review of randomized clinical trials and an interesting redakcyjnego.html Medical Science Pulse 2020 (14) 1 © Copyright by PMWSZ w Opolu e-ISSN 2544-1620 Medical Science Pulse 2020 (14) 1 Original papers Published online: 30 Mar 2020 DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0014.1037 PULMONAry TUBErcULOsis IN chiLdhOOD: CLINicAL FEATURES, trEAtmENT side eFFEcts AND FActOrs AssOciATED with RAdiOLOGic imprOVEMENT Sehra Birgül BatmazA–C,E,F Tokat State Hospital, Pediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology • ORCID: 0000-0003-1913-5346 Clinic, Tokat, Turkey A – study design, B – data collection, C – statistical analysis, D – interpretation of data, E – manuscript preparation, F – literature review, G – sourcing of funding ABSTRACT Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is a common public health problem and early diagnosis and treatment is important. Aim of the study: The aim was to evaluate complaints and radiological features, drug side effects, changes in radiological findings after treatment, and to evaluate the factors affecting this change in patients with pulmo- nary TB. Material and methods: One hundred patients with pulmonary TB were evaluated, and the following data recorded: age, gender, contact with TB patient, complaints, physical examination, tuberculin skin test, acid resistant bacillus, polymerase chain reaction and culture results, posteroanterior/lateral chest radiographs and thorax computed tomography findings at presentation and after treatment, treatment duration, and side effects. Treatment adherence and follow-up data were evaluated, and radiological
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